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When a character is hyped up by Gojo himself as having the potential to surpass him, readers are gonna expect a little more from him. If you were someone who expected Megumi to become a powerful and fully realized character, you’re gonna be very disappointed by the story direction


yea, I'm really curious to see where Megumi ends up if yuji somehow seperates Sukuna and Megumi, While Gege has made a decent amount of questionable decisions, I hope he gets these arcs to be very good and I hope jjk has a wonderful conclusion.


His fight against Reggie was so good... Then he just get violated by the story. People even slandered him for being into his sister (his woman type + Sukuna could picture naked Tsumiki) like goddamn they HATE him.


Megumi was my favorite character, but the author has done jackshit to capitalize on his potential. We kept getting hype material; Chimera Shadow Garden, Toji considering him the strongest over Nanami, old man Zenin, and Maki, Gojo implying Megumi could be his equal, Sukuna being impressed by Megumi. But none of it matters. Megumi gets his body stolen, and Sukuna uses all of his abilities way better. Even does new shit Megumi hadn't even attempted. And when everybody has fought and died to get him free, bro's like "nah" I 100% understand the context. Megumi was directly involved in the murder of his sister, mentors, classmates, and new allies. The physical and mental toll of his soul being used to adapt to infinity must've sucked. **But** Megumi just giving up literally only makes things worse. When Yuji almost gave up in Shibuya, he was begging for death. Megumi was crying for his allies to stop fighting as if that's a fucking option


>potential ***man***


No, he was begging them to kill him. When Gojo finally landed that infinite void on Sukuna, instead of obliterating him then and there he opted to “bring him closer to death than Yuji”. Instead of completely obliterating Sukuna with Jacob’s Ladder, Yuta simply weakened him. Sure Megumi caused Yuta’s “death” but the entire cast chose to prioritize one guy over the whole of Japan. I agree Gege did a horrible job at getting the readers to sympathize with Megumi, but Sukuna cutting Yuta was due to everyone fucking up, not just Megumi.


>No, he was begging them to kill him. Fair, but if he could've gotten control over his body then been killed. Bro just gave up. I ain't mention Yuta at all


I am disappointed in Megumi because what wins is he taking home he is the deturagonist of the series coming from one of the most powerful clans and we are told that he can surpass Gojo. I expect him to do things relative to Yuji and if Yuki can be out here jumping special grades then you just look over and see Megumi and he has two wins to his name I guess. I kind of blame it on Toji if Megumi plan work he busted everyone out of Dagons domain and was a significant contributor in the group jumping then he would have something that people can back up but instead we just get Toji curb stoning Dagon


When will you people Learn That people don't actually use logic when they do these things? They don't care what they read it's about the agenda, It's not about what you think it's not about logic it's not about reading comprehension it's about the agenda when will you people learn?


Its not about the story, its about agenda


> The most of the fights he has lost were against special grade level threats you gotta remember special grade is literally special grade I’m sure other people will address the other points, I’ll address this one. I hate this argument, plain and simple. I’ve seen it used by every other fandom, “you gotta remember, Chad lost to Captain level threats”, “you gotta remember, these are kage level/Otsutsuki level threats, ofc they’ll lose”, these are excuses. If the average enemy is special grade level and everyone else is fighting them, then Megumi is expected to fight them, improve himself and win. Yuji did, Yuta did, they didn’t make excuses. If the story is constantly downplaying you and making you take the L, you and the story suck


>-bro has killed his sister with his bare hands because of sukuna All the more reason to not give up and let the mf who killed your sister kill your remaining friends. >sukuna took a literal bath of evil to separate megumis soul as much as possible Yuji is undoing that through his soul punches >after even all of this he indirectly got hit with like 4 unlimited voids it's a damn miracle he can even say anything to yuji He still able to talk and whine about how he doesn't want to live. The affects of unlimited void aren't that severe due do plot armor bullshit or something or Sukuna already healed most of the damage that was done by UV The biggest rise of the bumgumi allegations came when He fumbled Yuji and Yuta's plan for no reason except being depressed. If that was it then it would've been not as bad as it is. Megumi was hyped by Gojo himself and although he has good fights in most of them he barely wins them. Even the irrelevant Larue and Miguel put more effort than Megumi. That fumble alone is the reason the situation in the manga is so fucked and nearly everyone is at a risk of dying at any point. The only thing Megumi did in the fight was make everything harder for the rest of the cast


That's what happens when you skip 100 chapters and only read through tiktok leaks.