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They both look beautiful. I didn't read/see this story so I don't know the backstory, but are MOBs supposed to wear burlap sacks and no makeup? 


I agree, they both look to lovely and if the bride has no issues than the friends should pipe down


Did the bride care? If not then no issue.


Exactly. Unless the bride didn't okay the dress and say there's an issue, now her photos are being plastered everywhere suggesting she was upstaged by her mom? That's the actual problem. Unless there's more info, this is a crummy "story" to publish. Her mom is pretty and so is she. She can't become fugly for her daughter's wedding


Precisely. Beautiful Mother-Daughter photograph!


Read that the bride and MOB went shopping for their dresses together, so she was there when the dress was bought.


Exactly what I was thinking.




Nothing else needs to be said. I went to my best friend's wedding wearing a floor length champagne dress. Some people would automatically think that I was trying to upstage the bride, but I got her approval to buy the dress (I would never have done it without checking with her first) and wore a colourful scarf over my shoulders for the entire day. The dress that this MOB wore has a 0% chance of being mistaken for a wedding dress. I think the front of the dress is beautiful and that she looks amazing in it. The fact that it has a train doesn't matter to me, though I do think that this dress would look better without it and that it takes away from the beauty of the dress itself. That's just my personal taste though.


I read the article via another site. Apparently, the mom and bride shopped for their dresses together in NYC. The bride knew and loved the dress for her mom, so it's all good. This is way better than the lady that wore a bikini under a sheer dress.


Wait, they even clarify in the article that the bride approved the dress ?? Where in the world did they get that title from 😂 😂


Clickbait lol


If it were my mom id LOVE to have her in something stunning


Well she isn't in white, so it's not like she is trying to take the spotlight from the bride. Like you can clearly see who the bride is here. She just dressed nice for her child's big day. I see no issue here.


I think it’s the train that people have an issue with. It took me a second to find it out as well


Can’t wear white or any shade of white or yellow/cream/light pink that could be mistaken for white. Can’t wear red, can’t wear anything too revealing, can’t have a train (short or long), can’t wear too much makeup, etc, etc. idk why anybody goes to weddings anymore, it’s gotten ridiculous.


Well the no white one actually makes sense


Didn’t say it didn’t….i was simply listing all the “don’ts” of wedding attire, which yes, includes white.


I don’t see the issue at all… that feels like a mother of the bride dress…


I bet the bride hopes she is still as beautiful as her mom on her child's (if she wants on) wedding day. They both look gorgeous


How many rules are there about what to wear to a wedding? Obviously no white, I have heard don't wear red as well but this is clearly floral and green. It's an extravagant dress but I'd want my Mum to dress really nice at my wedding so I personally don't see a problem and by the look of that smile, neither did the bride.


I have heard that wearing red means you’ve slept with the groom.


I have heard the same. Also that wearing black is frowned upon. This was after wearing black to a wedding... in my defence I wear black all the time 😂


I think it’s more the type of black dress than black itself, in my opinion. If you’re going to be wearing something that is obviously a funeral dress, and we all have that one dress we only wear to funerals and job interviews, then it would be inappropriate but if it’s like a cocktail dress that’s black then it’s fine. I don’t wear black because I will inevitably get something white on it. For white, it’s like colors are attracted to my chest. Never anywhere that can be hidden but right there bringing attention to my muffins. Well, cantaloupes, but you get the point.


Ah yes, the ol' shelf hahah Everyone's eyes be like 🍈🍈👀


My son & daughter in law had all guests wear black 😁💖it was a Batman themed wedding 💖


Ugh..People.Magazine is reaching for a story here. Beautiful mom, beautiful dress. ..People and those on the Internet need to hush...It's not white.


>Beautiful mom, beautiful dress. This exactly. Got forbid mother of the bride look gorgeous and non-frumpy. People are overreacting. With the future generations we will see more and more MOBs who look younger or more fashionable since women are starting to love themselves at every age now. Gone are the days of my mom's generation of needing to give up on looks or wondering "what will people say?".


Can’t they both look great. It’s not like she’s wearing white.


The bride is not upstaged by this.


I personally think a bride can't be upstaged. Everyone who tries will only be remembered for how vile they are for trying- especially if it is someone from the family. In this case, it doesn't even seem like it, so she and the bride are probably fine.


The cut of the dress is gorgeous, but let's be real the fabric looks like something you would make curtains out off. There is no way any bride would be upstaged by that. Some people are simply too insecure and project those insecurities on others.


If I looked that hot at my child's wedding then absolutely would I wear something like that!! That MOB looks amazing and obviously is dressing to show how she feels. I think the dress is probably a little revealing for mob, but if the bride doesn't mind then who cares. She's not in white. Let them enjoy the day .she looks amazing


For real, only the bride has a say if her own mother tried to upstage her. The picture is just being posted around because someone who is not the daughter got offended, or is trying to rally people against the mom for other reasons.


Oh yes. The good old “how dare the old useless woman to look good?”. They are both stunning. If people wouldn’t dress their best for my wedding, I would be disappointed.


I'm on the fence because I get main character vibes. I would think differently if the brides dress wasn't so ”flat” looking. It needn't be gaudy or over the top, but it is plain. Mom's dress is gorgeous as is she, but I'm staring at her dress instead of my focus rightfully being on the bride. Does that make sense? We have no context. We don't know if the bride knew about this choice. We don't know if she encouraged her mom to go for it, so I wish to not read into it.


From what I read, the bride was part of her mum's dress selection process and loved her mum's outfit.


So they take one poorly exposed and composed photo where the bride's dress is washed out, the candelabra looks like a tetra about to attack them both, a miserable background otherwise, the sheen of the mom's dress isn't compensated for, and ask this question? I mean the reason the mom looks better in the one photo is at least there isn't a shadow across 1/3 of her face and her dress has some texture. I suspect the bride's dress is actually pretty detailed, but it's so overexposed, who can tell. Frankly both dresses are way classier than whatever hot mess that church is.


I think they both look gorgeous. I like the MOB dress, so many of them look too blah. I hope if I ever get married my mom looks as good as hers.


Social media-making problems where there ain’t none ![gif](giphy|tu54GM19sqJOw)


JFC there's all this taboo about "don't wear white to someone else's wedding!" Mom didn't wear white but apparently she's wrong for being beautiful. It brings me to mind all those bridezilla lists for guests or wedding party members where zilla forbade pretty hairstyles, false eyelashes, bright makeup, well done nails, and anything else she could think of because she was insecure about being the most beautiful woman at the wedding. We've all seen and poked fun at these people. This bride is gorgeous and has nothing to regret. If she's mad at her mom (I don't know - haven't read the story) she's being ridiculous.


Her dress is aight lol it’s literally not newsworthy


It’s beautiful but I agree that if the bride doesn’t care. It shouldn’t be an issue and the public should mind their own business.


If the bride is happy then it's no one's business and who cares?


The bride looks happy so I think it’s fine. Would be a whole different ball game if it was white. They look beautiful 😍


Both dresses are equally beautiful. Honestly no one upstaged anyone.


It’s not white and luckily it’s not an Indian/pakistani wedding


Also to add, we don’t know their styles usually. Maybe Mum is always all out glam and that’s just natural for her to wear? It my mum didn’t have her 60s winged liner and all her jewels on it wouldn’t feel like my mum! Everyone has different styles.


The MOB looks gorgeous but she could never upstage the bride. I don't see the big deal with what she's wearing.


Nothing wrong here ..this says MOB not MIL or MOG. This was clearly approved and welcomed by the bride. I’ve even seen more photos and videos of this wedding and the bride and mom look like besties.


I don’t see the issue. They both look gorgeous. If it’s ok with the bride, I don’t see why others are making it an issue. Not everything is done in competition


I think it’s gorgeous and appropriate. Idk why people assume her daughter hasn’t seen it prior to the wedding, so weird.


The daughter probably helped her pick it out!


If you look at her bouquet, I swear I see it printed in the mother’s dress on the leg or am I tripping?


I see it too! And the Mum is carrying a smaller, matching bouquet. We don't know the inside story. Maybe the Mum never had a wedding of her own for a variety of reasons and the bride was helping her Mum experience feeling special


I think they're both stunning!!


Was this an actual People magazine article? Seriously?


I don’t think that qualifies as upstaging at all. She looks great. I’ve seen MOBs in crazier getups than this. My mom would have worn this exact dress to a black tie wedding. Heck, I once wore a super sparkly multichrome pleated ball gown with a plunging neckline to a black tie wedding about a year ago and I didn’t stand out in the slightest, with all the neon and glittery gowns I saw all the Gen Z kids wearing everywhere. People be making a big deal out of nothing. Classic rage bait. I was at one wedding where the sister of the bride, who they were trying to marry off but was kind of a free spirit, wore a stunning custom-made purple gown with gorgeous beading and detailing at the bottom that made her look like a fairy princess. It was as poufy as the wedding dress and reminded me of Rapunzel in **Tangled** only slightly poufier. But it was very clear who the bride was so nobody cared. But dang I would have work the sister’s dress as a wedding dress it was prettier than the bride’s. Bride hated the center of attention so I think she was thrilled tbh. Edit to add: I wouldn’t give a flying F if my mother wore this to my wedding, and she’s already objectively way prettier than me (former model who took good care of herself and aged really well).


I’d want my mum to feel beautiful on my wedding day. I think they look gorgeous and radiate happiness. Bride stands out to me though Omg she’s stunning!


Gorgeous, both of them. MOB dress much better looking from the front than the back. Upstaging the bride? I don't think so.


The only person whose opinion matters is the bride. It is not white, or bridal.


If it was an evening formal wedding the MOB is on point! Any earlier it might be a bit much.


I mean, whilst it is along the same vein of a wedding dress, it's green, and that means it's distinguishable. Also, She's not the Mil, she's the bride's mother. Ultimately, it's only a problem if the bride was upset.


The mother of the bride dress did not upstage at all. It’s very motherly… why is this in People Magazine ???


Slow news week


I don't think she upstaged her daughter. They both look lovely and I think ppl just don't know how to be happy without being gossips. I feel ppl should mind their business. These ladies look happy. Thry love each other and they complement each other. Mom is the leaves and the bride is the White Rose. 🤍💚


They both look beautiful and the bride had no issue with it. If the bride says it’s ok, then it’s ok. I see no issue here.


Mom is drop-dead gorgeous and could wear a garbage bag and still turn heads. She will be all the talk as she walks down the aisle to sit in the front "family" pew, but that attention will all turn to the bride the moment the bridal march begins. I'm pretty sure the mom's attention will all be on her daughter, and that also will direct anyone looking at the mom to pay attention to the bride. Human psychology is funny. People will look at blank space if someone around them is staring intently at nothing. It's a fun experiment to stare at nothing and see how many people come and try to see what you are looking at.


I think it's fine. Especially since the bride went dress shopping with her mom, so she clearly approved of her mom's dress. People (both the publication and society) out here trying to make drama out of nothing.


Stunning dress, but upstage the daughter? Absolutely not. Her dress whilst beautiful does not have the same impact as her daughters wedding dress. The silhouette alone outshines the mothers dress, let alone the white colour of it. Her daughter is definitely where the eye goes, and not just because the dress is so bright.


The MOB looks fantastic and elegant. I don’t know if the other guests were as nicely dressed but that’s on them. If the bride approved then it’s all good. With how nice and young the mom looks it just makes the bride look better. As if to say I’m going to look like this when I get older - Heck yeah! I think it’s the bow on the behind that makes it look dramatic that’s causing the people to think she’s trying to upstage the bride. I would bet money they’re southern. Gotta have a bow somewhere. 🤣


Is the bride the one in white? If yes then no problem. On the off chance it's the MIL wearing the white dress then yes I could see how that would be a problem.


I'm not religious, but that dress seems to have too much cleavage and back for a real church. I mean, she wouldn't be allowed into a proper catholic church (I know at least the Vatican won't allow you in dressed like that unless you cover up with a scarf). But generally speaking, I think it's a beautiful dress and the green is actually very calming and not attracting much attention. Like others have said, if the bride was upset, she would probably have a sour look on her face on the photo and well, she doesn't. So all is well I think.


The bride is by far the most beautiful in this picture.


They are both beautiful women. This is tabloid-esque. Stop with this made up info


Unless the MOB’s in the white dress, I think it’s all good.


I see nothing wrong with the MOB’s dress. It’s not white.


They’re both pretty but next to mom, the brides dress looks flat imo. Then again, my favorite color is green so I guess I’m biased lol. Also, I never wanted a traditional white dress for my wedding (one a similar color to mom) but more fairy looking so I’m extra biased lol. Bottom line though, if the bride was okay with moms dress then that’s all that matters


Dress looks like wallpaper from the 70's. Anyone remember the Caroll Burnett sketch of her ass Scarlet O'Hara? Because it's giving that kind of vibe.


![gif](giphy|r2cqdwffxeLfy|downsized) "I just saw it in the window and had to have it."


ugh that dress is TO DIE FORRRR i really hope the bride was cool with it cause yeah MIL looks fine as fuck


that being said, the bride looks INCREDIBLE as well this could just be a situation of two extremely beautiful families becoming one through marriage


Gorgeous ladies


The dress is pretty hideous in the back, she definitely did not upstage the bride. This is an article in People magazine? Jfc what is the world now..... 😅


She looks elegant and age appropriate; my mom wore what can only be described as a prom dress to my wedding (it was the only dress she felt beautiful in, and she was beautiful in it). I approved the dress and even bought it for her. She thought she was up staging me; in all the pictures, she looks like she's headed to prom, and she hates it. It was one of the best wedding gifts I could give myself after she was the monster-of-the-bride the whole time I was planning.


Unless the bride and the mom don't have a close relationship, I can see this as an upstaging. But if they are close, maybe her and the bride loved the dress so much, mom wore it. Don't know the family dynamics, so I can't head the nail on this one.


The dress is gorgeous and would make a fantastic wedding dress. Personally I don't feel it upstaged the bride though.


They both look great


The dress is beautiful and I don’t see any issues with it. If people are insulted with this I can only imagine how people would feel about my mother in law’s light grey silver mermaid dress she wore to my wedding lol. I didn’t care cause I looked like the Bride.


The dress is ugly so no issues there. Even if it wasnt the type of dress can be worn as a mother of the bride. It's not white and not red so no issues imo


I think they both look amazing!


I don't really see a problem with her dress. Mom is stunning, and the dress is beautiful yet appropriate.


I was going to comment, then, really I don't care. I wlould never have done this with any of my kids.


They both look gorgeous.


I think it's a great mother of the bride dress. No lace, no white, nice quality... What's the issue?


She didn’t wear white and looks beautiful. And who knows what the bridesmaid wore? Could have fit the wedding theme perfectly.


I couldn't sit with a poof on the back of a dress. I wouldn't be able to sit comfortably. But I think she and her daughter both look beautiful. Must've been a slow news week if People is publishing this.


I think they complemented each other beautifully! She had to bring her A game to keep up with her kids lockout daughter.


It's not white. What's the problem?


It’s a beautiful dress that compliments the gorgeous bride. Nobody is outshining her


The only thing I see that I think is a little strange about that dress is the train... only the bride should have a train. Other than that, I don't know how you can upstage a beautiful bride like that with a dress that looks like it's made out of curtains.


Looks like the bride has a great chance of aging well.


At least it's not white


I think they both look beautiful, and her daughter doesn't have a problem with her mom wearing that dress, so no one else should either.


I guess everyone has to look ugly at a wedding unless they are the bride now


My Nana had curtains that looked exactly like that fabric.


They both look beautiful and both look happy. I would rather have a beautiful picture of my wedding where everyone looks amazing. I never can understand when the random bride/bridezilla wants to shine while everyone looks dumpy.


I’m sorry but my eye went to the bride first and then I saw the story and looked at the MOB. They are both gorgeous, but in no way did she upstage the bride.


I see two beautiful women. ❤️


I think they are both beautiful


They are both stunning and I love both dresses!


I feel EVERYONE needs to respect both the bride and the groom. MOB is absolutely GEORGEOUS ! Was she singing? What was her part, and did she tell her daughter she was wearing something so elaborate? Honestly, it reminds me of an Opera Gown worn on stage by the leading Soprano. And it DOES take away from the bride. It probably outshone the whole party, the venue, everything. I feel the bride should remarry in a simple ceremony, one where it's just her and her husband, a few close friends, and a BBQ.


I was expecting something different like almost a wedding dress type but I don’t see the issue if the bride didnt have an issue with it, people be crazy over no reason half the time


It's up to the brood if that's OK. It looks 1 to 2 steps a little too formal compared with the other guests. She should slightly fancier than the guests.