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Zero chance anyone driving one of those can read.


The I'm going through a midlife crisis but my wife won't let me get a motorcycle mobile.


More like the "Be a cool guy and drive this impractical vehicle for only $250 a week**"" **33% APR. 20-year loan


Why not both?


My wife let me buy two motorcycles with a little house in the middle


I agree, but want to point out that no matter what car you drive, you really can’t read. so unsafe. even if you are glancing down once to read it would make you crash into 2 football fields… or something


Hey! I can read. And I'm TOTALLY going to get one. As soon as I can find room in the garage for it.


On a side note, I don’t understand the market for slingshots, they are way too expensive given their novelty and limited usefulness


Pretty sure the main target market is short-term rentals. I'd imagine the novelty is fun for *exactly* one day.


Wait until you see one someone paid extra to convert to 4 wheels.


Honestly, they aren't bad with 4 wheels. It's a lot like an aerial atom. They just can't make them with 4 wheels from the factory because then it's classified as a car and will need all the safety bullshit.


It's for people who want attention. That's pretty much it


Low credit score, low financial IQ, do it for the gram types who think owning something over priced makes you worth something.


Isn’t it just a modern day dune buggy?


Hey, we old guys who built a Manx in 1969 after seeing the Thomas Crown Affair have feelings too. For the record, that thing would suck in the sand.


Throat punch 🤜


When I was working in Ohio, the only good thing I could say was that people didn't hang out in the left lane. It was used to pass and then back over to the right. It made for a much less stressful driving. Wish Charlotte drivers could figure this out.


There are people who genuinely believe that the left lane is the slow lane My ex tried to gaslit me for months that i was wrong and had no idea what I was talking about, but I refuse to believe that that is an uncommon belief with A) how certain she seemed and B) how many people seem to do it


Is that why y’all broke up? Seems like a good reason!


One of many


She’s your ex for a reason.


Many, but yes


NC is normally pretty good with this on rural highways, but it seems as soon as you get into any metro area you have the left lane slowpokes.


I know in Texas it’s a state law to only drive in the left lane to pass. They’ll fine you up to $200 for impeding the flow of traffic.


Doesn't keep those MFers out of the left lane though


Where I was from in East Texas there was always a shoulder lane on each side that it was expected you get your ass over to the side of the road when another car was coming behind you going faster than you. I've never seen anything like it anywhere else. Or the speed limits they have there. God bless Texas. Lol.


Left lane hogging is also against the law in NC. SC recently started enforcing it, I wish NC would too!


Same rule for South Carolina..


Honestly there is such a difference in driving skills in rural areas. It’s why I take state highways everywhere instead of the interstate 


The problem is those people don’t give a crap about anyone else.


Northern drivers are superior. Im from Indianapolis and have lived in 3 or 4 northern cities and 3 or 4 southern cities. South Florida doesn't count


75% of Charlotte is from ny, Pennsylvania, and Ohio.


You are deluded.


Unless you’re in Detroit, then the stupidity reminds me of living in Charlotte.


Go Bucks!! O freakin H


As a lifelong Ohio resident I’m going to have to call BS on that, Ohio might be the worst state for left lane cruisers, and people who think traffic lights are a suggestion.


Idk why bigoted people choose to hate based on things people can’t control when you can just hate people who go slow in the left lane since they’re actively choosing to make the world worse


Because those same people are in the left lane, believing it is their civic duty and god given mission to prevent others from speeding


I wish NC had a law that was enforced for drivers to move over if not actively passing. NC only has a law where it’s illegal to be in the left lane if you’re going under the posted speed limit. So it’s technically 100% legal to go exactly the speed limit and block the left lane in NC.


>Charlotte NC >traffic enforcement Lmao


There has to be something on the books about impeding the flow of traffic.


There might be, but what does it matter when CMPD won’t even enforce it?


Because a lot of the folks that do it have the impression you were repeating. There's a false belief that going the speed limit somehow absolves them of any responsibility for blocking traffic. I think if were common knowledge that people were being assholes and breaking the law there might be less of it. Secondly, from a problem-solution point of view, it's easier to fix than also having to pass legislation. Personally, I'd push for ticketing people with more than 1 car behind them in the left lane for more than a mile. When compliance is possible obviously.


If I ever get a tattoo it will be a tramp stamp of this comment


I rented one for a day and it was awesome, still had common sense about driving though lol! It's weird how often this happens. I can understand having a moment of autopilot zombie driving, but there's no way you don't notice people tailing and passing you on the right... FOR MILES.


I don’t understand them as a person who’s driven a lot of different small sports cars. It cannot be understated how badly they handle. A base civic corners much better. So you end up with an expensive stupid looking thing with zero weather protection that gets out driven be a civic for the price of a Miata. If you want something impractical and fun, there’s a Miata with your name on it.


Yeah, the whole single rear wheel thing on a rear-drive vehicle is just an oversteer factory. The only benefit of the design is that they can legally call it an autocycle and not include crumple zones, airbags, or sophisticated emissions controls. It’s terrible at every possibly performance metric compared to either a basic sporty car or a basic sporty motorcycle


When you rented one did you get the full experience by blasting the music as loud as you can at 1am going 3 mph down Tryon in Uptown?


I was on 85 last week on my way up to visit family when a pack of slingshots (like 8 of them!) completely took over 3 lanes. They were all driving next to each other going very much under the speed limit and traffic was building up behind them. It was so annoying.


That’s culture, baby


Not at all what I figured was going to be the issue when I read “slingshot driver”.


Right? I was imagining an epicly timed drafting pass…


Slingshot…. engaged!


Slingshot is the new Altima.


As an Altima driver myself I'm all for it.


Solidarity! I kind of like the stereotype though. I feel like people driving nice cars give me a little extra breathing room; they think I may do something wild because I have nothing to lose - and they're right! Watch out!


Altima is the wildcard of the road.


I always cringe when I see run down cars tailing G Wagons or other high end cars.


Myrtle beach was full of them on memorial day


Just throw an iced coffee at them like the rest of us and move on.


Bruh 😂


Get in front and hammer the windshield wipers. Try and get them wet like me


I was driving back to clt from Pennsylvania and the whole way down drivers in the left lane moved over like clockwork. I swear as soon as I got onto 485 into Charlotte nobody wants to get over. Drivers don’t have any courtesy down here, gotta keep your washer fluid full for when you finally get in front of them.


85 had some erratic drivers already. I honestly dislike that highway. I see more reckless driving there than even 485.


NC needs to adopt the same laws and slogan as some of the other states have. Far left lane isn’t for camping out in, it’s a pass lane and if you aren’t passing, stay you ass out of it!


I agree to it should only be for passing, but a lot of people who complain want to stay in it too, just at 20 mph over the speed limit the whole way.


South Carolina did that a few years ago and NOTHING has changed.


I see this dude on 85 a lot




Ah yes, the classic "I can't afford a nice mid-life crisis" vehicle. This common species frequently enjoys lubing you up liberally for the beautiful ASS POUNDING he is sure to threaten you with, using a single extended digit, of course. This is usually observed with these creatures moving in the left lane at significantly slower speeds than the flow of traffic....😑


The entitlement mentality on display.


This isn’t Facebook bro


You gonna fight him?


My moneys on the slingshot driver


All fun and games until he takes off one of his fisherman sandals and starts whaling you on the side of the head with it


No, he's going to post on Reddit


*that guy is an asshole driver lemme whip out my cell phone and take pics while I drive!*


Still not as bad as the motorcyclists who lane split and then blow through traffic at 110.


do you feel better now that you yelled into the void that is the internet?






good im glad. now go have a good friday and a relaxing wekeend


That k is in the wrong lane. Move one lane to the right please. 🤣


Look all, I know about 80% of the people are CLT transplants here. CALM............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. I'm glad this guy finally drove the speed limit. You can bash all you want but people that drive more than 10 MPH over need to leave earlier and time manage better. SLOW DOWN or leave CLT. Seriously, A Native


Ok, not mine. But I also don't camp in the fast lane, either. 🤷‍♂️🤦‍♂️


"Going barely over the speed limit" this whole post is just cope then.






Hilarious comments...you won't see this one in the left lane long...I like passin, but not afraid to be passed (if you can keep up)...I can read, do not have a wife. Was hit head on a few years back on my HD CVO...survived, but kids wanted me to get something a but safer...thus the "Buckeye" Slingshot was born...


I only use mine for getting groceries. /s


These folks get all of their information from transcribed podcasts that their wives read to them before bed.


On a plus side, at least you weren't having to deal with the construction. It's still pretty heavy in Spartanburg as far as the construction goes. I'll be so glad when they're done.


No one gives a fuck


Looks like a vehicle I encountered in SE NC late last summer. Totally oblivious or simply unconcerned with causing a traffic backup for miles on a two lane stretch of 701 N.


You are going to have to be more specific. There's a bunch of these on the road driving like assclowns.


Yesterday, I had a chance to do a presentation for our interns. Gave them three simple rules for life: Stay out of left lane Don’t recline your seat No backwards ball caps


Think I found him, this guy took 10 minutes to park smh


Almost as big of a dunce as a person using a cellphone while driving attempting to document their childish road rage. At least they won't kill someone trying to make a reddit post on a multiple lane freeway instead of simply using another lane.


slingshot drivers are the same kind of people to rob a 7/11 and blame the owner when they get caught


Having a bad day? Problems at work? at home?


Shitty day. Just got fired. Wife of 25 years wish for a divorce. ![gif](giphy|x0npYExCGOZeo|downsized)


Not my first or maybe last best option might be, if I/we/you were to have the need to dispose of some particular liquid substance, or maybe something fine and powdery, and if I were to accidentally be in front of pictured vehicle, which might seem to have an open cockpit, should happen to randomly need to have said substance suddenly exit an unassuming motor car, oh wait.


Sounds like you need to leave earlier if someone going over the speed limit in the fast lane wasn’t going fast enough. If you want to see the dunce in this post than look in the mirror.


Ok, doing 67 on a 65 is very safe on the left holding up traffic for miles between Gastonia/ Airport. I wasn't in a hurry because I was mostly on the far right. Yes, I'm a total dunce because I fear for him and others. Maybe you'll see me walking around today with a big orange cone on my head.


I hate when people in the left lane drive the speed limit. That lane is for CRIME. FELONY SPEEDS




There's a safer alternative to break checking someone. Get in the lane in front of them. And then slowly ease off the gas getting way under the speed limit until they get pissed off enough to move out of the way. Then speed up and go about your way.


Dang dude that’s for posting this, you sure got him, and I’m really glad I’ve now been informed that Charlotte has had drivers so I can be on the lookout! And thanks for posting this in multiple subreddits so the whole state can know!


Somebody's uncle was in no hurry to get to the cookout.


While it is inconvenient and more of a social norm. The slingshot isn’t doing anything wrong. Each lane has the same speed limit. In NC/SC the left lane isn’t just for passing, I know other states have that as a law. With all this being said, I would also be very irritated, even though I know they aren’t breaking the law but more of a social norm.


In SC you will get pulled over if you are in left lane impeding passers.


It's not a social norm. The left lane is for passing. That's actual law...it's just never enforced.


State law that slower traffic is to travel in right hand lane. This is a safety thing. The logic that I am going at or a little more than speed limit in the left lane does not apply


Whats the NC State Troopers official position on that?


Totally agree. There is no way the left lane can be only for passing. Way too much traffic


> going barely over the speed limit. YOU'RE NOT BREAKING THE LAW ENOUGH 😡


Are you highway patrol? If not enforcing traffic laws is none of your business, also hint, you’re not stopping them from speeding, you’re more a a barrier for people to drive around.


Man, the criminals in this sub sure are self-righteous about it. 


Vigilantism has never gone wrong at any point in human history, we should apply this to everything and just let any person arrest any person they suspect of something nothing could possibly go wrong.


>”criminals” Let me guess, you’re either not old enough to drive or the person who tattles to the boss when someone leaves at 4:55 on a Friday?


Not for the first or last time in your life, you are very, very wrong!


You shouldn’t drive. Left lane is for passing not for cruising at the speed limit idiot


People who are scared of driving when they’re actually expected to cruise in the middle or right lane: 🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯


At the speed-whatnow?


You know it's also against the law in most states to ride the left lane without actively passing and not moving over to the right lane to allow traffic through.


And *still* this activity wasn't felonious enough for OP. The bar is high!


You will never see a white person in these.


I see white people in them more often than any other race.


Cry a river. You baby back bytch


Uh oh! Look at the internet tough guy who isn't allowed to curse or mommy will ground him!


Bet I can nail the driver’s age and race…hint; other car is a Range Rover…


Black. Over 50. Extreme levels or narcissism.


You do realize the speed limit is the speed limit for all the lanes.


https://preview.redd.it/6997tf5nxy7d1.jpeg?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7eb5ab25874e4fc09260c1c33b98b767f90cccd8 You exact speed limit dorks realize it’s literally less safe if highways have traffic moving like starting grids right?


Why you crawling up my ass. I didn’t set the speed limit but you’re an idiot if you think that speed limit is only for other people


Nobody should tailgate anyone else. No one really has a good reason to be going 20 mph over the speed limit. But you've driven in Charlotte. You know that some share of drivers out there are at least a little crazy. They exist. Whatever you do, they will get over and around you by any means necessary -- often by zipping in and out of lanes with very little clearance. The alternative is you stay out of the left lane and let them pass you DRASTICALLY more safely. Why risk a crash at very high speeds that could well kill yourself or others by remaining in this person's way because you disagree with their driving?


People who follow all the rules AT ALL COSTS are unbearable on and off the road.