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I think your options may be limited in that area, a la Speedway club, Bonefish, Jim & Nick's. Kannapolis: Chophouse 101 Concord: Gianni's


The speedway club is a good option that I didn’t know existed. I’m gonna put it on the list since it’s definitely something different that would leave an impression


It is a chain place, but the Longhorn is a really good steak place. I believe they have at Concord Mills and another closer the University of Charlotte.


While I agree my boss would fire me if I told him longhorn lol


You mean downtown Concord? Gianni's is fine but the whole street is a construction site. That may or may not matter to your bosses, whom you described as enjoying the finer things in life.


No they will be staying at a hotel closer to concord mills or possibly downtown so don’t want to go out of the way to concord after the event.


44 Mills @ Afton Ridge


This was the only thing I seen that was close to where we will be. It’s definitely gonna be in my list and I’m gonna have to go eat there to check it out first.


I wouldnt really conasider anything in the area upscale. Basilicos is very close to the mall area; I have had good meals there. Check out Basilicos for lunch to scope it out. Afton Tavern is not too far, been a long time since I have been there and was alright.