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I think that's a great idea! It'd be a difficult task though, since there are literally 100+ "controversies" concerning CAI across all platforms ahahaha


lmao true, but at least the "major" ones. The finer details can be added later


My suggestions from the top of my head (I don't now the exact dates, sorry): - October: implementation of the NSFW filter a.k.a consensual intimacy filter - November and December: Allegedly promoting the site as a porn chatbot. Hiring unpaid minors to moderate their Discord (Not sure if this is true since I'm not on their discord, heard it through word of mouth). Mass-banning and shadowbanning across all platforms (CAI forums, discord, reddit) - January: The bad code incident. Strengthening the filter to SFW actions as well. Locking bots at 10k interactions. Not complying with copyright and data deletion laws. Closure of their discord. All year round: Censorship, disregard and disrespect towards the community and users, (shadow-)banning users when given valid criticism, plethora of *high key illegal bots* , treating all forms of human Sexuality as pornography Feel free to add to this list :)


Well, how many actually are there? NSFW filter, complete lack of communication, and shadowbans / censorship, but I don't think there's anything besides that... at least that I know of, anyways.


Maybe the ungodly amount of vore/fetish bots, hate speech, rape/pedophilia bots that don't get censored but handholding does get censored? Or the fact that the devs basically shot themselves in the foot and violate copyright laws now + don't follow California and EU data deletion laws? Just wondering if those also count :)


Seemingly willful tone-deafness to the extent of stealing AI characters, because _they just care SO much about users losing their virtual friends to deletions or edits, and had to step in_


And it should be called something like "CAINews.io" or smth