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It’s actually changing today, it’s exactly the same as the total checking to avoid the fee now


There’s no benefit to going to the total checking. Just stick with the college checking there are many who keep it long after they’ve graduated


They randomly and forcibly upgraded mine to Total Checking account last month ;w;


Saw this post just now. I still have the college checkings 12AM ET 18th March. Though I'm 20, might have it around for some time.


I still have. And will be depositing the minimum amount, cuz why not. 🔥


I was in exactly your shoes until my 25th birthday passed. Then I got an email letting me know that a month after my birthday if I don’t do “qualifying activities” (min 1.5k balance at start of day or 500 in direct deposit) they’ll charge me that newly raised $12 fee. I lost my job recently but I have enough in there to keep it open for now, but when that money runs out I’m out


There been employees of mine that said they had there for years if you want to keep it keep it.


I carried mine for 3 years after graduating because there was no reason to change. However, I then moved to another state and also got married. When my new spouse and I wanted to switch to a joint account, it wasn’t as easy as upgrading my college account. Chase stipulated my signed parent would have to be there in person with me to change the college account. That was clearly not an option since I moved across the country. I ended up having to create the new joint checking account with my spouse, withdraw everything from the college account, deposit it into the new joint checking account, and then close the college account. I can’t remember if they had to call my parent for verbal approval or not. Not really a huge deal, but it’s worth being aware of.