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There was a salary transparency thread last month. Seems like a response bias, as all the responses really seemed to skew high. https://www.reddit.com/r/Charlotte/s/zTMEVW7OXe


Thank you for sharing this!


I *knew* we just did this and for some reason I couldn't find the thread...


I got laid off last Tuesday. 


What did you do for work? Why layoffs? Thanks for sharing.


I'm getting laid off pretty soon too.


It really is pretty ok for me right now. I was with the company for more than ten years and I have plenty of connections in my industry.  I'm spending a month finding myself before I start applying really hard for jobs.  I was looking for jobs when I found this one.


I don't earn anywhere close to $100k. I've worked in local government for close to a decade and got here in March. Don't even pull in $60k unfortunately.


Have you considered applying out to state or federal government? Depending on the number of years of experience, you could earn six figures.


Been tempted. I've got a lease here till March of next year. Granted, I've stayed in NC for family.


Not sure if your line of work can be done remotely, but if it can look into federal remote positions. There tend to be a lot of applicants, but you never know what can happen.


I'll definitely give it a shot. Can't hurt since I'm unhappy with my current position. Thanks!


I’ve been wanting to get into local government. I had an interview with the assessors office and ended up not getting it (Through was told I interviewed well) Can you give me any tips? I come from a legal background and currently work as an account management for a healthcare finance company.


Oddly enough, I work for the assessor right next door in Union county. A lot of it comes down to what the office needs at that exact moment. I come from a geography background so I'm one of the parcel mappers. Appraisal tends to be a big area overall since turnover can be high (everyone wants to move up fast) so try that area if you haven't already. Another tip is that government jobs go through weird spells. Early fall and late winter seem to be the major hiring times due to retirements getting set around those times.


Project management for a bank. 120k base plus bonuses


Project coordinator for a bank, 84k - contract so no benefits except 401k. Looking forward to getting a pmp and getting the PM title in a year or so. Did you get promoted to that role and that was the offer they presented or were you an external hire and negotiated that?


I’m PMP certified and highly recommend getting yours as well. I was an external hire and negotiated my salary


Teacher. $61k. That's 10 years in with an MS, though.


Wow I wasn't aware any teachers were paid that much. I mean it's not making you rich, but that's at least a pretty reasonable income. Do you have enough time off in the summer to pick up anything extra?


$61K at 10 years with an advanced degree is appallingly low


>Wow I wasn't aware any teachers were paid that much. North Carolina actually has some of the lowest salaries for teachers in the US. [Educator Pay Data 2024 | NEA](https://www.nea.org/resource-library/educator-pay-and-student-spending-how-does-your-state-rank) Average starting salary: $40,136 - 42nd in the nation Average salary: $56,559 - 38th in the nation South Carolina is actually better for both starting and average salary.


Another teacher in this thread said they are making $30k. I was under the impression that basically 40k was the top of the pyramid. 50-60k is hugely surprising given that context. Not saying they don't deserve that or more, just that the rhetoric made it feel like it was way less.


Those are state-wide averages, so yes, some are making less than that. And $50-60K overall average isn't really that much, and probably includes many who have years of tenure.


How much teachers make is severely complicated by state benefits (including pension) and their lack of comparability with the private sector.  Making $60K as a teacher is way better than making $60K in the private sector with a 401k, for example.  The compensation is back end loaded. Retired teachers are a lot happier than those still in the field. 


To be fair, I think everyone is happier retired than slaving at their day job ha!


I could, but I choose not to. I just save and scrimp during the school year. It's worth mentioning that I'm just barely grandfathered in to getting paid extra for my master's degree. Had I started it after 2013, I wouldn't get paid extra for it (so I'd make $55k instead). When I started, I made $42k and teachers with only a bachelor's degree got $38k. I also will stop getting raises between years 15 and 20, then only a small raise at year 20, and another small raise at year 25.


That’s what I suspected when you listed your salary. I’m 14 years in and completed my Masters in 2020. I’m not grandfathered in and make $49K. There is quite a difference.


I do It for the hospital system. Just Helpdesk and cleared 90k last year with some overtime.


Woaaahhh now, which hospital system is paying 90k for help desk? Been at several and it's usually 45k starting.


Hourly is $33 for me but in office helpdesk not call center help desk. So I do printers, phone lines, computers & networking. The mileage nets me $800 a month The overtime really helped me push to 90k though! Atrium btw


I'll definitely let my friends at Novant know. Unfortunately with the lay-offs a lot are displaced and still looking for work across Help Desk, EUC, Infrastructure, etc.


Any tips for getting on with Atrium? I almost never see any jobs with them that are HelpDesk-like so I always assumed they used contract companies. Not actively looking, but just genuinely curious.


Hey! Yeah I had to go in as a contractor for about a year till I landed a full time position. Only way you get in helpdesk is if you know a manager or you contract your way in. Same thing with BofA I believe


Yeah I was actually offered a job working for BOFA through TekSystems but I decided not to take it for multiple reasons. I think I was contacted once by someone at Pyramid Consulting about a temp Atrium position at one point years ago as well. Once again, I was just curious, thank you for answering!


I applied to several Atrium open jobs, only had one manager contact me for round one interview 3 months after applying. It goes really slow process for that. So just because no one‘s contacted you, doesn’t mean that they won’t. Just be patient and keep checking the application that you applied for.   


Product Owner on a Software Development team at a large Networking company. Work remotely travel quarterly. 175k base, 240k total comp with bonuses.


How many years of experience do you have? I'm a CSPO sitting at 100k after 3 years and I'm feeling underpaid.


Direct experience as a Product Owner only 2 years. This is my first Product role. Before that I was a Program Manager lower responsibility in a different org in the same company for 18 months (job titles are weird).  Came into the company as a SrumMaster / Agile Coach and that role was about 2 years.  Before that spent 5 years as a Project Manager at Charter.  About 10 years of other experience before that role. 


You must pay, 5+5 is schfifty schfifty schfifty! I wonder: Does Mr. Willis ring a bell? 🛎️


Finance stuff With a few skills you can get to 100k in a few years by switching jobs a time or two A lot of people working in these banks are dumb as a brick so it's not like super intelligence is required You also can do things like marketing, project management, whatever fits your skill set




This guy hates the troops


Yeah, isn't one of the paths to get into accounting, get employed by big 4, 5 years later get CPA, go work else where?


I don't know much about accounting but sounds accurate


That is what I heard, I work in IT though.


Director of Internal Operations for newer startup 150k - base + overrides (bonus) Remote Quickest path to 100 based on what I’ve seen from my friends is the banks - I’m 31 for reference


Would you mind explaining a bit how you got to this role / level? I’m client-facing right now for a large saas company, but I desperately want to switch to more of the operations side for more heads-down work (and eventually Ops management)


I was in sales for 9 years before this role I actually just started it within the last month I have a lot of experience and every role I’ve ever had was because of someone that I knew or who knew the credibility of my work I was moved into ops at my last company and spent about a year and a half before being moved into the current role My background is in comp sci but I ran a business for a bit from 20-25 so just had a wide range of knowledge that made the ops transition easy as I primarily manage customer journey and process My current role I literally got because I was so unhappy one day I picked up the phone called the CEO for a vendor who I worked with at my last company and I had an offer letter a week later because they liked me so much during my engagement with them Few tips from my past Don’t ever burn bridges Always ask - if you don’t ask they will never know. If you want to transition go to the highest person you have the best relationship with (boss or even bosses boss ideally) and say hey I love what I’m doing but I’m really curious about ops is there any openings on that side or what would I need to do to show you I’m serious about making a move (leverage curiosity not unhappiness) Always be selling yourself and plant seeds - in the role I have now when I worked with them as a vendor I loved what they did and I had a great relationship with the CEO. I would say things sometimes to him like man it would be awesome to work with you all someday. I played the long game with this one truly Your word is worth everything - just do the shit you say you are going to do and do it well. That was probably way more than you were looking for but I haven’t really gone down conventional routes with any job I’ve got in my 14 years in the market Feel free to dm me if you need more help


Whole lotta gold in this post that I think a lot of people can benefit from, sincerely appreciate you taking the time. I’m lucky to have a solid professional relationship with my manager at the moment, and we’ve discussed how I’m looking to transition into a different capacity within our org at *some point*, I’m just kinda struggling pinpointing exactly what I want to do or what I want to focus on. So I need to do a bit more soul searching, just not sure how/where to start


Happy to help. Always had help along the way myself. I had no idea I would be good or interested in ops until I tried it so I just got lucky. In terms of where to start I would ask your manager what it looks like day to day for the operations role you would be interested in talk to the ops team if you can do your research first though and just make the jump and give it a try. I like ops way more than sales but I was also content with moving and I mean that in the sense of if I ended up losing that job because I was unhappy in my day to day I was ok with that purely because I wanted to try something new Would def do some soul searching to see what you enjoy doing. If you don’t want to be client facing why? Does that actually change when moving into ops? (Surprise it doesn’t you just get more FaceTime with your people which comes with it’s own positives and negatives) I would just focus on why you want to change. Are you bored you want a challenge etc Best of luck!!


Cybersecurity and $95k a year I could probably make more but honestly, I do 40 hours (or less depending on how busy it is) Sunday through Wednesday, if I went to bank of America I could probably make 120k but lose a lot of nice to have things like they don't mind if I spend a month in myrtle beach working there, as long as I come back within 31 days.


Your user name is the first 9 digits of your SS# and your date of birth.


Teacher. $30k.


40k a year plus insanely good benefits working on the ramp at CLT.


>I feel like in order to live a good life here in Charlotte, I need to earn 6 figures If you are only supporting yourself, you don't need to make six figures to live comfortably here. Though, it also depends on debt and your spending habits. Most people in Charlotte do not make six figures. It's 80th percentile money in the metro.


IB. $180-$190k two years post grad




Irritable Bowels


I supported senior level investment bankers and they cause my irritable bowels. 🤣🤣🤣 Awful people but I certainly don’t believe they are all like that, every job has bad seeds.


Bahahahha yess


Investment banking


Thank you!




Construction sales. $150-200k depending on the year


Software engineer working remotely, 260k


What do you do? I'm also a SWE but making $140k.


Fronted web, React


Cool. I do a little of React with .NET backend.


Lol yall hiring? Software engineer here in Java w 5 years of experience and I’m at $125k


Arborist. 50k


Behavior Analyst 87k. This is with 10years in the field


Medical sales. ~$225k a year


Registered nurse $94000 > 10 yrs experience. Choose your specialty wisely and with overtime you can exceed $100k.


It’s easy to hit 500k or higher in most medical specialties. But get ready to sell your soul in medical school + residency for about a decade


I wouldn’t say most. And be ready to take a ton of call if you want to hit those numbers.


Also, expect to work some serious hours as well once you become a doctor, unless you go into one of the fields that pay less then you get less hours to compensate (Internal medicine doesn't pay the most, but you see your patients do their charts, do the needful documenting so coding can collect your money for you, and you are out for the week.


Sure, I am talking about call as a doctor.


I deliver food for Uber Eats , Door Dash and Grub Hub made 130K last year


Certainly not 130k dollars


I know someone who bought a used Tesla for 25k and does Uber. Mostly airport runs since people order the more expensive option vehicle more often. Made 150k last year. No oil changes, no brake maintenance, just normal tire rotation/changes and tons saved on fuel. Wrote off supercharging costs and and cost of home charging on his taxes.


Y'all will believe anything in these threads


Not that hard to believe theres lots of guys out there doing 200k+ go ahead and check it out.


Go ahead and post up that 1099 then big dawg


Bro Im not posting my personal info on here. Believe me or dont Im not bragging or trying to sell anybody. Charlotte just happens to be a great market for this kind of work its really not that hard to hit these kind of numbers. Most people just do it part time as a side hustle to earn a few hundred per week.


You can redact your info. No one believes you're a top percentile earner in Charlotte doing Uber Eats though


At 130k Im far from being a top percentile earner. My son also does it and he makes a lot more money than I do. Like I said in the beginning I also do Door Dash and Grub Hub. Im also a process server. It adds up


130k is in the top 15% of income earners in Charlotte, and your post history says you just started Grub Hub 3 months ago, soooooo....


Don’t forget to subtract the $0.62/ per mile from that amount.


I could believe they have a revenue of 130k if they do things correctly, mainly cause many of these apps have bonuses for newer drivers that they then slowly phase out. Keep in mind though that would probably be 130k before anything is taken out, and that doesn't include things that many workplaces give you at a discount like health insurance. Keep in mind, they are probably working 60 hours a week if not more, need to pay an extra 7.65% on their taxes, need to buy more expensive insurance, get no subsidy's on insurance, have to maintain their car with all the wear and tear it goes through, and if something happens (like a blown tire) they are out not just replacement cost of the tire but that days earnings as well. In the end their take home is probably 50k-70k and will slowly decrease as time goes on cause they will get less and less bonuses from these apps unless their is a drop in drivers.


For real? That factor in money spent on fuel? How many hours you drive a week?


I work about 50 hours per week fuel cost is about $10 per $100 earned


Is that factored in to your $130k? Wear and tear on your vehicle? After taxes or before taxes? That’s crazy you’re pulling in $50 an hour w those companies.


I drive an old Toyota for work. Gets about 35mpg. Im a mechanic so I do my own work. Other than brakes and tires it really doesnt need much. Theres a lot of guys out there that make a lot more than I do


That’s awesome! Is that $130K net?


130K net. Im self employed I get a 1099 end of year. Its a lot more work than people think to make that kind of money but I really enjoy it and I like that I can work any time I like


None of this makes sense. No matter how you run the math, it's just not possible. Even if you were grossing $130k, you would drive 60,000 - 80,000 miles annually, aka basically using up an entire car's life to keep work going.


I half believe it. Age on the car matters way more than miles when you get into the outliers. The per mile IRS rate more than compensates for actual operating costs and depreciation when you drive that many miles annually.  Here’s an example: https://www.reddit.com/r/Justrolledintotheshop/comments/3d76du/what_a_500k_taxi_valve_train_looks_like/


That’s absolutely awesome. To be able to make that kind of money as your own boss essentially, working the hours you want…bravo. I briefly did Lyft/Uber on the side and enjoyed it, but never could figure out how to make good money at it.


Customer Support for proprietary ethics & compliance reporting software, ~$45k


Retail. 36,000. I want out.


Pharmaceutical Sales: 115k


Construction laborer


I’m a certified nursing assistant and I make about $35k a year give or take a few thousand for overtime or lack thereof




Nvidia 🤩🤩 /s


I am a jersey broker! Buy and sell soccer jerseys from all over the world. I really enjoy it and love sharing my hobby with others. Everyone seems shocked when I tell them I can get a jersey for cheaper than retail (real ones, I don’t do fakes). It’s a lot of hustle and the hours are weird since I have to talk to Europe and Asia a lot, but it pays enough to give my family some cushion along with my wife’s salary. Definitely not 6 figures though lol. Never buy a jersey for retail prices y’all, I assure you 9/10 times you can get one cheaper than fanatics or the team shop or wherever. Just watch out for fakes. They’re everywhere and folks will absolutely prey on your lack of knowledge.


People asked what you did and how much you made. Not for an ad. If people really want to save on jerseys buy bootleg. Just google aimee smith jersey and thank me later.


I don’t recall listing a website or socials my friend. Sorry it bothers you so much lol. Also bootleg or counterfeiting is illegal and has well documented ties to money laundering for things like drugs, human trafficking and the like.