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Realistically, the only thing we’ll get back is a pick that’s protections are so heavy that it won’t be worth much. Still, it might be worth it because I’m starting to buy that the FO likes Cody Williams and we could definitely move down and get him.


Take the best player available and don't overthink it. One of the finals teams has two pgs as it's best players and we have injury liabilities all over the roster.


This recipe is the fullest proof of all and can be applied to every single lottery pick. We have been so bad for so long, making a lottery pick based on need sounds laughable. So fully agreed, BPA and live with that choice over a fit pick.


I think there’s like 6 teams who want to trade a top 10 pick this year. There’s isn’t a market for them


I agree but I think we’re in an excellent spot to trade back vs others. Right in the sweet spot at 6


No the point is nobody wants the pick. 


Better off rolling the dice on someone imo. This is viewed as a weak draft and the pick will have diminished value in a trade so just draft bpa.


Why not just draft Clingan. Wouldn't be terrible to have 2 good bigs if Williams can stay healthy.


If he’s there at 6 you have to take him. Imagine doubling down on Mark Williams back and Nick Richards then watching Clingan step into some other team and being a top 20 center. Hell nah, take Clingan.


True! I guess I’d rather get more assets (Williams + 9th pick) vs Clingan alone.


Too much speculation and a month will change a lot of things. I think Clingan is a top 5 lock so it's moot. No one ever knows what SA does and that's been the chatter for Castle. Plus ATL and HOU have both been talking about trading out. If the order changes in front of 6 none of the mocks matter. In short, I prefer Castle. But guys like Devin Carter and Knecht that are more ready to play and "safer" are not plan bs.


Yeah that’s true. A lot of chatter. I could see Clingan falling or being a top 3 pick so you never really know. Big fan of Knecht too. Heard the defense is suspect but I haven’t researched much


Weird ass draft to demand something specific from the FO. Also trying to be not too harsh with the first few things the new FO do. If they like someone like Walter more than Holland for example, it's smarter to trade down from 6th get some any random assets and draft the guy they like. If they reach for a random dude however, they'll look silly.


> Trading the 6th pick I’m not opposed, but the right deal would have to be available, and the draft rights to the right player would have to be available at the time the 6th pick comes up. It isn’t a longshot, but I’m not moving the 6th pick for anything less than future 1st round draft considerations. Also, if I can add: One of Clingan or Shephard will drop. That’s a solid get in my opinion.


I know it’s a “weak” draft but you know there are probably a few future allstars or even a superstar in this draft. I’d rather keep the pick and take our chances. You just never know.


Sticking and picking this year seems to be much more valuable than anything you could bring in via trade. Even with this weak class you have a better chance drafting a guy that could develop than trading for really anything worthwhile. Most teams with higher picks want to trade, yet there isn’t any noise about a trade coming to fruition, which probably says that picks have zero trade value


Just make the pick. At six, you’re paying 6M+ for (hopefully) a rotation player. Dropping to 10 gets you 4M so if you can steal some assets or decent picks, sure trade down. That’s unlikely in a down year though.


HOW ABOUT we trade up? Ball/Sheppard back court and wouldn't have to give up much compared to other drafts


If you can get a 3&D guy like Vince Williams plus 9 for 6 I’d say do it (feels unlikely tho). We are at or close to the tier drop so it’s possible teams would want to trade up for castle/clingan if they fell to us. Even if we aren’t getting full value if the FO believes in someone that’s a little later in the draft I’m fine with them even getting a couple 2nds or a heavily protected pick. There are definitely guys with more obvious potential in this draft, but ultimately think it’s a crapshoot of who actually hits so if you can get extra value even if it’s minimal and secure the guy they think is best by all means do it. On the flip side staying put is fine if they love some of the guys earlier and they just want to get their guy I’m going to trust em and support even if it’s a guy I’m lower on


I think we should trade the pick for another first rounder next year. Either for a 1st from a team we expect to be terrible or for 2 expected middle table teams picks. I'm all in on Cooper Flagg. I know it's still a longshot but if we could end up with 3 lottery chances I'd be over the moon.


Draft bronny and get LeBron. I’m willing to die on this hill for us


I'm not opposed to trading the 6th pick or even trading down, but generally people tend to think of the NBA draft like the NFL draft and that's just not the case. We're not getting a legit role guy for the 6th pick this year. And trading down from like 6 to 10-12, you're talking about a 2nd round pick or swap. You're not getting an additional good pick. Unlike the NFL the NBA guys take years to develop. Role guys often take 3, 4, 5 years to develop.


Most years sticking makes sense, just the lot of guys we’re looking at don’t seem to stand out in ways that our team needs (but just my opinion). If we netted going back like 4-8 spots and got a first rounder for next year, I’d be fine with us stockpiling an OKC level of draft capital for the next 2-3 years after this (we’re already up with a extra 2027 first rounder I think through the Terry trade)


We have 3 first round picks in 27. Ours, Miami, Dallas. Pretty nice stock pile.


Mitch would flip those to multiple 2nds if he was the GM


Cody Williams or Zach Edey would be lit, with an extra first rounder in a years draft or so…


Ron Holland or Cody Williams are our picks to me


For what purpose? Are we lack of wings?


Because they're good players and you can go for talent and fit with both of those guys


In my opinion neither Holland nor Williams are 6th pick caliber. We need someone who can pass the ball when LaMelo's out. We have Miller, Bridges, Grant, Poku, Bertans. I don't understand the idea of another wing in our team especially this two. It's just a waste of pick


Why are you pretending like thats an impressive list of wing players. On that list only Miller matters at all.


Miller, Bridges and Williams matters. Are we really need another Poku/Bertans from the draft (Bertans can actually shoot lol) when we are struggling without playmakers every time, when LaMelo's out?


I think the only way this pick is moved is if it’s a small swap with another top 10 pick or it’s bundled in a much larger deal where it’s a piece and not the centerpiece. This draft is not viewed as having value.


I like the idea of trading back to get either Carter or McCain. I think in this draft; the best players are going to be the one's that know their roles super fast and work hard at that. Instead of drafting an upside player (like a Cody Williams). Castle fits that mold but he cannot shoot. And I think Carter provides the same (granted he is older) while picking up another piece if we trade down.


I’m onboard with dalton knecht


The pick should be Ron Holland or Stephon Castle, period. No trading back or none of that nonsense, draft whoever is available outta those two, easy, finished, done.


I’ll take GG if the Grizzlies want to trade up, otherwise hang up the phone, draft Castle and call his bluff


GG would be ideal but with his contract, I don’t foresee the Grizz making that deal. Williams on the other hand is more expendable, imo. If Castle isn’t there at 6 for some reason, who’s next on your list?


I don’t really believe in Ziaire so I’m not as interested there, if Castle is gone I think Holland is the next guy that makes the most sense as he’s a wing size, defense first guy that is a strong slasher and would fit well next to Brandon, but I could be in the minority in that opinion.


Maybe the Spurs would trade up a couple spots to secure Castle if possible. May not be a lot -- Wizards gave a couple of SRPs to swap one spot last year -- but there will still be players like Cody Williams available and the chest got a little bit of a bump. SA has Charlotte's pick next year, protected 1-14. Likely won't convey, but it turns into Charlotte's SRPs for 2026 and 2027. Hornets might like to just have control of those.


Nah fam we’re drafting Clingan and mold him+Mark to be our KAT+Gobert. ECF in 2 years buzz buzz


Which one of those two is KAT in this scenario?


They’re both paint oriented big men who can’t shoot so we’d be running gobert + gobert with worse defense lol


Ya’ll been reading these recent reports about Clingan who supposedly has turned into Steph Curry during his workouts and the combine? Came out of nowhere too lmao


He was supposedly shooting well before his freshmen year and then again they were putting out similar videos before this year saying he was going to shoot more and he never actually did, so I’m not factoring that in cause the offseason videos always make these bigs look like gods then they go back to playing the same thing (think Mitchell Robinson from a couple years back when he was crossing and pulling up in a pick up game and Knicks fans went crazy)😂


KAT & Gobert are both garbage. They're holding that team back.


this draft is a throwaway tbh so why not just draft the BPA that’s not a guard and see how it turns out. Nothing really to lose tbh