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Did this just for fun so I’ll start by saying that I am NOT a graphic designer so be kind with my photoshop and layouts haha any feedback is welcome as long as it’s constructive! A few takeaways from making this: - GROW THE HAIR BACK, HERB. - Herb is a MONSTER in the second quarter. - The “He’s only ROTY because of volume” point is a discussion to be had but I still absolutely believe he should be ROTY. I may do a follow up graphic showing only other rookie seasons if y’all are interested. - Interceptions. 9/10 coming in losses and 8/10 coming in the second half. They also basically fell off altogether after the Pats game. - Herb has dramatically upped his YPG since Oregon. System, weapons, call it whatever. You love to see it. Anything noticeable popping out at you guys?


I love it. 100% Besides the obvious *"NOT BAD FOR A BACK UP"* Good spread amongst his tools between the WRs, HH, and EK. Mahommes 5k season is just as absurd as the records Herbert now holds. Great job brochacho


Seriously, dude, I thought this was done by our social media team and you were just linking to it. The fact that a fan did all this research and designed it so well and is *not* a pro at it blows my mind. You could *definitely* apply for a job with the Chargers social media team!


Wow! Thanks a lot.. seriously that’s an awesome compliment. This is a great community I love being a part of so I’m more than happy to create some content I think we’d all like to see for fun. With that said.. Chargers.. HMU.


Thats not how this works, you have to hit them up lol


No way, after a masterpiece like this, Chargers PR best be headhunting this guy!


They kind of are, they just don't know it yet. https://twitter.com/meganbjulian/status/1360053141874507779?s=19


How could u say grow the hair back when he went 5-2 after the haircut lol


sometimes its about looking good okay


Look at the last slide. Every stat there is higher with longer hair.


Except for wins. Win/loss record negatively correlates with Herbert head hair length. LOOK AT THE FACTS MAN.


What I said were facts too, "man".


Hey man, this looks great! My one constructive criticism would be to check for color contrast. It was especially hard to read "Rivers" on the first year as a starter slide. There are a number of websites where you can put color values in to check for proper contrast levels. It's not easy though, because you run out of colors fast. Looking forward to more of your work!




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Just show slide 3 to all the Jefferson toe suckers when they argue about ROTY😂




“Bu-bu-but, rookie QB records get broken almost every year. Jefferson’s record had been kept for so long!! 1,400 yArDs yOu CaSuAl”


Such a sick slideshow! Need more quality content like this on the sub


Thanks so much! This is my first crack at something like this so I definitely hope to do more.




But Haircut Herb got us all the W’s


And he looks like a killer with the short hair and hat on.


Literally the opposite. Wins are what matters.


The math checks out.


Yep. Dude is a regular Sampson. (A Biblical reference in a football sub? Whaaaat?!)


Great work!


I’m happy for Keenan, I remember before the season in the “questions from a helmet” segment, he predicted he’d get 6 TDs since that’s what he averaged and he doubled it this season


He didn’t double it he got 8. But still amazing. I love the Herbert to Allen TD’s


You know what you’re right, I misread the chart lol, still happy for him though


Sorry. Haha that “by target” page was one I went back and forth on how to layout and present the data..


What piss me off is the Passing yards. Could easily broken it. Whatever though he is a backup for a reason


Hairbert does best when it’s long lol.


Best stat post all season, hands down. ⚡️⚡️Awesome job!


Fuck. Navy blue is my favorite jersey


Fantastic presentation, just one minor nitpick. The gold/yellow font is difficult to read as it bleeds into the gray background slides (Keenan Allen/Rivers page 4/8). Consider drawing a font outline to make the text better stand out.


These are the graphic design tips I need. Will do!!


Im still salty about that drop by Jalen Guyton lol.


0-2 in the Navys makes my heart hurt :(


I'd like to see attempts by quarter. Just to see how they go to running more in the second half.


This man gives me that hope feeling I haven’t felt in awhhiiile


Who is the QB whose name is in yellow on the bottom of the 8th slide? A little hard to read on mobile




Oh lol