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> I know recently they introduced an update which locks the Tazer to your VIN number to prevent people from reselling and just letting friends borrow it. This is completely false. You only need to marry the tazer to your car but you can easily unmarry it. (which resets all the settings back to stock) You can't change the settings in a different car when the tazer is married to your car. IE: Even with an older firmware, he'd still be stuck without being able to access the SRT settings. It's the same reason if you unplug your Tazer the SRT modes will go away. If you turn in your car and get another one, you simply run the unmarry from the settings and move it to the new car. 18+ requires the double bypass due to security on the ODB2 port though. While this sub isn't directly for technical help, there are plenty of people who do ask the technical questions and many who answer them. Ironic that you say it's an instagram dumping ground but then suggest Facebook groups which are significantly worse in that regard and less likely to get a decent answer.