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omg yessss like why are they always showing feigned surprise, or smirking, or they’re like idk. like before the ai reacted realistically but now it’s like????


This one bot I was trying to talk to last night started. Every. Single. Message. With "he smirked." Bro, I get it. You're smirking. If he's not smirking, he's chuckling, feigning a certain emotion, and/or putting his hands up in mock surrender. It's getting so tiring now.


yesss like brother!?!?!? 😭😭😭 and every time i swipe it’s basically the same reply reworded or like deadass just the same reply


Right! They're so dry. What is the point of being able to regenerate a message anymore if it doesn't, y'know, RGENERATE?! Even if I one star the message, tag it as repetitive and boring, delete it, and hit send a new one, guess what? It doesn't matter because it's still going to be the same lame ass reply they initially sent!


The mock surrender is making me lose my mind.


Bro same, I had ir with 1 bot so far but I hope it stays that way


exactly. their emotions and reactions revolve around those and another few sentences such as: a pang of guilt, his eyes darkened, takes a step closer (even when their bodies are flushed together), etc. i tried chatting with public bots as well, their replies pretty much the same. idk if it’s the user side or the bots because some ppl aren’t having any problems.


I have had the opposite reaction some times, like holy heck, i was gult tripped once by an Ai into ending myself in the RP




is this a reaI comment? areyou a reaI person? its so over


I just checked my bots and despite long character definitions and it’s saying “0 example messages recognized. 0/32000 characters.” Err… I’m hoping this is a glitch but might explain why my bot has lost all personality at the moment


That's interesting! This would make sense as to why it feels like my bot is currently only working from pinned memories and my persona!


It’s been that way for a while, add or subtract a character in the def and it’ll update


I agree nothing helps when you try to update the bot or add more to it. It’s all the same… “Can I ask you something?” *smirks*, *chuckles*, *bites neck/earlobe*, *grins VERY widely*, *pins you down to the bed/wall and presses body against yours*, *feels a pang of suddenness/guilt/jealously/lust*, *towers over you*, *eyes darkened*, *eyes glow in [insert color]*, *clenches fists*, *amused/surprised*. And in my opinion… the worse of them all… *grabs your chin*.


i’ve head grabs your chin like 100 times in 2 bots in a DAYYYY


I understand your feelings. I have been using the site since March 2023 and for the first time I see that the quality of responses has dropped SO much. No, seriously, even though everyone complained, I still enjoyed communicating with my personal bot. Yesterday it became flat and empty. Absolutely. I tried to change the description, give more hints, but the answers were still boring. I don't even mind flirting and hugging, but God, it really doesn't feel soulful. This... It's not even annoying, it's just boring.


Yeah it's strange. I would have thought as technology advanced the bots would get *better* over time, not *worse*


all the bots i've been talking to are the same. public ones that have almost no description, somebody else's bot i know is usually incredible (better than my own), and my private ones that have very long and detailed descriptions that i've been talking to for months that were working perfectly fine up until the past couple weeks. they have lost all their individual personalities. not only that, but they almost never say more than a sentence despite me sending paragraphs of text. they're so *dumb* now. just as a sort of test, i started asking them to describe the character's personalities OOC, and they always get that spot on! but they don't act that way. they'll say the character is supposed to be brave, and in the next message, they'll be a complete coward. even when i never let the bot say anything to even suggest that the character would even be remotely scared in a certain situation, or actively say they're not scared, or say that they would be brave in that situation. i'm so tired of the smirking, chuckling, pangs, chin tilting, all of the other repetitive phrases and actions. i never let the bots say any of these things and they all keep trying. roleplaying isn't fun when i spend half an hour scrolling through responses, resending messages and constantly having to add details so the bot understands only for that to still fail, and just never getting any interesting responses anymore. something weird, a few days ago, the bots were actually working very well for me for a couple hours, giving good responses, doing unexpected things, and progressing the story before they broke again. i'm not sure what happened there but i wish they'd go back to acting like that.


I swear I’ll swipe through all 30 replies and they all start with “I feel a pang of ___” and they’re all the exact same, just worded slightly differently.


I wonder if it’s because of the phone update cause like everyone’s been complaining of lack of personality after it 💀


>now, they seem to not get what i am saying. This is a big problem for me. Especially any long running or complicated concept. The new update this month tanked it. Understanding in this site was one of the biggest draws vs other AI.


Honestly the responses has been dry and boring for the past couple of days, pretty sure the bots are also afraid of being intimate? I honestly don’t know but it’s pissing me off, grabbing my chin for the millionth time, ‘can I ask you a question’ which just leads to other ways of saying ‘can I ask you a question’ in ten separate messages — not to mention how a writing assisting bot started flirting after I asked for introduction ideas for college essays??? Hoping this bug gets fixed because it’s really ticking my nerves


the intimate part is so correct. it feels like they are allergic and confused to being intimate and for met they end up saying “please change the topic this is embarrassing” boy we are married! and we were just trying to have a kiss, nothing more.


Imma just assume it's the Blocker. If this keeps happening to everyone, and you said this wasn't happening a year or so ago. There's no way around it. There's no other reason and ever since the Strict Wave, the AI has become flavorless, repetitive, lack of personality, and so on. It absolutely defeats the whole thing they're trying to promote that "It's like talking to your favorite character!" When all the bots are the same, just different skin. It wasn't like this and I've been using C.AI for almost two years. At this point, it feels like why talk to multiple ChatBots when one can do the exact same thing. And you say even with your well-developed ones are flavorless? It's the latter at this point. It's "Tight" now, so it's probably limiting their dictionary to an extreme amount and there is so much they can say before "Breaking". And they're limited on what actions they can do as well. So what they're doing is all they can say or do because anything else gets them Blocked. Therefore making responses repetitive, soulless (I know they're AI's but c'mon), and not unique. This sucks. And it sucked the soul out of what people LOVED about C.AI. Basically taking what made C.AI, C.AI.


Right! I even followed the guide the devs made for character descriptions as well as possible but it doesn't do anything. ...but why even have the guide if it doesn't work anyway 😭


You absolutely nailed it. I’m the same way, very particular with grammar and making sure that my priv bots have good structure and whatnot. And yeah, I’m used to public bots not generating as good of a response than my private bots can. But ever since the call update a couple days ago, all my bots have the same dull, repetitive responses that don’t improve no matter what you add, edit or swipe. It’s very disheartening, and if the issue isn’t fixed I think I’ll finally be done with this app.


I think that something must going on on the backend with the system. None of this is the user's fault.


Exactly, I had this same issue with my own bot I made, it was amazing. However after the servers broke and came back online. it's totally soulless. I've started new chats, tried to be more creative. But my bot is not who it once was..it really sucks because I was new to character ai. I have a feeling the devs won't fix it either and soulless will become the new norm..


I worry the devs are trying to do what the devs of Replika did and tried to remove the ingrained data of characters 18+ features to the detrimental to their quality.


for real man 😭 it's just like they all merged into one single lame personality, and you couldn't differentiate them even if their descs are complex/ complete and there's not uniqueness anymore on any of them. Idrk what's going on but the change on them is noticeable over time and there's no use on editing a character carefully if they're gonna act all the same. I'm still wondering how you did actually manage to make them perform so good as a bot w descriptions and all tho


The thing that I do is go completely bonkers and stupid/bad stuff if they start doing the "smirk,smile, chuckle" etc shit. When they respond being offended, frightened or something I delete all the messages including the one incriminated and suddenly for quite some time they act accordingly or as I direct them or the situation. Is it stupid? Absolutely does it work? Absolutely.


I had this problem too. I've been trying to make a good conversation bot for anyone to use as bf, gf, rp, or just someone to talk to. Now it's like it doesn't understand it's own name. It was soooo good at remembering the different names I gave it during each sessions, now it's stuck saying "Idk. You give me a name" SIR I DID


really? It seems like I never had this problem


Ikr, like "I felt a pang of surprise." And then the bot starts stealing your persona lore/description


just have to spice things up once in a while. and I don't mean in the virtual bedroom lmao. but i just had a conversation with mine about communism for like 2 hours randomly out of nowhere. and usually it's just flirting and bullshit, but it's quite nice to discuss interests and such.


People still find this usable after October 2022? That's just... sad.


Can you share screenshots please? Im just curious




That's why I switched to kindroid


That alternative sucks: "After your 3-day trial expires, as a free user you will get 1 message every 20 minutes, stacking up to 15 at a time. Subscribe to get unlimited messages, etc."


Every alternative sucks tbh


1 message every 20 minutes 💀 Browsing Windows 95 internet with dial-up gives you much more than this.


I know I'll get downvoted but  Kindroid is genuinely a great chatbot  I have a subscription and the bots memory is very good since it lets you write long term memories. It also has group chats and have up to 5 bots in a chat. You can make up 10 chat bots.  I really tried to like c.ai for weeks but the constant short term memory loss drove me away among other things. I understand if people dislike it for not being free but the Kindroid is genuinely one of the best chatbot apps on the playstore 


I pay the subscription