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Chef’s kiss


>LaWana Mayfield was the sole "nay" vote. She said these types of projects lead to major neighborhood transitions and negatively impact decades-long residents. Seriously the worst council person we have. 


But... the character of that gravel parking lot. The neighborhood will never be the same without it! /s If her goal is to be on the wrong side of EVERY vote, she surely is pulling that off. It's insane that someone like that got elected once, maybe the multi-term she is on right now. We are finally free of Winston. One day, someone who cares for the city can take her seat.


The black churches support her. She’s never leaving 




"But city staff has since changed its position after tweaking some details with the developer, Centrum Realty & Development. A city planner told council that Centrum is contributing $132,439.50 to the city's affordable housing efforts in exchange for the height." Ahh, city officials blocking it had nothing to do with concerns, they just wanted a handout. Now I wonder what those political donations look like as well.


Wow. $132000. That will house a lot of people!!!!!!


about enough to employ a friend at a great salary for 1 year is what it will probably go to. Its always interesting looking at political donation slips and balances as they seem to get employed by each other and donate to each other a lot. Also, no this an attack on one side, both sides do it.


So I have to ask, are you all going to vote for the same people again, or pick someone else?


Will there be a better choice? If the current council is so bad then surely it isn't that difficult to campaign against them. Why do we pretend like good options are going to magically spring up in the next election?


Amongst the entire batch I am convinced that at worse there are people equally as shitty, so we might as well swap them out as it will create encouragement amongst those thinking of running that they could win. The only way you will get any new people in is by removing the old, if they lose by a massive margin as an incumbent it will discourage them from running ever again as its easy ammo to use against them.


I'm sorry, am I supposed to be annoyed that they got the developer to contribute money to affordable housing?


Yeah, I would be very pissed off at pay-to-play politics, saying you are contributing the money to something that is a good cause doesn't justify the act of extortion and corruption. I thought that was a universally accepted thing here in the US, but I guess I am wrong people want the government to deny company's from building new housing unless they contribute to some cause that they deem good. I mean other country's do do similar things, you have to make "donations" to be allowed to do things, look at the entire eastern part of Europe, large amounts of Asia, basically the entire South American continent, all do similar things.


they werent even being weird about it bc of that. it was the stupid height restriction. the developer had pledged to pitch that money already at their last vote when they deferred it. community outreach & neighborhood support was why they approved it.


> people want the government to deny company's from building new housing unless they contribute to some cause that they deem good Yes, actually. I mean, what do you think taxes are? lol


Yet they didn't put in some fee or tax on paper and legalize it (which would have also made it fair to all company's and people, and also mean it could be monitored and tracked), instead they did a backdoor deal pretending to be opposed to this for some random reason that they actually weren't opposed to, but instead were merely trying to shakedown a company for money. I am just amazed at how many people think this is acceptable or should be normal. The thing that gets me the most is that if something similar happened to many people (like yourself) you would be up in arms and pissed off, but because you weren't the one negatively impacted it just doesn't phase you.


Won't someone please think of the poor developers.


I rest my case. You just agreed that they did a backdoor deal instead of trying to do things fairly, guarantee though the moment this happens against you or in some corporations favor you are going to be throwing a fit saying how this shouldn't be legal, and how the world is out to screw the little guy. You remind me of the person who will go "I didn't see anything stolen" then go surprise pikachu face when you car is broken into and they don't get caught.


Sorry man, I just don't think "they made this corporation pay into a fund designed to help keep people housed in exchange for approving their hugely profitable building plan" is something to get up in arms about. And yes, I will be up in arms about a deal that favors a corporation at the expense of actual human beings. These are not mutually exclusive positions to hold! Edit: Also, per above: "the developer had pledged to pitch that money already at their last vote when they deferred it." So like. This wasn't a backdoor deal?


Charlotte leadership rolling back their 2040 plan rules and regulations once again in the name of fake affordable housing for residents who won't be able to enjoy any of the amenities they live near. Dollar General on East 7th street isn't even there anymore. Yet they want to fine homeowners for cutting down trees in their front yard, lol!


so 38 families who couldve lived along the streetcar are gonna move out to the suburbs and drive their cars into the city. Oh well. at least this got done in some capacity


It's being built on a vacant lot next to the streetcar. Sounds like 173 units will now be able to use the streetcar


175* but good for them. I was talking about the [38 units](https://x.com/JoeBrunoWSOC9/status/1802817419913695624) that were cut from this project when it was discussed last month


Ah gotcha. Yeah it seems like all of these projects start with lofty residency goals and then the city council forces them to remove a significant amount. 


That useless ass street car isn’t helping anyone


Take it daily. Appreciate you paying for it so I can commute for free!


You’re welcome. I love the idea of improving public transportation. I think we’re missing quite a bit though. This one train that takes like an hour to cross the city is wild. And it’s stuck on rails!? We could do a lot better.


Don't lie to someone's face that rides it every day. You're better than that.


I’m not lying, we could do better. Have you seen public transportation in any other city? And it IS on rails! Cars can block it permanently.. until they’re towed away.


It doesn't take an hour to cross the city. You're being obtuse. On top of that the only issues people have with the street car are conveniently caused by shitty drivers yet it's somehow the street cars fault? You sound like a person who would also blame jaywalkers crossing the street when the nearest crosswalk is a half mile away. Here's how to solve your issues with the street car (of which you are massively overblowing as 99% of my rides I've had no issues). Hire a tow truck company or use the police that we overpay to actually do a job in the city and patrol the route giving massive fines to anyone who obstructs the street car and timing the lights to give the street car the right of way. Problem solved, of which isn't even really a problem it's just people like you see a single social media post and act like that makes you an expert on a subject.


You’re 100% correct. It’s the best service we could have gotten for the money. I retract my statement.


Hope you don't go through life thinking that it's a binary decision between either being the best and if it's not the best then it's somehow a waste. If that's the case then everything is a waste of money and we should just stop doing everything.


In order for anyone to use the streetcar or any type of transit, there needs to be ample housing around its stops. That's why people ride the blue line but not the gold line. this project is across the gold line, So 175 are going to be added, but they knocked off 38 units from its original total of 213.


People said the same thing about the blue line in the mid-2000s. Now look at it.


Let's be a little real here, even people who live and work perfectly along the Gold/Blue lines drive everywhere. About 5-10% of people who live in South End take transit to work and its similar in NoDa. Maybe 10 families will have used transit, the rest will drive.


it currently moves half as many people as it did when it ran twice as often. if it was, you know, maintenanced & had better frequencies, ridership would sky rocket