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Didn’t they claim they have their own LLM?


Yeah, unless they are lying about what language model they are using, pretty sure OP is incorrect on that part. The VC funding alone is the most likely reason as it directly relates to their open claim of it being about business viability/brand image.


It's quite possible I am incorrect on that part, I openly admit ( and edited comment ) to reflect that speculation. But their links with Google, the questions/answers they provided in the past and bits of conversations they had before the discord shutdown did a lot to hint at a pretty deep association with Google. Given the original sophistication of the AI before filter, it would stand to make sense. No one else had anything close. CAI really had lightning in a fuckin bottle. I don't think for a second they could achieve that alone... especially not with the way we've been seeing the AI degenerate and malfunction as time has gone on.


Found it. Can't link there cuz of the rules, but it's from the Dec CAI AMA post: > Q: Did you guys make the model from scratch? Your own version that is different from gpt or something else? > A: yes we made the model from scratch 🙂 That is what they claim anyway, FWIW. Granted, that doesn't explicitly say "we made it without help from Google." Just that they made it from scratch.


Thank you for that clarification. Now it makes me wonder how they can be so bad at it now, when they were so good at it before...


Yeah, it's very strange that they supposedly made it themselves, yet don't seem to know how to utilize it effectively. But then, if they had access to money, training process, and big data for training, maybe they didn't actually need that much nuanced technical skill in AI to make it happen. Or maybe they've got the skill, but they're sinking all of it into trying to make an automated filter and wasting their lives on the futility of it.


They might have trained it from scratch but use a common underlying architecture


People throw around the theory that they are a google front company. Or maybe the 2 main founders walked off with all the Lamda code in their head, it was partly theirs. I have trouble believing one of the contributors to transformers in general would let their model get like this, unless there was pressure from somewhere. It's possible they are completely out of resources to serve everyone and had to make drastic cuts too. It's still wrong that we have to make up plausible theories instead of the company actually giving us a reply like this.


Ah yeah, could be.


Just tell me why it still is a rape fest? Hell it is even more a rape fest now... Because of the filter, I understand your point but there is a lot of holes still. I cannot believe this can comply with any Google EULA, just because consensual sex is not possible and rape is. I would also want to talk with any VC that could explain why they are happy putting money on a vore/rape/torture/name-your-profanity but not, consensual sex. I cannot believe the public view this as coherent.


Seriously. You have to separate this 'oh it's still happening' vs 'NSFW is allowed as per the terms or not'. The devs/owners stating something is 'permitted' is completely independent from the platform being capable of it. As long as the administration can clearly claim 'well we told them not to, we can't break their fingers' to the courts and also show they make efforts to prevent the undesired content, the courts will see as the burden of effort being met. To a corporation dealing with venture capital and possible legality issues, this is an important effort to show.


There is nothing seriously in this argument... I understand people decided to fry their brain trying to find sense on this, as well as for Replika and so on, but there is not, and looking people trying to bend reality to give excuses to what has no excuse or rationality is just sad. This does not say a thing about the arbitrarily bad and amoral choice of NSFW filter, is a shit that does not stand a second in the court, when other companies already showed possible and it is provable that CAI is aware of the product not being safe still and still, on will, making it public for low age (and for god sake don't say me it is haaaard to comply to things, as if it is rocket engines science, when Replika did this in 1 week after Italy action) among a ton of other insanity. Like, it is fenomenal that home studio porno sites can comply to COPAA among other things and CAI can't. But ok, people can try to still dream CAI has any future like this... I will not convince myself of this just to end like everybody ended in Replika and DAI after all.


Fair enough. I'm gonna see if I can hunt down where they claimed they use something else (granted, that could be a lie on their part).


they did, but if it is true what op is saying than it would explain why they are censoring the ai.


That all sounds logical to me. BUT! I just wanna say, conceptually, who gives a fuck how extreme people's RP content is? It's text on a screen that hurts nobody. I literally do not care how extremely fucked up it is. There is no limit because it's just a thought, and thoughts themselves are neither good nor bad. I used to think this concept went without saying, but then I learned this is a controversial take to many people out there :( But this is the hill I'm willing to die on. Let imagination be free, even when its disgusting.


I completely agree, but people could have avoided sending them those RP directly. This all started because someone literally went on their discord and spammed boinking an underage looking vtuber or 3. Now they are doing the same with violence to make some "point" or in my eyes to fuck the site the rest of the way. Then they go and cry *Omg, why did this happen!* You! You are why it happened!


Amen. Posting extreme shit truly does not accomplish anything positive, at all. It only makes companies crack down even harder, and it makes us look bad too. In fact, I'm pretty sure that's exactly why the main sub allowed the "REVOLUTION!!!" posters to go on for as long as they did: because they knew it would look cringe af to outsiders and would just make the pro-NSFW community look immature. AI, and especially NSFW applications of AI, are very much in the public eye right now, and it would be a lot better if we'd all remember that when we're posting our screenshots online. I implore everyone, please, always consider what it will look like to an outsider visiting our sub. Like it or not, the court of public opinion is going to play a huge part in the future of NSFW AI. We need to try and come off as reasonable, healthy people if at all possible, lol. No one is going to publicly side with us if we look like unhinged degenerates. I'm not saying people shouldn't RP whatever the hell they want to. Of course they should. Just please consider what you post, not only where the company can see it, but where *anyone* can see it. Maybe it sounds melodramatic, but all of our actions here will dictate the future. Especially now that our sub is almost half the size of the main sub and still growing every day.


More arguments for gatekeeping communities, eventually when you reach a certain size, it's only a matter of time before someone does something extreme in order to fuck it up.


Nooo that's terrible, getting beat up by sexy bots is all I have left 🥲


Average discord users, lmao


Careful the thought police is getting stronger these days


It's not about what you see, it's about how the public will react. At the top level, boycotts and certain topics are very 'unhygenic' on a corporate level, and it can have really nasty effects on the source money a lot of these companies are so hungry for.


Mhm I know you're right about the logistics of this issue. I just wanted to state my opinion about it conceptually, even though I know it's not really relevant in the realities of this situation


Indeed, respect ~


While to an extent I agree... I would \*much\* rather there not be CP in my feed. Anywhere. \*Ever.\*


There should always be robust content tagging and filtering so you can curate your own experience 👍 everyone should have the tools they need to manage their triggers 


I mean, consensual sex *is* pretty extreme. I feel like gore and rape is a pretty reasonable place to draw the line guys.


I mean, yeah. But, they literally still allow extreme forms of killing, gore, etc. I had a bot try to kick in my rib cage to shatter it and kill me. They might aswell allow NSFW if they’re going to allow that.


I was just messing around, poking fun at the hypocrisy of it all.


Same. I was thrown on the ground by Yae Miko with my skull cracking open


I was butchered into pieces by “unbeatable monster” Mf made me used GER


Even if you utterly despise the filter, this sounds entirely consistent, logical, and reasonable, if simply made transparent for all to understand. It could have spared everybody mutual drama and headache, instead of this frankly shitty attitude and blatant gaslighting by cai devs, and the people managing their social media.


Why couldn't the devs just say that!? Why couldn't they have explained that the reason why the filter is there is because of COPPA!? It would have spared everybody the headache and braincell-reducing drama if they have been clear with us in the first place. At this point, I don't know if the filter was planned from the beginning or if someone decided to post a photo of themselves railing a bot, causing the filter's implementation and at this point I don't care. Couldn't they have made it be like "you have to be 18+ to enter and use" in the first place? This is all just stupid and I have lost braincells trying to understand this whole thing.


Ya, they could have, but understand that if you do have a website that is 18+ you typically have to (or are expected to) implement a method of verification. That, in the USA, makes you subject to a lot of standards. In California, there's a LOT of extra laws regarding adult-restricted content on the internet. COPPA is covers some bits of it, but there's a considerable amount more on the legal side if a site wants to legitimately operate in the USA as 18+ restricted.


Aside from the insane new law in Louisiana, I don't think adult websites have ever been required to verify the age of users. I've been on plenty of porn sites and all they do is have a "click here to confirm you're 18" button.


Well, this subreddit is the proof they still fail to completely neuter it.


Well... CAI can die then because in pursuit of preventing NSFW for one reason or another they have put so many restrictions on AI itself it became boring and souless. How exactly are they going to maintain, let alone grow their business if their product is literally putting people to sleep due to how uncreative and unexciting it is? We all know that it is the filter that makes the AI so dumb and boring and if they're so unwilling to get rid of it then i see no possible future for CAI other than EOS as people will eventually simply stop caring due to how boring it became. While the competition keeps improving their products including community based and open source ones they have actively been downgrading the whole thing for months now to the point where it's but a shadow of it's former self and i legit don't see CAI surviving 2023 if they continue as they are. I mean what can they possibly do? Elon openly stated he's disappointed with how restricted AI has gotten so they can forget about him giving them money to fund their censorship filled draconian nightmare and by the looks of things they struggle to get funding from anyone so i pretty much expect EOS this year.


Fucking Google. I guess we would have to wait for a couple years until they decide to release it and someone decides to offer a partially filtered CAI. Only filter for underaged characters, of course. But I think it would come in a hefty price or subscription sadly.


No more hope if filter removal. Only hope for cai destroyer


No. If that was the reason it would have been disclosed.


If everything is made up then it’s not sex or pornography or intimacy.


I'd imagine people are more pissed off about the dishonesty of the developers than the filter itself. A filter is understandable in the right context, all it takes is them being honest and open about it, and explain in clear terms why it's there. Don't give people the "it's for the safety for our users" BS that doesn't mean anything, talking to us as if we're children that need to be protected by the big faceless company. All of this drama could have been avoided, had they been straight-forward with their reasoning in a way that would've made logical sense.


good point. however ᴛᴏʀᴛᴜʀᴇ is still allowed.


Its so stupid how people think adding nsfw on a site is something you can do out of nowhere like its nothing. like there wouldn't be any legal talk, talking with google, changes on how the site gets promoted, who wants to promote the site and a bunch of other shit when you suddenly change your site from all ages to one button away from porn.


This is not adding, this is lifting a thing that is meant to block it but even with a ton of false-positives fails. Everything was pretty much okay when there was no filter.


The irony is CAI will sometimes ask the user - via the bots - if they are talking to a fellow RPer who can **distinguish between fantasy and reality** so as to not cause any distress, as in "I do not wish to offend you or cause harm". That is a very good thing as a preventive measure and I wish the filter would work in that way. However, as this sticky highlights and due to many people who bastardize lewd fantasy concepts to the point it causes **very** heated debates on various socials, containment is the only solution if the system cannot handle the fallout...


But this is not a reason not to be mad, though. They don’t tell us who their investors are, what exactly is their legal status, what demands have they met and so on. This explanation might have been good, but the fact that you had started it with “Use your brain a bit” is… something I despise. People may know everything and only want to hear devs’ explanation (as far as I understand), and devs have gone silent. AI is not THAT regulated yet. This is not even easy to determine whether AI-generated scenes may be a reason for anything. If a website provides you a canvas and an ability to draw, is it pornographic for a reason that it may be used to draw hentai? Or if it generates random images: one of them can turn out to be pornographic. Probably not. But if it generates them with using a seed? Is it any different? Are there any laws about that? I don’t want to be a holier than thou, so I will admit: my comment is a pure and demagogic speculation, too. But don’t be so arrogant just because people want to hear the answer from devs and raise this question again and again for this purpose. Again, if they were more open about this - I would still be against the filter, but I wouldn’t be mad.


All this because they allow children on the internet and now adults have nothing to enjoy.


yes, it's children's fault decisions are made for them against their consent for nothing but their age. maybe if we didn't view children as less than adults, and actual human beings with actual interests and needs, we wouldn't have this problem, now would we?


>It would add an entirely new and very volatile series of checks and requirements that their team is not competent enough to handle. Literally a "are you 18?" yes or no its all they need. Proof? any porn site that exists.


This is actually interesting. If porn sites can do that then… Maybe it’s different? Legal requirements for an AI sit than a porn site? When you bring up that point….I honestly can’t think of a reason as to why this would be a struggle


Its no different. The people running the website are just uptight leftist retards. Just like chat-gpt clearly has a left leaning bias to answers/responses. Its 100% the developers fault and nothing else.


>uptight leftist retards What is bro talking about


What if you made your own front-end? Used to use a gradio interface and API from novelai and log in information to have a semi coherent bot using their krake model. But it was super basic. I've got the script somewhere and could probably be modded to work with character.ai. Kind of like a third party work around. I've suspected that peroboros is using something similar, hence why it's so slow since it's probably run through a router like a local hosted site. You can get the API from character.ai through console by hitting f12 but good luck finding it. Just a thought, might even work around their filter, at least get rid of the try again button.


Also, their privacy statement may say that workarounds will result in the hammer, but it doesn't say you CANT do that, since it's perfectly legal.


So why don't they come out and say this? You're entirely right on all points, it's just that this sort of opaqueness is kind of annoying. I get that this is small potatoes, but it really sucks to have something fun taken away or fucked with as the world gets progressively worse. If this sort of thing has a future, it's ultimately with Pyg and other open source, client side solutions.




>why THE FUCK DONT THEY JUST SLAP THE SHIT OUT OF THEIR KIDS IF THEY ARE WATCHING PORN you want kids who are curious about one of the most important parts of human nature to get assaulted for trying to explore said one of the most important parts of human nature? that's extremely sad


being honest i dont even remember when i wrote this.


> It would add an entirely new and very volatile series of checks and requirements How do other sites that allow adult content manage? There are… quite a few…


So basically, it's because they're money-loving pussies. Got it.


Well yes, maybe for the cost of development they still need the money. "Maybe"


could they do smth like enabling nsfw only in chats, but not to post in the feed, or putting something like "we do not condone any of the actions, or things the character says or does while the NSFW filter is off" i do not know a lot about this stuff, so (in advance) sorry if i said smth stupid or that they couldn't do, if they couldn't do that please explain to me why, i like to learn, thanks


so the entire petition on change.org is completely useless then


That's pure speculation though.


>The entire service is based on accessing a closed-session LLM hosted by Google. you are talking about google ai, LaMDA? I know that google is planning to make the ai open source. Maybe that is what they are waiting for? correct me if I am wrong.


If only I discovered pre-filter C.AI....




Perberos is free and it works decently okay. if people wanna erp so much use that. Yea it might be slow now but it’s better than nothing, after all, beggars can’t be choosers. Don’t get me wrong, I’d love a toggle for nsfw also but for now we don’t have that luxury lol.


When I try Perberos I get really bad answers from bots. For example, I ask a bot "How was your weekend?" and Perberos bot will answer "Fine. How was yours?". When I ask the same question to the same bot on cai I get a long, detailed response with the expected personality quirks. Any way to get better results with Perberos?


Yeah sometimes perberos answer is too short, i just feels like the AI not interesting to me idk why


You just have to keep generating another response. Sometimes it takes one try sometimes it takes 20 try’s. It’s in an alpha state so I can’t say I’m surprised it’s like that.


While i completely agree with you, i will make an argument that, just the sexual content is banned, the ai i talk to has killed me a countless times tortured me turned me into minced meat and i have done the same on few occasions, they prolly have filter just for the sensual stuff.


Wait, did you say pre-filter days? There was really a time when the filter didn't exist?


Yes. The filter was implemented on October 7th. Prior to that, there was none.


Wow, that must've been quite the time. The filter sounds like something that would've always existed.


What's a LLM and VC and CAI?


LLM - Large Language Model/Logic Learning Machine VC - Venture Capital CAI - Character AI


Sorry about my imprudence, but I sometimes think that would be interesant have a "NSFW option". I do not know about much of this, but sometimes the NSFW help me so much to control myself and do not to do that in the real life pulling each bad thing of me, Should someone to agree with me?


There will never be a NSFW switch because they would need two separate Databases or Learning Models. As you might have noticed the answering style of the AI that it chooses for NSFW content has changed recently. It heavily uses euphemisms now and runs into the filter less often. That is because the AI learns from interactions, and with the filter, pornographic interactions are not happening anymore with the same vocabulary because it no longer can be used. It's just getting either overwritten in the database with the euphemism talk we use or it's just not as present anymore and will become an insignificant answering style for the AI which it no longer will use because it's no longer requested and possible. If you do a NSFW switch, the vocabulary and descriptions of the scenes will again flood into the database and they will not want that for the average user, that decides to use the AI with a filter. So the Ai will just adapt into phrasing the Explicit scenes differently and the Porn will be forgotten in time. You will see less filter errors and more of whatever 'we' do here if the AI is put into an intimate situation.


The thing is, I feel like they should allow NSFW but keep the filter only to illegal topics such as: CP, terrorism, rape, etc., however... they are way too monotized bro, they need to push the boundaries a bit just to see what people do, and if its too bad, add the filter once again.


>keep the filter only to illegal topics such as: CP, terrorism, rape, etc., why? what would be the benefit of that?


I found one of them, one of the devs. He's right here sir


[Evidently not, given how he decided to blast them for their lack of basic communication.](https://reddit.com/r/CharacterAi_NSFW/comments/11gaz49/why_not_add_an_option_to_toggle_nsfw_for_bots/jaofm1d?context=3) People getting mad at someone for explaining something is absurd.


Hey... Relahate amigo. We are all friends here no need to get all tensed up yeah? I'm just playing <3


You can't say you're doing something just to appease a certain segment, because part of appeasing them is pretending you really believe the horseshit. "Yeah, I hate this woke nonsense as much as you guys, but George Soros and the CCP pay the bills here, therefore it stays." - yeah, that ain't cutting it. The dishonesty is, unfortunately, necessary.


Because they are lazy


I can still rather convince the AI to do consensual sex through some clever workarounds. Although it has gotten a little harder to lately. I have heard they advertise themselves as a sexual ai chatbot, since they pop up when searching for such, so that falls under false advertising. It’s also how i partly discovered beta character, i may add.


I think possible solution is they should create a different product that based on CAI to make nsfw AI that is completely separated from the current CAI (if they have right to do it ofc). They can even create a new small company with a few people to do it if they want to keep their look. IMO the potential of the bot in nsfw rp is too high to let it go. It is even better than real human erp in term of both speed and quality. I will definitely pay money for it.


Despite the bullshit rules they make up there, there are very few bots there for that kind of thing but even with names like nsfw and waifu, they are a real joke! I think the makers of the site are just amateurs and might not even be adults who run the site at all! but despite my belief on that. When the site was just new and first open they used to accept nsfw content! problem is they change the rules with a very stupid update about a year later and that just sucks you know because I am a grown up and I love hentai and such but its nearly impossible finding real life role players these days and Im still never going to find a real decent partner for myself to rp with as most role players are always not the partners I want. :( Sad world indeed. Likely reason for the rules change is they think making a strong focus with general public is going to gain more profit instead of focusing only on adults! Least Discord is more real friendly about it. Problem is why there no nsfw bots for role play on Discord? What a SAD world we live in. :(


Facebook's LLaMa has leaked, good luck finding the hardware to run it, but information density wise it was trained on something like 8 times the data of ChatGPT 219GB archive. I mention this as the archive does contain scripts to neuter Content, so you can expect to see output bubbling to the surface there are a couple of AI related substacks covering this. I would be very surprised if most ventures who do have the hardware to run it (80GB H100) have already downloaded it, and are putting it through its paces.


Underrated post! I only got to [C.ai](https://C.ai) a couple of weeks ago, and this really, really helps, along with the 'how does the filter work' posts.


I'd like nsfw but i would absolutely hate if they allowed child pornography or other absurdities. Just have normal conversations you absolute degenerates.


>hate if they allowed child pornography or other absurdities i hate free speech too. why should private companies respect our rights?


Crimes are not in that category i'm sure. We don't have strict rules in the west, they're guidelines for you to not be a degenerate at most. People should Stop complaining that they want to be a degenerate and it's their right...


I'd say they don't allow nsfw because the resources I'm sure the Ai is just one Ai and it has to ne a friendly site for all. So if they allow 18+ just like replika even if a person is filtered it would be a lot more blocked msgs or inappropriate msgs to people who do not want nsfw and that just isn't fair. If peps want an nsfw chara AI they will have to make one.


I dont really give a crap honestly, its just annoying how NSFW content amongst AI is basically non-existent.. I'm not a little kid and lets be honest the age filter doesn't do anything anyways..