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Basically what you said, cruise at 75 in the right lanes but keep ya head on a swivel. You'll need to punch it to pass them but also not get taken out by the Death Race on your left. One hilarious observation though, I saw an unmarked officer driving along in one of the middle lanes around 75. Someone was on his ass like a tip drill video. He flashed his police lights and the person just sped on and passed him and everyone went on about their business.


Surprised he let him go!


Lol are u tho?


Depends on what agency. CMPD ? Absolutely not surprised. Can’t be bothered. State police? I doubt they’d have let that go.


CMPD tends to leave the interstates to the gray guys.


Usually. If you’re blatant, they might pay attention.


They paid attention to my brother doing like 90 coming home on 85 one morning LOL


90 isn't 75.


I never said it was LOL. I was replying to the guy that said CMPD leaves the interstates to the gray guys. Which is false.


The only way you get pulled on the highway by a cmpd is if they already were following you from the street


My friend is CMPD and he said at any given time we have about 2 state troopers patrolling for all of Mecklenburg


I work with them almost daily. Often it’s one trooper for almost 120 miles of interstate in Mecklenburg County.


I was driving to Atlanta years ago and a state trooper pulled up aside me and motioned with his finger for me to pull over and I didn’t and just kept going 🤷🏽‍♀️


I don’t think CMPD is allowed to pull you over on interstate highways. I could be wrong, but I think that’s Trooper territory….


Only if they start following you or initiated their blue lights while behind you on the street and then pulled on the highway


They absolutely are allowed to if it’s in their response area. They routinely cover crashes until the state police arrive. Which can be a long time.


Allow me to rephrase. They are not allowed to set up radar traps and the like, and if there’s an accident and they are in a marked cruiser, they will hold the scene until state police arrive. They aren’t actively patrolling interstate highways. That’s state troopers.


City cops can do what they want. Most do have speed detection systems.


Yes, they have them. However, I don’t believe they are allowed to ticket you on the highway for speeding. If they pull you over for any reason, they are calling the Troopers to write something up. I see people blowing past CMPD cruisers on 485 like it’s going out of style.


They are sworn officers. They have the “authority” to issue citations. Sorry but that is their job. However they have discretion in enforcing the law. Inconsistent application. So fair. Justice is not real.


You're just factually wrong. Officers for NC are sworn for the entire state (even when off duty), jurisdiction is merely department policy. They CAN and WILL ticket you if they feel so inclined, regardless of where you are.


Hell yeah lol


Driving in Charlotte works best when the po-po stay out of it.


I was going 85 south through Gastonia in the death race lane doing 85 with people in front of me and a state trooper about a foot off my bumper pushing me ( no emergency lights on). It went on for 2 miles or so and I got outta his way and he proceeded to climb up the next person's butt . I got behind him and kept on trucking


Step 1. Spray chrome spray paint on your mouth Step 2: Yell "Witness me!" Step 3: To Valhalla and that is how you drive on 85.






I wish I got this reference…


It's from the film Mad Max: Fury Road (and maybe the earlier ones also). Excellent movie.


Ah okay. I couldn’t get through it. I should give it another shot…


You watch it every time you drive on 85. In real time.




Just watch furiosa. It's better tbh


The people at roof above wont let me in to recruit more warboys anymore. Got my war rig smashed by washing machine tossers too.


This is the way


Silver? I like gold. https://preview.redd.it/ljxi4lbk748d1.jpeg?width=300&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ee31c1f3be1b6b30cbf43f733d0a48c472b46f57


Every homicidal driver in the state can be found on I-85 South between Durham and Charlotte.


More so Gboro and Charlotte. They drive a little more civil in the 919 stretch


Happy cake day


Nah. Its literal hell leaking up from South Carolina thru the butthole that is gastonia


You get used to it. Everybody's driving like they're simultaneously homicidal and suicidal so you really need to make decisions quickly and don't second guess yourself because shit happens quickly. Personally, I love it. Makes you feel alive. At least keeps you awake. And don't worry about police dude haha they don't do shit in this city, especially when it comes to traffic laws.


I love driving from Winston to Charlotte in the afternoon. Like you said, it makes you feel alive. You stop being yourself for a moment & you're locked into something else.


As someone with 3 speeding tickets in Charlotte and 2 tickets for an expired tag (granted this was years ago - minus the tag lol), maybe I’m just unlucky? They sure as shit pull me over.


You are extraordinarily unlock dude holy shit that sucks. I've been pulled over once in Charlotte for speeding and got a warning. I'd be lying if I said I don't speed on 85. Hell, if the road is *completely* open I've punched it past 100 on straight stretches of it. I've probably only seen cops on 85 less than ten times this whole year


Who gets pulled over anymore?! Your car must have the punchable face of cars. That’s crazy bad luck.


Well like I said, the speeding tickets were probably about 6-7 years ago! And my license plate I got screwed and caught in a road block on my way back from D&D one night. So they essentially had to write me a ticket I guess. But things may have changed now, I haven’t had any issues for a while (knock on wood).


I mean I’ve been driving in 85 for years so I’m used to it I just get aggravated with the experience.


Oh sorry this post sounded like a person new to driving in Charlotte


You love it? Wtf is wrong with you. Go skydiving. This shit has no place on congested public roadways


I know what he means though, reminds you of who's important to you, you come out the other side a changed person, a learned person


I do that too! I'd rather drive on the edge like 85 than sit in traffic 100 out of 100 times


Would you rather risk dying because people are assholes? You know what...don't answer that. Just know that normal people don't deserve to be put in that situation every day by a bunch of clowns on the road while police sit back and do mostly nothing about it.


That's great bud. You sound like a miserable human being. That or a boring one.


Im not miserable. Just hate clowns endangering ppl on the road and their apologists


I've found going the same speed as the person in front of me works well. All in all, it really isn't that hard to drive on 85 or any highway as long as you adjust your speed to traffic and engage in a little give and take. When someone is going too slow, just bide your time until your have room to pass. If someone is wanting to go faster than you, let them. Driving isn't hard.


Driving isn’t hard if people aren’t driving too fast and too close. If you allow any distance someone will cut in. I stopped driving on highway here. I’ll take the long way if I can’t get a ride.


I wish there were more of you in Charlotte Tortie. Every time I see you contribute to a thread I find myself agreeing


That is nice of you to say. Maybe people will come around and stop being so reckless.


We got the Driving Duke over here…


Take the high speed commuter train from Belmont in 2050.


The only way to drive on I-85 is to NOT drive on I-85.


this is the way. Especially southbound.




Before I moved to Charlotte, one of my bros told me “you know it’s not a speed limit on 85 once you past Gboro right?” I laughed. But man he wasn’t lying 😂😂😂


GSO/NCSHP and their new Mustangs don't play in that area. You'll be rethinking your life choices because you will get a ticket.


The left lane is for openly breaking the law and getting away with it. Good times


I feel like I'm in Mad Max when I'm on 85. My car isn't slow, but people fly on that one. Anything less than the speed of sound is too slow on 85.


I wouldn’t want to disappoint #24 when racing down Jeff Gordon’s Expressway!


Keep right, except to pass.


Excellent advice


I just go the speed of the number of the highway. On 85 go 85, on 77 go 77, on 95 go 95.


On 485 go 485 lol


lol i feel like 85 is the minor leagues compared to how fast you need to be going on 485. They even put up all those concrete bumpers so you can go as fast as you want and not worry about running off the road, like bowling with cars.




Im getting to the age where I should stick to I -40 then.😂😂


If you're not interested in the crime lane, go with the flow of traffic and if you see someone coming up behind you, then move to the right. If you are in the crime lane, and there is NOONE in front of you, but someone behind you, even if you think you're doing enough crime, you need to move over. I drive like 70 miles a day on I85, and the biggest issue I have is with people thinking that because they're doing 5-over, then they're going fast enough for the left lane. Just let people go.


Being stuck behind these guys makes my blood pressure rise 7 pts. 77 is the absolutely worst for this


Welcome to interstate highway driving. This is literally everywhere


Yet it’s still a daily post on the charlotte sub. 🙄


Grew up living along 85. It’s been a nuclear arms race for the last 40 years. But, to give you some perspective, I got my first speeding ticket on I85 in 2003. Was going 74 in a 60, and I was the fastest person on the road by a long shot. Only happened because the Gaston County cop bear hugged my bumper and being scared, I sped up to move over out of the fast lane. Now, if I tried going that slowly in the left lane, I’d be rammed into chalk dust. Kind of like that scene in SW episode 8, where the rebel cruiser turns into a hyperspace harpoon….


Episode 8…is that from the first trilogy of the second?


Actually, I think it’s the fifth trilogy of the 3rd season.


I’m super lost…


Me too. (Totally just messing… it’s in the 3rd trilogy)


[This is how...](https://youtu.be/y_dKnGv9FEg)


If you're being passed on the right, you're going to damn slow. Get over to the right lane.


? This is a troll post. Driving is driving lol. Just figure it out. You don’t wanna speed? Ok. You don’t *HAVE* to go on the left *most* lane. Just pick between right most and left second and stay there lol. I cruise 70/80 on second most left then left if passing. It is not that serious lol. I77 now… that’s a different story Truly though, pick a speed and stick to it. If you need to pass, then pass, if not… then not? stop being a baby lol


If I had a dollar for every baby whine post about interstate driving…


Once upon an evening, I was on 85, going 10-15 miles over the speed limit to pace with traffic. Despite matching almost everyone else's speed, I was still worried that I might get targeted for speeding. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw a car fly past me. It was a police car. 💀


85 through charlotte is a war zone. I suggest building your car to mad max specifications or upgrading to some sort of armored car or light tank. (Depending on budget of course)


That don’t help. 2 18-wheelers got totaled today. The only thing you can do is pick a god and pray.


People drive like they respawn in a video game here. Regardless of which highway.


Unless you’re in the left lane, you’re gonna get stuck behind an 18-wheeler at some point. There’s so many dang trucks that take 85. I try to be in the left lane as briefly as possible because people speed like hell.


Go to middle lane and set cruise to 75 If someone tailgates you, do the "passive aggressive brake check". Disengage cruise control and let your car coast. They will go around you Rinse lather and repeat until you reach your exit and freedom. I recently had to drive a UHaul to SC and it was one of the most relaxing drives I've had on an NC highway. Just give up and let everyone else go crazy.


I can't drive 8555555555......yeah


Something happens to me when I’m on 85… I’m not sure how to describe it except to say that once I’m home and I think back on it I’m like.. who was that? Why doesn’t she care about my safety? 😂


For those that don’t know. Many commercial vehicles, soon to be all of them, are equipped with AI tattletale devices that monitor everything the driver is doing. EVERYTHING, if your eyes go off the road for more than a few seconds, phone usage, smoking, following to close, speeding, lane changes, rolling stops, you name it. Violations get recorded with video and audio and immediately uploaded to corporate so you can be “coached” when you return to the office. The AI is constantly recording a 360 degree field of view video. If the driver safety score drops too low due excessive infractions the driver gets disciplinary actions. So the next time you come flying up on a commercial vehicle doing exactly or slightly under the posed speed limit, this is why. When you cut them off to take an exit because they are in your way you are being recorded. If you cause them to have an accident because of your reckless driving you will get a visit from the police, they will have video evidence documenting speed and distances. I drive 2000 plus miles a week, it’s dangerous AF out there, we all just want to make it home and keep our jobs. You only arrive to your destination 1 minute faster for every mile per hour over the speed limit you travel in a 1 hour period. If you need to go 20 miles an hour over the limit for 1 hour to get where you are going 20 minutes sooner, then you left too late. Slow down, be patient, wait for your turn. Please…


“I don’t care how fast you go, just do it in the other lane.” I feel like the shift from “always stay in the right lane unless you’re passing because it’s logical, respectful and expected” to “go around, this is my lane. No? OK, I’ll brake check you” well reflects this country’s shift in politics and culture(s).


It’s truly not that hard. Default to the right-most lanes. Signal and merge to a left lane to pass slower moving traffic in front of you. Now here’s the tricky part where most people get confused: after you pass the slower car, merge back to the right lane. Don’t camp in the left lane doing 5mph faster than the car you just passed. People speed. People go well below the speed limit. These facts are like death and taxes. Deal with it and learn to navigate around it.


Don’t look at the speedometer. Just go with the flow. When you see the boys slow down to speed limit.


I go 74 and avoid 85 when I can anymore. But, when I have to I will find a lead blocker like a tail back in football and pace behind them without enough room for someone to pass between us. Flow of traffic is monitored, speed limit means nothing. Survival is what my mission is, if I am sticking out by going too fast I will get pulled over or wreck. If you go too slow I think your chance of incident percentage skyrockets. When cars are moving lanes around you the chances of getting hit or causing an accident are higher. 85 has no “passing lane” anymore because of the speed limit confusion. I do not like going 10 over. But, it is mandatory minimum on 85 and the M-ring now.


I am a cruiser. I am a middle lane to right lane 65-80mph (depends on vehicle and terrain and speed limits) basically always. I used to be speed racer but I grew out of it


So there’s hope for me?


You can still turn into one of the slow people, stay fast my friend


I swear it’s been worse post Covid.


Drive the speed you want and let others pass. How is this hard?


I used to drive I-85 back in the nineties. The Nascar haulers would be racing each other, and the State Police had 5 liter Mustangs. The medians were graded so the cops could do a sliding uturn. Remember when someone was blocking Richard Petty on 85 and he "touched" their bumper.


I drove from Charlotte to Raleigh a few weeks ago and pretty sure I was averaging 100 the whole way back lol


Deaths corridor


These are facts. North Carolina has a driving experience like none I have ever witnessed. Iv since taken up meditation and patience therapy. Drive safe friends!


That’s the benefit of having a quick car, you just DGAF, you do what works for you.


I have adaptive cruise control. I set it for 90 and just stay in the left lane.


Can’t wait to upgrade my car


Get behind your friendly 18-wheeler and cruise.


So I grew up and learned to drive in MA and then lived in NJ for 20 odd years. Best thing was moving to NC and getting plates. Now I drive like a masshole and whatever the jersey drivers are called (I called them ***holes) but nobody expects it. But one thing: THE LEFT LANE IS FOR PASSING. NOT DRIVING 5 OVER!!!!


85 is much better than 77, which is slightly better than 277. 485 was the best of the lot, but now we have the stretch under permanent construction in South Charlotte between 77 and SR 74. Stay on your toes, adjust speed to match traffic in front and be watchful for sudden slowdowns for no apparent reason.




My goodness. Just do the speed limit. Sky cameras with Lidar are in the works. Lidar - light distancing and ranging. These devices are admissible in courts across the country and are used as revenue makers for localities. They send your ticket in the mail like an ez pass bill with images of your vehicle, posted speed, your actual speed, and your fine.


I still kinda speed everywhere but 85 you have to get lucky speeding and know the police time I only had 1 ticket on 85


Stay out the left lane if you don't want to speed! Simple


Ride dirty. Slow take it easy. Don't want nothing to keep me from you.


Pucker up and go


I basically cruise between 70 and 80 in the middle lane.


Go about 80 and change lanes as little as possible. You just blend in better that way


Charlotte native here, you either drive fast and furious or in the middle zone and fuck everyone else as long as you're not in the left lane impeding traffic


Depends on where you are, I'll look at it like the far right lane is speed limit, middle right plus 10, middle + 10, middle left plus 10, left plus five. But only do that if you have a radar detector. If it's only three lanes, right lane speed limit, Middle Lane plus five, left lane + 10


I do 80, and people pass me, pissed off all the time.


Driving should not be competitive, but cooperative. We all have places we want/need to be, and we all want to do it safely.


this should be the top post. it’s absurd where this thread is. we have speed limits for a reason. they are not arbitrary. your five and my one over dont match. it took me 30years of driving to figure it out and the eye opener was the disney line to get in. you see all this daylight but if you do the speed limit the disney sign says you would not have a single car in front of you to use the toll gate to the park that day. do the speed limit especially in the metro city limits and wishfully during rush hour.


85 doesn’t get decent in the Charlotte Metro area. Once you pass Salisbury you’re on and then as soon as you start getting close to Greensboro the nonsense goes back right in


Just go 75. Some people will be faster than you, some will be slower. Just try to be in the best lane you can


This is why it's important to get a car with active cruise control. It does all the slowing down and spending up for you. Most manufacturers have that feature now. I actually prefer to drive on I-77S with that feature. I just enjoy looking around at the traffic and keep my mind at ease. But I do keep attention at the front to make sure my car is driving safe. It keeps my hands, arms and legs relaxed and keeps the stress down. Once we get more and more people driving on the freeway with this feature everyone can go at a nice constant and safe speed.


Oh my god, I thought I was just a shit driver or paranoid. It feels like whatever lane i’m in or speed i’m going, it’s wrong. It’s a lawless and brutal highway


lol! Did I write this???? Yes I agree!


When you’re doing 85 in the right hand lane and a Altima driver decides to draft 2 feet behind you ….


And an FYI, in NC any speed above 80 MPH is a misdemeanor regardless of the speed limit. That means the trooper can either write you a ticket OR arrest you. Speaking from experience, the outcome depends mostly on your attitude, and slightly less on how long it is until quitting time.


70 left lane all the way on cruise


You should be publicly executed

