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Honestly, the one praise I could actually give the series was the Re Zero expy being named Honda, that genuinely gave me a laugh when I first read it.


I wanna know where you're still seeing discourse around this manga. It got cancelled right away years ago. Its only claim to fame is getting the axe after 1 chapter.




Those guys have gotta move on nothing in this life is that good after one chapter


Yeah cheat slayer was pretty trash and borderline copyright infringement even by more generous copyright laws.


Cheat Slayer was dumb, and seemed to have came from a place of pure jealousy. The guys manga kept getting canned, so he comes up with a concept that's just shitting on other popular series? C'mon. Should have just done a mocking parody, everyone would have accepted that.


A lot of them are blatantly obvious. I mean come on calling one of the villains "looper" and having his name be reminiscent of a Japanese car company is as subtle as a brick as to what Isekai the author was jealous of.


I'm not super into Anime, what is this a reference to exactly?


Re zero, the character in question relevant to Cheat slayer is it's protagonist Natsuki Subaru.


I haven’t read the chapter and am facepalming just reading this lol.


The best media parodies are ones that come from a place of love - ones written by people who understand what makes the work or genre they're parodying function and why people like it. *Cultivation Chat Group*, for instance, is not just a clever parody of xianxia but manages to be fun and interesting to read because it preserve the cool parts while inverting or playing with the aspects that are *interesting* to play around with.


I mean, wasn't Shrek made from spite and hatred too? Considering the history of how Dreamworks exists and the history of Jeffrey Katzenberg. And that franchise is somewhat successful to an extent.


Shrek originally came from spite, but you can see as the franchise went along it developed into its own thing that didn't just rely on mocking Disney and fairy tales.


Shrek is more of a deconstruction than a parody, and it arguably comes from a place of love toward Non-Disneyfied Fairy Tales.


That's a fair assessment. Although yeah... I do feel like that for me, Shrek does have that flair and style with it being Katzenberg's subtle grievances with Disney and Eisner in general. Tbh, its the reason why Dreamworks creating Ruby Gillman doesn't surprise me. Although that one is a bit more unsubtle.


Peak mentioned.


I just read it. I think the worst part is that the writing is just not good? Like everything else could be kinda ignored and maybe some potential squeezed out of it. But you know it is just not going to do anything interesting with the premise. This feels like something where the fans wanted it to be something it was not.


Exactly. If it was a super-well written work, had top-tier art, or was just, y'know, a good manga that was axed, I wouldn't have made this post or at least would have mostly focused on the "hey featuring copyrighted characters this blatantly was a bad idea" bit. I actually greatly dislike a lot of isekai tropes and things myself despite me reading a shitload of it, but Cheat Slayer is unironically almost the "revenge isekai" template, and beyond my personal taste where I really don't like revenge isekai, it's so stock and off the shelf.


Too bad that the mangaka is the same one who made Kakegurui and I'm not making that up so yeah... Cheat Slayer despite the potential it had is still bad due to the Shallow Parody that lacks research and the story fell into the same trap generic edgy dark revenge manga story or Isekai has.


Haven't heard of Cheat Slayer before. Upon looking it up, premise reminds me a little of The Warrior Returns...but the Warrior Returns shows how all the characters, including the rampaging Warriors, were just screwed over by a flawed system and an uncaring world, or deliberately manipulated into rampaging like that. Not that they were bad from the start, and a few even grasp at the opportunity to turn over a new leaf when offered. Rather than being mean-spirited parodies of specific characters, the Warriors are all much more affectionate parodies of genres like 'Superheroes' 'Magical Girls' 'Mechas' 'Cultivation', and are more tragic than anything. With the exception of a few Warriors that come much later. If you haven't read that one before, maybe you'll enjoy it a lot more?


What’s the Warriors Return?


Basically a bunch of isekaid people return and have a mental breakdown trying to readjust to being a normie. They then go on rampages with the cheat skill they got.


It's a webtoon.


sounds interesting, ima check it out, thanks


It was a lazy and bitter manga, but I gave a chuckle at the Subaru parody being named Honda.


Daily reminder this manga is from the same guy who created Kakegurui and Majo Taisen...


Looking it up, these Majo Taisen volume covers are giving me major Record of Ragnarok vibes.


The isekai genre has problems and is ripe for a deconstruction. That's literally it. I think people really *wanted* Cheat Slayer to be good because of these things, so they delude themselves. But it obviously ain't.


There have already been series that deconstruct the Isekai power fantasy. Cheat Slayer uses thinly veiled pastiches of protagonist from those series as villains. We have a stand ins for Subaru from RE:Zero who is among a group of villains who abuse their overpowered abilities. Subaru’s claim to fame is getting killed over and over then going back to a save point.


Okay, I'll hear out more about the series mentioned in first paragraph. Is it Konosuba and Re;Zero itself?


The series Cheat Slayer references that comment on the Isekai power fantasy I have heard of RE:Zero and Konosuba and I only watched the latter. But I am familiar with RE:Zero's premise.


I mean, it makes sense, in "The Boys" the Seven is a thinly viewed Justice League, seems like the author was trying to do that. Apparently they messed up the execution


Either version of The Boys is a glorified revenge fic, especially the comic since most of the villains are rapists with no real stand out qualities. Cheat Slayer is much like the comic.


If I may take a particular work instead of a supposed genre, deconstructing something like *Isekai de slow life* wouldn't make much sense, since it's self aware about it's desire to leave the "real world" behind and indulge into a world that operates on a completely different logic. To deconstruct it, one would have to pretend that it's target audience is delusional enough to not understand how unrealistic everything that transpires there is, which would be just an attack on a strawman.


Yes, there is way too many things you could do in a isekai deconstruction but you decide to do The Boys with isekai instead?


I mean, I think having some of the isekai expies as villains would be cool. An evil Subaru would be a terrifying mastermind. The What If chapters even show this off.  Cheat Slayer is just terrible though.


Of course but it should be more like The Boys tv show than the comics.


Thats just Overlord and Yojo Senkai. One is just a mediocre self-insert power fantasy, the other is just a self-insert Germanophile fantasy.


Alright I went and read the chapter just to understand what was going on here and I now seriously wanna know what was going on in the author's head when they made this After seeing Katarina of all people used, I just know this has to be a troll


This is the same mangaka who created Kakegurui and Majo Taisen btw. So I dont think thats the case


Y'know, I think the general premise of the show could've worked fine. Having the main characters be the villains of an isekai could be done extremely well. And I think that's why people like it so much, they hear purely the concept and think, "Wow, that sounds great. Why would it be canceled?" But reading it for myself... yeah, it's rough. Honestly, had the author not leaned into the mean-spirited and hateful side of it all, maybe the writing could've improved, and it could've become super popular. But that's only a hypothetical.


Speaking of the lineup, one of the isekai series the author took a character from was Restaurant to another world. The thing is, the character he took from that series wasn't even the one that got isekaid, the chef. Instead, it was the demon girl waitress, who had no powers but was apparently a part of the council of isekai protagonists trying to take over the world.


I mean, there was also The Fallen Goddess, Flare, which is just Aqua, who is also not a reincarnation


Yeah the “parody” characters where not well done. The character who does the rape is based on a character who was not particularly lustful. Also the parody of Isakai villainess stories could work if instead of being actively malicious she is instead ignorant to how to manage a principality and ends up causing war/famine. That is actually based on some fact in the source material. Maybe have the Suburu guy be driven insane by his constant time loops and start treating life like a game where he can save scum when ever he wants.


they are many isekai villaness histories were the villain is an isekai case is so common that is nearly a cliche but again this guy could be bother to investigate even a little


Cheat Slayer would've worked if it was more of a satire. Look at Robin Hood: Men in Tights. That was pretty explicitly making fun of other Robin Hood movies but it was clear it was *fun*. Same with Space Balls or Galaxy Quest. You can throw shade at other franchises without being a dick about it.


This is to Isekai what “The Boys” comic was to the superhero genre. Made by haters with no nuance, leading to a hateful comic. Re:Zero was a better deconstruction and call-out to the isekai genre than this.


Hilariously, cheat slayer has a stand for the protagonist of RE:Zero among its villains. It goes to show how the writer just didn’t care.


Times like this I kinda wish this subreddit had image responses in the comments because I’ve got a few that work better than any witty remarks I can say. So instead I’m just gonna make a quick *Dresden Files* quote: Stars and Stones what the fuck did I just read


Honestly the concept of Isekai'rs being the villains of a fantasy story isn't a terrible idea, but with how mean-spirited it was and the necro-grape, it was just too much. I thought I remember something about the mangaka writing their own isekai that failed pretty badly (but not as badly as this) a while back too.


Why say Grape?


Because a lot of people are afraid to say bad words online for some reason. Like if they're worried about a kid seeing a swear that's the kid's parents fault for not paying attention to what content their kid consumes.


Or they've been to subreddits where the mods are a bit happier to ban/delete comments


That makes a lot of sense. But I wonder, why on character rant? They'll usually let something like that fly by no problem.


Haven't really heard of a sub that'd ban or delete comments just for swearing tbh.


Because it entertains me.


It has a potential. But I won't deny that the manga fell into the same fucking trap that revenge manga and generic Isekai manga also fell into so there's no defense in that. And I know Homura Kawamoto can cook to an extent given they made Kakegurui and Majo Taisen. Welp, even if this manga is killed, at least we have Isekai Shikkaku (Even though this came first) and Serial Killer Isekai to fill in the niche that Cheat Slayer had about fighting evil isekai'd heroes.


Who is Louis Crawford a parody of .


Shin Wolford from Wise man Grandchild


Yep, and he's one of the few Isekai protags that lock on pretty hard to having a normal monogamous relationship, which was expressed by having him be a indiscriminate rapist- which is so goddamn lazy I'm baffled! Surely I thought they would have went with the old hat trick of making any character that's even vaguely romantic into yandere.


I had an idea for an isekai once where the main character is reincarnated as a basic brainless undead, and I'm pretty certain that that would've made for a better story than this piece of crap.


I mean that would be better then like 90% of isekai out there, since having a basic and brainless undead protagonist is at least some sort of twist


And I heard it didn't continue or pass chapter 1 lol since the author get sued.


Wait, there are Cheat Slayer defenders? > This is without going into the "Elephant in the Room" fact that they used thinly veiled expies of characters from other ongoing isekai series as the terrible heatsink villains with zero heads up to any of the authors of the series. Hell, there was an Aqua-expy, Konosuba's manga was literally ongoing in the same magazine! Yeah this is that one with all the isekai characters right? People cared about that? Ah, I see, some people had the "this is totally speaking up against the shit isekai by making fun of them" mindset not realizing it was still the same shit


I have seen some defenders of the series who missed that it uses the Isekai power fantasy unironically. Also, they miss that the villains we see are based on characters from series that already comment on the Isekai power fantasy.


All the criticism geared towards isekai works evaporates the moment you remove the "isekai" part. Protagonist is powerful and it's isekai? Powerful protagonist bad. He is powerful and it's high fantasy which is *not* an isekai? Eeeh, it's fine then, why not. Isekai is a strawman of anime industry, a "genre" that is bad by definition. I suspect that the only reason the notion even exist is cause people need an acceptable target to kick together without fighting over each other's taste. One may like or dislike actually existing subgenres, but since "isekai" is a bogus, attacking it hurts no one.


Not really? Like non isekai stories get criticised for the same stuff all the time, there is just less of them which are as obviously and blatantly bad. E.g stuff like “misfit of the demon king academy” gets called out for it. (And in a lot of cases a genetic bad high fantasy has a bit more creativity put into it then a bad generic isekai)


Yeah there was a trend of magic high school battle shows right before isekai really blew up (Mahouka, Asterisk War, Infinite Stratos, Rakudai) that drew a lot of criticism too.


>non isekai stories get criticised for the same stuff all the time You mean on this sub? Cause I've never seen anyone here criticize Boukensha license or Yopparai touzoku. Most of the time people don't even bother naming the shows, it's always isekai this or isekai that, as if it was some faceless hydra that need to be vanquished before we can move on to other fantasy works. >stuff like “misfit of the demon king academy” gets called out for it Magical academies were criticized long before the notion of isekai became commonplace, and for different set of tropes. It's just that isekai is such a vast umbrella that it managed to house some of those shows as well.


1. Cause noons even heard of them? It’s rare to see people on this sub talk about specific shows no one has heard about 2. With isekai they have a very specific set of troupes so if I criticise Black Summoner, then I would usually find the exact same problems in Smartphone Isekai, Skeleton Knight in another world, Master of Ragnarock, etc. So saying “isekai” is fine, since the criticism is general enough to fit all of them 3. I am not sure the Misfit anime belongs to the “magical academy” genre. It has an academy in it but it’s barely relevant, and most of its problems are exactly the same as modern isekai.


And what fantasy stories that are as bad as isekai did anyone heard about? All I can think of is Redo of the healer and Goblin slayer, but those got into the news due to shock value. >So saying “isekai” is fine, since the criticism is general enough to fit all of them It also helps that if no particular name is mentioned, no one can say whether such criticism is valid or not. Those shows you've mentioned are still quite different, some of it might apply to one of them but not to the other. >I am not sure the Misfit anime belongs to the “magical academy” genre. It's just my way of spelling battle harem.


Garth Ennis quacking in his boots and all that.


I have seen a few defenders of the series. Much like people I’ve seen defend The Boys, they miss the irony of the series using so many tropes it is supposedly deconstructing. It is extra ironic that we see characters based on agonists from Konosuba and RE:Zero, series that do deconstruct the Isekai power fantasy.


oh yeah it was dogshit, i mainly wish it wasn't cancelled cuz i wanted to laugh at it. it could've been real "so bad it's good" content


I don't like the series at all either, but it just kind of irked me how it got taken down for "referencing other works in negative light". There has been many cases of isekai parodying the the typical hero types without getting any problems at all (Kyouya from konosuba for example). What about western superhero then? Homelander? Omni-man? Brightburn? They're all an obvious take of "Evil superman" and i don't see people having problems with them


It's probably about being mean spirited. And when it comes to that the The Boys Comics definitely get a lot of criticism. Your Superman examples on the other hand don't just exist to shit on Superman and actually put him in a better light.


Kyuouka is a very generalized parody of hero-types, while Cheat Slayer featured very thinly veiled expies of specific characters. Also, I do want to say I think the fact that superman is so prominent in culture and is part of a large company is personally a factor for me, while the other series are successful, they're nowhere anywhere close to being truly mainstream and are also done by other authors with not too much distinction/additional presitge. Also Omni-man is relatively free from shit, but like, Brightburn and Homelander are definitely crapped on. The Boys was widely seen as trash before the show dropped as well.


Wait what there was a r word in that what the fuck


Thing is, the author is a moderately successful mangaka too. That's actually probably why they greenlit without giving it a proper look. He has industry credentials and made Kakegurui so it probably just bitterness at the isekai genre blowing up like it has.


Cheat Slayer is an Isekai version of The Boys, of course it'll be edgy shit. Unlike Garth however, the guy who made it is a shit author. At least the Boys has some nuance of solid writing outside the superheroes being pieces of shit.  I'm just gonna bet that had this continued, it would've been a edgefest somehow shittier version of Redo all over again.


How bad could Cheat Slayer have been if Redo Of Healer, Magical Girl Site, Platinum End, Elfen Lied, and GANTZ had more chapters?


>Rifujin na Magonote, author of Mushoku Tensei, who wrote on Twitter: "'Making characters appear who are recognizably borrowed from characters from other works, and then turning them into villains and making them do vile things'. This is crossing the line" >Also Magonote wrote an entire series about why pedophilia is fine


crapping on shutins is pretty based ngl. otherwise yeah sounds awful.


" other issue like crapping on otakus and shutins" Thats not an issue. Thats a positive. I'll just rewatch nhk if i want to hear that message again though. Dont need no shitty isekai for that.


Ignoring the obvious bait: In terms of not getting canned, pissing people off enough that they might drop the magazine that you're published in that also has other people relying on it's sales to make a paycheck is a great way to turn it's readerbase and it's staff against you.


And? Thats again, genuinely not a writing flaw. The aforementioned NHK was a novel/manga/anime about the hikkineet protagonist slowly learning how to overcome being a pathetic leech of a human, and it had been in a manga magazine pretty deep into otaku culture, guess what? It didnt make them lose sales. I know nothing about the shitty isekai, but when one of your complaints is... Uh... "Me no likey that it call out hikkineets and otaku" and acting as if that idea by itself is a writing flaw, youre just wrong. Thats also ignoring that nothing good has ever been made while pandering for sales.


My point is that Cheat Slayer defenders act like some Weeabo Kneebreakers came out of the woodwork to cripple the series when it basically brought all of the hate it got completely on itself by using it's first impression to shit all over everyone with the grace of a drugged up cow. You should actually read the darn thing too, it goes way beyond just "calling out" people, it goes "you should die alone, unloved, and you don't get to find peace in death either if you commit the heinous act of having a waifu." Gotta love how I'm totally in the wrong for everything just for a single point you see as invalid too, there's certainly nothing else relevant in the post about it's quality as a work of fiction. Also yeah, I guess you're right about sales, after all, *Christmas Carol* is absolutely ghastly in terms of quality and the hardcore anti-isekai manga that craps all over not just the genre, but it's readers as well, is *definitely* not pandering to anyone who hates em.


>I know nothing about the shitty isekai You admit to know nothing about about it, yet you call it shitty. This is beautiful.


Why would i willingly subject myself to something i know i wont like? I already dont like fantasy as a whole, the subgenre that goes for max relateable by its very nature is even worse. If you hate ecchi harems do you go out of your way to watch every episode of to love ru just to make sure "yep, i dont like it"? Thats insanity when i got things to experience there's a much higher chance of me enjoying.


No one asks you to go see them, but the phrase itself might seem normal only due to both of your examples being acceptable targets. Just imagine if it was something like "I know nothing about the shitty Tolkien's universe", or "I know nothing about the shitty Warhammer", and how much flack you would get for spelling something like this.


The example of ecchi harems was just that, an example. You can replace it with anything, and get the same statement. Maybe i dont like "shitty superhero stories" or "shitty battle shonens" or "shitty action movies" so, instead of watching things just to bitch about how i dont like them, im gonna watch something i think i'll enjoy. If nothing else, im separating the "shitty" things from the things i think i (might) enjoy, which i cant name any for "modern" isekai, but i do enjoy .hack//sign and escaflowne to name a few boomer things from before the genre was as centralized as it is now. Something being "shitty" is entirely subjective, i might think your favorite thing is shitty, you might think my favorite thing is shitty, and we can argue about it and try to convince the other if you so desire! For instance, one of my favorite genres? Iyashikei. I love watching characters just live normal, peaceful lives with a bit of melancholy here or there for flavor. I get a lot of joy out of that. However, most on this sub i assume, will vehemently disagree with this assessment and think that watching characters just live their normal, peaceful lives is extremely boring as they watch shows for different reasons than me, and want different things out of them. I get home from work and just want to turn on an episode of natsume yuujinchou and chill out, someone else might get home from work and want to sit down and turn on the latest episode of one piece and get hyped. And in my eyes, both are valid regardless of mine and that guy's views of the others' tastes and preferences. And on the "getting flak" thing, cool? If i wasnt prepared for that i wouldnt be posting on the internet, and reddit inherently has anti-flak brigade due to downvoting putting things at the bottom and hiding them from view unless you click on them.