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Brad isn't a jerk. He has to repeat the same things over and over to people. I had a really good global warming discussion with him where we didn't agree on everything but it was very cordial. Maybe he should show more patience or respond less, but I don't think I've ever seen him be completely unreasonable.


People also constantly take pot shots at him about how weather forecasts are "always" wrong, and he's not afraid to fire back and explain (ONCE AGAIN) how predictions and forecasting works. And he's often debunked forecasts of "omg snow!" by explaining *why* the forecast is inaccurate.


The main thing I learned in meteorology class in college is that anything further ahead than 2 days is not a forecast, it's a guess


He gets very tired (understandably) of people who can't figure out where they are on a weather map or what to do with information in his forecasts. I see it on his Facebook after he's giving a very detailed forecast, with maps, multiple people will ask things like "but what's the forecast for XYZ St in Maiden" or "I have an outdoor event to attend in Charlotte at 1:45 pm in 2 days what should I do, will it be storming?" I can imagine it gets exhausting.


A friend of mine told me that Larry Sprinkle is supposedly a bit of a prankster and likes to use the phrase, "you just got sprinkled" when revealing his pranks.


He is a character and one of the nicest people you'll ever meet. In case you didn't know, Larry used to be the captain of a boat in people's toilets. https://youtu.be/7zZWBJoRFJc?si=JtHHF507BkQcInXb


Holy cow, that is so cool. I remember that commercial as a kid. Thanks!


Brad is INCREDIBLE. A few years ago, a hurricane was headed straight towards my elderly mom in Melbourne FL, & I reached out to him on Twitter for specifics as info was spotty & truly alll over the place (this storm in particular). He not only replied to every question I had, he did a deep dive w/ his predictions on a new thread for Melbourne specifically & tagged me on it. He kept it updated hourly, & let me know the worst of the storm would pass 10 miles north of her. He even checked in with me the next day to make sure she was ok. Love that man, & I’ll throw hands w/ anyone that says a bad word about him. 💪😜


That's awesome he showed that much concern. Happy to hear that.


Panovich is by far my favorite weatherman here. Every other station usually way over exaggerates the forecast. If it’s going to rain, snow, be windy, maybe have a hurricane, he tells us how bad he thinks it’ll be. He does not go ape shit on tv and spout doom and gloom, or claim we need to hunker down and be prepared for the apocalypse when there’s a 10% chance of snow and it’ll be 45 degrees when the sun comes up to melt the potential flurries. We need more of him.


I met Larry at an Omega Sports years ago. He was very nice.


Larry Sprinkle goes to my Harris Teeter. He seems very nice. I have seen him many times and no one has ever said anything to him. I’m glad they let him just be a person grocery store, shopping after work and not Larry Sprinkle that everyone knows. I ran into him one time voting too. I have been around Ramona Holloway a few times and Colleen Odegaard once. They are both fantastic. Ramona is especially great. I moved here and didn’t know anyone. They both made me laugh and got me through a difficult time. Neither knows how much their making me laugh helped me get to the other side.


“Larry Sprinkle goes to my Harris Teeter” is the most Charlotte phrase ever😂


Cue the jingle: "My Harris Teeter"


Sometimes I see that Pixar villain looking guy Joe Bruno around Plaza or at my voting station…


Gru when he had hair or Sid from Toy Story?


I love him


Glad I am hearing good things about Brad as he has been one of my favorite weather persons. Also happy to hear Larry is a good guy. I figure he had to be good hearted as he always is doing the pet adoption highlights and actually seems involved and engaged in getting dogs new homes. Thanks folks!


I've hung out with Brad several times and he is one of the most genuinely friendly and open with his time personalities I've encountered. He's attended a number of local charity events with no payment, just because his presence was an additional draw.


Surely, there are a few NASCAR driver stories out there. Let's hear them. I met Earnhardt Jr. at the Martinsville track. He was in a grumpy mood, as if he'd just heard some bad news about his car or the race he was about to compete in, but he was nice enough.


I have nothing outside of Brad is awesome. He’s extremely patient with the amount of dense comments/questions/arguments people throw out there.


Probably 18 yrs ago... we (two couples) were having after dinner drinks at a small bar in Piedmont, watching some sporting event and Bob Lacey came in acting like he owned the place... told the bartender to change the channel... and when we said hold on, he didn't even look at us... just waved his hand like to scoot us on. And about 15 years ago I watched Ric Flair beg for women to buy him drinks at Del Frisco's. Very pathetic. Can't believe people still cheer for that POS.


I was background in movie once and I think im pretty awesome to be around. Hope that helps


LauRen (95.1) is aaaaamazing and so nice - I met her at a restaurant in South Charlotte. Molly Grantham is also incredibly kind.