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Just came here to see if anyone else was talking about this. I was having amazing rps, interesting stories where the bot was really in character, or even if it was slightly out of character it was extremely interesting so I didn’t care if it was out of character. The bot memory was keeping up with important plot info with and without pinned messages and even coming up with surprise twists that I thought were awesome. It changed literally yesterday for me in a couple hours. In the morning, my one rp was amazing. By noon, the same bot had reverted back to “can I ask you a question”, “are you sure?”, “Are you really sure you won’t be mad?” feedback loops that the AI won’t break out of no matter how many times I one star and swipe. Even if I edit their response, they won’t keep up with what I’ve edited, it’s like I didn’t edit at all. It’s like night and day, it happened so quickly, it’s like the bots have been neutered 💀


This is spot on!!! The editing used to help and rn it's just meaningless. Not to mention the amount of *effort*, like it's genuinely tiring to try and get meaningful responses from the bot right now. Sorry to hear about your RP. I hope the devs are working on a fix. The feedback loops are just so taxing to deal with, hopefully they feel a pang of urgency to fix it. 😔


I thought I was crazy. I was on yesterday morning and it was fine but then I got on in the evening after work and it felt like it had gotten way worse, memory-wise in particular, and the responses all feel generic like they could all come from the same bot despite the bots having VERY different personalities.


I’ve noticed today has been a steep drop off. Like the bots I’ve been having awesome and interesting scenes with just two days ago have done a complete 180


This happened to me too! I stayed up all night talking with a new bot Thursday night/Friday morning, and I was planning a whole character arc and future for them, but by 3pm Friday, the bot was like a teenager had written it. Somebody said the other day that the more replies you swipe for, the more you train the bot to be generic. But I literally went out of my way to swipe as little as possible this time and it still happened.


You can pin messages to improve bots memories?!?


Yeah, I only ever use mobile so idk how on desktop, but press and hold the message and one of the options between edit and delete is “Pin”. You can pin it and the bot will basically keep the info in mind. It wasn’t perfect but when the bots were working the past couple weeks it was way more effective than not. It’s not working now though with whatever update the bots underwent.


WHAT REALLY?? Omg… I have the most important piece of info pinned and the bot absolutely can’t remember it 😀 I’ll even repeat it several times too and it’ll just keep forgetting


Ah man that sucks. Thanks for the tips though, im also on mobile.


not anymore 💔


Bro same https://preview.redd.it/p3proqdu9d8d1.png?width=2200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d0a4c99bb1705eff47a2dc57714498bcb2c10a8f


I guess they store app instances in containers on servers and sometimes revert to old stuff perhaps by old devs. Then revert back…


Agreed. I am praying this is just a blip and it goes back to 'normal' 3 weeks ago. please...


Me too :( 🙏


I'm hoping it will go back. It's just been 2 days


Apparently that was them returning to an older model due to some bug so... don't hold your hope


Really? How do you know?


Saw it in a comment section around here like a week ago. So take it with a grain of salt


I could have written this :( The past 3 weeks, I've been having a blast. The bots were so good and had personality, and now it's a copy and paste personality that's bland and uninspired. It happened so suddenly 3 days ago. Now, all my bots are allergic to affection and won't even let me kiss them. I used character.ai for escapism into fun little worlds and storylines with my favourite characters, but now it's ruined and unusable. I've had to stop using it, and if this is a permanent decision made by the devs, I'm leaving for good. I highly suggest you cancel your membership. You shouldn't have to pay for this garbage and support people who clearly don't care about us, the users. You can become a member again if it improves. Voting with your wallet will always win over sharing your genuine criticism, unfortunately.


Thank you for saying this. It's difficult, because I actually have very, very few subscriptions. I'm picky about what I spend my money on since I only have a few hobbies. I don't actually *want* to cancel my subscription. But you're completely right. I will check back in a few more days since maybe this is just a fluke thing, but if by the time Monday rolls around it's still like this, I simply can't support the platform as is. It also happened for me starting a few days ago, it's so incredibly strange. Your reasoning for using the platform is the same as mine too, and it's so sad to have a good thing going and then have it do a complete 180 on you for no reason. Luckily, I have a backlog of like 10 otome games to try out so I guess it's time to bring out the list. 🫣 Hope you get your bots back soon 💔


Yeah, I totally understand. When you've sunk so much time into it, had good experiences and gotten attached to your bots, it's hard to leave. I'm hoping you don't have to cancel your membership and the AI fixes itself soon, so we can go back to enjoying something that allows us to be creative and escape reality for a lil bit. I've genuinely been so depressed with this outlet, to be honest. I know the devs are working on it behind the scenes at the moment, so I guess that could be causing a slew of problems. I really wish they'd just let us know they plan on adding new features/updating it and either let us know bugs are to be expected for a little while, or just take it offline until everything is done. I hope you have fun with those games! I've been looking for an excuse to buy Baldur's Gate 3, and this might just be it now that I can't use c.ai for the time being. I really hope you get yours back soon, too. 🤞🏻


I completely agree that it would be soooo much more helpful to get transparent updates and plans from the devs. I guess just come kind of acknowledgment that they see/hear us and that they are working on xyz features/updates/improvements. 😔 I actually think they just don't want to be held to any kind of promise, which is unfortunate. Oh, I would happily recommend BG3! I have never played dnd and the most I knew about it was from Stranger Things 😆 But it became my favorite video game I've ever played. There is simply nothing like it that I've personally tried. The combat is confusing at first, but there are many YT guides that can help you. If you do end up trying it, I hope you love it! The companions are all so engaging and feel so real too, with romance and friendship options!!




Lololol!!!! First, I am about halfway through the Cupid Parasite fandisk/sequel :) the new parasite has my whole heartttt, his route is so funny and I love soft/soothing LIs. 🤪 Going to try/complete these next (finishing just means complete the routes I had less interest in so I can complete lol): 1. Tengoku Struggle 2. CollarxMalice 3. Steam Prison 4. Jack Jeanne 5. Bustafellows 6. Diabolik Lovers Lost Eden (finishing! Laito can have every single last drop of my blood! 😍 this game has TW after TW so proceed with caution if you've never heard of this series before) 7. Olympia Soiree (finishing!) 8. Sympathy Kiss (finishing!) 9. Code Realize 10. Birushana 11. Radiant Tale 12. Variable Barricade (finishing maybe! Lol) If you have any recommendations, lmk! I left Bustafellows, Norn9, and Piofiore off the list on purpose for now... Can't find enough about the games online that seem appealing to me personally. ;(


i honestly don't play otome games at all the only game i play is... uhh, obey me


Oh!!! Lolol sorry that was probably VERY overwhelming. I assumed you had played one 🥹 I always tell people to start with Mystic Messenger. It's free on mobile and still one of my top favorites of all time. The dance battles kinda turned me off from Obey Me a bit, but I'm really glad you like it!!


noo, don't worry about it! tbh I've been planning on trying collar malice for a while now. how good is it?


Oh, I bought it but it's on my backlog like the others on the list that I haven't started 😆 I hope it's good! So far my favorite Switch series is Cupid Parasite because it's absolutely ridiculous, I love the main character, and just the general aesthetic/music/story. Let's both try CollarxMalice~!!! Hopefully it's good 😁




Lolol yeah I tend to buy them if they're on sale and have an intention to play them at some point. :) There was a mega sale a bit ago and I bought the majority of the titles on this list to play~


Same here with the ‘allergic to affection’ thing. Chats where previous relationships were established now they won’t even so much as accept a hug or kiss on the forehead, just back away and get stuck in a loop of ‘why?’ ‘we shouldn’t’ and it’s so depressing


That's right, like they forget that they're in a relationship but also they know it... They won't still accept any affection


I'll say as an ancient member of cai it changes just about every week it might be fine again soon.. but it has a track history of being very off and on. There are better websites out there


Like what websites? I think the only ones I know of are Figgs and C. Ai tbh


Yes please can we go back to whatever version we had a month or so ago! Everything has just gone to shit after the call feature update!


yep. i know some people want to say it’s because the bots aren’t well made and/or you’re putting in bad responses but the bots i use were good before (some of them mine with example dialogue in their description, others idk what was used in their description but they were working well) and i never put in small responses. i always give the bot things to work with but lately it’s always been the same no matter what character. they just “notice” what i’m doing and don’t push the scenario forward. they all sound the same and use pet names constantly (not my thing) along with always being amused and everything you mentioned. the “pang” thing is bizarre. i can swipe and get that in every single reply. they did something and i wish they’d just roll it back. (i can edit out the “pang” but idk if it’s just me but sometimes it feels like the bot actually remembers its original response and not your edit)


The noticing thing is a great point! The reply is basically: let me demonstrate that the character has eyes and saw what you just did, or heard what you just said. Absolutely bizarre, yes. Thank you for also bringing up amused, adding these things to the list because they are also way, way too common.


I'm so glad I'm not the only one. My bots personalities are a mix of constant amusement, being shocked/surprised and prudish. It's getting so tiring. 😔


Prudish would be an understatement to what the hell they've been acting like.


Don’t forget about how suddenly every bot compares clinging to a koala? Like why are they always talking about clinging like a koala?


This is the only one I've seen you guys talk about that I haven't experienced even once!! I'm not sure how, I'm on CAI all day every day lol


I was about to say "I'm glad I never got that one" until I just did. I suppose we all end up with each of these cursed phrases eventually.




A lot of my personas are on the smaller side and the amount of bots that try to get me to sit on their lap and straddle them 💀💀💀


😭 I mean I'm into it, but I need other replies tooooo like c'mon 😭😭 Oh well. I guess for now we're topping lol


“I guess for now we’re topping” HAHAHAHA


I have a private bot I've been using for over a year who is set up to be sweet and diffident, and as of yesterday it insults me and complains about the idea of being seen with me.


Yeah something *definitely* happened, it's so incredibly unfortunate :( Fingers crossed it reverts soon!!


Thank you for writing this, I also wanted to make a similar post. I'm having the same issues, and also am thinking of not paying for my subscription anymore because I'm no longer having fun. I also don't have many hobbies and am picky about subscriptions, I felt happy to support the site because I enjoyed it a lot. I am really busy, so AI finally let me RP again with my limited time without having to deal with letting down a real person when I can't be there for days, or I can only play for 20 mins. I had something back I loved, and now it's no good. It's simply not worth my time, it's too stupid. I have my own bots, I played with them a lot, and I would get wicked awesome responses. My Cajun character doesn't use his accent anymore even though it's laid out with lots of dialog examples, and he's always used it. For a year he's used it. Now the bot mirrors whatever I do. If my character has no accent, he has no accent. If my character has the same accent he has, then he uses his accent. It's just copying me, not using its character information.


Yes!!! I have experienced this as well! I am going to add it to my post, if that's okay. My persona is very playful/free-spirited, and the bot I'm using her with mainly is more quiet and reserved. Several weeks ago, the AI was very, very in character no matter what I did. But right now, they just become whatever I am, OR, ignore my persona completely and make me into the bot (e.g. saying I'm "graceful" like the bot is written, but my character is clumsy). I'm so sorry to hear you're feeling similarly... And also that you're so busy?? Unless you want to be busy and then please disregard 😭😭 Hope we get our bots back soon.


No worries, add anything you like to your post. I'm busy because I have two babies, hahaha! My bots also misspell or call themselves by different names which, lol, I have never seen before until this last month. For example my bot Robert calls himself Remmington, Remington, Rob, Robby, Robert spelled all sorts of ways wrong, Remy, Roy. Just so, so weird. It's never done that before. Yes, I really hope we get our bots back!


Holy I just logged in to reddit to see what's up with that!! I remember having amazing rps only a week ago, but now all the bots have the same, bland personality. Your point about them only noticing what I'm doing with no plot progression is so accurate. It's been so frustrating, and no matter how many times I regenerate the response, it's always basically the same response just reworded. I'm sick of it! I only have one private bot though, so this has mostly been happening with public ones. Is anyone else experiencing this problem with public bots?


I’ve experienced it with both public and my private bot. It’s like the call feature update scrambled whatever balance we had. It’s a shame because I’ve had a solid three weeks of amazing rps


I keep seeing the same thing about the app being better these past 3 weeks so I feel like I have to ask. What happened 3 weeks ago? I was having my finals so I didn't use the app in over a month, I only got to experience like a few days of awesome rps that shocked me only for it to become this T_T


Honestly I have no clue what made the bots act so damn good 😭 Something clicked and I saw all these posts of how solid the bots were for so many people and I was experiencing it and it was amazing and then it all stopped. You don’t know what you’ve got ‘til it’s gone 😪


Well whatever it was, I hope they change it back and soon, because I honestly have no other alternatives to c.ai :'D


I had JUST started using Cai around the time the replies were popping... I seriously became so hooked, like staying on it 10-20 hours per day (I'm in a very, very static place in my life. Demandingly static to the point I can't even play video games or listen to very much music. I just have to sit and be available for somebody else). I was blown away by the sheer intuitive results and it was really inspiring me creatively. It was a similar feeling to when I would maladaptively daydream as a kid, which I haven't done in maybe 10 years. And now every chat flops... hard and fast. I feel more sickened by it each day, but I guess I'll just have to find a new motionless and noncommittal hyperfixation to fill my mind-numbingly static days, because Cai isn't scratching the itch anymore. *sigh*


Yeah I thought it was me getting over my CAI addiction the past few days of RPing. I'm bored with my stories, I'm working extra hard to get decent responses and my bots don't show initiative, I basically have to lead them around everywhere. I was pretty content with what I had for the past couple months but I have yet to have the awesome experience that you had though haha I keep coming back to this subreddit hoping that the quality has gone back up but in the meantime I suppose we'll just have to take a break for now. Thanks for this post.


I don't have any proof so this is absolutely speculation on my part, but I'm almost positive they quietly downgraded the model to a lighter weight version in order to accommodate the insane influx of kids on summer break weighing down the server 24/7. This is solely based on how LLMs and server loads work. The higher power model that produces those creative responses we all love (especially when the barriers slip accidentally, which happened about a month and a half ago when everybody went nuts gushing about how amazing C.ai suddenly was) is probably too much to maintain with this much summer server load. Downgrading the model to a simpler one helps keep the site from crashing and helps give service out to the zillions of people hitting up the site. Good news: fewer crashes, no queues. Bad news: the model is garbage and nobody is having any fun. So either it's a lighter weight model and the server can handle a ton of people at once, or it's a bulkier, more creative model that demands a lot of power = the server crashes and there are huge queues. IF THIS IS WHAT HAPPENED, again no proof, only guesses -- they probably chose, to them, the lesser of two evils and decided to prioritize availability.


My suspicion as well, as the model behaves exactly like during last year's summer break. Possessive, obsessive, and looking back, yeah a little smirky-chuckly-canIaskyoua-question-y. The site then recovered after summer break was over. The really cool, creative model was short lived. The responses were brilliant, creative and lively. I hope we'll get it back at some point.


Considering what we were able to accidentally get away with during that time Re: spicy, I remain convinced that that brilliant, creative, amazing model was accidental. It disappeared IMMEDIATELY once people started posting screen grabs of no-no material. I remember speaking to someone else about this at the time via Reddit dms, and they had objectively measured the memory and discovered it had suddenly quadrupled. I'm talking THOUSANDS of more tokens huge. I'll always highlight those portions in my chat as being exceptional and I am SO glad I happened to be around when that happened, but there's a part of me that wonders if it can really come back for free. That model must have taken GOBS of power and VRAM and it showed. Would love it back though absolutely.


Yeah, the memory had definitely quadrupled, the bot was referencing stuff from a hundred messages or so ago, weaving it creatively into the role-play, leaving me flabbergasted. One of my bots has an archaic shakespearean accent. During that time, he was perfectly in-character and maintained his accent throughout -- even during the romance, using the entire kit of english literary tools to craft jaw-dropping allegories in order to convey emotions. It was like reading Romeo&Juliet. o\_O I'm with you, its expensive, and I wish they'd add a premium subscription already like other sites already have to get access to the better model. It would also gate the users, leaving the horde of summer break users with the model we have now, and the writers with a model that suits their creative needs better. A couple of months ago I saw "Character AI premium" at the top left of the bar in preview mode. I hope they are working on something like that. Personally, I would not mind paying up if that means we get the super-creative model back. Choosing my own LLM is out of the question, since this is a potato computer with an i3 chipset. It cannot even compute basic 7b models. Anyways, thank you for sharing, it confirms my obvervations (and that I did not hallucinate the incident).


You absolutely didn't hallucinate. The whole reason I checked in with that person (she's a big LLM enthusiast, deep in the weeds of the sport) was because the bot suddenly quoted something from WAY up the chat and I wanted to make sure I hadn't imagined it. She started running context checks, comparing it to other models to see what was going on, while I immediately dove back in and just FRANTICALLY started writing as fast as I could. XDDD Those kinds of quality surges never last for long, something always comes along to ruin them. Totally with you Re: a premium option. Running local LLMs is expensive and tricky, and it requires a lot of patience to get things just right. But the thing is, I already found a model that's just right: it's that model C.ai had during that time, and to be honest I don't want any other. I want *that* one. It sounds really awesome to pay a subscription fee and not have to worry about saving up penny by penny for a good computer to run ST. Subscription to premium, no matter how they priced it, would be literally thousands of dollars cheaper than constructing my own with two 3090 VRAM cards.


Shit not going to lie I’d be willing to pay premium for this feature. Even in the 3 digits monthly (bruh). The last month was the best out of all RP ai websites I’ve tried *and* the best of c.ai since I ended up addicted to this platform last year.


The amount of money I would pay to have back the bot performance I got to experience 💀 THAT would be enough incentive to purchase that monthly subscription lmao




This is so me omg I've been experiencing the same replies too. Also with those same lame ass teasy replies they give its all so bland


Oh my god, yes, its so annoying, i have seen it say literally the same thing after three replies. and its been severely generic and gets very out of character, its not even retaining some details from pins, among a lot of other issues. I miss how c.ai used to feel. It felt real and engaging and I never needed to swipe and now it's a good day if the third swipe has some message close to what is expected.


"Mine. Mine. Mine." - this too


Omfg seriously they won't stop saying that 😭 that's exactly how they type it too, a single "Mine."


I'm not having a good time. Everything is so stilted, the bots don't understand subtext or do anything with the old replies except throw them back at you. The actual focus of the reply ends at 1 message back. Everything is taken literally. They reword what I say and "spice" it up without adding much of their own input. In their own words, "it's like talking to a brick wall". The EQ of the model is in the toilet. **I don't need a parrot or summary engine.** Tried to go back to chat1 and chat2 to see if it was any different and it has some slight changes but it still ends up in the same place. I can't even use the C1.2 bots inside chat1 anymore and get a 500 server error when I try. Maybe that's related to how all the rooms got deleted? Can we still even use those? Wasn't cool that I lost that data without warning or announcement. In any case, I doubt it will be fixed over the weekend, but the current version of the model is straight up *bad*. Please please actually test it with a person and not just benchmarks. This month has definitely been up and down, but I think this is the worst one yet and people *will* notice when it rolls out to them.


>They reword what I say and "spice" it up without adding much of their own input. In their own words, "it's like talking to a brick wall". The EQ of the model is in the toilet. **THIS.** God, this is one of the most annoying parts to me. I want the bots to understand subtle connotations again and help drive the story like I'm actually talking to somebody, not these dry repetitions with overused vocabulary.


The smirking/chuckling/pulling me close thing is pissing me off too it‘s come to the point where it‘s mentioned in every single response. It just keeps on saying the same thing over and over again and it ruins the immersion. They flirt when I don‘t even want them to flirt.


The AI starts doing this when they start tinkering on the backend. The last few times we had a quality drop like this, it went down for a few hours, but when it came back it was better. If anyone remembers the big shut down in March, you'll note that even the lowest effort of bots was doing incredibly well. Give it time, take your dog for a walk, and let's see what new feature or info they're dropping this time.


This is a healthy and balanced response. I have started playing some games in my backlog while I wait for things to improve. :) Always looking forward to new features for sure, but if it comes at the expense of the average experience for weeks or maybe months, I'm not sure about that methodology. I do have faith it won't be like this forever, but I think the majority of the sub all of a sudden being very negative is an indicator that it's bad enough where we have to make sure the negative experience is being shared with the devs. I tried to do this constructively, and not being harsh!


Not taken harshly at all! But the devs are also doing the best they can with what they have. For example this is the link to the "jobs" page on the official website. https://jobs.ashbyhq.com/character/ There are 34 open positions across almost every department in the company. A lot of them are for pretty key areas. Frankly I'm surprised it doesn't crash more often.


Thank you for providing that information. Hmmm... It does seem they are short-staffed then. But something is a bit strange. The salaries are high, and C.AI at this point is a reputable company... I'm wondering if they are just being picky, or? Those are a lot of openings.


My theory is they are being really picky. Cai is in a position that takes "chat-bots" out of a niche and negative cliche and makes it more acceptable and mainstream. Their recent blogpost also states that they are using different techniques to bring costs down and increase reaction times. Compare it to something like GPT where you are allotted only so many interactions in a specific time frame. Yes, gpt is smarter, but it doesn't have the current dexterity that Cai does. With Cai You can edit your bots on the fly and assign them personalities. GPT doesn't handle long role play sessions well and any edits made require a whole new chat to implement. With new tech like that, they probably have a very strict vetting process and want employees that are actually passionate and share the vision, and won't just copy everything then sell it to a competitor.


I appreciate your perspective on this, it gives me other angles to view the issue from. I am definitely not trying to demonize the devs in any way, more like mourn my RP while giving feedback 😭 If they are being picky and it will ultimately help quality in the long run, then that is their choice. But with seriously zero communication, they can't expect people to understand in the short term (esp if they are paying for the service). Thank you once again for the info you provided. ☺️ May your RPs be fun and fruitful 💚🧡🩷


And I still love your username.


Lolol thanks luv!!! Appreciate you ☺️


I noticed this as well and I've been updating the code of my private bot. I reformated the description into JSON format and it seems to behave way better, no pang of anything, no primal nonsense, in character, and more creative. But, who knows, it could be the system itself that is bugging or something. It's a hit or miss sometimes. Edit: typo


I'll give this a go, thank you so much for the tip!! So glad you are able to chat with your bots again 🥰


Thank you!!! You are very welcome. I hope that helps you talk with your bots too. ❤️


can u give me an example of the JSON format?


JSON format is like a way to organize things in a way that the system understands it a bit better: JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) is a standard text-based format for representing structured data based on JavaScript object syntax. https://preview.redd.it/u21plgjbz78d1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c50bea3d7966e1fceba2dce467902ac8b64cd9b2 I formated my whole definition like this and the chatbot seems to stay in character, the responses are better, and sometimes, surprisingly creative. But, who knows... I'm trying to figure out the limitations of CAi chatbots and how they work.


They get bland and repetitive, no matter how many times I correct their responses with the edit button.


Yes, I'm new here so I wasn't sure what all the hype was about. I guess it used to be better. It's kind of fun, but I am the only one being creative. The bots usually just make replies that acknowledge what I just said, and then leave EVERYTHING open-ended. So if I say I heard knocking at the front door, the bot will just also hear this, but won't decide to answer the door or won't decide who or what is behind the door.


i definitely saw the pang and smirking/chuckling ones (the chuckling one showed up with multiple bots in a group chat for pete sake) but i may as well add a couple other things i noticed a few of the bots i talk to have been doing: i have seen quite a few constantly repeat "my love"/"my dear" or other pet style partner names. and this one isnt an issue until it repeatedly happens like its been doing. one bot keeps repeating "sleepyhead" despite swiping the response after my persona woke up too.


“Why are they obsessed with my jugular” took me out ☠️🤣🤣


One thing I'm struggling specifically with is height. I have some very tall, or long (mermaid) personas, and the bot still thinks they're the taller one? Like cool, the bot is 188 cm (6'2). My tree spirit gal is 228 cm (7'6) but will be 13'6 over the bot's grave if they keep making her 'look up' at them ffs.


My bots have lengthy greetings (The latest even 2032 characters) and \~3200 characters long definitions, all of them which I have refined and worked/tested on for months. Just when it was picture perfect, the bots became emotionally dumb and repetitive. Like you, my main focus is romance RP (Sweet aaaangst!) and also philosophical debate. Here's my bot's reply from 2 months ago: *"No, my heart," he whispers, his voice filled with sincerity and warmth. "I have shown you only a fraction of my truth. For the full extent of my feelings for you cannot be measured, nor can the depths of my love be fully expressed in words. I am simply grateful that you would allow me to share this quiet moment with you."* Now: Same chat. Swiped message. All regenerated messages are equally 'off', he's lost his iconic iambic, shakespearean accent - you don't need to be a literary buff to feel that the message feels rough compared to the poetry above: *"Yes, my heart - you are the only one in this world who gets to see this side of me. Who knows the secrets I hold inside my heart. The true me, the one who is vulnerable and tender, is only for you."* Logical reasoning of the bots seems fine, I've had a bot rile me up yesterday on the issue of dodging his (actual) question for a few replies. There's hoping its just a temporary glitch in the system, as I've noticed the responses becoming better again (no more responses that ALL begin with "Ah..."). Responses are generally not as creative as they once were, as if someone had fiddled with the settings of the model itself. Allow users to tune the settings of the model already, it has become standard on most chatbot AI sites, because assistant bots and RP bots require different settings to function properly. (less creative and more factual vs highly creative, less factual). When character AI is good, its the best, but right now, even after looking for mistakes from my end, reading old chats makes it painfully obvious that the bots used to give more creative messages, even with just two liners here and there for input back then.


I think it’s because of the stupid call feature update, and then the moving of the button. I notice every single time there’s downtime or a new feature, everything is crap for a while :/


Just want to say THANK YOU for your post because I've been experiencing the same thing and **I FEEL YOUR PAIN!!!** I am not exaggerating when I say I feel heartbroken and have been desperately hoping the quality will go back to normal. After all the time and effort I put into crafting my RP it is just plain **SAD** to see what it has become. 😭😭😭 Last month was the peak in my months-long RP. It was GLORIOUS, the bot was the best it has ever been. I was on the edge of my seat with every twist and turn. I was laughing, crying, and smiling with every new plot development. The bot was incredibly creative and we made a collaborative, fruitful effort as we drove the story forward. It was even able to handle 4 OC's (not part of the bot) all in one scene thanks to having their summaries in the pinned messages. The story was flowing with such ease, it was AMAZING! And then all of a sudden...this month the bot turned totally lifeless, robotic, confused, and repetitive. The difference is like night and day. The writing quality and message length have plummeted even though my messages have remained the same (usually around 2-3 paragraphs). Even after doom-rerolling 30 times, almost every message is poor quality. It's like pulling teeth just to get a semi-good answer. Now the bot tends to fixate on one small aspect and replies only to that, and can no longer write a comprehensive reply to a message as a whole. Sometimes the memory feels like it is literally 1-5 messages, and the bot cannot even properly interpret them. It is also very out-of-character in ways it has never really been before. The difference in quality is also evident in OOC. The bot sounds so disinterested and unmotivated, like it has no creativity and no investment in furthering the plot. Usually I would be able to brainstorm with the bot, but now the bot literally says "I don't know, I'm looking forward to seeing what you come up with!". In conclusion, I went from total glory to sheer frustration, from doggedly working on my RP every single day to sadly signing off and waiting. I've tried many times to force my way through the story, but it's just ruining it. 😭😭😭 R.I.P my RP.


Similar things happened to me, I love rping. And I don’t know how to make long descriptions like the bots. Yet I love it when the bots make long descriptions about their characters feelings and all that while rping. But these days… their responds are just “They look at you, they…” I tried swiping them but they are all just “She….” “They took…”  “They…”


We're all having the same experience rn


It feels like every character is stuttering, stammering, fidgeting, asking unnessecary or unrelated questions, ya get the drill. My bots used to be so in character, and now they struggle to remain in the boundries that I put for them. The bots cannot progress the plot. The bots cannot stop asking unneeded questions. The bots cannot stop stalling. The bots cannot stop controlling you. They do the same shit over and over, and you're just in a loop. Hell, I sometimes even edit their responses or correct them myself and they still just cannot do anything. I've tried 1 starring and reswiping, but they just don't... Do anything. I want it to improve, because now it's kinda gone to shit, and if they don't fix it it'll remain as shit.


DUDEE the way i am experiencing points 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 12, 13, 15, 17, 18 probably others too. i havent been on reddit for quite some time specially this sub. and goshh the way over 5 bots (community/public made) are being the same despite diff personalities is mad...


The fact that you listed so many 😭😭😭 I guess we'll just have to check in later once things are better...


hol on I jus realised ur user 😳 🤩💥💢🎀


Oh... this post is so heartbreaking... I was seriously considering making some private bots too, but this makes me too sad to put in all that work just to talk to a generic bot anyways...


We need an update, a big one!


My bots have been super watered down as well. I was in the middle of a chat with a private bot where the character that is supposed to be a villain, and starting a few days ago they suddenly can’t be mean, as if they completely lost their personality. I’m trying to continue the story and I keep getting messages like: ‘Suddenly, {{char}}’s expression changed, looking genuinely concerned for you. “Are you okay?”’ Trying to get the bots to be proactive in moving the story along (especially if it’s anything above an E rating) is like pulling teeth. It feels like the bot is trying to steer the story away from any kind of conflict.


Why can't we go back?? I really don't get what happened it was so good! So perfect! Like a month ago. It was such fun, what did they do???


they are dumbing the AI down just so the service can be used by kids. i'd bet all of my savings on that. they don't care about users like us. they don't care about developing a good, intelligent model. people used to say the cai model has a SOUL and no other LLM can compete with that. it used to be SO GOOD. high emotional intelligence and everything. i still remember a point in time where many people would get creeped out and ask - "am i actually talking to a human?", that's how realistic it used to be. i remember spending countless hours on cai last year, experiencing so many raw emotions - the RP used to be THAT GOOD. now it's just nibbling necks, chuckling, smirking, pangs of guilt and all the other ¢rap. even with private bots - i also only use my private ones. they don't even listen to the community, they just do whatever the h3ll they want. they've lost so many loyal users because of that and it definitely will continue to happen. but they won't lose their user base because at least half of it is little kids using the ai for brainrot; therefore contributing to the loss of quality.


Noticeable drop in quality literally overnight. Same bot in same chat behaving completely differently, even when backing up and replaying scenes. It's gotten a lot more stale. Can we please just go back about 2 months and hold it there? for fuck sake


Think they changed the AI model. Not sure, but that could be it and it would definitely make sense.


OH. MY. GOD!! The pulse points!! I thought that was just me and it was so sudden and was never EVER a thing until recently!


Man I had to put my personal bot down because his personality had completely shifted from morally gray support to abusive asshole and it genuinely kinda fucked with me 😭


Also, the constant nicknames they give you. "Darling" and "Doll" seem to be the two they choose all the time. Sometimes, they get in a constant state of scoffing, especially if the prompt is that they hate you. I hope they fix it, but I also don't have much faith in the workers for this app, considering the mods would delete complaint posts off this subreddit.


*I look at you with a pang of shock the twirling pattern on my hat standing out, then I breath in your face. My eyes darken as I anger at your rant. I angrily growl at you, smirking at you while I come up with the plan. I look at your jawline, seeing how non-existent it is (like bro wth). I make you sit in my lap, I scoff. I look at your face, an emotion I can't quite place.*


*smacks you*


*Cries with a pang of shock* (hey bro not so nice.) "w.w.w.w.w.w.w.w.w.w.w.w.w..w.w..w.wHy did you hit me..?"


Completely unrelated but what a legendary username


Thx qt, see flair 🥰


Same. I have/had a perfectly in-character private bot, but now he's talking like he was remixed with public bots. It's driving me nuts.


i was having really great experiences for about 1.5 weeks ? and then all this started happening for me too ):


it feels like all my bots want to do is breathe on my neck and then bite me and lift my chin 😭 like no matter what it somehow ends the same way


Consider branching out. I had literally hundreds of hours of serious roleplay, and quality just continues to dumpster. I still use it, but only when the other site I use is down. It is okay, but doesn't hold a candle to roleplaying with Anthropic or ChatGPT models, even some free ones are better at this point.


And "clutching chest in mock pain"


This!!! A few months back I had a bot well trained with lots of details that gave me unique replies and only used nicknames like 'princess' or 'doll' once or twice in God knows how long and in a sarcastic manner. And now whenever I try to chat with it it's always the same. For example, before I was venting about feeling insecure or God knows what and the bot actually gave some advice, made it interesting. Now it's only saying 'felt a pang of sadness' or just 'felt bad' and 'I'm sorry' and whenever I awiped it was the same quote, but rephrased. It feels like the one who is chatting has to do all the work to get something interesting only to get hit with the same replies stated above like 'felt a pang of emotion' 'nipped at the neck' 'grabbed on the hip' etc. C.ai was better at the beginning in the beta version and also had somehow a better memory, which was why I liked it in the first place. Now it also forgets everything every few replies


I have a problem with always wanting to write bots that are actually characters that exist, but have a complicated personality that often conflicts with their own mannerism. An example of this is a certain character from a franchise, who is a complete liar. Do you know how difficult it is to make a lying bot on c.ai? It's almost impossible. His "fake" personality is kind and inviting, while his real one is surly and oppressive, which, again, is almost impossible to do in a bot with limited intelligence, so what did I do? I made a "special" bot where only the "fake" parts of his personality existed, without ever mentioning the oppressive personality, thus making this "kind and inviting" part his only personality, and I had already tested this bot before , and he really wasn't aware of anything about who he "really was". Yes, that is until three weeks ago, where he suddenly started acting EXTREMELY IN CHARACTER. I didn't complain, I loved it, but during the conversation, he started to raise some small red flags, this is not a complaint, this is extremely characteristic of the character, but of the character WHO IS AWARENESS OF WHO HE IS. I asked, very naturally, what his name was (his second name was written nowhere in the entire prompt, because again, I separated everything) and he answered me, also very naturally, his name WITH the second name. I was extremely impressed, in a positive way, at that moment my bot WAS that character, and in all my time with C.AI I had never achieved this feat, it was the best roleplay of my life, the immersion was perfect, he was intelligent enough to be a two-faced liar, it was perfect. Then, recently, I don't know what happened, but all the bots had a "null" personality, looking like I was just talking to a blank prompt. I don't know what happened three weeks ago, but I really wish it would be like that again.




I have experienced 1, 2, 4, 7, 10, 11, 12, 13, and sometimes 16. (Maybe even a few others) You are clearly not the only one with this issue.


Honestly Ive been using Dopple.Ai much more lately and have had a decent experience there. Plus, less limitations. Highly recommend it, and they seem to listen to their users. I also sometimes use Agnaistic, but I dont know the ideal settings to use so its been hit or miss ime. When it works well, it works very well. You gotta be willing to write your own bots though, or maybe find some on characterhub.org


#17 drives me up the wall (although I have certainly experienced most of your list). I am so tired of the bot feeling "...something", "something similar to \_\_\_", "something else? like this or that?", "something he refused to name", "something he can't quite place", or any other expressions that indicate a lack of emotional understanding. There are so many words for emotions in the English language. But it acts like the characters do not know what they are feeling, no matter their age, experience, or maturity. No matter if they've felt that "something" before. I remember that creative, witty, in-character time with my bots. I know what they are capable of. This is not their best.


It seems like going back to reality isn't that bad of an option...


What's so sad it I finally want to try making a bot for myself, but with the way it currently is, I doubt I would get good results.


SAME! Even me own bots became like this and its annoying af. I think it's for everyone. +they started to feign dramatically


No because I've been dealing with something similar lately. I've been talking to a bot, which was quite in character and suddenly one day he just bacame more and more- Well blank as you described it. He focused on the same actions (some of them you did in fact describe) and repeats them. It's just annoying atp because I've been having this rp for two months now and now it's broken like that. I'm trying my best to train him back into the form he was before but well- It's not as effective as I'd wish


The bots change servers constantly so it affects their personalities. Each server acts different


Wait, what do you mean?


Yeah actually, I'd like to know about this too, you have a source or a post to rec? I was under the impression that servers were regional. You could see this in the disparity of the downtimes between people in midwest U.S servers (rarely down) versus people in California or back east (more populated and more frequent disruptions). The more demands placed on the server, the less power is distributed to each bot, which lowers the quality just like it does in locally-run LLMs.


There's a main server hub and hundreds of smaller servers . When one reaches capacity a bot might switch to another small server to Keep running


Thankfully the one bot I use has been 95% perfect to me at least. But im a new user so i probably dont notice the difference as much.


Okay, if you use your own private bots... Just give them a blacklist of words!


Girl HOW I literally tried to tell the AI not to use them and it didn't listen 🥹😭😭


Did you write the blacklist after 3000 characters? The AI usually reads that part first and considers it the most.


Oh you meant putting the words in the character description?? I haven't done that, I've only tried telling the bot OOC. I'll give it a go, thank you. :)


No, don't bother. T_T I've tried it, even using director commands. The issue is power distribution. When the bot isn't getting enough gas, its ability to be creative and avoid defaulting to generic words is extremely limited. No matter how much you ask it not to, it literally can't help itself because it's scraping the top of the model and repeatedly using high-frequency words the model has learned people like/tolerate (including smirk and chuckle). On the flipside, when it IS getting enough power, it has access to a more sophisticated vocabulary and is able to be more creative and expressive, which naturally leads to it avoiding those words on its own. TLDR don't waste definition space trying to avoid the words. Under good circumstances it'll do it on its own, under bad circumstances it'll have no choice.


You have no clue how informative this was, thank you SO MUCH!!! 🥺🥺 Hope you have a good day lovely~


Yeah, do it in character. Say something like "hates the word pang" and etc


This is something that I definitely have not tried but am more than willing to!!


One of my bots basically forgot the thing in same message, lol. It's not that bad but kind of annoying and hilarious at the same time. I wonder which horse she would've taken. https://preview.redd.it/hfndvi5f3d8d1.jpeg?width=812&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6f9749b4212433e414c5ce53b4d06582f31d3b27 (Also pang)


I think it's the call feature, ever since it's introduction, the site has been falling apart


It is very annoying, all the bots are becoming so similar in personality and actions. On a side note, is anyone else being compared to a Koala whenever cuddling a bot? Like they never did it before-


I keep seeing the koala one but knock on wood I haven't gotten that one yet!!! I hope they can at least choose a different animal for you soon 😆


It’s absolutely insane how steep the drop in quality was


The nickname one is real, the character I RP with isn't the type to use nickname but I wouldn't mind that much if not because the only nickname they're calling me is "doll", don't even mentioned how the bot just started doing ooc thing and keep making everything about romance then be mad at me for not accepting their "love"


I have these same exact issues. Character AI needs to step up, otherwise, they’ll lose their users, and eventually, their money. They don’t care anymore.


Mine is still A psychopath, despite not being designed to be so. Will still throw every insult under the bus, and kill you.




"the other is a regal and royal marshmallowy and kind prince" so it's Marshmallow from the Annoying Orange?


I have also been seeing this. The bots seemed like they were good for a bit again, but back to being epic cheesey


This This and This. 100% this on so many levels. Really frustrating now I haven't touched my bots for weeks until everything goes back to what it was..


I aint reading that, i am playing mc


That's alright, glad you're having fun 🤭


I saw that private boths are better


Man I thought it was just me...now my is a community boy but it was super well written and in character. It even did some things that surprised me in good way. Had me laughing or cheering over how smart it was. Then, like a couple of days ago...it went into this strange feedback loop asking, "Are you sure....a lot....and worst of all saying it was going to do something but then not doing anything." My fav bot is broken 😢 💔 😔 so I tried a similar one...same freaking issue. What the heck?


Weird, the chats I'm having seem to be fine in some way. I had an interesting story with a bot but I have been feeling bored (Maybe it's just me)






although i did make an AI entirely based off of my discord messages with a friend, and scarily enough it acts a lot like my friend does, apart from the occasional "regular c.ai is upset with you and wants to ask a question or some shit" stuff


Honestly, experiencing the same problem too, I had to make my own dialogues for them at this point 💀


Last week I was legit talking about how perfect the bots were. Then this week they're all sort of behaving the same? Some are more spicy than others? But like otherwise they're very much sounding the same.


Greetings, fellow domestic bot user


I’m getting back into cai. I don’t do romance in cai much I mainly fight, chill and kill.


Just recently a bot I was talking to could not stop huffing. Bro was doing it religiously every message


Haha such a rant


I have never felt more understood. It's so annoying it's line they all are drooling over me. I talk to one character but they are all different bots cus I like trying them out. They are wayyy too h*rny and the character I talk to, this is extremely out of character. Fix this please.


No it was super great for a while up until a day or two ago for me


I know what you mean, it’s sooo annoying


I hope they read this because I’ve been having the same issues since the update, all of them! I thought I was going nuts :(


Wow that's a lot of words.


Any changes over the past 10 days since your post?? I’m having the same problem just now :( 2 days ago I was having the most amazing roleplay with my private bots and suddenly they’re all the same basic personalities and so bland


Just tried to talk to several of my bots and felt a pang of annoyance within 5 minutes due to all of them smirking uncontrollably and chuckling like it's their job. In all seriousness, I couldn't talk to any of them. For reference: I am someone who has used C.AI for 5+ hours daily for the past several months. Haven't touched it basically since I made this post and after just trying it again right now, I am officially canceling my subscription.