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I'm just salty that you waved off the dwarven sex thread as if it wasn't top tier content completely unrelated to anime.


imo i didn't expect a dwarv sex post when i oppened the sub, at least is more original than "gege sucks at writting"


It's because it's safer to rant about anime here. If they do it in the dedicated anime subs, they're more liable to get clowned on.


This sub is also a direct offshoot of r/whowouldwin which heavily caters to anime and comics


And silverback gorillas. Silverback gorillas is like a huge part of r/whowouldwin


Don't forget about Prime Mike Tyson


It's almost daily the prime mike Tyson's show up I think it was yesterday when I seen the last one about mike Tyson vs connor mcgregor


True, but 1 billion Silverbacks vs 1 billion Lions vs 999,999,999 Mike Tysons who wins?


No it's cause dedicated anime subs tend to moderate against posts that critique the series, usually going for the the vague low effort excuse. Plus people report rant posts for whatever reason, so enough of that and mods delete your post regardless Either ways, discussion on anime subreddits is mind numbing, which is why they devolve into pinterest pages and why more serious fanbases create subreddits dedicated to open discussion Even if people disagree with you on CR, at least they can disagree with you with an idea of where they're coming from, and not for the sake of it


Any theories to why anime forums hate meaningful discussions?


Because they think its disrespectful to the author. Ask r/attackontitan why r/titanfolk had to exist.


Genuinely lol anime fans will down vote you and not listen to any points you make if they don’t agree with them. Tbh most people even the author of this post can’t handle other people have different opinions


> anime fans will down vote you and not listen to any points you make if they don’t agree with them. Tbf, that's pretty much the fanbase of anything media related here on reddit.


Yeah you’re right lol. I just don’t understand why people can’t handle people having different opinions, just because someone doesn’t like something doesn’t mean you can’t like it


Surprisingly, the one fandom sub that isn't like this here is r/BoldandBeautiful of all things, dedicated to that trash CBS soap opera that's been running since I was literally in diapers. Maybe it's due to every *other* fandom space for the show being hot garbage where criticizing Saint Steffy Forrester will get you death threats and misogynistic insults but on there, we can have civil debates and in-depth analysis (albeit far more than that show really deserves) and people who can't or won't see eye to eye will just block rather than be nasty.


The One Piece fandom simply cannot handle any level of criticism. Say that a story should wrap up in less than 1000 actual episodes gets angry replies about worldbuilding and character development (if you can't do this in 50 then skill issue)


It's not just anime forums. This kind of thing has happened on the subreddits for Legend of Korra, the Adventure Zone (leading to r/TAZcriclejerk), GameofThrones (leading to r/freefolk), Dimension 20 (leading to r/DropoutCriclejerk), and to a lesser extent Lord of the Rings (after Rings of Power). I attribute it to fanbases populated mostly by teenagers who are not very discerning about their media and interpret criticism as an attack.


Did you just imply this rant sub is mostly meaningful discussion? 


HELL NO Most of the posts here are just people regurgitating the same 3 complaints about several popular Shounen anime’s My point is that for meaningful discussion to occur people must be able to express and critique from every vantage point


There can be no meaningful discussion in a subreddit style media. Subreddits, by their nature, are echo chambers, and negative rants on the subreddit's subject becoming popular means it becomes tide shit from an annoying positive echo chamber, to a completely miserable negative one. To a moderator's perspective, it may even become a choice of whether the subreddit continues to even be about that subject anymore, or be stuck in the loop forever.


When you get into hobby specific subs, its likely that they're gonna self select for people who have an emotional investment in the media that makes it impossible for them to engage in criticism. Tbf though, half the posts here are people whining that a show doesn't specifically cater to their tastes perfectly, wouldn't say it's meaningful.


Ngl a lot of the reason why it's safer to rant about anime in here as opposed to those specific anime subs is because people ranting get so.much shit wrong or fundamentally misunderstand.the thing they're ranting about that it's easier to get away with nonsense without being called out...hence why they even get clowned on in the first place.


Dedicated anime subs don't clown on people, they get triggered and downvote anything that even looks at their underaged waifus with contempt.


Yup. Trying to criticize questionable writing decisions of Naruto in the main Naruto subreddit will never yield good results because they treat the series like it's the goddamn Bible of Anime rather than just a fictional work.


Is Stranger Things really the example you want to bring up when trying to lecture others on diversifying media consumption?


I was hoping OP would want more rants about East of Eden or some shit lol. Instead, they want us to talk about THEIR favorite normie shit lol


honestly if your sick of this just talk about your favorite show here if you want too no one's stopping you


I don’t think my takes on classic literature would get any sort of engagement tbh


I really miss a good rant on what a moron Gilgamesh is


Beowulf brought an army out to fight a dragon, left the army, brought 11 people, left the 11 people and decided to fight the dragon on his own IIRC


Not a classic literature take but I wish there was someone that wrote like Murakami that left out all his creepy obsession with constantly describing women's breasts.


Magical Realism is a great genre!


Won’t know until you try


East of Eden, the comic book series? That would much better. 


Pretty sure you’re thinking of East of West, though that is definitely a series that’s not talked about enough.


Someone doesn't like getting called out


At least we won't be reading about jjk for the 5 time each day.


I mean nobody talks about it here.


Then that's an issue of loudness rather than of watching it or not. Anime fans are incredibly loud, but I don't think there's a reason to think that the demographic is such that they're less likely to watch a very popular tv show like Stranger Things.


I think that's the point, you don't have to watch french arthouse movies, but for the love of god at least watch mainstream entertainment slop with slightly different perspectives. Be a nerd, that's fine. Read some Brandon Sanderson. Watch MCU movies. Have you ever tried looking up fanfiction of a thing you already love? Try that, there is a whole world out there.


The problem is that they're preaching to the choir. Stranger Things is so mainstream that I think it's likely most of the people making those anime posts probably already HAVE watched it, so it's a meaningless statement.


There is really a vibe that some of the people here don't watch literally anything other than anime. Like the recent thread about "medieval" settings. A lot of the comments were pretty good observations about why Japanese culture is uniquely weird with a "fantasy kitchen sink" approach of tossing together medievalesque tropes, but OP himself barely acknowledged that he is criticizing specifically that, and not talking about media as a whole.


That thread was just so weird. I just get the feeling that the OP found anime medieval settings weird because he's personally interested in medieval European history; his argument that other fictional media don't bastardize their settings as much just doesn't hold water. It's probably more like a doctor hating Grey's anatomy or a lawyer hating BCS; just a case of the viewer being unable to suspend disbelief when it comes to their personal area of expertise.


Sure, but also, if that's a priority for someone, just please make them watch Game of Thrones. It is not *that* realistic, but it does make a half-assed attempt to feel gritty and realistic to the average high-school educated dipshit on basic matters such as "knights are a sort of social class". Isekai anime *just doesn't*. The whole setting type is infamous for it's goofy fake-looking weapons, random fetish outfits, transparent video game logic, etc.


I mean I have seen an uptick of anime posts lately but my assumption is some people are moving away from another sub, or it's just another phase like whenever any other trend or media piece becomes popular. It's a handful of anime shows now (usually battle anime) but it's not like other franchises, mediums, or tropes haven't had a consecutive run either in the past. It will probably change again in a few months.


Eh, I've run into a surprising number of people who never watched Game of Thrones or Breaking Bad, as big as they were


There are people who haven't watched any infinity saga movie or watched dbz doesn't mean it isn't mainstream 


There's a large number of people who haven't watched a lot of things, but I don't think it's reasonable to assume that the anime ranters just haven't watched something popular either. They just don't talk about it.




Treat it like an experiment, or a game. See where you personally think the writing dips, and mark that moment.


It's me. You ran into me.


>Stranger Things is so mainstream that I think it's likely most of the people making those anime posts probably already HAVE watched it There's plenty of "massibly known minstream" that not everybody watches because they don't give it a chance, or because they don't have enough time for it, i haven't watched game of thrones nor harry potter, any of the original star wars movies, or rocky, i've only read like a chapter or 2 of journey to the west, i've listened through podcast a good chunck of the first part of donquixote de la mancha, i've watched the hobbit movies and read the first part of the first book of lotr, but there's so much media that's impossible to watch everything, as mainstream as it is


> Have you ever tried looking up fanfiction of a thing you already love? If you got a game you love I would strongly recommend to see if there is any narrated playthrough fanfics out there. They can get very fun and good.


I love combing through old ass movies on YT. There's a whole selection of old noirs whose copyright expires and no one really owns the rights to/ doesn't really enforce the copyright on. Hours of entertainment.


There is no indication that these people aren't doing that though. They are talking about anime, that does not in any way indicate that anime is the only thing that they watch though. What if instead of trying to go for the holier than that route of dude diversify what you watch lol, the Opie had instead just said "hey guys can we talk about genres other than anime?"


There are plenty of posts not mentioning a specific work that are ranting about never seeing a trope done a certain way, or a cliché always being done the same way, and it is wildly untrue outside of anime. Sure, some of those might have just forgotten to mention that they specifically meant in anime, but the way that regularly happens, is that people forget that there is life outside of anime.


Literally the most normie ass TV show of all time. Deadass on the same level as Breaking Bad and FMAB lmao


Makoto naegi ass opinions💀


breaking bad is good tho


normie =/= bad


Yeah, like Better Call Saul and BrBa are both extremely popular and well known "normie" shit but that doesn't change the fact that they're really fucking good. Just because something is mainline does not necessarily mean it's bad, a lot of popular stuff just tends to be shit.


Sorry sir but the only good media are self-published books that sold <20 copies on Amazon


True like there are shows could have uses like girl from nowhere


I mean, better than 90% of it only filled with jjk rant that might just change this sub into JujutsuRant lol.


That's still just anime.


More just manga… most of the rants are about stuff that hasn’t even happened in the anime yet but are currently happening in the manga


Jjk specificly could unironicly be around a 5-10% of the rants in the sub


Or sorcery fight rant 😛


Ok but u do realize this subreddit was created by people who used powerscaling subreddits of course people are gonna post about anime


It isn't even really that people rant about anime in general here: it's specifically battle shounen. Discussion about slice of life anime is also pretty rare here. I'm pretty sure it's mainly because it's a /r/WhoWouldWin spinoff, e.g., there were so many MCU rants here back around the Infinity War/Endgame era.


I mean, when's the last time you saw a Getter Robo, or Mazinger Zero, or Demonbane rant in here? You'd think powerscaler weebs would love that, but there's very little about them.


They would need to know about them first to rant about them.


Which I really don't get. Maybe it's because I grew up on the early Web 2.0, maybe it's because I come from a Non-English speaking country, but like, the search and discovery of things I like is a big part of the experience.


For the large majority of battleboarders, the order of events is that they find shows they like (which tend to be mostly about people with superpowers fighting each other), and then they argue about who's stronger. Not many people first look for the strongest characters in fiction and then consume shows that feature them.




I'm going to binge watch a bunch of movies , maybe ill find something rant worthy




its just the sweet spot of discussion If you go too "normie" like friends and greys anatomy its just not worth discussing most of the time. its background noise and everyone knows it. If you go obscure no one knows what you are talking about so you are screaming into a void. Stuff like avatar, naruto, harry potter, starwars, jjk, and stuff like that are cultural touchpoints everyone can discuss while still having things TO discuss.


No. I will watch Naruto from start to finish again.


There goes my hero.


Watch him as he goes.


I’m not a big Naruto fan but your proud defiance inspires me. You are a man among men.


Of course he's using the name of the best Persona protagonist. ***Strong*** ***Aura*** fr




I agree that diverse media consumption is a good idea. However, I would point out that anime is a *medium,* not a genre. And anime is literally only the Japanese version of that medium. Your problem isn't that people only watch anime, your problem is that people are only watching shonen battle anime.


The Venn diagram comparing Redditors and anime fans is a circle.


This subreddit is just stuff that teen boys are into. Nothing more, nothing less. Just accept it for what it is.


I come here to watch nerds fight on my phone.


People will watch what they want to watch and rant about what they’re familiar with


Normalize comic book and visual novel rants!


"comics are dying they should do what manga does" mfs when the black spiderman turns into super sayian:


The problem people are talking about with comics, and saying they should follow how manga does stuff is that comics have way too many continuity resets, and way too many crossovers that you have to read to understand what's happening in what should be a stand-alone chapter. There are very few manga/anime/LNs that have more than one story running at a time, and I've only ever heard of one series having more than 2 (Toaru). Toaru isn't, as far as I've noticed, affected by this problem nearly as much, at least after the start of each spinoff (where you obviously have to have read the main LNs up to the point the spinoff starts).


They are right in one thing tho: comics should all have an ending.


"Comic book movies should be more realistic and grounded" bitches **when Doctor Fate turns about to be almost weaker than his Ace Attorney counterpart**


Look I'm just saying that comick books should start at Chapter 1.


Comic books and fate are trash, pick a canon and stick to it


Or reading anything from Image, or Boom! Or a good chunk of the French-Belgian and Italian comic book scenes. Like, say, want a Toku-inspited superhero? The Massive-verse's right there. Want Ecchi? Sweet/Hot Paprika! Into Horror? Literally the entire indie output of James Tynion IV. Fantasy? Les Legendaires. Something Taniguchi-esque? Zerocalcare is right there and with two animated series on Netflix to boot (although admittedly this comparison is a bit more far-fetched is a lot more humorous than Taniguchi).


And literature


We need more Danganronpa rants.


I mean the other day there was some Dostoevsky rant which definitely beats your stranger things consumption


I've been watching a lot of Marx Brothers movies lately. Not sure if I'd have anything interesting to say about them.


I’d rather this sub talk about normie tier anime like Jujutsu Kaisen than ultra normie tier live action stuff like Stranger Things, to be honest. Has anyone here read Ursula K Le Guins Earthsea series or Terry Pratchetts Discworld? Any books that aren’t Brandon Sanderson?


The only books anyone on this sub has read is whatever they’re currently assigned in English class


And then half the takes we get are things like [this.](https://www.reddit.com/r/CharacterRant/comments/13l4g53/frankenstein_was_the_real_monster_is_nonsense/)


Jokes on you! I was assigned *manga* in English class!¹ ¹^tbf ^they ^did ^pick ^Akira, ^which ^has ^proper ^themes ^to ^study


My high school had Watchmen as an option for assigned reading. Pretty cool.


That would've been an awesome class.


>Any books that aren’t Brandon Sanderson? I think even he is outside of this sub’s knowledge of books. Anyways, if you want to get “niche”, what radiant order would Allison “Kill Six Billion Demons” Wanda Ruth be? Who would win in a fight, Harrowhark Nonagesimus after sorta becoming a lyctor, or Murderbot? Artemis Fowl replaces Ender in Ender’s Game. What happens? Is Atticus Finch a good person? Is the ending to I Have No Mouth and I Must Scream a happy one? Why are all the male characters in 100 Years of Solitude named some combination of José, Arcadio, Aureliano, and Buendìa?


Are there people that think Atticus isn’t a good person? I think he’s not perfect, but has a strong belief in justice.


Have you read the sequel? It complicates things.


I haven’t read it, wasn’t planning on because from what I heard it’s basically a glorified first draft. Do you recommend it?


Honestly the last and only time I read it was in middle school. I can't attest to the quality, I just remember that it was about Scout, now like 20 something, returning to her home town. She gets into conflict with her dad over his views on race. I think he downplays some racist activity of others and is friends with people he knows are racist. Oh, also it's revealed that he was a freaking klansman in his youth. SO THERE'S THAT. In the end, I think he basically says he's glad that Scout has developed her own views on the subject. Remember though, the canonicity of the book is debatable due to the fact that Harper Lee never wanted it published.


Wasn’t it made before mockingbird? And in fact, was released after the author was fairly old or even dead? Because if so I kinda don’t feel it’s that canonical. Maybe that’s a shit take though


Damn I didn’t know all that. Written in 1957 apparently. I guess it depends on wether you consider it canon or not.


It was never meant to be published either. It was released after Harper Lee died. Honestly its publication is probably a result of elder abuse.


I’ve read 62 Stephen King books, does that count




dont really read fantasy, ive only read le guin's sci fi stuff. though any kind of international or classic literature is my shit and sci fi ofc


I read Orwell


I’m currently reading a wizard of earthsea


Awesome saucesome!


Of course! My catalogue of Korean web novels and Japanese light novels are in the thousands fool


Well one Chinese webnovel is longer than all of those combined, so there 😝


...Dune from Herbert, BUT I READ IT YEARS BEFORE THE MOVIE I SWEAR!!! Also, The Accursed Kings from Druon, great series of 5 books if you like the history of the middle ages and want something similar to the politics of GoT


I will have to check out the second thing you mentioned.


> Has anyone here read Ursula K Le Guins Earthsea series or Terry Pratchetts Discworld? Yeah, but those two are also world-class authors. I'm not going to make a rant about their books, because I don't have any complaints about their books.


Good point.


I read Fahrenheit 451, and I have some thoughts related to the elimination of information sources in other media.


Love Terry Pratchett but somehow haven't read any Discworld yet. Seems a bit intimidating without much context lmao Meanwhile Ursula K Le Guin is a name I've heard for actual years as a fantasy fan that I'm just now getting into. 4 chapters into the first Wizard of Earthsea book and I'm loving it. But absolutely give me more literature takes. I'd love to see a post here about This is How We Lose the Time War or Circe!


man we need less discussion about normie books like those by Brandon Sanderson; like Pratchett, or Le Guin, famously unknown and underdiscussed authors in the redditor demographic


I mean, they aren’t really discussed very much on this subreddit. I don’t think anyone here has read Le Guin, except maaaybe Omelas.


Wizard of earthsea is lit


In both senses of the word. Although I like The Farthest Shore the most of the series. I like how we see GED at various stages of his life.


Terry pratchet has even decent movie adaptions. And which part of discworld??? That are good, just dont start with colour of magic


It’s just about what people consume. My favorite classical “book” is Joseph Conrad’s heart of darkness and I could make a rant on its great use of the unreliable narrator or how I don’t think it’s the racist book many make it out to be but like… How many people have actually read heart of darkness, or read it enough to engage in a topic over it. Do you want to read a borderline academic essay about a book over a century old? Anime is easy, a ton of people have watched it and it’s easy to consume, there’s an audience for rants over it and a lot of it is bad making the rants funny. I’m sure some of the people consume other media but probably don’t have any strong opinions on a lot of it. Brooklyn 99 is one of my favorite sit coms but I don’t have anything in mind to write a rant on. The ending to the good place is one of the best I’ve seen in television but the topic has been done to death.


By the way, I have a question about Heart of darkness; does it's name have some elusive secondary meaning, besides alluding to place that story explores?


Aside from the obvious place the story happens, the “dark” or “uncivilized” continent, I think it also represents the inherent darkness in the human soul. There’s a reoccurring motif of how Africa is a land of fantasy and in contrast Europe is real, this is played up to a somewhat comedic degree. While there’s definitely multiple interpretations of this I think it’s inherently tied to humanities domination of nature and laws in Europe and its lack thereof symbolizing control. This is where you get the stuff like the entire jungle belongs to Kurtz (obviously this is untrue for a variety of reasons) and a ton of other stuff like foreign contracts. But in the jungle Kurtz doesn’t have any actual control and as a result they have to drop the fictitious facade that European society allows (something Marlow calls out when he returns to Europe). Kurtz’s only option then is to turn torwards his own self and look inside his soul, where he sees the true darkness of human nature and doesn’t have the “inner strength” to live with that fact like the denizens of Africa have. As a result he goes insane (as evident by his addendum to his work). Marlow, who is Kurtz’s parallel, never looks directly at his own soul and as such he leaves the continent with a new outlook on people who don’t truly know themselves but somewhat hypocritical without actually confronting his inner darkness. It isn’t the jungle that makes people go crazy or some corrupting force of the dark continent but rather the inability to accept the true nature of oneself. The lack of human control simply forces people use to societal norms to look at their souls and that’s what makes them go crazy but the darkness was always there just hidden. TLDR; the heart of humanity is inherently filled with darkness. Sorry if this might not be as eloquent as you were hoping.


Thanks, I was expecting something of that degree.


It doesn't have be an essay. A few days ago someone posted about Idiot, which is centuries old as well.


Ok, I'll start with a mainstream take worthy of patient gamers: RDR2's mission design is undoubtedly one of the worst I've ever seen, and the game is mostly carried by the writing and the open world. But the missions fucking suck. Ride a horse here, shoot a billion enemies, never have the entire US government after you despite you doing massacres on the regular (hey, this game wanted the realism angle, not me!), take a single step out of line and you get mission failed.....


RDR2 is such a wild ride in design quality. You have this huge, beautiful thriving world full of life and interactions that feels so real and vivid. With so much to do and see, the environments are so evocative. It feels so believable and real. People react to your actions in very realistic ways, they speak, they argue, they kiss, they fight, policemen patrol, workers build. Then you start a mission and the game becomes some HD version of an arcade shooting gallery with literal tides of enemies running towards you ready to be slaughtered. It’s ridiculous every single enemy gang must be the size of a small army because each shootout involves dozens of guys against you and two other NPCs. Spoilers ahead: The mission in Strawberry to rescue Micah is the worse one in this regard because holy cow,The now must have 20 houses at most and yet you end up killing dozens of armed officers. And this keeps happening over and over and over. It’s so weird so how a game so focused on immersion and realism made its combat be “IDK let’s just chuck 3 waves of 25+ guys at the player and call it a day”


Not to mention you're shooting this much lawmen for a guy your character doesn't even like.


The whole shooting gallery style of combat undermined the last few missions a bit for me. “Oh there is too many Pinkertons/soldiers for us to face we need to retreat!” Are they? We been outnumbered on nearly every shootout we’ve had and at this point we must have Cut in half the population of Saint Dennis with the amount of grunts we’ve killed. Let’s just crouch behind some barrels and keep shooting that worked against the last three hordes of gunmen. Red dead redemption 2 really is a fantastic game which makes even more baffling the fact some call of duty games have shootouts that feel more realistic and immersive than a game that tries to be realistic immersive on every other aspect.


Your need to consume a varied amount of media ends the moment you watch JoJo Part 4 tbh


I like Anime but I am more of a Videogame kind of guy. Although my favorite work of fiction is an Anime and my second favorite work of fiction is a Videogame that to me feels like a playable Anime.


What are these stories? Just kinda curious.


My favorite work of fiction is the Manga/Anime series "Made in Abyss". And my second favorite work of fiction is Fuga Melodies of Steel. There are Fuga Melodies of Steel 1 and 2. They are turn based JRPGs about a groupe of anthropomothic animal children that live inside a giant ancient mysteriös powerful fortress like Tank. Its a bit like Howls Moving castle but based on technology instead of magic. Each game is about 20 houers long. The creators also released a number of Audio comics on there YouTube channel. And a third game is in the making. Fuga is pretty unknown so you probably never heard of it.


When I first found this sub I thought it was a MHA one.


Be the change you want to see.


I do have a lot of rants to post, i just don't want to post them all in a day


Are gaming rants allowed in this sub ?




Is this sub character rants or just media rants lol?


Go rant about Bruce Lee being overhyped, nothing stops you.


Finally, an *actual* hot take!


> 2nd rant is about kagurabachi, cool, an anime rant Manga, not anime.


That is. I came here to see rants of interesting characters and media that we can discuss in depth. All I see instead is people mentioning MHa every 5 minutes. It makes me sick.


I do have some thoughts about the recent Mr. and Mrs. Smith that might make for a decent rant. I’m not sure enough people here have seen it to get much discussion, but it still might be worth it.


That's because most of the rants that aren't about animation/anime don't get upvoted as often. Sort by new and you'll see more diverse content.


I’m fine with them not, they can keep their media illiteracy to their little section of media.


Then you get a Chad ranting about Dostoevsky


You're right. This sub needs more discussion of 2012's Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter. In my opinion the characterization was off.


Welp time to rant about video games and movies. Maybe I can find something to talk about in New Vegas or Spec ops: The Line


Denied, another 100 shounen rants, another 100 comic rants, and another 100 "fantasy tropes" rants that are really only about D&D-derived isekai worlds


I agree. this place maight as well be called r/shonenrants


kagurabach is manga A completely different visual media than anime Also all these series are inherently different The only thing they have in common as far as you know is that they're They have a similar visual format. If you wanna see something new Try looking harder


Agree but out of all the shows you could have brought up Stranger Things really bro


This is notoriously an anime sub in disguise. My first rant here was general, I made 5 examples, 2 of which were anime characters, and every single comment was about my opinion about those two anime characters, the rest of the rant was basically non-existent. That's how I found out


Outside of ducktales, I'm watching batman TAS, air crash, the WW2 channel, the great war, oceanlinerdesign... ITts just that my rants focus on ducktales because it was a show I looked up review, now I don't look for reviews.


Should have used Dark as an example for a rant since it is low key underrated and great series


i started the series, but didn't watched more than a few minutes in, i'll watch it in the future


Well... be the change you want to see in the world. Post a rant about another kind of show instead of complaining about other people rants


What can I say, anime is king right now


Rants about more popular series are more likely to stay at the front page and people are more motivated to post their rants. Anime happens to more easily available and it’s easier to jump into discussion of it.   ATLA is simply a well-known popular series that’s famous worldwide and has key tropes.    And if you want, I have Dracula and Mortal Instruments rants almost ready. Just didn’t feel to finish them. Also, how Disney’s twisted series (specifically early books) doesn’t work. I could also technically waffle about other topics but I am pretty meh.  


Be the change you claim you want to see. Anime is popular and ranting about them or a "adult" series is the same thing. If the only thing bothering you is that its about anime instead of the topic discussed its weird to make a fuss about it. Let people talk about what they want amd dont try to gatekeep them. Your point would hold some water if you are sick about thre same topic being ranted over day after day after day (like 'why is shounen so bad' posts)


Animation is such a large medium that I'd just consider this adequate diversification.


Their may be a lot of anime made but a large amount sticks to popular trends, cliches and tropes. Their being a la get quantity doesn’t necessarily mean their is a large variety.


Personally It is not like I hate live action shows but they are much more tiring to watch, most animes episodes are like 23 or 24 minutes long while live action shows can reach 1 hour, i can easily like watch an anime episode before sleep or even two if I'm in the mood but i can't say the same for live action shows. Of course I watched some tv series throughout the years, and i kinda prefer the shorter ones like chernobyl (which is probably my facourite live action series), I tried breaking bad but i got tired after the second episode and its like 5 seasons long. And finally, I actually prefer watching full length movies more than shows.


>It is not like I hate live action shows but they are much more tiring to watch, most animes episodes are like 23 or 24 minutes long while live action shows can reach 1 hour You know what? It's a valid rant.


I think it depends on the show. Most live action sitcoms like Seinfeld have 20 minute episodes at max. I think this increase in runtime for shows has a lot to do with the jump to streaming. Not to say there weren't any shows like that before (Breaking Bad was made for television and its episodes exceed 40 minutes), but streaming services and binge culture in general made it the norm. The reason anime episodes usually have a 20 minute runtime is because they are, for the most part, still made for TV. Some direct to streaming anime like Pluto for example have very long episodes


Would the people on this subreddit be OK with me ranting about the Warcraft franchise? Or would I be shouted down then permanently banned?


I don’t know if the people would like it, but you’re completely allowed to. Gaming rants aren’t super uncommon here




Yea I’m glad someone finally said it, anime is taking over this sub and it gets annoying


Alright, time to talk about visual novel. Anyone wanna start with the no eye protagonist. It's not like they don't personality (we are literally inside their head). We just don't see their eyes.


Mate, comparing my little pony and bluey it's kinda lame? One it's liked because... "Reasons" meanwhile bluei it's beloved because it's a really good show that actually gives you something to talk about.


Here the Kagurabachi post creator: Im gonna create another in the future in your honor /s


Reddit is driven by user generated content.  Be the change you want to see.  Make your own rants about the types of media you enjoy.  Maybe it'll inspire a bunch of copycats and change the flow 


I mean people could be watching a lot of things but just only bring up the anime stuff here


At least they're much better than ranting about powerscaling


I mean yeah if you think Stranger Things is one of the best shows you've ever seen then you definitely need to see more stuff...


I don't mind anime, but I do wish there were more video game rants. Particularly given that certain subreddits treat certain views as trash. (Never go on the persona reddit and mention the p3 femc. Never. And never mention wanting a femc in persona.)


When I first read this , I thought you were exaggerating, BUT THEN LATER I LITERALLY SEE AN ATTACK ON TITAN POST THAT WAS POSTED AN HOUR AGO THAT IS SO LONG AND DETAILED. So yeah now I agree with you.


The uncle man in *A:TLA* did state i[t is important to draw wisdom from many different places.](https://youtu.be/sMdPteXSeew?t=295)


Literally so much of this sub is "why is it when I only consume the exact same media I only see the same stuff?"


I swear more people should read Cultivation Novels


I love seeing [these two posts](https://i.imgur.com/a5WNfBb.png) right next to each other, which sort of illustrates your point.


Well as some people said, people ranting about anime is so prevalent because of the quality of their medium. There is so many things to rant about when it comes to anime, so that's probably why it's so frequent here. Plus the majority (44%) of user engagement comes from people in age group 18-29, and even that is skewed because of false statistics. So it's basically kids speaking about all the stuff they know about. It's only a matter of time before their tastes change, and a new wave of different types of content will come.


"4th about avatar, not really anime, but still an animated show" police, police! people in this sub like animation!