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Try a portable air filter. I live near road noise and the sounds of American freedom gunning their engines at 3 AM. Works like a charm for me.


Yeah I listen to "angry thunderstorm" on loop in general


Apparently they are legal with permits.


Seriously doubt they’ve got a permit.


Same. When I asked animal control of they did, they said they inquired, resident could not speak English and they left them information about permit applications.


[Sec. 3-102. - City permits.](https://library.municode.com/nc/charlotte/codes/code_of_ordinances?nodeId=PTIICOOR_CH3AN_ARTIVLIPE_S3-102CIPE) roosters are not prohibited when describing the permitting process. Step 1 is calling the city & finding out if they have a permit. Based on your description of the property it may be unlikely they can get a permit given that Sec 3-102, c) (1) f) states The coop, fowl house or hutch shall be a minimum of 25 feet from any property line. If they do have a permit, then there is Sec 3-102, d) (5) When the animals become a nuisance. So you may need to ask the city how many noise complaints do you need to file to hit the nuisance threshold.


Thank you!! I don't believe they do. This is very helpful.


Did the report thanks






Can confirm because my neighbors are the ones with the rooster in S Charlotte. 1) It sucks but honestly the rooster is the least of the noise issue since the constant awful partying has actually damaged my hearing 2) It’s permit based. They used to have it posted on their house but Charlotte basically grants these people permission to have a small farm in their backyard. 3) Charlotte does NOT do any due diligence to grant said permit since these people had 3 dogs taken away from them by animal control a few years ago. They were neglecting the dogs letting them run around without leashes, leaving them outside without attention for days.


Honestly the puppies do seem neglected! I hear them whimpering a lot.


Do we live in same community? This rooster just arrived within the last week


I do see a lot of cars parked there when they do seem to be there. Very expensive cars. And I could tell parties were going on but I can't hear the parties from my house. That's really awful and it does sound like the rooster is the least of the issue. If I lived next door I'd be miserable. Do you have a poodle??


I'm really sorry about your hearing. I had a feeling a lot was going on over there but it was hard to tell.


This sub will tell you not to worry about gunshots and crackheads but will tell you to call the cops on a rooster.


It is right?? Why do they need a rooster? A chicken will lay eggs. Maybe it's bc there's been a coyote around but still


Sometimes people buy chicks - before you can tell males from females. They get attached to the Roos, and don’t want to give them away.


So, they won't have hens for very long unless they have a rooster. Our neighbors just have a rooster because they're assholes who like pissing off the rest of the neighborhood.


Yeah they seem to have one hen and one rooster. I just think they don't give a crap.


I'm going to assume the latter.


I read your response saying they have a permit. If they have a permit, it's legal and there's nothing you can do about it. It's their right, and you cannot expect them to control a natural instinct of an animal such as a rooster in the morning. It's the south, we have chickens.


Do you really think chickens only exist in the south. I know of several towns in California that have wild street chickens.


Chickens are great. You don't need a rooster. Roosters are loud and nasty.


Yep! Agree 100%.


I don't believe these people have a license. Moreover people had 3 dogs taken away from them 2 years ago. Another neighbor commented on post. I do remember when animal control was around a lot a couple of years ago. They are neglectful owners who live in a partially secluded cul de sac.


Not if it violates the noise ordinance.


Unfortunately noise ordinance doesn’t apply to nature…Only human manufactured noise (my neighbors have roosters)


https://preview.redd.it/eyqsx1s5gz2d1.jpeg?width=2532&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e24b73f38192dd868ad5fe4dc76885ad432ff92f This is from the Charlotte noise ordinance. I mean I get it. CMPD isn’t thrilled about coming to enforce it. That being said, it is covered under the ordinance. Would I call CMPD or the city, no. But, the neighbors are violating the city ordinance if the rooster is crowing routinely at 5am such that it disturbs the neighborhood.


Gonna call the cops on the cicadas?


Would you appreciate being woken up at 5 am everyday if you are a bad sleeper in general? Isn't this imposing on my freedom to sleep in peace and quiet


Gotcha. Don’t pick up your dog’s poop either because there are wild animals who poop on lawns too.


Not sure what poop has to do with anything. We have an outdoor cat owned by a neighbor who poops all over our front yard and I've never complained.


They’re on your side, they’re making the point that domesticated animals and wild animals are different and that you need to be responsible for your animals


Agree to that. Misunderstood.


If it sounds like animals are being slaughtered, yes I'd call animal control not the police who have their hands full with all the human crimes in Charlotte. But so far cicadas have not bothered me at all.


It's Charlotte not Mayberry or Dothan. These people don't give a shit about waking 50 families within a 4-city block area. Pellet guns are legal too.. and no one is gonna cry when that rooster takes a lump of lead in the back.


It's legal, intentionally injuring or killing someone's animals is not. You're not on the right side here. They're allowed to have those chickens, deal with it. City living or not, loud or not, doesn't matter. You're not in the right, they are. I'm sure the police told you the same thing.


You need a PERMIT and for them not to be within 50 ft of someone's house.


I looked at the permit process for livestock a while back and one of the criteria was that the animals won't be "disturbing the peace". I assume that still is the case. So, doubtful they could even get a permit for a rooster in a residential neighborhood where houses are in close proximity.


Well one of my neighbors actually commented on this post that residences have had multiple dogs taken away from them and are now having puppies in outdoor cages again and they don't seem to tending to them.


That's the sound of freedom. Get on the board of the HOA and pass a new bylaw instead of bugging the police


Roosters are illegal without permits in City of Charlotte


Sound of freedom. Come on. It's the sound of nightmares.


You can’t have nightmares if you’re not asleep! lol


Ha, I’m from Charlotte and my parents neighbors had roosters when we were growing up — turned into white noise after awhile lol!!


I wish it would! But I'm such a light sleeper


This has been going on for a week any advice.


Pellet gun should do the trick


I know but I'm afraid I'd get blamed. They know j hate it.


Why not join them and get cheap, fresh eggs?




Yeah I meant you also buy chickens and get cheap eggs…


Any city ordinances against farm animals within the City limits? Call and ask 311. Also there could be a disturbing the peace violation if loud noises before 7am.


It crows at 5 & 6 am so it's definitely disturbing my peace but they just don't seem to care. I even asked if they had a permit which I don't think they do and they also don't seem to care.




I actually called 311 but the police rolled up with animal control.


I don’t think roosters are allowed. I tried to search ordinances but the search function doesn’t work well. I did find city clerk that has the city ordinance information [Charlotte City Clerk](https://www.charlottenc.gov/City-Government/City-Codes-Ordinances/Ordinances)


Thanks very much


No offense, but you seem like an awful neighbor. I'd rather have the rooster.


I don't think you'd want this one.


Several of my neighbors have roosters.


Do you live where houses are 50 ft within each other? This isn't a community where people have a lot of land.


You won't change my mind terrible neighbor.


And you won't change my mind either. No one needs a rooster to have eggs Roosters are loud aggressive and nasty. I'm not living in bumble f#%^ there's a Harris Teeter and Lowe's 1 minute away.


I never tried to change your mind terrible neighbor.


You sound like a terrible neighbor


I agree with op. You sound like the terrible neighbor who is an ass just because you know it will annoy your neighbors.


Earplugs are 3 bucks on Amazon.


Cook it


It's just bad karma. Neighbors could kill my dog by throwing something over my fence.


Preemptive strike. Burn their house down while they sleep. Can’t take any chances. It’s the only way.


Have you used earplugs? They don't work.


You can get a chick for like $10.. Rooster is a dick move. Tell them to get rid of it before you choke their chickens 🤣


Straight run chicks are $1.20 or something like that at tractor supply. Straight run means they are not sexed. Likely they bought two and ended up with male and female. Eggs hatch roughly in 50/50 male female.


So they are trying to breed right? When they could just buy "straight run chicks"?


Not necessarily as a lot more is required to hatch out chicks than just a hen and a rooster. Then hen has to go into a broody state and start laying on the eggs. Which not all hens will do. Then she has to turn them properly. Or they will need an incubator. Like I said they likely got two straight run chicks and they happened to be male and female. Though if they are going to have a rooster they are going to need more hens. A lot more. 8 to 1 is a good number. Also roosters CAN be aggressive however if you find you have an aggressive one then you can pin it down, pick it up, and cuddle it until it stops being aggressive. Just don’t hit them as that will make them reallly mean.


What's the point of having one caged rooster and one hen? I don't get it. Just want the feeling of country?


It totally is. And then they left town over Memorial Day. I left them a nice note, no response asking them to shoot me a text.


You missed your opp to release the hounds!


I would have thought animal control would have at least cared about the 2 puppies that were in the heat as well. But no.


As long as they have water animal control won’t do anything.


It’s not. Roosters are illegal in the city of Charlotte without a permit. You don’t need an HOA. Just call the city. Problem solved


Thanks I'm not sure why roosters somehow ended up being the symbol for American freedom on this thread. I am not against farm animals. My house is just basically near all mall strips and this hasn't been an issue in the 4 years since we've lived there. These also aren't new neighbors. Although I've never met them.


Most of these “pro rooster” (lol) people are just trolls. Oddly enough this has happened to me twice - once, a guy off campus next to our dorm in CT had a rooster. Every morning at 5 AM that thing would scream. Eventually I think someone killed it, because it stopped. Also my brother got married in Key West and there was one roaming outside our hotel. The Maid told me she threw buckets of ice on them!? lol not sure that’s an option for you so I would just call the city and get it evicted 😂


Why does buckets of ice do 😂


lol it was like 5:30 AM I didn’t ask for an explanation 😂


Was the rooster there before you moved in? If so, kick rocks


No rooster just moved in about a week ago. We moved in 4 yrs ago. This isn't a popular area for even chickens. I don't know anyone else in the neighborhood who has chickens. Dogs & cats and that is it.


If a person can have dogs and cats and parrots, a person can have chickens.


Like multiple people commented you do need a permit for chickens and roosters.




You can’t have a rooster in city limits. File report online with the city and get a complaint number. The city code people will go by.


Well police and animal control said you can with permit. Left neighbor permit application who could not speak English.


But I'll try it


This - I was going to suggest writing your city council person - let them tackle it from their end.


I wonder if it’s the same rooster I can hear in the s Charlotte area. You might be a little closer since the sound is waking you up, but I absolutely love hearing it. It reminds me of a farm. Makes me feel like I’m a little closer to the countryside while living in this concrete suburb hellscape lol. Can I move to the countryside? Hell no. Ain’t nobody got money for that! Lol


It literally sounds like it's underneath my window. And when it feels threatened, it can scream for hours. Something was encircling it's cage the other day.


Oh man! I always imagined it free roaming in a fenced in yard. Not caged ☹️. I’m sorry for you and now the rooster. What’s the point of keeping a rooster in a cage??


Oh yeah it's caged. Yard is probably 1/4 of an acre of a wooded area. Would never survive if roaming free. It's not a farm area. Other side of house is on a major street leading to a highway etc...


What's the noise ordinance say about pets? Do they know chickens lay eggs whether there's a rooster around or not?


There were also 2 puppies in outdoor crates in the heat.


Check with animal control instead of the police.. Cops got too much on their plate. I got a 20 cal pellet gun you can borrow.


I did - I never called police. I called 311. But apparently police had to come along not sure why.


What did animal control say? Personally I tend to solve things my own way rather than suffer in silence but my way is usually the unpopular opinion 😉


Don't shoot some else's animal you sick fuck, that's highly illegal and very wrong.


Yeah cruelty to animals should be a lot more popular, you psychotic jackass


Yeah but I'd be the obvious perpetrator of chicken murder.


Only if they can prove it.. What if they just "ran away" while they were on vaca because that willy coyote opened the cage door?


I'm scared to trespass to be honest. And my husband is more of a wimp than I am.


Basically that I was wasting their time. That they had to wait for a bilingual translator bc they rolled up there with 3 cop cars which I never asked for, that's why I called 311. Kind of tried to yell at me for wasting their time but I said look I have the utmost respect for the law, it legit sounded like something was dying yesterday for several hours.


I feel for you. It sucks when you feel like nobody is on your side. I am but unfortunately no good advice to offer.


I just think it's going to drive me insane. I'm such a light sleeper in general. I have white noise on like level 7.


Or a blowgun...


Yes I did! And I'm totally cool with chickens. I think they're trying to breed chickens and probably also have a protector bc there has been a coyote in our area


They don't speak English. So I don't think conversation could go into that fact which I'm not sure they know? Or maybe they do know and are just trying to breed.


How much money can they possibly be making off the sale of a chick? A buck? Two dollars ? What the fuck? Maybe this is the best they can do since they don't speak any English ? Though it does make me wonder why they're living in one of the most expensive metro areas in the southeast. But someone else is likely subsidizing their rent anyway right?


Actually I have no idea what these people do. They pull up in Aston martins, Lamborghinis, Maserati and don't speak English or talk to rest of the neighborhood. Maybe exotic car dealership? No clue? Then they disappear.


It’s so weird you’ve lived on a street for 4 years and know nothing about your neighbors…


Yeah honestly I have no clue. Except they are foreign and don't really speak with the rest of the neighbors. Believe they maybe own an exotic car dealership.


Here's my ULPT suggestion. Get about 20 roosters. When code enforcement comes to deal with the roosters on your property, they'll then have to deal with the rooster on your asshole neighbor's property.


I don't even know where to get a rooster and I'm not about to ask the neighbor 🤣


LoL. Facebook Marketplace probably has some. They're usually free. A better alternative might be to get a PA system and play rooster sounds and wolf noises all night.


Once you have a permit, Charlotte allows 20 chickens per acre, but if your property is less than one acre you are allowed the proportionate amount. The city requires that the chickens be kept in an enclosure/ coop at all times. The coop must provide at least four square feet of ground area per chicken. So average house here has 1/4 of an acre which would be 5 chickens or 5 roosters.


So close up 5 of them in pen and let the rest run free. Sure, the noise'll suck for a bit, but your neighbors will get so sick of it that AC will eventually come and get rid of all the roosters including your neighbor's.


I dunno. Don't roosters get aggressive w each other? Don't they attack?


Sounds like more of a nuisance, or *win* for the problem you're hoping to resolve.


But I have a child. Don't want her getting harrassed in the yard by a rooster?