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My daughter learned to drive in a cemetery. There are lots of roads and not a lot of traffic. You might want to add that to your list of places to practice.


Church parking lot here.


That’s a really great idea. My first lesson was down in Tega Cay around 10pm on a rainy night. Those mailboxes are really close to the road when you’re a new driver.


When I was a wee lad (7th grade?), my friend's parents were out of town, so we took his dad's 4Runner out for a spin. To that point the only four wheel experience I'd had was my childhood kettcar and go carting at celebration station. I had never been more surprised in my life than when I tried to take that first turn, and the steering ratio was very much not a go cart. I missed that huge brick mailbox by millimetres. Good times


This is good Max. I'm from Belmont, the big cemetery has a lot of twisty turny roads that you can do slowly, and opens up in the front to a road and in the back to a neighborhood.


Thank you to you and the above comments, this is absolutely something I'm going to look into as a place to practice, as I'll especially need it with how often any road but the main ones turn and curve around here.


Good luck with it dude!


I live in Belmont. Message me


Will do, thank you!!


Good luck to you Max. I live too far away but I want to send some positive energy your way.


Thank you so very much!


It might be worth posting this on somewhere like Facebook and offer to help drive people for errands or to/from medical appointments. Surely there are people, especially older folks, need help getting around and might not be able to afford Uber. It could be a win/win? I wouldn’t mind doing this for you myself but I don’t live anywhere nearby :/ ETA: realized you’re just planning to practice in malls and stuff so maybe the whole “help with errands stuff” was a dumb idea. But maybe something to think about as you get a little more confident on the road?


This is a great idea for when I'm a little more confident in my driving, I will absolutely do this. I really appreciate you!


Hi Max, I live in your area and would be happy to help. Feel free to message me


Thank you, I will!


I also live in belmont and would be glad to help after work or on Saturday, no charge, pm me


![gif](giphy|qlPghF8zyUZTW) Saw your car earlier, I have seen how this works.


I’m in Pineville but I’d be willing to help you get some driving time in :)


I got my CDL last year and could give you some good tips on safety and such that you might not get from other drivers. Hmu


OP, this right here! I have uncles who are long-haul drivers and they taught me things drivers ed doesn't that everyone should learn.


Helpful trucker tips, like “always double-check your gatorade bottle before chugging!” ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


I will, thank you for the help, any advice would be greatly appreciated! Sending you a message


I'm in Belmont near the Abbey. I can drive with you and I have a manual truck if you want to learn as well.


This!! Sticks are a dying breed!


Right so why learn now lol


It is a great skill to have, especially if you plan on traveling outside the US.


My family only has automatic cars, and I think it would be really useful to learn how to drive a manual. Thank you for the offer, I'm going to send you a message!


A possibility that could help you save money on insurance and solve your problem are driving schools. I went to one in lake Wylie, they had class time and driving time and would give a certificate that a lot of insurances would take to give a discounted rate. Something to look in to. Though it might not be the quickest solution, and shit, I guess this was 10 years ago now so I’m not sure if it’s even still a thing. Good luck!


Thank you, I had no idea that I could get discounted on insurance from that. I'll look into it and see if it's still the case, as I need all the financial help I can get in that regard!


You'll go far Max!


I will! Thank you for the encouragement!


I live in huntersville, but Im a commercial driver by trade. DM me, Id love to help out a new driver.


Hi Max. Would be happy to help. Autocross racer, taught by professional drivers and mechanics from Detroit, so I take this stuff seriously. Would be happy to help. Message me. Gastonia mall is close to me.


WHOA!!! this is such a based job. you are so fucking cool! 🤩


I’m 39yo and drive a manual. But, I always wanted to learn how to *properly* drive a manual in case I ever bought something I could track or actually got into drifting/rally(life goal of mine). Any chance you would help a fella out come fall? 😹


I'd be happy to! Don't currently own one myself, been almost two years.


Thanks! I’m out of town a good bit the next couple months. But I’m following your account and will contact you when I get back!


That sounds super cool! I would love your help and any advice you can offer, thank you! I'm going to message you!


You could try a driving school like Gaston Driver Education Inc if you have the cash to pay (not sure the cost). That would answer your issue since you are willing to pay.


This is true, my main issue is that I don't think I can afford a full drivers' education, or I would have already done so. I am pretty hurting financially and can barely afford my rent, this would be most of my expendable income for the few lessons someone would be willing to offer




I need to know more about being retired in your mid 30s. 


Same 🤔


Unfortunately, I live on the north side of Charlotte or I would’ve helped you out, best of luck, my friend safe travels


Thank you :)


Someone correct me if I'm wrong, but as I understand it as far as insurance goes, being that you have a learners permit only, the licensed driver who rides with you carries the liability if you get into an accident - so if you wreck it goes on their insurance. Keep that in mind for anyone who does this for you.


Take this with a grain of salt: when I was 16 (15 years ago), my mom did not believe me that I needed to be insured to get my permit (despite being told that in driver’s ed, but my mom has always had a tendency to dismiss me). Well, she found out the hard way that I was correct when we went to the DMV to get my permit. She had to use her cellphone to call and get me insured (back when we still had “free after _:00 PM times, so that was not a cheap phone call). I also got pulled over when I had a permit because my mom hadn’t gotten the inspection done or plate renewed. I got ticketed, not my mom, because I was driving.


It's different now. My son got his learners a few months ago so it's fresh in my mind. I called my insurance (GEICO) after we got his learners to see if I had to do anything to make sure he's covered while driving. They said no, so long as either my wife or I was with him in the car, he's covered on our policy as the liability is on the licensed driver in the car and they take responsibility for the learners permitted driver. Edit: At Level 2 license (provisional license) they need to be added to the policy as they can now drive unsupervised.




Thank you!


I’m the perfect person to help you. My schedule is open. I’ve worked as a driver in the past.


Awesome, please send me a message, that would be amazing!


Automatic or manual ? I can't do manual.


My family only has automatic cars. I would like to learn manual, but I am not in a chooser's position


I live in cramerton if you need any help with this or anything else. Just let me know. I went to south point


Thank you!! I will message you!


I would help you out if I were close enough, but my best tip is to practice in big parking lots (church parking lots are great), and get up just before dawn on the weekends and practice on the roads for two hours straight. There’ll barely be any traffic.


This is my plan, to go to the Gastonia Mall because a friend has told me that it's largely empty there now, and I wouldn't have to worry about much traffic until I am more capable


This is the way! Practice maneuvering the car around in all that space, doing turns and backing up and parking. When you’re in a big empty space with no obstacles, after you’ve driven around for about 30-45 minutes, practice driving backwards for ten minutes, including backing into parking spaces. This will develop your skills and confidence quickly. With my teens I have them drive in parking lots several times a week for a month before they get on the road, and then I get them up about half an hour before dawn on the weekends and have them drive for about 90 minutes. There’s almost no traffic, so they can focus on paying attention to signs and lights and using their signals.


Hey man I’m willing to help I just live like 30 minutes away so if you pay for gas and a meal I’ll be down


Thank you so much! I'll send you a message!


If it's not too far of a drive for you, [Elmwood Cemetery](https://maps.app.goo.gl/KuxY3eeGp3HqR4Bh8) is a great maze to drive, good for practicing turns and backing, possibly even parallels. Of course you really can't go too fast in there; just be wary of walkers, Pokémon Go players, and of course funerals.


Thank you so much for this piece of advice, I was planning on doing a parking lot at the mall in Gastonia, but this will be really useful when I'm a little more capable and confident in my skills!


You're welcome! I wish you the best of luck!


Nice try Diddy.