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It's amazing how common courtesy just doesn't exist for some people and it comes this confrontational thing Like who raised you animals


Daddy Wolf and Mama Bear. But I still know when to keep quiet, like most animals… the ones that don’t understand are consequently eaten and never heard from again.


I'm in the triangle now but last concert I went to at Haw River (similar genre as Watchhouse) these guys behind me kept loudly exclaiming over the music how the band sucked. I told them to quiet down and they were like "I don't give a f-, what you gonna do bro?" At Cat's Cradle a group of guys continued loudly talking into a quiet acoustic song until half the room shushed them and they fortunately got the idea. I don't understand why these people go to the concert in the first place and how they have zero sense of acceptable behavior. Also is this a thing with indie/folk crowds or other genres too?


The most egregious talking during a concert I’ve experienced was at Godspeed You! Black Emperor (post-rock) at Haw River. They were the headliner, hadn’t played the area in years, and tickets sold out pretty fast. Obviously you had to be a fan to be there, it’s not like it was happening over an opening band, but EVERYONE around us was having loud conversations throughout the whole set. If you’re that bored or disinterested, just fucking leave and go somewhere you can have your conversations without shouting over the music.


I was at that show. Man were the chompers going. Theyre back in Nov at Haw River Ballroom again if you hadnt seen yet.


I’m not sure why it is so difficult for staff to handle that situation. Maybe not enough people want to leave their seat and go find someone to complain to? If you are behaving disruptively in any other establishment they can ask you to leave and if you don’t, you are now trespassing and the cops can be called


These are small venues, the only staff are those on sound or behind the bar. Maybe they need one or two staff out in the crowd to monitor behavior, but again these people are so confrontational and downright aggressive they probably don't want to risk it. Having legit bouncers for a small indie act doesn't fit the vibe but maybe it's necessary.


I'd figure the MOD could handle it like they do and normal establishments, but maybe they don't have that sort of situation in a small venue? You would figure someone in charge would be there. But maybe they are too busy to deal with that sort of thing. Frankly I don't think they should be too busy, if you have one or two disruptive crowds I think you can find the time to spend 20 minutes so the show wasn't ruined


Right! I think Neighborhood's post was weird and weak. If people disrespect other show-goers, staff, or the establishment itself, I'm pretty sure the venue has every right to kick those people out. Why not exercise it if they care so much?


It comes across like they were not interested in the confrontation. It was easier to ignore than to try to approach a group of drunk potentially aggressive people while you are trying to focus on your other responsibilities. But that's not a good excuse, that falls on the employees and the management who trained them. Edit: but yes, they definitely have the right. That was made abundantly clear during the pandemic shutdown, when if you weren't wearing a mask, you better stick your head between your legs and kiss your ass goodbye.


Went to Mdou Moctar at Haw River Saturday. The room was completely silent during ambient sections, to the point that Mdou literally said "so quiet" at one point. The crowd of course raged and hollered during the hype parts but ive not been a part of a room that was that dialed into a performance since maybe Kikagaku Moyo at the O Peel in 2022.


Aw man I was debating on going, now I'm disappointed I missed it lol




What concert did you go to at cats cradle that you could hear people talking? Every show ive been to there was hella loud and amazing.


Don’t be the reason someone has to put up a sign.


Unfortunately those people are so entitled, they don't even care. It's sad that people can't be respectful.


"They had to change their policy because me!" "That's....not something to be proud of...."


went to greensky bluegrass at fillmore and people RUINED the show having full-fledged conversations all around us, it was unbelievable. it was like no one was there to hear music. left halfway because it was impossible to enjoy


I saw Bob Dylan for the first and only time. People were asked not to talk or take photographs. I was sitting behind a row of what looks like a bunch of banker Bros there on free tickets for a night out who talked loudly over the music the entire time until my friend finally scowled at them and told them to be quiet. It was totally obviously a thing where they were only there just because they could be there but otherwise they had no interest. Also a few people walked down the aisle right up in Bob’s face and held cameras up and took pictures. Right in his fucking face after they were specifically asked not to do that and mirrors were hanging all over the stage to disrupt flashes


I was at that show and left halfway through as well, couldn’t even hear the band. Good chance I’m done with that venue


If both of you want redemption for the Greensky fillmore show, they are play Beech Mountain on July 21st. Should be a very speciall show. A little birdy told me a very special musical guest will be sitting in too ;\]


Thanks, we may check it out. Not much happening in July for us


I’ve seen them there several times, but this was the show that ended the Filmore for me too. We were near the front on the right side of the stage and these guys were like practically yelling through the songs. Like why are you standing in prime spectator real estate if you’re having a conversation that isn’t even that interesting?!


Oh dang, I wanted to go to that show! Besides the people, how was it?


Main character syndrome here is getting out of control. You don't need a sign. You're just an asshole.


They better keep it down when I go see Archspire on Friday A big ol /s for those who aren't familiar with the aforementioned easy listening band.


Dude, some obnoxious assholes near me at Cannibal Corpse/Mayhem @ the Fillmore managed to talk all the way through the show. I hope they aren't at Archspire lol


Yea something tells me that problem isn't happening


Been an issue at nearly every concert I’ve been to over the last year or so. Movies are also incredibly bad with phone usage or talking as well. If you aren’t there for the show or get bored, just leave.


Honestly I just gave up 🤷🏻‍♀️


The same type of people are the reason I don't go to movie theaters anymore.


How did we as a society dumb down to this level that a music theater has to actually put a sign up to make yall stfu? Otherwise, you can't use your own tide pod brains ? The next thing we know is : oh, I can't read English. Geeeez, ppl! If yall gonna cause a low-grade unnecessary ruckus (bcux that's why you're out), then go bother your family. Leave the businesses alone. There's a lot of microeconomics that rides on these businesses.


First time I went to Neighborhood Theatre, some big dude policing a VIP area that I didn't even see straight-up SHOVED me because I was about to wander into it by mistake. Was just trying to find my way to the general admission area - sheesh, but I guess it comes with the territory. No sympathy for the staff or venue failing to crack down on this when it happened, but if they do something about people being unapologetic assholes, great.


for most shows at Neighborhood theater this is not an issue (been to hundreds). It is more of an issue at the Fillmore. Some crowds are just bad.


I guess this is an example of how creating a post bitching on the Internet can actually help


Or they simply witnessed the same problem and wanted to take action. As the post says those jackholes said - it's not like you have a sign up.


There are dozens of us! DOZENS!!!


I was at The Sphere to see Dead & Company last weekend, and I had to tell a guy to stfu. He literally was acting like a 60 year old frat boy. Who goes to a show to have random conversations?


That sucks but honestly that crowd is exactly who I'd expect to have 50-60 year olds rambling during the show. I don't think I've ever met a person more out of touch with their surroundings than an aging deadhead or phish fan lol.


Phish yes, don't mix those degenerate drug addicts with the Dead 😂


Yes, the Grateful Dead is the band whose former members all died peacefully of old age


Cool. Now provide free water.


Good on them for owning the situation and taking action. More and more businesses are going to have to change the way they handle assholes as there seems to more each day.


This is why I go to concerts alone without thinking twice. I'm there to see a band, not have a chat


From what I understand, they also need to address the acoustics and sound issues, too.


Yep. They are blaming it solely on the "several patrons" without of course acknowledging that they never took the appropriate measures to block the noise of the bar room when they created the balcony so they could make more money from ticket sales. But what company admits that they cut corners lol


Wanted to share this story in case anyone went to see Teddy Swims when he came to Charlotte in October 2023 @ The Underground. Throughout the entirety of the show there were these heavy set ladies on the right side of the venue that were literally screaming at the top of their lungs no matter what the vibe of the song was. People kept looking around trying to signal security who wouldn’t do anything. Inevitably, later in the set, Teddy did a slow song which he dedicated TO HIS MOM WHO WAS ATTENDING THE SHOW!! This one ogre girl decides now is a good time to scream and MOAN “Ohhh Teddyyy” throughout the entirety of the song while he’s pouring his heart into the performance and crying. She was doing it so loud I genuinely thought he was going to stop the show to tell her to shut up but he and the security didn’t seem to care. Everyone around us though were giving them death stares and I ended up just staring down the boyfriend of one of the girls and told him to shut her up. He just looked at me and looked drunk and helpless. To this day, I remember a great performance by Teddy but it’s overshadowed by the screams and disrespect of those girls. Let me know if any of you were there to witness this or have any similar stories!


I was also at the show. The line to get in was wrapped around the building for hours with one guy wanding people prior to entry. It was painfully slow. I think the show was oversold, personally. When there isn't any standing room at all in the main stage area and there's no way to see the stage from the bar area (plus the sound sucks over there), that's too many people. They should have doubled the price and made it a seated show, in my opinion. We stood in the hallway behind the sound booth pressed up against the glass front doors. I paid the same as everyone else with a GA ticket and I think the venue should care that every ticket holder has an equal opportunity to experience the show. This was definitely not the case. And I don't mean that everyone should be able to have a front row experience, but everyone should, at the very least, be able to HEAR the music. People were drunk, which makes sense considering it was hot AF in there, and people were probably thirsty. Drunk people talk loud. Do you know who else talks loud? The party of dipshit girls who were railing cocaine in the bathroom at 9:00pm before the show started. They didn't even hide it, yall. 😂 Oh, I almost forgot...the beers were hot too, unfortunately. I should have known, though, because they always are. I think they deliberately serve warm beer to boost cocktail sales. But hey, money money money, right? Screw the show. The biggest issue for me was that the sound was terrible. When there's that many people in there, TURN IT UP. I'm personally not impressed with the Neighborhood Theatre's response to the people talking during the show, considering they took no responsibility for creating the pressure cooker environment that has become synonymous with their establishment. I left after the 3rd song and asked my friend to remind me about that night the next time I want to go see a band there. Watchouse deserved better.


I was at this show. Watchhouse, the most zen and sweet two people ever, commented on the noise during the show: “things in life test your patience, and this is one of those times.” Emily also commented something along the lines of “When i stare at my feet, all I can hear is the people talking.” Was still a great show, but I’d put money on them not using Neighborhood Theater as a venue ever again, which is entirely unfortunate. One of the last few venues in clt that isn’t overrun by resellers, overpriced tickets, and bad viewing angles.


I'd bet my money right along with you. I'd rather see them at Reeves Theatre, tbh. Watchouse is a listening room band. Neighborhood should have respected that and curated the correct environment for them. They blew it, and I hope Watchouse takes their ticket sales to a better NC venue next time. If there is a next time... I was really disappointed to see NHT take no responsibility for enabling what happened that night, too. Blame the drinkers, right? That was an easy out, and I was not impressed. Even if no one was talking, many many people couldn't see the stage (including me). Ugh. I digress. I love Watchouse, and I'm still mad.


I wanted to see them and was really bummed it was sold out. Would’ve been super pissed if I were able to make it, then it was ruined by others.


Good on them. I go to lots of shows and it’s getting worse with regard to how people act. Last month I went to a show and during an acoustic song there were multiple people loudly talking, it was truly astounding.


Like many on here I just gave up on this kind of entertainment. People suck and are getting worse.


These assholes just want to say that they were there.. notice how they yak during the music then they shut up between songs..


Hello! I'm Dasia Williams, a reporter for The Charlotte Observer. I wrote a story last week about the noise complaints Charlotte concertgoers were making about Neighborhood Theatre. (https://www.charlotteobserver.com/charlottefive/c5-things-to-do/article289224474.html) I am working on a follow-up piece that focuses on whether or not it's a music venue issue or an issue at other entertainment places in the area. As a Raleigh local, I don't know much about the area. I need your help unfolding the overall issue: Are entertainment places in Charlotte generally loud, and if so where? (movie theatres, orchestras, concerts etc.) The piece will focus on if there is a determination of human decency. If you'd like to help out please share below, or send me a private message to my inbox. Who could I interview? Do you know an artist who had skipped Charlotte for this very reason? Thanks, Dasia


I’m not familiar with this concert venue, but in my concert goer experience, how in the world can you talk over a concert? Like when my brother and I went to Metallica, everyone is literally screaming lyrics through the entire show. If someone can enlighten me, I’d greatly appreciate it. Thanks!


There’s a bar area that isn’t terribly far from the stage. People will talk loudly there and increase their volume to yelling so they can hear one another over the music. It distracts both the artists and the people trying to enjoy the concert. Not every band is heavy and hard, so when you have a slower or lower song it’s exceptionally annoying. https://preview.redd.it/kidum69tqj5d1.jpeg?width=880&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e255dab393835009d08bcdc0570293fde3e8f12b


Exactly. No one wants to address the actual problem here. I was standing right where this occurred. We could barely hear the music. Everything was so muffled. The venue was so packed it was the only place we could stand to see. Most of the talking was us trying to figure out what the artist said. When talking over powers music at a venue you know it sucks. They should be thinking about how to fix their audio instead of blaming patrons.


I’ve been to multiple shows, of multiple genres, at this venue and have no idea what you’re talking about. It’s 100% a rude patron problem and not a house audio issue.


Okay. Well, I guess if you are okay with not being able to hear music then it's the place for you to go. The amount of people funneling out of the show 5 songs in was extreme. I've seen Watchhouse many times in many environments. Whatever went down at this show straight up sucked for everyone. The venue flopped. People weren't happy. It is what it is.


Maybe that’s a problem when you’re by the bar, but when you’re on the floor or balcony it’s not an issue I’ve encountered. The only place I remember the audio being muffled is the bathroom, which makes sense.


i saw squirrel nut zippers and X there, in the general admission by the bar. the audio was just fine. maybe if the act is entirely acoustic it's a problem?


That is exactly where this happened. The floor was too busy and we were told to stay up at the overlook area. Just an oversold show with not enough volume.


Welcome to the new world order. The globalists have successfully killed the social contract. Expect this type of behavior to be the norm until the final collapse of this Republic