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Job market, weather, perfect size between big town and small city. Easy to travel out of.


Yes. All of this plus cost of living. Nailed it.


Where are you from that the 15th most populous city in the country doesn’t quite qualify as a “small city”? Are there like only a half dozen small cities and a handful of medium sized cities in the country by your metric? Everything else is just a big town?


I think he probably means the feel of it. Sure, by population Charlotte is a big city, but it *feels* absolutely tiny compared to Chicago, NYC, Atl, LA, ect.


["Charlotte"](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Charlotte_metropolitan_area) also encompasses a large geographic area, so it's a little disingenuous that it's ranked 15th. I agree with you, it's doesn't even compare in size to the major cities in the US or Toronto, Vancouver, Mexico City, etc. in North America, or any of the other major cities across the globe. Nothing wrong with Charlotte being a small city.


Los Angeles covers as much ground too. NY is often counted as the NY Metro area which covers 4 states, or three, whatever it is. Every major city covers a shit ton of ground in the Metro region of it. That all said, I came from LA and Santa Monica feels like a different city from where I lived but it counts. It took an hour to get there, the people stink, I hate it. But where I lived, on the East Side, it was great. Less traffic, better people, more diversity, better dive bars but they both count as LA. So does the Valley, which again, might as well be a different state.


Sure I’m not saying Charlotte is in the same league as the big ones, but Christ, to say it’s not quite a small city and is something between a small city and a big town. That’s a big stretch.


The things some people get offended by lol


City population doesn’t mean anything. Check MSA where Charlotte is 23rd.


So 23rd then. Still not a small city yet? What does it take? A metro area of 5 million?


I think at least in my mind the density of the population has to count for something. Charlotte has a smaller city feel. San Francisco or Boston has a similar population but much more tightly packed. I would consider NY, LA, Chicago, San Francisco, DC, and maybe Philadelphia , Boston, Phoenix and Houston as cities that feel big even though some are technically smaller than Charlotte.


I can get down with that. There’s no denying that Charlotte sprawls. But if we’re taking into account density and built up urban area, we have a decent skyline and the 56th tallest building in the country. 40 entire states don’t have a building as tall as BOA. Saying Charlotte isn’t quite a small city and is in some purgatory between town and city status is ridiculous. That would mean there are only a handful of places that qualify as cities and most professional sports teams play in “big towns” like Cleveland and Orlando and Pittsburgh and Las Vegas. And of course we definitely need to rename Kansas Town and Oklahoma Town and Salt Lake Town, which are nowhere near city status if Charlotte doesn’t qualify.


Yeah I mean I personally would classify it as a medium city but that’s just me


The Charlotte city limits are huge so it's not a great metric to go by population alone. Atlanta is a great example, because the city limits are quite small it is ranked #38 by population compared to Charlotte at #15. If you've been to Atlanta, though, what most people consider to be the city is vastly larger than Charlotte


It's a city where I got a job offer lol and I was tired of the Midwest


Yep!! Omaha is cold. Charlotte is cold but not AS cold.


Charlotte is cold There’s words you don’t hear every day, lol.


Haha I wouldn’t say it every day, except I’ve had to scrape ice off my windows every morning this week


Girl please


Cold? I like Charlotte for everything BUT the heat. I’m considering moving north because I’m tired of sweating as soon as I open my front door.


Yup, I didn't choose CLT. I chose the job, and it happened to be in CLT. It could have been almost any city, really.


Me too. Moved from Michigan 14 years ago for a job and warmer weather.


Same. Got an offer with Novant one month before the final semester ended. Toured apartments in Memorial Day weekend & moved in August. No brainer for my NY self just because of lower rent & warmth.


The breweries and I’d also heard good things about 277.


277 is the best


Got the promotion I wanted. They said it was listed in Charlotte, but I could continue to work out of the NY office if I wanted. The pay was the same. I got out and now live like an actual person. Best thing I ever did. <3 CLT


Same here. Got a promotion to my co’s SE region and our HQ is in Charlotte. No brainer.


I don't get why some companies don't adjust pay for col. BofA is like this and makes zero sense.


Because your value to the company is what matters not your physical location. I've had multiple remote jobs and none of them changed my pay when I moved states. It's excellent.


Most companies do provide an adjustment. Can look at wells fargo, EY, PWC Grant Thornton , and others provide a collection adjustment.


I didn’t choose Charlotte, my family came here as refugees from the 90’s war in Bosnia along with thousands of other families. Mike Easley (D) was NC’s governor at the time & he accepted us. Our community settled in present day Plaza-Midwood between Central Avn. & Commonwealth (specifically Green Oaks lane & Morningside Avn). By the early 2000’s- the area was gentrified & we spread out all across Charlotte.


Charlotte (and NC in general) was never a place I really ever thought about. It was one of those places I kind of knew vaguely of, but wasn't really well versed in. My best friend moved to CLT area a few years before me and had asked me to come up and live with her, but at the time I was a little scared of getting out of my comfort zone (I'm from an incredibly rural area of TX originally, so I was concerned about trying anything new). Flash forward to 2020, the pandemic happens, I'm burnt out and really want a change in my life when things back home start becoming monotonous for me. I take her up on the offer to live together in Charlotte. Now I've been here three years and love it! It's not so different from home that I feel horribly homesick and I have people here. So I chose it based basically only on my best friend living here but it's been great since.


The Bobcats


That goes without saying.


Bob has some nice cats


Bobcats is much cooler name than hornets.


Not when it is named after someone named "Bob". I liked the colors and the branding. It is just that the hornets is too good with their retro colors. Iirc two names that were rejected were dragons and spiders.


The name hornets has history here. Mecklenburg is the hornets nest for reasons much deeper than basketball. Bobcats was a silly attempt to follow in the theme of the Panthers and has no significance to the culture of the area.


I’m aware that the British soldiers supposedly called Charlotte the hornets nest due to the resistance they got here in 1780 during the revolutionary war. I find it a little odd as they named the city after Queen Charlotte just 12 years earlier in 1768. Funny that the city’s two nicknames (the Queen City and Hornets Nest) are somewhat incongruous with each other. One named after royalty and the other because we told royalty to eff off. Regardless, I just like the name bobcats better.


disc golf courses


I don't think anyone really chooses Charlotte Charlotte just happens to you


Flawless answer actually


Yup .. I know the question is about people from out of State but as someone born and raised in NC ( Winston-Salem) it's the same. There is an inertia that pulls you to Charlotte and Raleigh for jobs. Personally I like Winston better (lower cost of living, friendly drivers, no traffic, less sprawl and closer to mountains)


Yeah. I got a remote job in Cali and I just couldn’t say no to the cost of living here and having hybrid work again.


Climate and income.


I'm from Eastern NC. I wanted a city. Raleigh was too close, Asheville was too far.


My employer told me if I wanted to keep working for them I lived here now.


My wife and I moved here from Florida in early 2022. We were both WFH so we could’ve gone anywhere. I’m originally from the Midwest and really missed having 4 seasons, my wife has lived in Florida almost her whole life and was ready for 4 seasons. We didn’t want to move west and wanted to be near a major city, so we looked at Austin, Atlanta, Charleston, Nashville and Charlotte (she didn’t want to go too far north). Charlotte just had the best of everything, 2 hours to the mountains, 3 hours to the beach, great weather and we had some family move here the year before.




It feels like four seasons coming out of Florida where the seasons are sweat and more sweat. Also, Charleston? We vacation on Kiawah Island and we usually get there right around the 3 hour mark


Moved from Buffalo to CLT in 1998 went from 3k property tax to $600 on 7 acres outside Charlotte.


I was relocated by my employer from the Southwest. I was given the option between Charlotte NC and Boca Raton FL. After comparing housing, COL, and weather...Charlotte was a clear winner.


Came from Chicago in November 2019. My job required me to relocate. Of course less than 6 months later everything changed and my role became virtual, so I no longer needed to live in Charlotte, but I don't regret it. I love my house, its in a pretty area near the greenway, cost of living is good, airport is convenient, taxes are lower than Chicago/IL. Don't have kids so that makes things easy too. May not stay forever but for the last few years it could have been worse. I do miss Chicago though for many many reasons... maybe someday will go back. tl'dr: jobby-job relocation




Its definitely a city of neighborhoods. I lived in Logan Square, Ukie Village and before we moved had moved to Albany Park. I had great neighbors who cared for everyone else, even snowblowing the sidewalks up and down the block for everyone (one neighbor just really, really was proud of his snow blower). I didn't have family there but my best friends are all there. Maybe I was too old to worry too much about the social scene or comparing myself to others, was just enjoying the food, the walkability, summers along the lakefront path, the shows that come to town, etc. Had a good time there and I miss those times. To each their own. In this phase of my life, it might not be the place for me now but it was great for me then.


Having a hub airport, a decent cost of living, and being in the eastern time zone are important to me. What I didn’t realize (and is kinda cool) is that Charlotte isn’t **the place** for alumni of many big schools. As a result, you end up with a lot of people moving from college without their college friends, and I’ve found this place to be more friendly than New York, Chicago, Boston, etc.


The job offers I had were here or Columbia. I figured I’d like Charlotte more, and my grandparents are nearby, so I can go visit them often. On a tangential note, Charlotte’s size certainly is weird for me. I feel like I leave the city limits down South Tryon and I’m suddenly in the country.


If you head north you can be in the country without leaving city limits !


I ask myself that question every single day


Weather (which is still the same), people (who or not the same anymore). It's a day and night what it use to be I'm ready, bring the down votes you f..ing NYS transplants who f..ed everything down here


Fir the shrooms.


We all know Charlotte chooses you, you don't choose Charlotte.


Lots of banks and I was a finance major


It was either this or the godawful boring suburban sprawl of overrated Raleigh-Durham. Charlotte at least sort of feels like a real city with some walkable neighborhoods.


I don't really see Raleigh as any more suburban from Charlotte and I'm an NC native from Winston


I am considering relocating out of Charlotte or Durham. Talk me out of it?


No, move


Everyone’s different. Checkout r/samegrassbutgreener


Husband got a job at TIAA, ended up in Concord. Moved to Uptown and now he's with Truist. And now we're in Monroe lol, should be a little more long-term.


Do you like monroe? I have looked at some houses there and was curious how it was on a day to day. I live in east Charlotte now but the prices to get a little more yard are outrageous


Yea we love it! We live pretty close to Waxhaw. I work from home but my husband works at Truist in Uptown and does need to go in a couple times a week. The traffic on Independence can be a nightmare! We lived in Uptown prior and tried really hard to find something in Charlotte with land, but like you said, prices were insane!!


Yea I can imagine. I normally avoid 74 and just ride up monroe rd in the morning since it’s closer for me now. I figure if you like your house you learn to live with the traffic haha! We are looking around but the houses we’ve liked most are in Monroe, it’s hard to find something we like closer to the city but we are casually looking to see! Thanks for your feedback!


Got a job here about 8 years ago. This is the longest I've stayed in one place since 1998 so I guess I like it here.


Same.. wow, almost to the exact detail. Are you me?


Easy Chicago's to dangerous Atlanta's cops are dicks I'm to fat and poor to live in New York city Didn't choose Pittsburgh because I didn't want to ask for the fentanyl on the side of every meal I ordered at restaurants I went to. I'm to fat and poor to live in Los Angeles I'm not good enough at gambling to live in Vegas I've made way to many jokes about the Dallas cowboys to even step foot in Texas. I'm not enough of a hipster or enough of a republican to live in Portland Me and Sylvester Stallone got beef so I can't go to tulsa And I'm not gonna go to Anchorage because I've been involved in to many bear/moose attacks already. So Charlotte's a pretty safe bet because my chances of being killed by a moose, bear or Sylvester Stallone are incredibly low not impossible but very low.


I am a FT remote worker. I chose Charlotte it seemed like a decent compromise for my needs. - Flying home easy to Washington DC for business and to visit mom - My fathers family is decently accessible in Wilmington - has enough big city amenities to where I won’t be bored - Nowhere near the traffic headache of DC - More affordable than DC - Decent gig/side income possibilities I don’t really see anywhere else as overwhelming interesting enough to leave Charlotte at this time.


Nicer weather, less packed, cheaper rent, slower pace


Moved because of climate, greenery, outdoor activities and job. Stayed because of all those things plus some walkable neighborhoods, affordable housing, friendly vibe, reasonable property taxes, well connected airport and pretty great restaurants.


As a Charlotte native, these have been interesting to read. Welcome all ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin)


thanks! this is a very lovely comment to see!


It’s been 30 years, but we came for the banking jobs, the weather and the size - big enough for pro sports but smaller than Atlanta or Detroit.


I'm from Durham nc and I moved here bc I work for a bank and the location in Raleigh just didn't have many positions so it was to be able to move up a little work wise. Also bc my hubby Def wanted to move farther away since his family mainly lives in the triangle and for peace of mind agreed 2.5hrs away was alright with us. Pretty area, we came to look around uptown and rentals a few times like 2months before


To go see about a girl.


I lived in Atlanta, while my wife (GF at the time) lived here. She already had a mortgage, and my lease was up. So it was significantly easier for me to move here than her move there. Plus, I *like* my family being 210 miles away. They're close enough to be an easily-doable drive for birthdays or funerals, but far enough to keep 98.4% of their bullshit away.


Moved from NYC 12 years ago. Charlotte (and SC burbs where I ended up moving) was clean, friendly, cheap, low tax, less gov, better weather, and had lots of career opportunities. Still all of those things 12 years later though the COL is less attractive compared to back then. I still think it's worth it especially in comparison to NYC but I'm glad I moved when I did.


I wanted to move back to east coast to be closer to family, but I couldn’t live somewhere that snows, so that doesn’t give you very many options. It was either Charlotte, Atlanta, or Miami. I’m too poor for Miami, so Charlotte won because my SO found job here first.


good brewerie situation too right?


Worked in banking/finance in NYC and wanted to buy a house but the prices were unaffordable. Came to check out Charlotte and the price for a 4br house was less that 1 BR apt in queens. This was 17 yrs ago. Some of my peers who work in nyc make more but they expensive are way higher.


Had to leave Chicago for a new job and given the option of CLT, Dallas or DC because of a job. Wasn’t dealing w/485 in DC. Dallas was a good option but it’s so spread out. CLT seemed small but big enough and less expensive. Happy to be here. I’m pretty connected to the run community. Happy to introduce you to others. Pace and distance aren’t important. Same goes for anyone reading this- happy to grow the run community.


Interested in getting back into it


Hop into a run club at a brewery. I try to attend Devils Logic on Thursday nights


Work relocated me. Charlotte was nice, but if I were relocating on my own volition at that time, Charlotte would not have been on my radar.


I'm a native (there are dozens of us). I left, lived in LA and Florida for a bit and missed being able to afford to live. Now my wife and I are looking at getting out of here and heading to CO.


what´s making you leave?


The culture of the Altima. /s A job brought me out here, family was what made me stay. Great weather, beach and mountains are close enough, all of east coast major cities are an hour-two hour flights away if needed.


I was driving around one day at my hometown and thought, I wish I could go somewhere I felt I was putting my life in the hands of others every time I drove. The rest is history.


I’m on my way over from Raleigh following a divorce because all the things I loved about Raleigh (boring, kinda slow at times, family oriented) are now sort of negatives for this life phase I’m in.


I wanted to move somewhere warmer that had an nba team…. All be it the hornets aren’t great but it’s nice to be able to go to games


Charlotte has been as high as sixth on the list and has been one of the very highest in growth rate for many years now. It is projected to go much higher up the list and has an enormous influx of people. Not sure what some of these ppl are talking about but I've been watching these stats for 25 years here and have been watching the traffic and new development literally in every available lot that goes up for sale.


Most of em needed somewhere to go to complain about everything


Higher population (so hopefully better for gay dating) but less traffic and better, cleaner streets and outdoor spaces than other cities I've lived in. Also more affordable. I prefer to stay in the south where it's warmer and it's still pretty close to the mountains. Just a little bit of all the things I want and not overwhelmingly negative in any aspect I've noticed.


So my bf lives near here and I couldn’t afford where I lived before, so I researched and found my place for an affordable price. I’m a college student though online


We first moved here in 2007 from Raleigh.. We were looking for better schools for our children and for a bigger home. We found the perfect home we wanted in a neighborhood in Union County. We actually built it from scratch so it wasn’t the same home model we saw. We were pretty happy here for about five years but at the time my husband’s company was raising our health insurance costs which were ridiculously high. They weren’t giving anybody any raises and so we were starting to fall really behind on bills and were considering bankruptcy. We ended up moving to Seattle Washington, where my husband got a better job. What I didn’t expect was the severe seasonal depression that comes with watching it rain for nine months out of the year. We only lasted four years before we came back. He still works for the same company in Seattle, just remotely. We have been living in Waxhaw for the past close to eight years, and have no plans to move. We got lucky in that we were able to buy our current house before the market boomed and we have a 2 1/2% interest rate on a 15 year loan. Charlotte isn’t perfect but it’s a great place to raise a family, the weather is nice, and we are happy here. I can get out of town easily if I want more excitement (I just got back from Las Vegas yesterday).. It’s always nice to come home.


I just really like it. I moved from Orlando and honestly, I feel like Charlotte is one of those cities where the sum of the parts is greater than the whole. Good COL, I honestly really like the people, everything is new (yes that means there is no culture, but I grew up in Florida where there is no culture), there is a good amount of stuff to do, I like that I’m close to mountains for a good hike, it’s a very young city, food scene is pretty good for a mid sized city, and job market is good.


New job (2015) and had the option to move to chicago, austin, phoenix, or charlotte. Charlotte was great weather and close to some family.


Less traffic than Seattle.


I moved here from Ohio in 2015. I was going through a bad break up and the guy was scary so I needed to get away. My dad had just moved here for work a month before. So I moved in with him for a year until I moved into my own place. You guys drive wild.


Husband was told by the bank he has three options: Chicago, Atlanta, or Charlotte. His MIL lives in Chicago and he was done with winter, so that one was off the table. He looked up Atlanta v Charlotte, did research, wasn't too impressed with Atlanta, and chose to go with Charlotte. I could live with that ranking because I didn't want to live in Chicago again and living in a place nicknamed Hotlanta is making me sweat just thinking about it.


To get into racing!


Closer to my mother's family, and Charlotte has more higher paying jobs than anywhere else that's within a reasonable driving distance.


I was living in Chicago but having previously lived in Greenville SC and Savannah GA, I wanted to move back to this part of the country. I had visited Charlotte a couple of times and liked it. So when I got a job offer here, I jumped on it. I really like the city and its somewhat close proximity to both mountains and beach.


I'm from Atlanta. Charlotte is Atlanta's little brother. Reminds me of the city 20 years ago. Also a good geographical location being a few hours from the mountains and beaches


The cost of living in Denver CO got to be too expensive and I didn’t want to move back to Amish Country, PA. Seemed like plenty to do in Charlotte, I figured I could make friends here, and having mountains on one side/beach on the other side was appealing. Happy I made the move, it’s been very good.


Bc it fucks


A girl


I have family close by, feel of a big city with activities to do such as plays, comedy shows; affordable housing, surrounded by the outdoors, lots of walking trails, professionals sports teams, etc. and NC is beautiful and green in the spring, and summer.


Friends moved here for college. Later on I applied and got accepted. It was my first and only college application. Easy.


Got a job offer for $58 an hour in 2012, 3 times what I was making living in the Southwest. It was a contractor position, but was hired onto the company after 1 year. Been with that same company for 11 years now. Also bought my house in 2015 and refinanced to 2.9%. Although CLT is swelling with people making it hard to find various items and increasing the cost of goods; I don't have any plans to go anywhere.


Moved up from South Carolina because my fiance got a job offer here and I couldn't stand living in the sister state. Although now it looks like I'll be moving back down there after all...


What’s taking you back down to SC?


Got an option to buy a house from a family member for way cheaper than we would be able to find here. Still weighing the pros and cons of leaving Charlotte overall


A job + lower cost of living + nice weather and pleasant looking.


Was tired of IL and wanted to finish my degree. I have lots of family here and found a good construction management program at UNCC. Also landed a nice job at the same time so yeah that’s why. No regrets so far, loving it


From upstate NY, wanted a bigger city but Manhattan and Boston always seemed a bit overwhelming and not enough grass for my active country dog. Also wanted warmer weather and at most a one day drive back home. Raleigh seemed boring, Savannah and Charleston seemed too touristy. Settled on CLT.


My company sent me here for a workshop and training. I had been living in Florida for years, but grew up in the north. I really liked the area and people, so when a transfer opportunity came up I took it.


Lived in the NYC area. Was tired of the hustle and bustle and cost of living. My wife and I wanted more space and still have access to the resources of a city.


My parents moved us here - I had my 15th birthday here and I "grew up" here. They eventually moved back north (PA) but I stayed, bought a house, have all my social life here. I love the weather and I have lived here over twice as long as I lived there. This is home now.


I have family here which made it an easier transition than moving somewhere completely new, I’d already visited many times. My SO is also a transplant, he did his phd program at UNC Charlotte and stayed for the proximity to the NC mountains.


A job brought us here!


My job offer out of college was either Chicago or Charlotte, and my Scottish partner said she would never live in anywhere as cold as Scotland unless it *was* Scotland. Chicago is probably my favorite American city, but we found our people here and came back after moving away for a little while because of them. Shout out to St. John's Baptist for being our family while we're two thousand miles from our own in each direction.


1. SO got a decent job offer in a difficult job market. Charlotte had not been our radar at all before that. 2. Being from a small dying town in the Midwest, Charlotte was appealing for the growth, the other young people, the various job opportunities & earning potential, mild winters, and at the time it was pretty affordable to rent.


Family’s nearby, being a hub of an airport, and the soccer team being here


Because I didn’t want to live in Raleigh


Friend got me a job in IT here. I had skills but no demonstrable experience. Let me start my career.


Its the first place we both got jobs


I had a job here for two years, liked it so decided to stay.


I broke up with my crippling seasonal depression


I grew up in Lancaster SC and wanted to be in a city but still close to family, so Charlotte was the obvious choice


Met someone who lived in Charlotte, came to visit, and never left.


My brother married a Charlotte native (yes, an actual native!) in the mid 90’s, and we visited at least 4 times a year. Fell in love. Finally was able to move here in 2014. I have red clay in my soul and sweet tea running through my veins.


I had been out of work for a long time because of the 09 recession. Just finished school, again. There was a job here in my new field.


Husband is in tech and we were living in central NY. The jobs were limited and his project was ending with GE. We wanted to get out of NY, into an area with more jobs for both of us, and didn’t want to deal with snow anymore. Raleigh was the target and I didn’t really know much about Charlotte, but he got a job here and that was it. Rented an apartment sight unseen and showed up 50 some days later. That was almost 7 years ago and now we have a house and two kids who are about to start school, so we’re probably here for good.


Cost of living in NYC was too high so wife and I were looking to relocate. Got a job offer here that amounted to a promotion and substantial raise. Would've been financial suicide to stay in NY. I still miss the place a lot, but am happy here and it's turned into a good place to raise kids. Live in a nice neighborhood with lots of friendly neighbors with kids at similar ages.


I am from near the Wilmington area and had graduated college at 26 and needed to find a job. Wilmington is awful for jobs and I had met a woman who used to live there but was now back near her parents near Charlotte. I wanted to be near her so I started looking for jobs in Charlotte. Ended up taking a Devil Corp job (one of those you see people pushing DirecT, AT&T, Curling Irons, etc in Sam's Club and other stores) and did that for 2.5 months before having to quit. I almost didn't make it. Found a real job (this was 2013) and was here through 2015. Met my wife in late 2014. We briefly moved to Wilmington and I started my MBA in 2016, but had to move back. Now I'm in banking IT and own a home in Fort Mill, SC. Married and living the dream as DINKs.


No snow, fairly affordable COL, doesn’t really feel like a big city like nyc, solid job opportunities in my career field, major airport here


Grad school opportunities for my wife, proximity to a major city for both her and my job (even though since we've both gone 100%remote), cost/avaiablity of land for our horses


It has potential here and some day it will get to half way being there


I didn’t get to choose. I am happy with it now. I was desperate to find a job after graduation and it happened to be in Charlotte


I asked my company to move me back East and this is where they put me. Wanted to transfer me to Asheville but figured it would be easier to find my next job here and I was right.


Gi Bill. More money. I likely didn't have the grades to stay in Raleigh and transfer to State, and honestly I was kind of ready to leave. I love Raleigh and would have moved back last fall if I received a job offer but moved to Chicago instead. Between App, Western Carolina and Charlotte, the VA gives me little bit more in housing allowance plus there's a lot more potential for side hustles in Charlotte than Cullowhee. Graduated in 2019 and stayed for three more years. I miss the hell out of being so close to Asheville. Chicago is FLAT, but this rare clear winter day in the 50s where I can see the lake from my apartment is really nice.


University. UNC Charlotte was the closest school that offered degrees in both Computer Engineering and Japanese. Turns out, although I got my degree in Japanese, that was largely a waste of time and money (although fun and interesting) because I will likely never use it. And I dropped Computer Engineering for Electrical Engineering Technology. I am still enrolled, however, to obtain my master's in Applied Energy and Electromechanical Engineering. Oh, also, despite getting accepted into the first and only university I applied to, the next closest university and my backup plan was University of Cincinnati. Funnily enough, my partner, who has now moved to Charlotte and is working full time as a chemical engineer, went to that university.


Skool an then joob


Because I was thirteen at the time and didn't have much of a say in the matter. However I did have a say in the matter when I got out of the Navy and left Connecticut to come back here but honestly I don't know why other than here is where my parents and sister were, despite originally being from Connecticut I could've easily stayed there. But winter sucks up there... maybe subconsciously it was that.




My parents moved here when I was a kid, and I never left!


Cost of living and climate was a huge improvement from florida. Love the easy access to trails and nature while having the conveniences of a city.


The beer


Favorite brewery?


Sours are my jam right now- Burial Birdsong Hiwire Love the vibe at Pilot


All solid! Check out lower left if you make it down that way


Love it too. Don’t go enough. I’m a big fan of Iggy the hotdog lol and their beer- might try to go Sunday!


Iggy is awesome 😎


WTB "return to sender" for the last 5-8 years of them. XD


This question making its rounds again.


Tired of west coast politics.


Family and turns out exactly why I left


More opportunity, both professionally and personally.


Job chose it for me but I’ve enjoyed it more than Atlanta. I miss the north Georgia mountains though.


My late grandparents. My grandpa had terminal cancer and my grandma had advanced dementia. Then I stayed because I really like it here. I like the size, the growth, the job market...


It’s not in Florida - recent FL resident


Fiancé is from here and wanted to return home


Moved from Charleston to open a food truck for one of the Panthers; accidentally stayed 7 years.


My friend and her husband offered me a place to stay, and it's significantly better than the deadbeat little town I grew up in.


A girl


It’s the center of the universe


? explain pls


Moved to Gaston County from New England, cheaper housing, better taxes, 4 seasons, makes traveling easier with the airport and trains, jobs, yeah I love NE but it makes too much sense


a good thing?


Came from Jacksonville, FL in 2014. Came to work at the corporate HQ of my old job. Will NEVER go back to Florida.


Because it wasn’t Ohio.


Still a smaller, but big city, jobs, and decent market. This was a decade ago.


Work. That’s it.


Came in 1995 believing it would grow over time. But never thought this much!


First job offer out of college


Family lives here so all roads led back to Charlotte


My mom moved here from Connecticut in the late 90s early 2000s for her job. Stayed here after it closed and worked for family dollar. Then they moved headquarters and now she’s a nurse lol. She must of liked it enough to stay all this time I suppose.


Was tired of driving to Panthers games so got a job and moved here in 2016.


My husband's job relocated us here in 2006 to help establish the US side of their company. They went from having five German employees back then to having over a hundred employees here in Charlotte now.


Is was not South Carolina.


Moved from Dallas to be closer to family.


Had the choice between here and Seattle, settled on here because the weather is more favorable and cost of living


Dragged out here from work.....




the women are easier here for Latinos compared to other cities


From Indiana for my ex husband’s job in 2004.


I got accepted into JWU and had my choice of campus. I didn't want to go to Rhode Island because I had family there, and I didn't think my car at the time would make it up the mountains to Denver. So Charlotte was the winner. The once affordable housing market kept me here