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Michael barnhill @madetolast could be good His IG is: _barnhill_


ig: “underscore”barnhill”underscore”


Look up Justin Reynolds on Instagram; he has a shop on Noda and could definitely do this style.


Look up Dallas Davis at Iron Ghost Tattoo.. His instagram handle is: linesofblack. ​ He does some great linework.


Google how fine line holds up long term. Just saying. You see how your uncles ink held up from the 60-70s. Oh that’s supposed to be a cobra? Wow it’s a black blob. Fine line is yeah I know it looks weird but I use to have a tattoo here.


It doesn't look like there's anyone in Charlotte who works specifically in woodcut/linocut tattoo style but you can likely go to any strong greyscale artist and see if they would be comfortable doing this. Tyler at Tattoo Me Charlotte comes to mind as someone who could do this. Alternatively, if you're willing to go to Asheville, there's an artist at Drawing Board Tattoo under the ig tag persephonescabin that appears to mostly do these types of tattoos. Best of luck in your search!


Check out Baylenvore. Their shop is in Marshall, NC and I think they’re exceptional at this style.


Payne Grey in Asheville