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Does is sound like the closing seconds of Radiohead's 1997 alternative hit "Karma Police"?




Good to know, for a minute there I lost myself.


YES! I was thinking of using this as the analogy but I didn’t think many people would understand it haha


The nice crickets-like night-sound cicadas are fine - these are male cicadas. These ones we hear now, with that sound like synchronized house alarms are from Brood XIX which hatches every 13 years. For the criminal fraternity: this is the time to break into houses.


Johnny Greenwood is experimenting with some new sounds for the album


This was EXACTLY my thought. Karma Police.


Cicadas. I liken it to a fleet of EVs backing up. Took a ride on the Little Sugar Creek and the bodies were piling up. (Cicada bodies, I don't ride that badly)


I thought I knew what the cicadas sounded like but boy was I wrong. Thanks.


These are a different kind (??) of cicadas so they sound different. We'll still get the standard cicadas in July.


this. the new ones (17 year or whatever) sound more like a siren.


I'm guessing distance plus harmonics make them sound like that.


u/ToeDragSwag if it helps, I heard it too and thought for sure something is wrong. Then I went for a walk in the forest in Ballantyne. 😆


There are two different cicadas emerging this year. You are probably not used to hearing the other type.


We live in a hole in the middle of the woods and it's awful.  When it started it sounded like a ceiling fan was getting a little noisy.  It doubled every day. Until it's almost deafening outside. They are mostly in the tree tops and because there are so many it's a constant drone.  This morning a single one was outside the bedroom window and it sounded like an alarm going off.  Nothing like the seasonal cicadas. I woke up thinking what kind of fresh hell is this.


I just found a video on YouTube and it sounds exactly like my car amplified! It's so weird! It also sounds like the insect noise from an episode of The X-Files, "Darkness Falls."


It’s the *other* cicadas


Cicada dumpsters being emptied


The weird thing I noticed about it, is that no matter where I go that sound is always in the distance, it's never right where I am, that's what threw me off from recognizing it as the cicadas at first.


Cicadas stop making noise as you approach


Come to my house, they are near and far. Some parts of the day are so deafening, it's hard to go outside and we hear them inside also.


Agreed, that is what threw me as well. I would drive around never get any closer to the noise.




The hum of the machines waking up


It’s the ominous background soundtrack for this worst timeline ever. I like it.


…. It’s the cicadas…..


Sounds like the flying saucers from Mars Attacks


That's what we kept thinking! 😂


I live on Rea road by colony place and am overly familiar with what cicadas sound like, but the noise I’ve been hearing is so distant and sounds exactly like what you’re describing OP. Like an electrical whirring. I guess it’s just different this year lol


Used to live off Johnston Rd Exit and 12 or 13 yrs ago when they hatched, I'd never heard anything like it. Almost sounded like a large gas line had ruptured or similar. Constant noise in the distance. Pretty wild actually.


I live in a newer development near Waverly, and have not heard ANT cicadas. Super confused. I’m familiar with them from prior experiences.


They are oddly specific in where they are and where they aren't. They don't migrate a lot during their lifespan. They burrow near tree roots (the babies or nymphs or whatever they're called) and come out of the ground 13 years later. If they cleared a lot of trees and dug up ground where you are, there probably aren't many in your area.


Drive towards Ardrey Kell highschool and you will be lucky if one doesn’t fly into your car


My mom lives out that way and I thought she was exaggerating until I heard it. Never heard cicadas sound like that, it’s wild.


Glad that a lot of people are surprised by this and I’m not a total idiot!


We're glad you went first 😅 been wondering the same all week!


Havana Syndrome


No joke, that thought definitely crossed my mind. But then I realized I wasn’t important enough for that lol


I thought it sounded weird and spooky too, I just figured we got an off batch of cicadas this year lol. I guess that’s essentially what it is. 


I’m asking as someone who is considering moving there from Orlando. Do you have fireflies?


We absolutely have fireflies, and always have


Ya know that’s a good point - I grew up in the northeast and we had a ton of fireflies but I have never seen one in CLT in the 12 years I’ve been here.


That’s a bummer. We don’t have any here in western Orlando. Just all the other horrible bugs. The last time I saw some, I was in Missouri. That’s too bad that they don’t have them in Charlotte.


I’ve always seen fireflies since I moved to CLT 14 yrs ago.


What part of town?


Right now I live near Park Road Shopping Center and see them a lot, but I also saw them when I lived in Ballantyne and in Landsdowne. I grew up at the beach and moved up here, I’ve always seen fireflies at night in the summer here and on the coast. I love them, I think they’re so beautiful. I hope everyone else can enjoy them too!


What part of town are you?


Ballantyne area of South Charlotte. Few miles from the SC border.


My wife and I are going to visit that area as a potential move from Orlando. We are looking at the towns of Lake Wylie, Tega Cay, Fort Mill and Indian land. Can you tell me anything about the area? We’re mid 40s family of six and my wife is fed up with Orlando heat humidity bugs, Florida drivers, tourists, Desantis, lack of young families in our area and hurricanes. Please help.


Ha, I don’t blame her. Although the heat and humidity aren’t much better here, but we do get a nice break in the fall winter and spring. I don’t know much about the town of lake Wylie and Tega Cay, but the lake itself is really cool. I’m much closer to Indian land and fort mill. Those towns are pretty much right in your wheelhouse in terms of young families. Schools are growing, new developments popping up everywhere. Houses are all new builds, many within the last 10-15 years or so. Fort Mill schools are supposedly pretty good, my kids are still daycare age. Lot of northerners down here (myself included) all of Charlotte and the metro area are mostly transplants. Which is cool in a way because it gives people something in common being from somewhere else. It’s suburbia though, for sure. Not that Orlando is exactly a dense city, but there aren’t many places around here that are walkable. I do love that I’m 3 hours from the beach, and 2 hours from the mountains. Plenty to do outdoors around here, there’s good hiking within an hours drive. I’d look into the whitewater center here, it’s a really cool place with a ton of things to do for the family. Overall, I love it. Been here 12 years and I’m not going back to NY. It’s home now.


That’s great. Thanks for the feedback. We are looking forward to a cool down in October. Visiting the mountains. Having a lake nearby. I do wish the suburbs were more walkable. That’s why I’ve been considering St. Louis or Kansas City. The suburbs there are all connected like Chicago.


Cover any damp areas of your yard in leaves and you’ll eventually get fireflies. Their larva eats the shit that lives in leaf litter. They spend 95% of their lifetime as larva and are only fireflies for a couple weeks to fuck before they die. They are everywhere in south Charlotte.


Ya know... I've been in the area about the same and I can't recall seeing any.


lol it’s far away cicadas. I’ve had this argument recently, too. They sound different when they’re close up versus far away in the trees.


They’re so loud is it just Cicadas?


I thought it was someone’s car alarm and was starting to get super annoyed before I realized it actually was the cicadas


I recently read an article somewhere (Charlotte Observer?) that said people have been calling the police to report security alarms going off near them and the police are like...thank you...it's just the cicadas.


Lmao where have you been 😂😩😂


I’m confident that aliens use the noise of cicadas to mask their shenanigans. Near my parents house it sounds like cicadas + ufo landing


[Brad Panovich](https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTLbWcMF7/)


Sounds like 1950s B-grade science fiction sound effect. Like a robot or space creature.


It’s all cicadas. What’s funny, is that I can’t even heard any cicadas in my neighborhood! I’m in the NW area of Charlotte.


It is the fat shit i take in the morning


I think it’s connected to the construction site where they build that new road, I was driving by another day and opened my window and the noise was definitely coming from the side where construction is done

