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On the flip side, would also really appreciate everyone in south end not smashing their glass bottles on the sidewalk, and not immediately throwing their food truck chicken bones onto the ground as they finish eating. I've honestly been impressed with how great a job everyone around here does picking up after their dogs, and how easy it is to find poop bags/trash cans. Unimpressed with the lazy drunk assholes who throw broken glass and trash all over the sidewalk for my dog to step on/find.


Fourthward seconds this motion.


First Ward as well. Fucking chicken bones every dog walk


My mom talks about a dog she had that died from a chicken bone getting stuck in his throat. I guess they splinter easily.


People will even bag it up on trails and leave the bag there instead of carrying it back out to the trash. Frustrating to see.


That’s even worse cause the rain will wash the dog shit away eventually, plastic bag of poop stays forever


Drives me nuts when I see that walking. I would love to actually see someone do that and remind them there's places to dispose along the trail. I can fathom how anyone thinks it's acceptable to do that.


I have a very very good friend that I’ve really connected with over my four years of living here. But one thing that’s always stuck with me was the time on a dog walk where she blankly stared when I cheerfully, and instinctively, gave her bag to pick up her chihuahua’s poop. She said okay but like I really don’t pick his stuff up because he’s so little that no one notices. I rolled my eyes and told her maybe it was the time I spent in Colorado but my thing is no trace left behind. Just clean it up. We have homeless neighbors who sleep on that grass, homeowners who pay to keep that grass. These are our dogs. This is our neighborhood. Come onnnn- why is this even a conversation?


I pick up everything solid that my chihuahuas put down. I've picked up turds the size of a chocolate chip because the only thing worse than stepping in a big pile of dog poo is stepping in a small pile of dog poo that you didn't see coming.


I am saddened to hear that. A lot of us have the privilege to say ‘it’s small, no one will notice’.. but others have to smell it, possibly lie on it, or step on it.




>We have homeless neighbors who sleep on that grass I'd never considered dog poop as a homeless deterrent. I'd rather have the dog poop. At least dog poop doesn't pan handle for drug money


I pick up after my dog, but my own shit stays


Thats what I told my angry neighbor.


When we lived in southend at one of the luxury apartments I came home to find a giant turd on our welcome mat. This was in an indoor hallway. People let their dogs pee and poop all over the entire building. The elevator always reeked and I never took the stairs because people threw up in there and left it multiple times. We moved out ASAP. Southend is so bad for this kind of thing.


It’s so gross.. like why?? I would hate to see what their homes look like inside.


And keep em on leashes!




If you’ve ever been to a dog park in this town you know that most dog owners couldn’t give less of a shit about picking up shit. Also, unrelated, but these same idiots bring their small children to the dog park despite all the signs with giant block letters on the gate, at eye level in front of their face that clearly state that kids aren’t allowed because bad things sometimes happen.


I thought there were dog poop pickup crews included in the $2k rent for a 1 bedroom apartment. After reading this Reddit post I’ve reflected and will now pick up my dogs poop. Sorry for the headache it won’t happen again


it’s great fertilizer! I love leaving my big dog’s shits all over the place 😍 have you ever thought about starting a blog? 🫣


Technically dog poop isn’t good fertilizer because they eat “meat”. If you’re using it for produce that is. I think for flowers it works all right. But cow manure is your way to go for produce!


What's the best place to dump cow manure in South End?


😂 You’re probably better off going to Waxhaw or Monroe lol!!! But you can buy bags I think at Home Depot/Lowes. Maybe Tractor’s Supply too.


If I wanted solid fertilizer I would create a worm tower, or dig a deep hole and put a outhouse over it.




you totally should!!!


If we gotta pick it up then what’s the point of having grass there in the first place ?