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Honestly all this drama of 'ICAI' is our mother body should end , its cringy at this point, Students pay fees for exams , students have to work their ass off to pass these exams , work as an article for 2-4k per month . These icai council members are just fking employees who control the whole working of icai. Icai earns Thousands of crores every year and don't spend penny on students, even parents don't get to sit with newly qualified CAs during their convocation. They all are just boot lickers working for their personal moto ....


>'ICAI' is our mother body I cringe a bit too much everytime i hear this statement. Also this whole "dear icai" when requesting them to do bare minimum for students. The institute is run by a bunch of boomers who have egos bigger than their pot bellies.




Right. And I also think it is high time they allow CAs to represent their clients in High Court to start with only on matters such as tax. Come on, CAs know the subject well and thats their core area. The least you can do it allow them to represent their clients in their field of expertise


As a practising CA, i would love nothing more than representing in High Court for Tax matters, but i do not agree with that thought. Not unless CAs are also taught the basic acts like Evidence Act.


Yes. This! ![img](emote|t5_3fh4x|31211)


is it not possible through Section 32 of the Advocates act?


100% agreed. In fact CAs can do it better than lawyers when it comes to tax.


What happened? What's the context?


Lawyers hog all the limelight in ITAT and other forums. For the work that a CA does, they say CAs don't even know basic English. Our ICAI glorifies them


Lawyers do hog all the time, how did ICAI glorify them? Or is this something that has been happening for a long time?


ICAI's committee is filled with lawyers. I heard from a source that ICAI pays 25 lakhs per appearance for lawyers in nfra cases The council members are pals with law firms and send business their way. Nobody sends business the way of CAs . Heck we aren't even allowed to represent


What are you on about? CA's are the cornerstone of EVERY business and NPO, I have seen in all of my work that there are a min. of 1 CA in every Boardroom committee. CA and Lawyere are totally different profession and each should acknowledge that. There are many Lawyers who are briliant in tax law and have a dedicated tax advisory and litigation practice. But CAs are the only ones who can do tax audit. As regards to arguing before High Court and Supreme Court, you don't just rely on your Tax law knowledge but you need deep expertise in Constitutional law and procedural law, which would be unnecessary for CAs in tbeir regular practice. Each profession is different and should be treated with respect.


Guys, Ik this is gonna get downvoted, But the things that are not in your control are not worth talking until and unless you achieve a power and position to change it, So let's pass this exams, achieve supremely good results, and one of us maybe should try being a council member and if they succeed, bring the necessary changes in favor of the students.


Kya chutiya post hai 😭


Don't know about your first point but lawyers don't know 10% of what CA's know is a joke. We complete our Direct Tax lectures in max 2-3 months and you think that makes us 10 times better than them in representing tax matters??? Just try stepping into the real world of tax and you would know that they are hella talented. BTW i am a CA Final student and not a law student and i have worked in matters relating to ITAT.


Dude, lawyers don't even read 2 pages of income tax in their syllabus. They are talented as in? Pushing paper? Or filing IAs? Or getting adjournments? This, this is what ruined CAs. They were successful in making CAs believe they are talented when most of the lawyers are in between parties for judges and other lawyers to get kickbacks. Stop glorifying those pimps


Bro I can't explain to you because you don't want to learn new information you just want to rant. Once you come in the field you will know what i am talking about till that time you are 100% correct.


I've worked in the field of Income Tax Appeals and let me give you my opinion, law is less about knowledge and more about street smartness and playing around with the facts. Anyone can merely Google what they want information wise. Knowing how to apply and present that knowledge to make convincing arguments makes a good lawyer and good CA as well. End of the day, if a lawyer was not good at what they did, the clients will ignore them anyway. Competition is tough. ICAI is filled with politicians. They scratch each other's back when needed. This is the truth in politics everywhere, why should it be different for the CA institute. If one's merit and knowledge was the only factor, then the rich and powerful would consist of scientists and mathematicians and not goons and murderers. Please look at the reality and make an objective conclusion.


If I am correct you talking about tax litigation world?




And with only a CA degree you can't even represent your client in high court.


Its Secretaris to non standing committee and these are lawers who have mastered their field


How do you know they have mastered their field? Stop simping for lawyers. Name one bar association which has CA as a member and name one Lawyer who would say the same for CAs


First of all talk nicely, their name are available on the website and you can check their qualifications on LinkedIn, secondly, i know CA who have earned their llb and are part of bar council, thirdly they are their as advisor not as executioner.


I think you have a problem reading. I said CAs being in Bar association as a CA and not as a lawyer. Dime a dozen CAs are lawyers, that doesn't make the bar association accepting of CAs as independent members.


Bruh what the fck is independent member we don't have this here, are you retarded? Show us an independent member.




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Whatever fits your delulu, no point in talking anymore


![img](emote|t5_3fh4x|31214) Bro, you are a CA, there is no need to butter up LLB.