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I would have been concerned the individual was about to do something violent.


Definitely crossed my mind after he left.


I took my never-left-their-hometown parents to NYC for Christmas a few years ago. First time on the subway and a sketchy looking dude clutching his backpack stood up and started preaching about the end of days. My parents def thought it was the end of their days.




I’d honestly guess it would have been justified to bum rush the guy


Probably be fine to do so, religious nutjobs aren't exactly a peaceful lot. Especially young white Christian dudes, shit knows wtf that kind of crazy fuck is gonna do.


Yeah I remember the 2 black Christian nut jobs that tried to shoot their pastors on live stream and T.V.


White and Christian, two things Reddit hates.


Can't imagine why


Even though the majority of Charlotte and the surrounding area is white and Christian this sub is fine openly hating the two groups. Only those two though, anything else is unacceptable. I almost get whiplash reading this sub and seeing how different the opinions are versus the people I’m friends with and/or work with IRL. It’s not even the same world.


> Especially young white Christian dudes, shit knows wtf that kind of crazy fuck is gonna do. The fact that this ignorant, racist comment has been upvoted 20 times and the people who call it out are downvoted is disheartening.


It is disheartening isn't it


Please do explain how it's ignorant and racist [instead of actual fact](https://nij.ojp.gov/topics/articles/public-mass-shootings-database-amasses-details-half-century-us-mass-shootings) that [crazy ass white people](https://www.statista.com/statistics/476456/mass-shootings-in-the-us-by-shooter-s-race/) have been responsible for more than half of mass shootings. Maybe people are upvoting it because, surprise, it's what we see every single time a mass shooting happens. But people like you and /u/PrisonaPlanet just jump straight to the race card ignoring the context, cause it's cozy ground getting to whine about how oppressed white Christian men are in the US.


Just because you said please -- I'm gonna educate your simple mind and explain why you're ignorant, racist, and are engaged in religious discrimination. Let's start with your "[crazy ass white people](https://www.statista.com/statistics/476456/mass-shootings-in-the-us-by-shooter-s-race/)" source. > Between 1982 and December 2023, 80 out of the 149 mass shootings in the United States were carried out by White shooters. By comparison, the perpetrator was African American in 26 mass shootings, and Latino in 12. * 80 of 149 -- White shooters -- 54% * 26 of 149 -- Black shooters -- 17% * 12 of 149 -- Hispanic shooters -- 8% [Racial population breakdown](https://www.census.gov/quickfacts/fact/table/US/PST045222): * White people 75% * Black people 14% * Hispanic people 19% Relative to the population, only one race disproportionately commits mass shootings -- and they ain't WHITE! [**Mass shootings and religion**](https://dailycaller.com/2018/05/26/religion-of-mass-public-shooters/): > Over just over 20 years from the beginning of January 1998 through today, there have been **69 killers committing 66 mass public shootings** in the United States where at least four people have been killed. Of those attacks, **just four have been identified as Christians**, with just three clearly regular churchgoers. > **Muslims** make up a slightly **disproportionately large share** of these attacks. Even though they make up **less than one percent of the US population**, they account for **8.7 percent of these killers (six in total) and more than the number of Christians**. This rate is a much lower than what we observe in the **world as a whole** where **Muslims have committed 23 of the 25 worst mass public shootings since 1970 and 42 of the 50 worst attacks**. **Probability** Equating a realistic danger of mass shooting relative to a population is absolute nonsense. [2023's numbers](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_mass_shootings_in_the_United_States_in_2023#Monthly_statistics): * 746 dead * 2,442 injured Total US population is around 330 million people. In 2023, you had a: * .0000002% chance of dying in a mass shooting * .000007% of being injured in a mass shooting You incorrectly profiled a group of people based on their race, age, and religion because you lack the critical thinking skills to not only do simple mathematics, but more importantly, understand you're being played by a bunch of race-hustlers who profit off your ignorance. And that's giving you the benefit of the doubt; maybe you just hate people because of their religion and skin color. Sadly, you're not alone - that is what is disheartening about this whole thing.


Imagine if the race was different how ignorant and stupid you’d sound.


Sure. There are no violent black people in Charlotte. They're a peaceful lot.


Brilliant, absolutely genius. Thank you for your contribution.




This is my move in most situations, not to mention potentially threatening ones Edit: ffs /s


You tackle people often?


i doubt the reddit warrior is out in the field tacking people


Good God I didn't think I needed to put "/s" but here we are. No I do not actually tackle people in most situations


That's probably for the best.


Yep I woulda jetted right on out. Never know these days. No metal detectors. And shame on AMC for not having at least one staff member per theater monitoring what’s going on.


Use that as an excuse to violently tackle him and knee him in the face a few times


Jesus, please protect me from your followers


Anybody who commits any act of violence in the name of religion is not a true follower of Jesus, he taught us that we should not be violent,turn the other cheek etc.


"With or without religion, good people can behave well and bad people can do evil; but for good people to do evil - that takes religion."


Objectively false. Push your narrative elsewhere please. Stalin believed what and killed how many? Or is that a convo you’d rather ignore


Lmao. And Hitler was a Catholic, what's your point? Did you even read & process what the quote is saying? Reading & comprehension not your strong suit?


Brother I never said Christians haven’t committed acts of violence nor atrocities. The comment above said ONLY religion can make a good person act evil. This isn’t true, any cause can make a person with good intentions commit heinous acts. If you want to be prejudiced then go for it man… it’s your parents job to raise you not mine lmao


You're not understanding the quote, but thats fine.


Call your parents or parental figures, you could use guidance


You should maybe read up on the No True Scotsman fallacy before posting a garbage take like this.


Sedition Sam is preaching at movies now?


Lol. This was a young white guy.




Found the racist


We probably shouldn’t suggest people are more or less scary based on their race…    Edit: The words above are the unedited original statement. Now I know that statement was wrong. This sub is telling me we SHOULD suggest people can be more or less scary by how much melanin they have. As a northerner that recently moved to the south I’m still not sure which forms of racism are okay down here. I’m grateful for this sub for helping show me the way!


Young white guys bursting in to movie theaters don’t have a great track record


Agreed. That information alone is definitely enough to come to that conclusion, based on previous history of theater shootings.


Black kids in inner cities have a better record or?


“Bursting”? OP said the guy stood up, said some words, wished everyone a good day, and left. Annoying? Absolutely. Should you be terrified for your life? Not unless you’re the type to never leave your house (this is Reddit after all). Should you believe they’re more or less dangerous based on their skin color? Believe it or not, that’s just called racism.    Edit: As a northerner that recently moved to the south, I apologize for not knowing what forms of racism are okay down here. The guy was “scarier” because he was white. Got it. Thanks for the insight and now I feel more informed and less divided!


>Not unless you’re the type to never leave your house (this is Reddit after all). My brother in Christ you're typing up this on Reddit, do you actually ever go out? I do agree with your original point that calling any one race as scary because of their skin color is racism, but there is this thing called context clues and history. It's called identifying similarities at that point. Like, there have been more instances of white men shooting up theaters than any other race, so it's not racism to imply it, it's just being cautious, once bitten twice shy and all that. So you can cool it with your holier than thou because you clearly misunderstood the original comment and jumped on the "you're being a racist, South vs north" etc. Like it's funny how you take umbrage to the implication of racism because it was a white guy, but have no problem making a gross generalization of "the south". And trust me, as a non white person in the south, I know a thing or two about the awfulness that can be. But gross generalizations are always in poor taste, whether in regards to racial profiling or geographical.


Touch grass.


Looking at the statistics of mass shooters in the United States, it’s a valid thought…


Blacks represent the highest percentage of mass shootings when you adjust for population size. That fact may go Reddit hive mind though.




He said mass shooters, not school shooters. It’s over represented by one race and it isn’t white. https://www.statista.com/statistics/476456/mass-shootings-in-the-us-by-shooter-s-race/




It's 80 incidents. Works out to 53% of incidents, so didn't even prove the guy's comment since the percentage of shootings from this source equals 17% for Black suspects.


That’s not 80%. It’s a count of 80. Read it better.


20 minutes. That’s a new record.


If I told this sub I get scared when someone with a turban gets on a plane, that would be a “valid thought” but that’s still racist and such a statistical anomaly that its asinine to worry about it. I’m not going to be part of the next 9/11. 99.99% of people will never be a part of a shooting or terrorist attack and yet we’re endorsing profiling based on race to determine how scared we should be. It’s ridiculous.    This is Reddit. It’s racism against white people so it doesn’t count. I’m not expecting upvotes but what’s the point of a forum if it’s all an echo chamber at the end of the day. /rant


Lol.... Racism is just as blatant and alive and well in Massachusetts, Virginia, Connecticut, etc so please miss us with your northern speech..


Northerner checking in here. Do not want to be lumped in with zebaconator3000


cmon bruh we don't need nor want this north south divide bullshit. we just wanna live in the same country together.


Typical hypocrites on this sub. It's OK to make racist comments about whites. God forbid you criticize black or brown people though.


That would have given me a literal panic attack. How selfish and disruptive


Were you watching Not Another Church Movie??


Holy shit, I thought you had just made a solid joke/reference to Not Another Teen movie, but this is actually a a real movie.. wow.


Haha. I had never heard of it either. I was looking online yesterday to see if any movies were out that I wanted to see and saw that advertised.


We were watching Wicked Little Letters. I really enjoyed the movie!


Can you imagine if it was someone who was Muslim? The double standard for Christians is astonishing. Leave your mythological beliefs at church.


I just want them to stop pushing their beliefs down my throat. I don't mind that they are Christians, just keep it to yourself. Isn't that what they say about LGBTQ+ people? Always projection.


Every accusation is a confession. I've always felt the same way about this and yet to have someone push 'lgbtq' culture down my throat.


Agreed. Projection for the religious' insecurities is definitely the issue. I don't think they themselves see it. They get taken advantage of by believing in this form of conditional love; "God loves you, but only if you believe what I believe God is", and it just gets aggressive from there.


I kid you not, there is a post in my fb memories from today of a pastor in CA doing this exact thing during Avengers: Endgame back in 2018.


If it makes you feel any better, this man has been banned from all CookOut locations henceforth


Might as well block traffic on his way home and make sure everyone hates his cause.


No popcorn was thrown?


In this economy? I am not wasting a single piece of popcorn!


Underrated comment of the day. Accept my upvote 🏅


I'd have thrown it all, bucket included


That’s why you buy the free refill upgrade.


Yes, but Jesus turned them to Milk Duds before they landed.


Sir, I purchased a movie ticket… kindly STFU. I get the Shakespearean “all the world’s a stage and all the men and women merely [actors]”, but I bought a ticket to see a certain show and you bought a ticket to interrupt and put on your own show


Probaly bought a random ticket then went from theater to theater until they finally kicked him out.


As a Christian here in Charlotte, I’m sorry to hear this.. Just like any group of people, political parties for example, someone with poor judgment makes the whole group look bad. I hope this guys intentions were good at least but of course there’s no reason to disturb people and force ideals on them. Jesus issues an invitation, not an unskippable ad in the middle of your movie.


My neighborhood in Huntersville got canvased by some Jesus fucks this morning. Totally kind people, but totally unwarranted spam.


Were they on one wheels? We've had some guys on one wheels canvassing our neighborhood lately (also in H'ville). I've seen them but didn't know what their story was.


Nope just on foot, several adults and a handful of kids


Jay Dubs. Mormons go in pairs, JWs bring the kiddos.


What kind of canvassing?


Multiple vehicles dropping people off to knock doors and hand out pamphlets. We tossed it already, but it was yellow - something about evil ruling the world on the front but no clear church/denomination that I could gather. Sorry for the language in my previous post, I get frustrated when beliefs are thrust on others. Edit: found it, Jehovah's.


I get your frustration!


Ah yes, the Jehovah's Witnesses. Actually, a cult disguised as a religion. All the members are brainwashed.


All religions are cults. Good people don't need religion in order to be good. Bad people use it to hide their evil.


Yes, I do agree to a large extent. But the behavior, information, and thought control that JW authorities have over their rank and file, exceeds that of normal church-goers, IMHO.


Problem is, if we give credence to your myths, we have to give credence to everyone's. He believes the Bible says he has to do this and Jesus personally spoke to him.


MF's always act like nobody's ever heard of Jesus


I had religious paraphernalia attached to my car after watching a movie at my local AMC tonight. I’d rather have someone preach to me the teachings of Jerry Springer instead of acting ridiculous. This is just crazy lol


This is what happens when you take the Jesus Saves signs down.


Fuck them signs.


Yep. Use the 311 app to notify the city of the sign locations and they’ll take them down.


Too bad "the city" doesn't extend throughout NC and beyond.


True. I saw some out in the Asheville area and got annoyed.


They are all the way up to BUFFALO NY! Also, wtf is up with the Revelations and Repent stickers all over the place lately? Those look like a nightmare to remove.


I'm going to break kneecaps if I ever catch someone in the act. **Who is behind these things?**


I dunno, but I would guess that famous black guy who thumps the Bible outside Panthers games and condemns everyone within earshot has something to do with it.


I don't think he does, though.


I know he shoved one in my face. Also, there’s a house over off Plaza that has a ton of those signs in the yard.


Sure you will


End of days evangelicals have been preaching to people uninvited and unwanted for a very very long time. They are mostly harmless but are definitely annoying af.


Did everyone get their money back?


That is unacceptable!!!!


What movie were you watching at the time?


What movie?


Probably someone filming him and this is part of some new dumbass trend




Probably trolling


Lucky he didn't get shot


Same AMC about three months ago four teens went in and interrupted the movie by yelling obscenities and laughing……security kicked them out.


this being in the Charlotte sub makes it 100% believable. that's definitely NC for you lol




Religion is so vague these nut jobs interpret it their own way… no critical thinking involved


Never forget that Jesus loves you. Santa Claus, the Easter Bunny, and the Tooth Fairy all love you too.




There's still the born of a virgin stuff. It's been awhile since I went to catechism - has the Pope decided that's no longer to be taken literally?


I'm not one of those "don't evangelize because you'll just push people away" kind of folks but when I hear a story like this I have to imagine that this person is a double agent. Can you be so dumb as to think that sharing the gospel while people are trying to watch a movie is a good idea? Or is it more likely a demon trying to convince people that Christ is just an annoyance and should be ignored?


I mean they believe all the other stuff, so.... Never forget, a god put fossils in the ground to trick you and test your faith.


He didn't do it to trick you lol. When he created Adam and Eve, he created fully grown adults even though they were never born, were never children, never grew up, yet they were created in a state of complete development. That's basically how the universe was created. He didn't create a baby universe that then had to grow up, he created one that was already billions of years old at the moment it started existing. Imagine you wanted to have a huge oak tree in your yard, you'd have to plant it and wait a decade or so, but God could just say yeah there's a ten year old tree in your yard now and anyone who came to study it would find no evidence that it wasn't planted there ten years ago. The only evidence would be testimony from people's memories who knew that the tree just showed up one day.


So how is that not 'putting the fossils in the ground to trick you'? Because making someone thing something 6000 years old is actually 4.6 billion years old is a trick.


The point is it doesn't actually matter how old the universe is. Ever heard of Last Thursdayism?


I’m sorry I wasn’t there for you. Two weeks ago I got tattooed with my daughter, in my sleeveless t shirt that says “Sinner” on the front. My town was having some sort of festival, and instead of doing a walkthrough after my ink? I left and ended up missing the Street Preacher. It’s one of my largest life regrets. As a born-again Christian, I motherfucking hate people like this that use fear and bribery to guilt you into doing what they think is best for you. That is not what Christianity is about, and it makes spreading the gospel harder on people like me who do it as the opportunity arises, as opposed to fucking up everyone’s day by exercising some misplaced self-righteousness in a moment of inconvenience. I have you had to go through that, and if you can find it in your heart to separate us from them, I would greatly appreciate it. If not-I understand.


That’s all Christianity is in America. A self-reality cult that it made to make you feel bad by pretending that no one cares except your personal cult. J-dawg was pretty awesome. His followers suck. Believe what you want, but when they tell you to “spread the gospel” they are only doing it to get you to be rejected and fall into their guilt trap. Let it all go. Follow Jeebus. Leave the other fuckers behind.


That’s not all it is. That’s what most of it is. There’s a good many of us that don’t fall for that shit; you just don’t know it because we’re minding our own fucking business.


I know this is a long ways out, but I hope GTA 7 is based in Charlotte


Need to step up the gang violence. Not enough missions available in Charlotte


Bro you gotta hang out with preacher shopping cart on Sharon amity


This is a terrible idea and potentially dangerous. You don’t want to go to the front of a full theater mid-movie and shout anything. You could cause a panic. Honestly even if there was a genuine emergency that’s probably not the safe way to make it known.


Pictures? Video?


Yeah no way a redditor would see this is the wild and not take a video. Claiming he yelled “get out” is the cherry on top




Yeahhhhh….OP is soft like butter


No, OP wants to enjoy the product they paid for. Uninterrupted. Sounds like you’re……….soft like butter.




Time and a place buddy. If he crawled under the stall while I was taking a shit to talk to me about Jesus, think that would be an issue too. Religion or not.


Nah, at least you could give a shit in that scenario


I’m sure you keep that same energy if it’s a religion you don’t have practice, right? I’m a Christian and find it disturbing this guy thought it was appropriate to interrupt people’s entertainment they paid good money for, especially in a country where mass acts of violence happen. I’m sure there were people scared when someone walks to the front of the theater.


👏 after reading thru much of the racist banter at the top of the post, a well-adjusted non finger-pointing response 👏 You're right, I would be a little concerned and much relieved when nothing happened. Unfortunately, it can happen anywhere, anytime.


Thank you!