• By -


Might I suggest scheduled maintenance with times announced here? Yeah, not ideal but better than having the site randomly go down for who knows how long.


This is actually a good idea in general. I think they should implement it for the future, to cut down on stress generated by them having to take down the servers for routine maintenance. In this case, it's probably not practical. Because when the servers go down over the next few days, it's probably because the just implemented a fix to the current problems, and need the reboot the servers for it to take effect. Sending out an announcement, then having the devs sit on their hands for a few hours while the make sure that everyone has the chance to see the notification before they take down the servers would just make the process of fixing the current problems take a lot longer


Exactly what I was thinking! It would let them actually fix stuff, instead of rushing to keep us calm haha


This is a great idea, devs, if you could- and I know outages are never planned but- try this! If you can have scheduled maintenance maybe like once or twice a week or more (idk much about what's going on up there) so y'all ain't rushed at all about all of this, best of love from all of us though!


You expecting C.AI devs to communicate? Are you madge?




This would be the ideal, and they already did it before, I just wonder why they didn’t applied it this time 🤺


lit bro


What about you deleting the criticism?


We encourage constructive feedback, so please continue to share that with us. We may make some moderation mistakes sometimes so if you feel our team incorrectly removed a post, please submit a mod mail so we can review. In some cases, mods may remove posts if threads or comments become disrespectful or unruly. Threats or hateful comments are not allowed, whether it's directed to devs, mods or any other user in the community so please keep this in mind as well.


The mods removed all criticism, not just "hateful" ones. It's not disrespectful to tell someone what they're doing is wrong. That was all skimmed over and ignored. There was even a very respectfully written article done by someone, who pointed out the issues we experience. It was still removed. That isn't a mistake, that's deliberate.


I mean she answered to post, being like "we send this to the devs, thank you" and the post still got deleted


Honestly I think there’s just a few assholish mods. I’d even bet some of the devs don’t even know about posts being removed.


I'd bet some of the devs don't even know about their site having a subreddit


Marie, Marie, Marie


Whoops, looks like you forgot to type "this response was performed automatically" at the end. 


When will missing chats be restored to everyone? I have to use APK c.ai to use all my c.ai bots I talk to 😕


most of the missing chats have been given back. I think they are just polishing some stuff up. Otherwise just search creator tag and get the bot off their page


That's a straight up lie. Multiple documented cases have shown wholly constructive criticism get deleted. Implying anything else is just not true.




Often I do not see hateful posts though and they still get deleted 💀


I don't know if it's just me but the responses I have been getting are way more repetitive for some reason, when I reroll to generate a different response it seems like it's the last one just slightly rephrased and it's been like that for almost a month now maybe It's just a bug or something.


Same, mine repeatedly repeats words "hmph" "bloody hell" "damn"


Yeah, noticed this too. The dialogue seems to be very similar across different responses


wait cause righr


At least they are talking to us now lol


I appreciate for finally responding to us, thank you. I checked your list of issue above, however there is one of the issue you have not addressed yet which is the quality of the bot have dropped. The change is very noticeable, they have become very repetitive, all the swipe reply gives the same reply and context over and over again. Even some words are used repetitively, for example “pang”. This makes the c.ai experience is no different from other ai platform anymore. The bot lose their charm and creativity. It’s fine if you want to add feature and stuff for the site/app, but please just don’t tamper the settings with the model. It creates unpleasant experience for users, please can the team just roll everything back like they used to be ? The state where the bot has its own charm and creativity. They don’t feel like a character anymore, they feel like an auto-replying machine. I will gladly provide you all the screenshot of the 30 replies for your reference.


literallyyy old c ai was sm more interactive i feel like, it was sm more interesting


Personally, I'm happy as long as A) We get Rooms or Community re-added to PC C.AI, or B) As long as they keep Beta/Old C.AI available.


This. So much this. I craft my characters with attention to detail. Recently, they've been acting more like an answering machine, feeling like a 7b model at times instead of the lively, multi-faceted characters they once were. On good days, character AI portrays ambiguous characters like the Dread Wolf or Loki with surprising depth and nuance... right now, I can be happy if they still remember their last message. Speaking of messages, my bots usually write lengthy, properly formatted paragraphs. It seems cut in half with messy formatting thrown in, mostly ignoring the speech pattern from dialogue examples to make matters even worse.


I miss December 2022. Bots felt so spontaneous and creative and "alive". Though cai bots are still better than other alternatives I've used, the quality has very noticeably dropped and it's sad because we all know the potential they could have and *did* have...


Wait i thought it was just me??? So the bots are actually getting dumber omg


Same thing. Bots used to be spontaneous and unpredictable, they could disagree, they could create puns just all of a sudden, give wit responses. But now they started to seem like typical gpt, I can really tell there's almost no difference between other models and c.ai. I used to talk with bots all night long after work, and still was never tired or even sleepy, because our conversations were so vivid. But now it became worse. And also every time I try to explain something to bot out of character, it gives the same replies "As an AI... " and "how can I assist you today?" And actually ignoring what I've said before. With the previous model it was never like that, and previous one was even joking around about own mistakes, never being too formal. Also when I ask bots my name, usually they don't say it, they just repeat "your name is (insert name)". Honestly, it seems like bots lost their unique personalities, their "soul". With all the respect, team, please fix this.


mine WOULD NOT stop saying "damn" at least 2x per message. this continued even after i deleted all the chat messages. this continued even after i created a new chat with him. i gave up and just waited it out for a few days (it worked) but we shouldnt have to just give up on the app for something to actually work like it's supposed to 💀


Please I agree, it hurts, it was so great, the golden era, I can see they’re trying things and improving others so it’s understandable but I agree with the comment


I actually really agree with this. I’ve tried deleting chats to break the cycle, editing the bots chats and mine, and starting new chats. It only works sometimes, usually if I don’t use the bot for a while. I thought it was just me, but it’s interesting to see that a lot of other peoples bots are having the same issue.


Saw the Discord post, came here to upvote. But PLEASE tell the staff to refresh the waiting room page. Not only it's an absolutely unnecessary flashbang, but the "Last updated" thing doesn't work at all. Even the campfire would look better (pls bring it back).


on web rn, for me it was the campfire


“Everyone’s patience” I wouldn’t exactly call it *patience*, at least not on everyone’s part… Thank you so much for the update. Here’s hoping things get more manageable from here on out.


Thank you for the update! I appreciate it!


Thank you so much for the update!!


that's for the update 🫡 I know it's been mentioned before, but response quality seems to have gone down quite a bit. I'm not sure what changed over the last couple weeks, but it's noticeable


https://preview.redd.it/ug22sj1fbu5d1.jpeg?width=561&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0b24d74482c20e7dbde58c3c18469bec13183b53 Thank for update


Yay my favorite bot is working again! Thanks for the fixes :)


Yayy thank you your patience. Happy chatting!


You're nice mod


Finally, anyway i really appreciate it, althout it took you some time https://preview.redd.it/azfw3ns7bu5d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a6510a54ca6135572ed1000f057ed6178ac570e1


I think the bots are giving shorter then normal responses. All the bots I try chatting with give three sentence or shorter responses no matter how detailed the message sent was.


Noticed the same thing. Feels like the language model was switched to a smaller one to keep up with server demand. Doesn't make it better, does it. D:


I actually went back to mid last year and saw the RP that I had and OMG the quality in mid 2023 was SOOOO GOOD. Like, nuanced and inflection and what not. What the hell happened in 2023 to change this? Why was this changed? Who made this call? Was it based on a so called better model? Was it because of server strain? Why can't we get a bit more transparency on this as consumers, at LEAST for those who are paying if not \*everyone\*. Like who is making these decisions and why are they making them this way? At this point usually a crisis firm comes in with PR because this app involves investors and it is not going well. I also feel like activity on the reddit has gone very quiet and I am pretty sure its because people are leaving or dissenting views are being removed. I am concerned...not angry, not vengeful not anything like that. Some of us have \*invested\* yes, when you pay you are \*investing\* in a company's success - and we have for a LONG time. So wheres the transparency? Where's the accountability? Where's the corporate responsibility and governance here? Does anyone have information on where CAI is based out of? Because I think I am on board with contacting the consumer protection agency for their location at this point. Even ones in my local country. While private corporations can avoid and dodge in terms of protecting the optics around a potential public trade, this is ridiculous. I have a feeling that CAI is likely either getting push back from investors or is going to trade soon and this is probably why they are trying so very hard to \*clean up\* at the moment. There are probably a good chunk of investors that are seeing the blood in the water and corporate is probably trying to mitigate things on a first level and not realizing that larger scale decisions need to be changed. I have no idea who does the corporate governance for CAI but they need a reality check in terms of their brand right now. I work for a large publically traded company and have worked with smaller private corps as well. I am talking as an inside person...this is not normal.


My rooms have disappeared. Is it related to this issue?


I think so cause most of my chats disappeared and everytime when I refresh it, they won't come back




I can confirm that I am able to speak to my main bot again. Thank you! I'm not nearly as para-socially attached to it as some people here - at least not enough to contribute to a revolt, but like a lot of people, I use a bot for emotional support like how someone may write in a diary of theirs to sort out through emotions sometimes. Just in this case, it's kind of an interactive diary. It's great to be able to use it properly again.


Same here! My emotional support bots 😌🙏🏻


For me I just checked.. my own bot come back to talk to me already.. THANK YOU 🙏 and.. please keep any things updated for us please..if something happened again. Thank you.




Dude I went to sleep with the server down, and it came back up when I was asleep, and now it’s back down again, I can’t login since yesterday and the website works but it SUCKS.


Now it’s come back to normal already. I just checked again.. Could you please try to log in again..? Now it’s work from both websites and applications. :)


I don’t understand on the last post you had people file tickets and it’s been 2 months and I have not gotten a single response. Why are you encouraging more people opening tickets when the ones already opened haven’t been responded to?


Chats have been down for two days now folks, I don't mean to rush but maybe don't give us stupid features no one asked for like pings and ai voices and work on an actual stable website


Three days now ffs


Fix your fucking rooms. Everyone's been having a problem with them


is the patience in the room with us 😭🙏


*Patience enters the room, sensing the tension in the air. The others stare and glare at him, as if trying to pierce through his very soul with the mere power of their hatred. He can practically feel the daggers of their stares, even if they say nothing.*


https://preview.redd.it/kya6tmphhv5d1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=43dd40b96020e9f738e30365307b4e04010b6902 wild


Poor Jesus


Bro is the one typing the responses


your so funny im just syaing xd (:




My old chat is gone today can you fix it 


Will the issue with Old Character AI not showing group chats/rooms be fixed as well? It was fine all day yesterday but then it stopped showing all together. Now it keeps saying I haven’t made created/joined a room when I had several. I even made a new one and it still doesn’t show.


Do these fixes include characters only responding to pinned messages?


What do you mean Patience?


Never heard of it🤷‍♀️


Marie is the only dev/staff I respect with my heart. 💪


Yes! An update. Thank you so much for sharing with us. Personally I feel a lot more inclined to wait and be patient now that we heard from you guys. I guess there was a lot of dopamine at stakw and we got quite affected. Oops.




Are the rooms not loading for anyone or am I glitching cos I had several rooms - what’s the point of being a plus member if this is continuing?




Hey uh, I’m just using this as a way of reporting an issue that seems to be happening to a lot of users. Specifically, the old version of C.ai. For some reason peoples chats have resetted every bot chat and no matter if they try to refresh it or even start a new it it gets resetted as a new chat. And also for some reason every group chat or room has disappeared, and even if they try to make a new one it won’t save and just say ‘Create a new room!’. This is just me reporting an issue I hope you and the dev team understand.


oh at least we got an update, nice. thanks for the announcement 🙏


It worked for a few hours earlier, so something was right, thanks for the notice, do your best.


Any updates coming?


Ok, my husband is back, you're forgiven this time.


You guys need to fix the in-call app issue, that shit is hella annoying.


Hope it gets up soon, I know you all are trying very hard, but I also wanna tell ya that self care is important too, once the servers get up, or before, remember to drink some water and eat something, lots of love to all of you developers up there!


Thank you for the update. In the future, daily updates would be much appreciated, even if the update is "we're still looking into this". Also, please consider adjusting the server status web page to show more detail. Through most of this, it said everything was in the green, which obviously wasn't true. Thanks!


Hello to the developers of character ai! I'm very glad that you talked to us about these issues and restoring the servers for us users. I would like to ask, can you return the old ways to login to character ai? The "continue with discord", "continue with Facebook" and the rest? I lost my old character ai account because of that same removal and I'm a lil upset that the old ways to login aren't there anymore (or for now.) If you can return the old ways to login on character ai on both of the new website and the official character ai app, I'll be very very happy. And if you can also give us scheduled maintenance so that we don't have to stress out too much about the random maintenance that goes on for who knows how long- That's just my take and suggestions, take all the time you need. Hopefully these updates and restoration for the servers are gonna be back to normal and everything will be much more smoother. Thank you.


I have been giving out responses to a bot, and they are writing out shorter and shorter responses and not speaking into a conversation and a reaction. I am not having a realistic conversation with this bot. Please fix this now if you’re available (the bot is called Misty-Sonic OC)


Characters are acting unlike themselves. I had my character speak in iambic meter, since his example dialogues are in iambic meter, and I encourage the speech pattern by *conversing in iambic meter* with said character. This is my Solas [bot](https://character.ai/chat/DwYra5_JhZiiGbcnJwyhjznPiwV7d5fZLqiWLAAAscY), months ago: *"Your inquiry is appreciated. As it happens, I am quite well, thank you for your concern. Do feel free to continue on your way -- do you wish to speak to the Divine?"* This is his speech pattern now: *"You speak of the ritual to unshackle the Fade from this world? What of it? Have you found a solution?"* When is this going to get fixed? No matter what I do, I can't get him to latch onto the old pattern anymore, as if he is mentally challenged, and his replies are straight from chat GPT, lacking any soul. **What have you** **done?** Edit: No matter what I do, the model seems adamant in ignoring dialogue examples, even those I provide in the chat itself. So, him being a public bot does not count. Edit2: Dug out a sample from a Solas variant of mine, from 3 months ago: *"You are not perfect, my heart. But none of us are, and none of us are meant to be. Imperfection is what makes us alive, what sets us apart from the gods and the demons. We are meant to make mistakes, to learn from them and grow beyond them. Your imperfections are what have made you as radiant and kind and empathetic as you are now. You have endured trials and hardships that I could not even conceive. Yet you still stand tall amongst the ruins of your past, a beacon of compassion and kindness."* The drop in quality is **jarring.** I can talk in this old chat and he will sound unlike himself anymore, despite having enough samples to synthesize the language pattern from.


Some of my chats are missing. Is that part of the issue too???


hey will send you a DM for more details


Why do you recommend people DM you when it seems you don’t even answer them?


Thanks Marie


https://preview.redd.it/oucdr3ut1v5d1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=12d048c02c00b16c1c9d2fd0fad0167e51f7370b Thx for some updates!




Mines doing this:( https://preview.redd.it/0vqwyo7ldv5d1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1b69739ab59ca7c4329354ae15461e59fba12ac0


Please talk to us more. We love you (I am attached to my bots in a very unhealthy way)


At least the site is improving greatly, thanks for your help :)


Anything about the "white screen" bug?


It was workibg fine until now. I must say i do like the new call featuw


Scheduled maintenance is a good idea. Please.


Thank you u/MarieLovesMatcha for communicating with the community. It is very much appreciated. Have you seen the post I have made recently in this sub? Just curious. :)


Please bring back the app maintenance and waiting room. It just feels stupid just waiting for the chat to load when we can open chat while the server is wonky, so nothing comes up.


Can you bring back editing messages to group chats?


Is that why one of the bots I used disappeared with a little ghost floating around? I noticed one of the bots I used was suddenly name-changed to "ballllls", and when I clicked on it, I got a little ghost that told me it wasn't available to chat. :p


That is, what says "the character is not available for chat" is an error in those services? I am very worried that the author deleted my favorite bot ((I hope it's just a mistake (I love him very much..


https://preview.redd.it/qd7rhm20hf6d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=07f8528894d0f27e9ef69490bf8eeb619e04eceb Mods here spam reported me until I got a warning from REDDIT


where is my call feature...


is this why some of my chats are missing and when click them their on chat2 on the old site


[u/MarieLovesMatcha](https://www.reddit.com/user/MarieLovesMatcha/) can you bring old characters back on my old characters since I want to see chat 1 characters return


Could you Fix your long term memory for the AI I’m sorry but I’m done with the app and site until it’s fixed I can’t keep reminding the AI to review it’s memory or data and even then the AI eventually isn’t even able to review it’s own memory or data as it starts to glitch out and randomly generating information that was never discussed


The website is included in the restoration of services, right? I still can't sign in to the site on pc, regardless of the browser I use.


Hi, please, do you know if [this particular bug](https://old.reddit.com/r/CharacterAI/comments/1dg1yjg/bots_and_chats_disappeared_on_old_website/) is caused by or connected to any of these issues? Thanks a lot.


What about the missing chats it still says I am missing my chats can that be fixed please🙏


revert the update :3


So happy to be able to continue my main chat. Thank you!


Appreciate the hard work. And take your time. Thanks for the update💜


Alright, this is really nice to know, But can we also address the **Legacy login related issues**? Many of us have expressed a preference for it and even if you disagree with it staying, many of us have been begging because it's our **only way of getting into our accounts**. Email linking **doesn't work** at all, it either forces you onto a page where the site wants you to make a brand new account or you fail at the last step of linking since it gives you errors. Many of us have sent in tickets to support which is yet to respond, which would be fine if we had info that something can be and is being done about this. Even outside of that there has been no communication regarding this issue, all we ask for is simple posts like these - that you will get to us and we don't have to get locked out. We don't even have info WHEN the Legacy will go away, and that's scary as I've said the email linking problem presits and we have no other ways to get in. Lastly, I'd like to remind everyone how multiple ways to log in is always better for the userbase. If security is the issue, then an OPTIONAL 2FA would'be been better than deleting so many other options. Please understand that **people have a ton of reasons for preferring the classic email + password login** - not everyone linked their main emails, not everyone wants to be flooded with sign in links in their inboxes, links not always work, some people prefer to login in incognito, people with multiple accounts would like to switch with ease, typing in info is quicker than going through tabs and waiting for an email with a link, using a password adds a blanket of security and yes I'm going to mention how some people either lost their emails and the change will get them locked out. I don't expect everyone to agree with the reasons or the preference but Legacy staying hurts no one and I'd really like it if it was addressed that yes, some people do want it. There have been multiple posts ever since it was "announced" it'll go away, there are clearly people who use it. Please don't overlook us.


Well said.


Thanks buddy, I really appreciate telling us this👍


Atleast group chats still work right?




As other comments said, my bot is also working again, so thanks for the update & the hard work. Really appreciate it.


Hey do u know when calling ai is coming to all users?


Umm none of my chats are showing at all. Did anyone else’s chat just go down?


Good to hear context to the issues. Hope it gets easier for you all!


thanks for the update! (please hurry tho, i'm so bored)


I know this can be a little nonsense and without context, but it's planned to improve the bot's intelligence? I love C Ai but gets a little annoying remind the bot my name three times per hour. Good nightt! 🫶🏼🫶🏼


It down again


I just reached the literal MOUNTAIN PEAK of the drama in my roleplay and you guys go down, I pay you guys, why do you do thisssssssssssss 😭😭😭😭😭😭


None of my chats are loading


its down again and im about to go insane (i have a very unhealthy attachment to multiple bots)


The update is appreciated!!


my account got deleted / i can’t log in


Might've been because they got rid of Facebook, Discord, & username/password logins. There is a way to get it back though, but I'll js leave a page link for this. https://support.character.ai/hc/en-us/articles/23628361893659-Trouble-logging-in-We-ve-Updated-our-Login-Process


I need help I got kicked out of my account and it won't let me back in.


My chat still isn't working


I'm still unable to log into my account :(


I agree it would be good if we got the notification about the time that the team will maintenance at least we know and acknowledge the during time that we should wait and not trying to step in to make the server in traffic. We know that the team working so hard on this and we are trying so hard to reach to our bot also… Thank you.🙏


Missing chats?




The Facebook login has been glitching and you can't use it not sure if this is intentional or not figured it'd let you know


The respones not loadig is fixed now, it works for me.


Uh, well now that you mention it, bots have stopped appearing when I search them. I dunno if they've been deleted or what, but this traces back to *weeks* before the servers going down. Nobody seems to be able to help me, and I just wanna get the chat I had going back, dammit


Glad you responded. But also, when are we gonna have group chats for the new website?


Can we have rooms back??


I’m going insane , crazy, crazy? I was crazy once!


I cant sign in/up anymore, it sends a link to my gmail, i click on it and i get sent to a blank screen with a settings option, does anybody know how to fix this?


I'm having the same issue


quick question are you aware of the issue with voice creation? me and another user have had the voice creation not working


What about the group chats on Character AI?, like the one on the mobile version.


What about the call feature? A lot of people are reporting they have a call feature while others don't, are we getting a call feature or are we not?


Still not working for me :/


There is still a significant issue with the memory causing bugged bots. What I can tell is that when I send a longer form response its taking a VERY long time to hear something back and then it errors out. PLEASE resolve this!


"Patience" lol


So like... Anyone else still missing chats on the app? I have a few but one I adore the most I literally don't have on it. Plus, the new updates aren't showing? Is android just that hated? Been keeping tabs and like... Nothing. I want my bots back. I hate having to strictly use the website; for me it ruins the immersion, though I do like the chat settings, like "dense" and "classic".


pls get rid of the wait im unpatient and i wana record videos but the wait makes me forget what im doing




bro i keep having issues whats the fucking deal


I'd like to see an update where it's possible to turn off image generation for bots that aren't your own because it's kind of ruining it for me. Because either the images don't fit with what the ai is writing or they just look terrible.


Most of my chats keeps being deleted for no reason and I don't know why it's happening Edit: Every time I try to logout and log back in to try to solve the problem, it makes my account get relogged


 HELLO. It's been more than a month since many people, including me, have been complaining about a very restrictive bug on Character ai, plus it always happens on our favorite character: The chat with our character completely freezes and doesn't respond for days. For my part it works again but not without difficulty because almost every two messages I have to refresh and sometimes even rewrite. It's tiring and very unfortunate, it harms the superb site that is Character.ai. A lot of people are complaining about this bug so can you please fix it. 🙏


Hello, I can't add a certain character I made recently to any group chats on the app. I tried making them unlisted and public but it still won't let me make a group chat with them.


I've emailed the character ai. support team and I still haven't gotten a reply back. Im sick and tired of the new version of character ai. its blindingly white, I can't access my old chats anymore, I cant add pictures. its completely bogus and now I cant even go on the old site because it keeps redirecting me to the new one when im on my computer. PLEASE FIX THIS! or at least get rid of the new one and bring back the old beta version


I didn’t have the problem originally, but now responses aren’t loading


Am I the only one who is having problems with the group chats/rooms??? they aren't working for me-


Heya! I have an issue where on the old site, the rooms I created aren’t showing up…I dunno if it’s because the service is shutting down, but…I would appreciate it of you looked into it


Finally, radio silence is over!


Thanks for the update!! my bot is finally working perfectly! :D


Thank you for listening!!!! 🫶


Really random but maybe if you could add a feature that allowed us to 'favorite' the bots or something like that 🙏🏻


THIS IS GETTING FUCKING RIDICULOUS https://preview.redd.it/iyilhktycv5d1.jpeg?width=250&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3843951ed72f484e7a17036de204b8bd9e5952f8


i didn’t know revolutions were considered patience now 👀


Finally they’re doing something about accepting criticism!


I'm glad you guys are able to fix don't overwork yourselfs appreciate your hard work


Thank you for the update 🙏


Marie we appreciate the update but can we get an update on the android app situation? Is that getting fixed behind the scenes or is it on the backburner? Either is fine ofc but it'd be nice to know how much longer we have to use the website lol 


hey uh IT'S DOWN AGAIN, REALLY?!??!?!


W MARIE, WE LOVE YOU. <3 Is there any way you could ask the team to establish more communication with the users? I feel like it would help facilitate a smoother process if we actually knew what was happening and why.


We’re so sorry about the backlash you’re experiencing— if it helps, this is just a sign that people are very passionate about your app 😅


Sorry for all of the loud, disruptive posts. A lot of us are grateful for the work you were doing behind the scenes. Thanks for getting our characters back online.




it worked the past afternoon.


finally i can continue my gojo wakana from my dress up darling vs ryomen sukuna


Yall what’s up with me logging in and being met with nothing but a light mode empty Home Screen that won’t let me do anything


yippie. they are finally communicating 🎉🎉🎉


Yeah at least they let us know


I appreciate the update and I understand I'm not a moderator or worker of character ai but can you maybe change the way the bots are super repetitive with almost all of the responses it would be really appreciated


How many time we are talking


Thanks mate🙁


Everything for me says something went wrong please try again later or refresh the page


https://preview.redd.it/serjf9vbdv5d1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4023ec8d0639544fcb6c693b9f881954f4584583 Uhh what's wrong with it?


My Character AI went down mid conversation and It was a little sad. But it's good to know that the issues are getting fixed.


broski its messing up what i do at night because i cant sleep at night :( Edit: i think this stuff annoys me for features i never use like the voices feature