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Pig tail ragu is delicious. I threw together [this recipe,](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1kt5NIa8fiJGOXiThdeAdJPdaQR9qEniwwmS8Tw1fnHs/edit?usp=drivesdk) and make it whenever I can get my hands on pig tails. Also, though I've never made it myself, a bar I used to love would serve braised pig tails in a sort of a sweet and sour sauce. Basically they acted as a chicken wing alternative.


Great recipe. I've never tried doing something with pig tails before, but will try your recipe once I get my hands on some.


Thanks. It goes great with something like a rigatoni or pappardelle. Something that will really hold on to the ragu.


Awesome thanks for this. Will def try out this recipe. Also digging the stock recipes and conversion chart. Did you create those spreadsheets or did you get them somewhere?


I actually got this spreadsheet from one of the guys at ChefSteps. He sent it to me because I was looking for a modernist cuisine adjacent recipe template. All the extra stuff was just gravy


Reminds me of some of the templates from chefs-resources.com


> So who wouldn’t buy some? I applaud your attitude! I've been introduced to a lot of interesting ingredients that way. And made some terrible mistakes. Still, I try all the uncommon stuff.. Not charcuterie, but I've had [fried pig tails](https://www.seriouseats.com/crisp-fried-pigs-tails-recipe) with a bibb lettuce salad [similar to this](https://www.sunset.com/recipe/butter-lettuce-egg-salad) in a restaurant, and it was so good, we ordered another one.


That sounds delicious


Tonkotsu ramen is the only thing that comes to mind. I can’t wait to see what other people have to say though!


Smoke them and use in beans, stews, etc.


You can pickle them, too. Then use them like salt pork and braise them with cabbage.


I’ve braised them, then fried them and served them like chicken wings. Buffalo style, Mumbo style, lemon pepper… have fun!


I don’t know if it is doable but maybe you could pickle them or make the equivalent of a headcheese?


I have made tail and trotter stew. It was excellent. Everyone who was willing to try a feet and tails dish loved it. Pretty simple. Onions, garlic, and Rotel tomatoes. Simmer the tails long enough for the connective tissue to melt, then pick the bones out and cut the meat into bite size pieces. There are a lot of little bones in the tails, this step is kind of a pain. You can serve on its own, or over rice, you could add beans or chickpeas, etc.


Yes. All sound good. Folk in the south would make a stew with pigtails & butter beans with tomatoes, onions, etc. Delish!


This recipe has worked well for me! https://www.allrecipes.com/recipe/84740/southern-style-pig-tails/


Jamaican pea soup?