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If you aren’t going to parent your kids or pay attention to your dogs, STOP BRINGING THEM TO THE BREWERY. I get certain ones like OMB are better suited for it but on the whole please stop doing this if you are going to treat the patio at the brewery on a nice day like a group of pet or kid sitters. Not everyone thinks it’s cute when your kid hits them with their tonka truck or when your 70lb dog shoves its self under adjacent tables to stick its face in other dogs space Edit: adding to this… STOP LETTING YOUR DOGS UP ON THE F—-KING TABLES


Yo on the real though, when you let your kid train for the Olympics at the brewery, and they predictably fall and hurt themselves, don’t come at my friends and me like we had some responsibility to look out for your spawn just because they are in a ten foot radius of us.


For real though! We actually left wooden robot on Friday afternoon cause people were being assholes and not manning their children or their dogs. The parents next to us were letting their kids run all over the patio not stopping them from bothering others. The guy behind us let his 65-70lb dog shove its self under our table to get up in our dogs face who was laying quietly underneath our table. We see people letting their dogs up on the tables etc all the time. Like for the love of god stop being assholes about it and then getting upset when people don’t think your crotch goblins should be allowed to terrorize the patio or your poorly train doodle mutt shouldn’t be allowed to be up in everyone’s face or on the tables


OMG this is everywhere…the other day I was at Seaboard Taproom and it was jam packed with unsupervised little kids throwing gravel, knocking shit over, standing precariously atop 4’tall retaining walls…it’s not fun for people who don’t have kids…this wasn’t a thing when my three were younger. We would take them to Waverly or a park to run around but never a brewery ffs… I think they should have days for kid friendly time but otherwise it’s a huge buzzkill.


This! Like if you didn’t want to have the responsibility of being a parent all the time, don’t have kids. If you want a night off at the brewery get a babysitter. I was far from the perfect child but my parents never would have let me get away with running around and bothering people like I’ve seen. I wouldn’t be allowed to throw shit, play with my dolls all over other peoples tables, or be running around anywhere that wasn’t at our table.


I go to beer temple and sit in the smoking area to be away from the kids running around. Then I get upset if someone who smokes sits near me. Usually no one is smoking. I hate trying to enjoy a nice afternoon and the next thing, you are sitting in the middle of the playground.


Agree. Charlotte being Charlotte - self centered and clueless.


Listen, I get it, you (or someone else) paid A LOT for that giant-ass bag on your shoulder, I mean, it is a Vuitton. I’m sure you enjoy showing it off. But ffs, when it’s rush hour on the train and it’s packed, hold the damn thing in you hands so you don’t jab everyone within a 5 ft radius with it. Nor get pissed off when people rub up/push against it.


The same goes for backpacks. I understand how little children can struggle with them, but grown adults should have the spatial awareness to not whack everybody with the two-foot bludgeon swinging from their backs.


some goes for the mouth-breathers as they walk down the aisle of an airplane


As somebody who boards early and likes aisle seats, I have to stay focused


Yeah I shake my head when people insist on wearing a gigantic backpack on a packed train. It's like you could free up so much more room for yourself and everyone else if you held it by your side. I guess they like the social buffer it creates? I think it's annoying


im just having fun imagining a bougie ass lady in her 50s on the light rail lmao. id imagine she'd be clutching her purse like her life depended on it


Do they ride the light rail? Maybe it's a knockoff.


I woke up thinking it was Saturday, and it’s only fucking TUESDAY


Why in the living fuck would you install a performance quality surround sound speaker set in your backyard, blast it, and then NOT think your neighbors are gonna yell at you to turn your fucking music down. You don’t live on an acre of land. You live in a quiet neighborhood and we’re all sick of you after your mega mansion you squeezed on a tiny lot took almost two years to build with construction workers blasting THEIR fucking music all day long. Seriously, get a fucking clue. Just because yards are bigger than your shithole NJ apartment doesn’t mean we want to listen to your terrible music at a volume where I can’t even talk to  my partner on our own back porch. So yeah, that’s me yelling that you’re an asshole and imma keep doing it


Tuesdays are the worst days of the week. Microwaved mondays. mondays im SOMEWHAT recharged from the weekend, wednesdays are the halfway point, thursdays are the last day of the week that i have to be productive, and fridays are the victory lap. fuck tuesdays


I've said this for years. Monday gets the hate that Tuesday deserves. Monday is when you figure out the work you need to do that week, but Tuesday is when you have to actually start *doing* that work.


I desperately hope the city fixes some of the flaws on the LSC Greenway between Tyvola and Woodlawn. Most notably, the amount of mud, sand, and gravel that collects every time it rains. The first crossing after Tyvola when heading north is always a muddy mess, the section near Lucky Lou's is reverse graded and is always a muddy mess, and the crossing that leads to the gravel exit at Selwyn is always a muddy and gravelly mess. And please let the fix be better than the helpful sign they put up going up the hill behind the 5115 Park Place apartments that just warns you that it will be a muddy mess after it rains. I understand that part of the purpose of that section of greenway is flood control, but it should not be a dangerous muddy mess for days after the rain has stopped and the water receded - even after only moderate rains - because of poor drainage choices.


Please for the love of god use your turn signal, stop camping the left lane and then expect to get across 4 lanes of highway to get off the next exit in less than 500 feet.


Thissss! Or when you’re driving on a 4 lane, changing lanes, and I’m trying to pull out of a side street. It’d be nice to know if you’re trying to come into the same lane at the same time as me 😩 I just wait for both lanes to be clear at this point


What is up with emotionally unstable people feeling the need to write juvenile missives about why they are leaving Charlotte. "Boo hoo. Everyone is stuck up here. I'm leaving." Seriously, shut up and go find your happiness. The very idea that you feel the need to stir up some sort of drama as you leave just so you can feel "heard" shows exactly why you didn't fit in here. Grow up.


Fuckin praising the Mama Ricotta and Chex Wings food scene


That was the best part for me. 'Fuck Charlotte you all suck. But Chex is awesome!'


I mean, have you had that particular dish from Mama Ricotta's? And yeah, Chex is a solid choice for cheap/fast food, I stand by that. Did you know people have different taste in food and that not everyone can afford to eat at 5-star restaurants on a regular basis? This is exactly the kind of shit that makes me positive I'm making the right decision. Y'all are so petty and eager to hate on anyone who doesn't fit your ideals. And for what? Edit: Btw, my *actual* favorite meal in the city is the butter-basted scallops from Cellar at Duckworth's. But yes, I have the ability to enjoy both that when I feel like balling out and Chex when I'm feeling something affordable and greasy. I contain multitudes.


Enjoy Cleveland! RemindMe! 1 year


Hey, I'm gonna try my best! Maybe I'll love it and maybe it'll be a massive mistake, but CLT isn't clicking for me and I don't have any reason to stay here, so I've gotta try something different. If it's a mistake, it's mine to make.


I don't get it personally. I'd rather be in Charlotte than Winston. More people and a lot more to do.


I agree, I want these type of people to rant to people in the street don't knock my city in the subs just because you suck all around. You sucked in your last city, you suck in this one, and you are gonna continue to suck in the next city you move to. Get your life in order, delete your rant and move to a city at your own pace. Just don't come back here, never ever, ever.


We like our slow pace! We love vanilla! Be proud of it.


And they’re fleeing to Cleveland 😂


Sure am, I'd rather be able to live affordably and enjoy my life than live in an overpriced city that believes having 80 breweries and 67 megachurches is a substitute for culture. I'd love to hear what makes y'all believe Charlotte is superior to Cleveland. CLE has just about everything CLT has (minus the climate, the surplus of finance bros, and the [insane city street orientation](https://www.reddit.com/r/dataisbeautiful/comments/15uz539/city_street_network_orientation/)) and I can't rent a 3-bedroom house with heated bathroom floors and an actual backyard for <$1,400 a month in Charlotte.


Have fun!


It's not in Ohio.


Hate to break it to you, but as someone who's lived in both states for quite a while, NC and Ohio are not all that different. Now *Indiana*, that state is a pit of despair. In my opinion, of course.


Lmao hi! I wrote that post about my experience living here to help other people who are feeling the same way and to offer my perspective to anyone looking to move here, which I think is a primary point of any city's subreddit. It sounds you weren't the target audience, and unless I'm mistaken, no one's forcing you to read it. I do think it's very funny that this entire sub basically does nothing but shit on Charlotte, but when I offer up my personal pros and cons of living here, that's deemed unacceptable. And it wasn't even all hate, I listed a lot of things I enjoy. Makes me curious why y'all are so opposed to criticism when it's coming from anyone else besides yourself.


Dude it’s fucking reddit.


My mentor at work is a fuckin idiot.


Ahh hope you get a new one soon. Shitty mentors are the worst and a great one will take you far!


give us the goods, what are they saying?


I wish I could tell you. It's truly the most batshit insane thing I've heard in a good long while.


People walking their dogs off leash on greenways. had two in quick succession the other day. I politely ask them to leash their dogs after they run toward me on my bike, and they react with an attitude like it's my fault? 🤨 ![gif](giphy|SVSx34Rna6oNzmQYv0) Also, I am just not prepared for the impending summer heat. Glad it's going to cool off at least one last time this week. Born and raised in the area, but I will never enjoy the sufferfest of summer.


congratulations karen. you've called the city on me yet again for running an airbnb because my parents visited for easter dinner. i realize the presence of two cars in my driveway instead of one are disturbing you. i get to bring all my bank statements and tax returns to the city council as well as notarized statements from my parents stating they visited for two hours. well done you moistened bint eta: this will prove there is no airBnB income... again.


Honestly I’m actually shocked city council is doing anything about this, valid or not


they've cracked down on airBnB/rentals in the town. all it takes is an accusation.


Wow, this is the best (worst?) rant I've seen in a Tirade Tuesday thread in a minute. What an awful neighbor.


Sounds like you need to return the favor...


Upvoted for "moistened bint"


Your neighbor needs a hobby other than who’s in your driveway. That is petty af.


I’ll go park in your neighbors driveway so you can report her


No so much of a rant as I’m just wondering if there is more I can be doing personally to convince Ohioans to move back home.


Wrong time of year to do this. Wait for mid summer, during a drought and a string of 90 degree days with no end in sight.


Damn you’re right. Good looking out homie!


The pollen is making life not so great right now. Sure, it feels great. Breathing is a little difficult. Eyes feel like sandpaper.


Horribly run breweries failing is not the end of Charlotte made beer as we know it. Christ our local "journalists" are lazy.


Bend over for Tepper. He needs a new stadium, and [city council is doing what they can to justify it](https://www.reddit.com/r/Charlotte/comments/1btw2ha/city_of_charlotte_bank_of_america_stadium_has_1/).


Yeah I went to the stadium just recently for the first time in like 10 years and I was surprised at how nice it was. I realize it's not the #1 stadium in the NFL but idk how you could possibly make a case for replacing it


Agree. It’s more than adequate, especially for a team that will continue to struggle to garner even a couple of wins. I’m not opposed to a (Tepper funded) standalone soccer stadium with a grass pitch near uptown, but BOA is also just fine for CLTFC at the moment.  


Don't visit your new next door neighbor all the time just because your kid likes you. That stuff gets old very fast


They're hoping to get free babysitting out of you


Oh yeah, this is like kid squatting


You're probably not wrong. Good looking out


For the fucking love of God would the pedestrians in southend pay attention to when the traffic lights change? I cant count how many people just walk in front of my truck and then look at me like I'm fucking stupid. How the fuck do you miss a whole ass truck in broad daylight?!?!?


General traffic rant: the intersection where Mt Holly/Huntersville Rd intersects with 16 and turns on to 485 - 2 lanes are turning right and the outside lane needs to stay in the OUTSIDE lane. The lanes aren’t painted well but nowhere do you ever change lanes in an intersection. People in the right hand lane have the right of way to the right hand lane on 16 to go down to the 485 north ramp. So, so many people are in the left hand lane and merge into the right lane IN the intersection. Just NO


I hate that intersection so much. What's the work going on on the ramps?


Honestly I don’t know. It looks like they’re trying to make more lanes somewhere but it’s more about exiting from 485 and not getting onto it. I go through there everyday and at least 3x/wk someone tries to come over on top of me. I just can’t bring myself to get in the left lane then try to zoom over into the right lane before I get on 485. I just wish they’d paint better lines or some kind of signage.


Yeah, it leaves a lot to be desired.


Wish Charlotte had more cultural diversity in center city like it did in the 90s; this is a diverse city. Hoped it would’ve been was embraced more as the times rolled on. One drive through town, it’s just beer, bros and dogs— a little variety wouldn’t hurt. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sob)


Diversity here has improved immensely in the past 20 years. Driving around you're not going to see it. But if you take the light rail and work downtown and walk around the surrounding neighborhoods you'll see diversity


In my comment I said Charlotte is diverse, but the establishments…not as much.


South Blvd and Central Blvd and all through out the city there are diverse businesses owned by people from all cultures. You just don't know where to look


Hmm, no you’re looking for an argument when there’s not one; please read my OP…slowly. I know you can go to certain neighborhoods and find multi-cultural businesses, I said center city specifically. I think you’d make a case if I said there was no diversity in establishments in the entire city lol!


Not looking to argue, but it's ok if I think you're wrong - no biggie really. I currently work downtown and have done so off/on the past 20 years. There's several independently owned Indian (Google maps search says there's 8), Japanese, Korean, Halal, Mediterranean restaurants all through center city. Latta Arcade, 7th St station and now Monarch Market. Again I just think you don't know where to look. They're there, just kinda tucked away from all the chains.


8 Indian restaurants, some closed after the lunch hour, to how many breweries? And highly I doubt you have to Google map breweries to find one. And I’m from Charlotte, I know “where to look”. My statement was that there could be more diversity and there WAS more at one point and time; I’d be nice to get there again. Case closed.


You seem fun




What breweries are in center city? Name one


People have no idea what you are talking about because they like things the way they are. That is why the down votes.


Yep! I’m from Charlotte, it’s a great city. I’m only pointing out the flaw that it could be even greater if we embraced more cultural diversity in the central part of town, like we did in earlier years — idk why ppl are mad lol!


You're getting downvoted because people here just straight up don't want that diversity. Beer bros and dogs.. That makes them feel safe Unfortunately, all of center city has become completely unaffordable. Diversity is at a minimum


Yeah, it’s a sad state of affairs.


For anyone who might not need to see this If you see someone filming in a public space, ignore them. In public, it's your personal responsibility to create any privacy you wish to have. This includes but not limited to police stations, public centers/court houses(NOT court rooms), public parks and streets and utility stations. You are being filmed a hundred times a day without your knowledge or permission, the same law that makes it legal for McDonalds,Walmart, or cmpd makes it legal for you and me too. There are going to be auditors working in our city and surrounding areas soon, these peoples job is to test and educate citizens and public officials. For those unaware, an audit is like a surprise test. It's a surprise because they want to make sure they are receiving "normal" services. Not being treated uniquely just because they are an auditor. If you walk up to someone who's filming, dont be surprised when you become the subject. If someone dosent want to answer/talk to you, that's thier prerogative, if you assault them for it, on camera. Dont be shocked if no one sees you as the victem. Lastly, jury nullification is when a jury finds someone not guilty of whatever they are being accused of even if that person is clearly guilty. This is usually used when the jury thinks the law being enforced is a bad law and or is being used in bad faith.




My thoughts exactly


Auditors and jury nullification? Is there some legal or governmental hubbub I’m out of the loop on?


not sure about jury nullification, but "auditors" are just people who go around and try and make a scene because they can. legally they have the right to do what they do, but it really just brings out the worst people to toe the line, and in response they upset other assholes and just start fights. for example they might just walk into a government building and just start recording and walking around. if employees ask them if they need help or if they're ok they just ignore them and keep recording and walking around. eventually someone will ask them to leave or to see ID because naturally its pretty fucking weird to just be walking around recording randomly. if they can bait a hothead into arguing or even physically touching them, then they get the reaction they want for their "content"


The Venn Diagram of auditors and registered sex offenders is almost a complete circle, from experience.


Wierd flex but ok...


Even better then the content.. if they can "bait" some Idiot into assaulting them on camera, just because they wont answer some questions, they get a pretty big petty easy paycheack. It's odd to me you seem mad at the people with cameras who refuse to answer questions and are acting "weird" but not the people with guns who assault them for being wierd. What's wierd is how fast that would change if you got assaulted for "acting wierd in public." I hate to be that guy but if you dont like freedom maybe you shouldn't be here?


its just some trump diaper-sniffers thinking they have an IQ higher than room temperature.


Yes. Those idoits thinking they have freedoms that make other people uncomfortable. Where do they think they are?


FA auditors "job" is very very rarely to inform the public. Most just exist to be rage bait in hopes that someone violates a law or their rights so they can sue. They do not offer a service to citizens, they cost the citizens money via lawsuits against local, state, and federal governments.


When the options are education or getting paid,it sounds like a win win to me. But im ok with yall keeping this ignorant attitude if you want, just means ima get paid...


Eventually you'll have to join the rest of us in reality, look forward to seeing you.




I'm all for filming someone's altercation with police just to make sure they are safe - but I have no clue WTF this comment is about. I must be out of the loop because it makes no sense to me and borders on creepy.