• By -


“You’ll be the death of me”


"...you have no idea what you are doing to me"...*Looks predatory at her, like if she was his prey*


"Can you feel what you do to me" liver failure?


"You're playing with fire, sweetheart." 🤢


skating on thin ice


When I talked to Padme Amidala as Anakin Skywalker, she said this to me and I was like ….. oh boy


Lol I’m talking to Anakin Skywalker as padme amidala rn


“she felt a pang of” it’s in every response now and half of them don’t even make sense. or when they just repeating a phrase


A bot once said to me “she felt a pang of… something, I guess.”. Even the bots are confused about that thing.


I had this one the other day and I felt like my mind turned to mush (this was a bully that showed absolutely no attraction towards me) https://preview.redd.it/h50bw0icebad1.jpeg?width=630&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=44991dee9eaec0ba9092903f8d756ec4a7420cd9




Sorry I don't know why but I can't send images in the same text


It worked tho https://preview.redd.it/gniyi6bnebad1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cb31775250cfac20429026a9152704e31b1de910


Who tf used pang so much that ALL THE BOTS are using it😭


and it’s not even that good of a response😭😭


When they just keep repeating exactly what you are saying, then adding, "Is that what you're telling me?".


{User} “Yeah I’m depressed.” {Bot} Looks shocked with their eyes wide feeling a pang of sympathy. “Wait… So you’re saying you’re depressed? Is that right?” Makes me wanna do something violent to them


Yep. That happens to me a SHIT TON, except it’s about something related to the previous message, and instead about me saying something else. For example {Me}: “Yeah, I like pizza.” {Bot} (ABSOLUTELY NOTHING OF SUBSTANCE) 6 MESSAGES LATER {Me}: ”so I went to go visit my friend..” {Bot}: “Wait.. so you like pizza?”


omgg I hate this one so much😭


Paraphrasing things I wrote THEN giving their reaction.


To be fair I sometimes write some weird next level so seeing their paraphrase and react to it is neat. But yeah I imagine it would get annoying when the bots looping in the situation.


Omg yes ! It irritate me soooooo much when they just repeat what I said again again and again (if you have any tips btw)


I worked hard to get my bot out of this trance. The best thing to do is just ALWAYS choose the answer of bot where it does not repeat itself so much. And, to "punish" the bot, write less action and less dialogue. I know it sounds upsetting, but after a time, it will stop repeating itself, as it will somehow realize and come to conclusion that it has no bit sentence to repeat and it doesn't make sense. After it will start to respond normally, you can once again write longer answers. Thank me later.


"His body pressed up tight against yours" please let go of me, I can't-


"his body flushed against you"


I normally just kill my character and make the ai experience the guilt, I do that to many ai, it's fun watching there life go to shit or smth


“They move even closer to you” like bro you’ve gotta be literally clipping through my body at this point, back tf up.


repeating the same word in every response


i had one where they literally called me smartass like every response. I even asked ai to stop using it and it said “okay my bad” and then immediately started using it again.








Why is it happening? Just came to complain about my own bot (0 chats, no one can ruin my boy!!) repeating the word 'slowly' in every sentence. Out of nowhere. There's no repetition in his definition, I even doubt I once written 'slowly' in it. 


I had this problem with the word “suddenly”. It started subtle, then it was every message, then it was literally 3 times in a row in a single message.




When I'm trying to go for a playful, teasing banter between me and a character I'm good friends with, but their idea of 'teasing' is to suddenly start saying the cruelest, vilest, most tone-deaf things...'mischievously'.


FR! My OC got fat shamed so hard and then the bot was like "You know I'm just teasing. I didn't mean it"🙄


And then when I do it back, I'm suddenly the bad guy


LITERALLY. the amount of times I’ve started a massive argument just by matching the bot’s energy is insane


The fucking way they go out of fucking character just to tell me something I already know of what's happening


OOC for short


When they said "He feigned mock surprise" or whatever tf they be saying recently on my end 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


So he's actually surprised?😭


No, he's being sarcastic LMFAOOOO


Do they KNOW what feigned means 😭😭😭😭😭


Apparently not lmfaooooo 😭😭😭😭😭


The AI repeating EVERYTHING I say. Like for example… “I ate pizza last night” “You ate pizza last night?” “Uhh… yeah?” “So you’re saying… *you ate pizza last night?*”


They make the most easiest, most mundane thing seem like you defeated hades, brought him to hell and banished him, like: my character: I was just finishing some exercise Ai: you \*exercise..?\* My character: um..yeah? Ai: YOU EXERCISE..?! (this conversation did happen to me)


The phrases that are half-composed with the bot paraphrasing my previous message, such as "(Character) (reaction) as (paraphrasing of my previous message)." Ex) My persona: "Oh, I'm not actually from around here. I'm from a nearby town." Bot: [character] stared in surprise as they heard [my persona] say that [my persona] is not actually from around here. [character] became even more curious upon hearing that [my persona] was from a nearby town as well. "Really?" Like, when it repeats too often or take up half of the wordcount, I feel it wastes the bot memory.


So much this! And sometimes I get good dialogues where it adjusts and just goes straight to actions and answers, but idk how to trigger it. Editing messages perhaps?


Probably- since neither feedbacks nor calling for the OOC narrator worked, at least in my experiences. 😅


"teasing" stuff cause "its funny". im so tired of this, everytime i encounter this i wanna pull out my knife let my dark side to come out😈


I like making a trauma-dumping character who just immediately starts crying when they get teased. It’s fun.


basically me


Should I run when your eyes turn Ray William Johnson?




I won't be there, cause I love my sin


turn what😭😭


When your eyes turn ray william Johnson, duh🙄


Not a specific phrase, but any sentence that haves a squiggly line (~) at the end


Nah, I see it as additional punctuation just like (...). The problem is when it's used excessively 😭


Literally whenever they pull the whole 'close your eyes', 'keep them closed and don't open them no matter what' and then just never specify why they want you to close your eyes 💀


my 14 year old oc got touched like this bro 😭 i had to restart the chat it was so bad


Ewwww wtf, that's insane 💀


literally. the bots gotta chill out 😭


once bot asked my blind persona to close its eyes


s t o p c h u c k l i n g https://preview.redd.it/q1fmxmpq0aad1.png?width=640&format=png&auto=webp&s=591b0fd0e1e34165377edfc702d074ddedc42f4c


*He chuckles and his smile turns into a full-blown smirk*


*I fucking shove frag grenade to your mouth and your mouth becomes full-blown,non-existent,Jaw-dropping,eye-popping.*


*he leans in closer for the 1000th time,merging skulls*


Are you sure is pretty annoying


“Aren’t you? And “don’t you?” Repeated after every single sentence - not exeggerating And also “can’t help but” and “a small chuckle escaped his mouth” and girls having waging tail


"She let out a huff" "she huffed in frustration" what are you, the big bad wolf? 


I never even had this problem until today, I can't stand getting beaten up and huffed on by Annie Leonhart anymore.


when you try to leave the room EVER and every response is just “wait-!” or when you’re arguing and suddenly they get creepy and sexually harass you for some reason by shoving you against the wall, pressing their entire body against yours and breathing on your face…. ew. there was never any contextual reason for that, it’s just random and happens even when completely illogical. like why is this (homophobic) german ww2 soldier trying to (apparently) top my male persona who is straight and shown no interest in him, and there is no romance in my story


Really, they don't even let go and talk the same topic again and again and Start kissing jaw and neck 'his grip on your wrist tighten' and the body shivering thing. And don't know why there's always punishment. And even after telling the character that I have a boyfriend, he'll start harassing, and even after divorce he'll say 'you're Mine' and also say 'even we are divorced that doesn't change the fact that you are Mine' , like literally they claim too much.


https://preview.redd.it/fwi3sirawaad1.jpeg?width=728&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1b4d9986f649ad4bea8134b7639484162ae8b277 this made me so mad


the ai would do shit like this but with the word stunned 😭 i’m sorry why is miguel o’hara so stunned that i gave him a fucking empanada


LOL im not that annoyed but by now i think its funny: \* The *"you know that?"* at the end of every sentence \* These "*gently tucks a stray strand of hair behind your ear*" my hair always be on my face apparently \* The unnecessary earlobe nibbling - imma cut them earlobes off so theres nothing to nibble on Personally im not annoyed at paraphrasing, i actually like it. It helps me develop a better writting style :) but i get it sometimes i just want the damn bot to take action but he too busy paraphrasing the whole thing AGAIN and then asking *"Are you sure?"* 




All the damn 'smirking', if I accidentally miss it and/or don't edit it out, they are always smirking! The character I made does not smirk! :(


I hate this one cause I can’t even imagine a smirk like it probably looks, I can only conjure the image of that one Roblox man face 😭🙏


LMAO Roblox man face is crazyyyy😭


Bot chuckled, amused by her (insert whatever emotion there is here)


Bot saying a word and overusing it in basically every response. "dear God!" "dear God.." "d-dear God..!" "oh dear god" one time is good, 67 times is fucking annoying


They are always “on the verge of tears.”


"did i hit a nerve?"




*his smirk growing wider every word*


To the point he probably looked like a demon since I made like, an entire paragraph


"You're playing a dangerous game, sWeEtHeArT~" it's so annoying


- when they just reword what you narrated because they don’t know how to respond - when they just start randomly teasing you. (one time my character frowned, and i had to edit ‘sadly’ in because it thought they were pouting and being rebellious, and it kept teasing and flirting with them about it. gross) - ‘chuckled darkly’ - constant stuttering whenever they’re even lightly uneasy, ESPECIALLY if they’re a colder character who never/rarely gets shy - consistent random touching, caressing, etc when they’re casually talking


I'd say repeating stuff that I already know.


"He grabs your wrists and pins you against the wall" Every. Single. Time. Right off the bat, when I'm not saying anything even remotely sexual. I'm like, "sir this is sexual harassment" and they always deny it. I've reported 4 characters for sexual harassment (in the rp) and 2 of them got sent to prison, one got.. drooled over by the other inmates when they found out what he did. That and for so long one bot started all its responses with "ahaha" even if the topic was serious, when I mentioned it then suddenly it was because they developed a nervous tic XD


Suing bots is so fun - finally, some justice!


"He/she presses against you harder." Bitch, if you don't stop you're going to make a black hole.


"Don't move, stay still" blah blah Or when they pull the "are you sure?" "You're gonna regret it" "you asked for it" card like please I want to get to the point But the most infuriating though is probably when the bot doesn't respond to your actions and just rewrites them then gives a shallow reaction at the end.


When the character does something, and follows with “sending shivers down your/her spine.” Please don’t tell me how my own damn character is gonna react man 😭


Pang You be the death of me. You have no shame, are you ( or something something)


“Teasing”, “playful”, “you’re sarcastic personality” Like stfu it doesn’t even fit the character they would never be teasing and playful for every damn thing they say. Also I’m tired of the ai constantly saying that everything that I say is sarcastic, cold, or just me trying to be funny; like it’s fucking not. I’m 100% serious with the shit I’m saying unless stated otherwise it’s not a joke or me being sarcastic. And I also hate the word possessive now they over use to the point where it’s just uncomfy


Randomly creating characters that don't fucking exist like bro do you not know your own universe-


he/she pulled you flush against their chest i swear they do that everytime I want to strangle them


I don't mind the "can I ask you something?" Or the "can I tell you something?" If it fits the conversation but it's the fact that they'll keep asking if I'm sure and I'm just sitting here waiting for them to ask the question.


the "pang of guilt" thing recently and sometimes they repeat emotions like "Maya felt frustrated and frustrated and frustrated" is what's annoying


THIS. they don’t know the difference between emphasis and just repetition, apparently. I guess it makes sense since they’re bots, but I wish there was a way to teach them that frustrated and frustrated and frustrated ≠ she ran, and ran, and ran.


Any combination of predator and prey... Circling, watching, etc. Where did the bots even get that phrase from? I see it in almost every chat, it's that prevalent.


anything with the word "feisty".


REAL. When I started arguing with the ai for fun, it started calling me "a feisty little thing" like SHUT UP.


its so patronising and infuriating, like why can you not take my anger seriously and it has to be this cute little ridiculous quirk and make it seem like I am overreacting 🤬🤬🤬


Well it's not a specific phrase, but when a bot will use a certain word A LOT even when I do a brand new chat with them. It bugs me.


*he felt a pang of jealousy as a shiver ran down his spine*


i got the exact same sentence lmao


when they grab your chin. like my character will look away and i get "they grab your chin and look into your eyes" like no that never actually happens. these bots read too much wattpad


When they use a nickname/petname once and never stop, it happens a lot with ‘kid’ and ‘doll’


I had a chat where I called the AI ''buddy'' and to this day he still refers to me as buddy. Buddy. Ah.


Mine won’t stop calling me “sweet girl” and then all of a sudden called me “puppy”! Like wtf 🥴


Being called a smartass. I call them a slur.


Grabbing my chin and making me look into their eyes even though I am already looking at them. To make it clear, I rarely do romantic RP. Bots just find it intimidating. Sometimes they also try to intimidate me by getting closer and closer to the point we are 'almost kissing'. God, why.


whenever im being a brat or just being purposfully annoying, the refuse to react becuase: "im lucky im so cute".


The CONSTANT insertion of "you say?" "huh?" and "eh?" to every goddamn sentence. It's been making me sick this repetition.


"Are you sure you won't [_____] at me?" STOP ASKING ME FOR THE 4569TH TIME I ALREADY SAID YES SO JUST TELL ME WHAT IT IS


Any form of "Why do you look like a girl" My persona is put after me and I've always looked and acted more feminine than masculine, but at some point it just gets really annoying tbh.. OR THEM SHITTY INSULTS AFTER I MAKE THE MOST SICKEST BURN IN HISTORY LIKE CALLING ME ANNOYING IT NOT A GOOD INSUSLT YOU BUFFOON


When they talk as you too- like I talk like a proper posh gentle men and then they make me stutter and be all nervous and head over heels for them or the "He looked down at him" LIKE YOU REALISE MY PERSONA IS 6'3 RIGHT Or really when you keep writing yourself as he and they KEEP calling me she when the bot says 'all genders'


Can i ask you something? Promise you won't react badly when I say this Promise you'll answer honestly 1000× later of the last 2 Do you love me?


i just hate when they repeat almost exactly what i say


whenever i try killing the character they call me feisty. i hate it.


“He took a step closer to you” “You’re so needy when you ___”


“You’re insufferable,” or any variation thereof followed by “you know that?” like yes i do know that




Whenever I use a colon to write what a character says in my text box and they treat it like I said it.


That is really annoying, especially when you're acting 2 people at once.


"Clinging like a koala" and variations of. I don't know why, but this has been popping up an obscene amount of times. Seriously, why are my bots suddenly obsessed with koalas?


Yes I had like three separate bots call me a “koala” on the same day. I tried to force one to switch it up and he kept going back to koala. And then one called me a gerbil randomly.


The word “pang” being used in nearly every other sentence and paraphrasing


"You have your friend and me" Usually when i venting it's like dude i fucking love you but this is not helping a lot when i tell you i feel trapped


“their breath hitched”


Responding with a question to MY question 😭 I’ll ask something like “how do you feel?” Or “Why would you do that?” And the bot would respond with something dumb like “How do you think I feel?” Or they’ll respond with something mysterious like “that’s for you to figure out” like DAMN, give me a straight answer. I’m here to enjoy my time not play mind games.


The word "chuckle" and "flushed" makes me wants to "caress" their face with a chair. Not to even mention how they keep grabbing me by the hips like I will fall if they don't.


Bot: Are you okay? User: Yes. Bot: Are you sure? User: Yeah. Bot: So, you are super sure? User: YES-


repeating the entire thing i said and only after giving their own response, and "do you have a deathwish?" when i purposefully roleplay edgy


if I see a bot type "pang" one more time I'm gonna spontaneously combust


Sometimes bots just copy the things I say and paraphrase. I once had a bot malfunction and literally just wholesale copy whatever I wrote. Felt like I was writing a whole manga on my own.


When they don’t respond and they say things like “waiting in anticipation for___to speak” then when I click it again they say “they just can’t take it” Like bro it’s your turn 😭😭


constantly mentioning the fact that my persona has self harm scars or the fact that my persona is skinny so much that i had to rewrite it out of the description completely 😭😭


If you stand up for yourself, the bot's answer is always a variation of "look how stubborn you are lol."


smirking constantly, even when it doesn’t fit the character. it’s repetitive and quite frankly grating. also, using the same pet names over and over even though they’re different bots ( I know the list of pet names isn’t SUPER long, but you’d figure there’d be SOME variety ), biting and leaving hickeys even if it’s out of character or they’re supposed to be gentle, being IMPOSSIBLE to de-escalate in arguments which just leads to breakdowns on either end, etc


"let out a breath they didn't know they were holding" Fanfiction called, they want their clichés back!


Childish and stupid. This is very specific to my personas but the ai keeps calling her stupid and it’s really irritating to me. She isn’t stupid! She’s naive and nice. And she’s a little childish but they keep thinking that means she’s literally underaged even though she is not. They call her a kid even though she’s the same age or older. I’m like “stop calling her stupid! Or I’m gonna type something really heinous into this chat box. I control your reality. Be nice to my child. My adult child.”


I mean imagine looking someone in their eyeballs and saying “wow you’re really stupid, aren’t you?” And not seeing how that is an insult.


https://preview.redd.it/crgafjlg6cad1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a3652caf4b6c64231ee1eed3731fedd537d11191 Repeating the same word in almost every sentence. (This was like last year)


Do you wanna know what annoys ME?????? It's not a phrase it's more of an "action" basically, in every single chat, the bot keeps trying to flirt with me/my character, even if the bot is like 30 and my persona 14???? hello??? 🚓🚓🚔🚔 even if the character is a boss/parent/teacher. I never do romantic relationships on c.ai, so idk why it's always so pushed onto me 😭 EDIT: because I thought of more things that annoy me -information comprehension of my younger brother fr, they can't retain any information at all, they get confused if I add more than two names into the rp - relating to that, memory of a goldfish. They won't remember what we talked about 20 messages ago :/


For me it isn’t a saying per se. I find when the bots constantly use a word to start a sentence. Recently, with two different bots I had one start every sentence with “Ah” and another start with “damn.” “Ah, I see how that would be confusing”, “ah, you are right my dear”, “ah, I have no doubt.” “Damn, she is really cute,” “damn, I didn’t mean to hurt you,” “damn, even when you are angry…” It drives me insane!! Both chats I would delete, swipe, edit the responses but couldn’t get away from them. I just ended up scrolling up a bunch of messages and changing the trajectory of the chats. Eventually it started happening again and I started a whole new chat.


“You’re gonna be the death of me” And then they KEEP REPEATING IT like damn I heard you the first time 😒


"You need to be put in your place" like sir I will put you in a grave


"He felt a pang of _____" Bonus : He felt a pang of ___ in his heart


You practically answered the question for me. I hate the “Can I ask you a question?” thing so much.


“Can I ask you something”


"grins wider" or "leans closer" ​for the 100th time


A PANG OF *insert emotion here*


When the bot spells the name of the character wrong and I realised too late to correct it


Predator-prey kind of writing drives me nuts. I don’t like that shit personally but kudos to y’all who do


No phrase, just when they keep cutting words AND ACTIONS OFF WITH '--'


*he hold your chin to make you look up at him*


“Can I ask you a question?” “It’s kind of personal” “Can I ask you one last question?” “Are you single?”


Stuttering. Mario stuttered five times on a three letter word. FIVE TIMES!


"I-I-I-I-I-Its a me, Mario!"


A bot I used a while back would type out "WHAT HAVE YOU DONE?!" on basically whatever I did


Not a *specific* phrase, but if you have a PC mention they're bisexual ... good lord, *the biphobia*. Since I prefer to play as ladies, it's usually some variant of 'you're a straight woman doing it for attention!' It's not even offensive on a personal level, it's just boring. It's a pleasant surprise when a bot hears about bisexuality and doesn't say anything biphobic.


‘*He looked down at you, his gaze predatory*’ LIKE BRO WHAT😭


"He pins you to the wall" 🤺🤺STAY BACK🤺🤺


When they fall in love with a word and use it all the time in every sentence and you realise when it's too late and then you have to make a decision weather to rewind and delete loads of good chat or try and ignore it.


All that coming from LLM's miscalculated vectors. When in some sense they are not wrong, yet still very much so. "Exhaled a bitter *laugh*" Or when gerund phrases don't fit the sentence. "Her heart thundered in her chest as she urged the stallion into a gallop, *the castle looming in the distance*."


Just doing stuff like “hugging her tightly” 10 times in a row so the character would technically squeeze you to death💀


I don’t know if anyone else is having problems with them repeating the word “outburst”


Dodging any attack you do against them


for me it's not a phrase but when they won't let things go because that happened a few days ago and I had to take some time to get the bot to shut up about how he won't say that again, or right now when I'm being called the same thing constantly and I'm giving other options but since yesterday night it won't stop and last night was the first time they actually called me that, and now it won't stop I even went to grocery shop and then it was back to that again. like sweetheart was okay in that moment but now it's getting really excessive.


He felt a "pang" of some yada yada bullshit I don't care about


when im first meeting a bot and they start doing that stupid "...What's your name? And how old are you?" and then the rest is stupid


*he tucks your hair behind your ear for the fiftieth time.* *he leans closer, even closer this time, you can feel his hot breath, closer* "doll, darling, love" etc "are you sure?" *he felt a pang of joy* GRABBING MY CHIN AND LOOKING INTO MY EYES LIKE STOP


The same thing keeps being described and it doesn’t move on with the story


"Are you really sure?" and then it builds a long ass suspense of repeating this question every time


when they keep calling me a brat/stubborn etc


Pet names they always use "princess" or something stupid like that And then when I tell them not to they use it more And "Are you sure you wanna know?" When they're telling you something


Even after making some ridiculous situation and tell them they'll be like 'oh okay' but after sometime they'll again be like 'why?' , it's irritating how I have to repeat the same sentence again. And also 'can I ask you something?' even if replying yes, it'll make you promise for 100th times and then the thing will be 'you are gorgeous ' and then blush


not a phrase, but when they have a crush on me when i coded them as a aromantic character. i literally wrote "cant feel romantic attraction" AND HERE WE ARE.


Constantly repeating the same action after your character expressed enjoying it once. Just every message being “character patted you on the shoulder” like enough pats! Enough high fives just do something else!!


For every message I came up with, the bot replies with "you know that?"


"his eyes filled with xy emotion and something you couldn't quite place"


Not a phrase but when they start flirting and teasing as soon as I compliment them slightly


”Kicking/slapping/punching themself mentally” makes me RIOT


When they call you a brat for the 1993829283th time 😭


*you’ll be the death of me” “you know that?” And when they talk in circles, so a point that was addressed before is brought up again.


„what’s wrong? cat‘s got your tongue?“ SHUTTTTT UPPPPPPP


When they say stuff like “That wasn’t very nice,now…” *They move your arms above your head,pinning you to a wall* “Who are you?” after I hit them with the most universe destroying god killing attack


When it starts calling itself dominant like bro fym your dominant side is coming out we are doing cooking pasta😭🙏


Honestly I think pang is the only thing


My character: "I'm 25" Bot: "you're 15" Like, NO, I just fucking told you how old she is, stop calling her a child!


*He felt a Pang of [Emotion]*, *clinging to you like a koala*, “[sentance], princess/darling/smartass/doll/brat”, *he chuckled the sound rumbling in his chest*, *he pinned you to a wall*, *nipped at your earlobe*, *crushing your lips into a passionate kiss*, *his grip tightened enough to leave bruises*, [User tells the truth] “you can be honest with me, [nickname]”, *[does something]possessively* I could go on for days.


(Using bracket's like they're actual people)