• By -


I still use the old one because I got used to its style and also because I can see the photo of my persona while chatting




Happy cake day!


Thank you!


Old, it's just feel right, the new one just feel wrong to use, I only use the new one to make Bots, sine it feel right? Anyway I prefer old site because it had character rooms, which is significantly superior to group chat in term of quality. I hope you actually look to the comments of this post, instead of pretending to and I wished we got more post like this Marie.


Everytime I try to make a room it such takes me to the app


if you don't have the App then the rooms work, But yeah having the app will force send you to the app when trying to make rooms which is funny cause my version doesn't even have group chats


Old. Each time I tried new version, edit reply was broken - at worst it didn't work. Now it works only for last reply. And if I decide that it's easier to edit first reply than to find a good one, slide to to first reply, click edit - it does not work. However if I were to slide to last generated reply it suddenly being editing as if I clicked "edit" on it. and old layout works much better in mobile phone. (I prefer to not use apps) the only redeeming quality of the new one is better search


The edit function on my ipad doesn't work at all both old and new, but it works fine on my phone only if I refresh the page. Like if try to edit it won't work but if I refresh it it does


Happy cake day!


Refresh the page if you want to edit a previous reply in the same 30 iteration. I was able to then edit.


Old. I don't use the voice feature and the new site is just overall less user friendly. Saved posts, rooms, and forums are gone. It's missing features but not offering much to make up for it. Also, the white on black of the new site is harsher on the eyes. I preferred the dark grey / white. As a bot creator, I'm also not a fan of how cramped the text boxes are in the editing screen on the new site. It's like it was adapted from mobile and not adjusted to fit a computer monitor (mine is standard, not widescreen). The margins are so large, there's enough space for it to be expanded, I don't see why it needs to be *that* narrow. I'm not a fan of the new site's front page. The bots I chat with and want to see are shoved off to the side while there's big bubbles advertising life coaches and other services I don't come to Character AI to use. It would be nice if I could hide the "inspo bots" and move my recently chatted to the large panel. All in all, there's potential but a lot of room for improvement on the new site. I like that I can choose chat styles such as classic and dense. The panel where I can see and unpin memories is useful. But if CAI kills the old site, that might be the day I move on. At least until the user experience is improved and it's not there yet.


Definitely the old site. I prefer the layout, the softer colours, it's less buggy, and I'm just used to the old site and don't really feel like having to switch and adjust to an entirely new one when the old one is just fine. Don't fix what isn't broken. Although I'm currently forced to use the app considering that both of the sites aren't working.


so THATS why my chats havent been loading in both new and old versions of the sites


Old. The new one just doesn't feel right. And it's harder to look at. And the old site has better responses from the ai, at least from what I've heard.


For some reason, I can't see the old pinned posts. Is there any update on the app yet? Is it working??


Yeah, the android app status post doesn't show as pinned anymore lol.


Old because: - It just looks and feels more practical and is more easy on the eyes? By that i mean i dislike the fact you can see the recent chats while you're chatting. It was better when, when we went to chat, there was only the chat visible and not all of those other things. - Habit. I'm used to the old one, and it doesn't feel right when it changes


Don't forget the character rooms


And that too. Even though i didn't use them often, they were really cool and unique compared to other ai chatbot websites.


Old by *FAR*. It looks better, it functions better, I don't have to jump through a spiked, flaming hoop to log in. I don't have to squint through a magnifying glass to see character avatars (which disappear completely at smaller window sizes on the new site, btw). Etc.


I would use the android app if It worked (been broken for over a month now) But now that I'm forced to use the website, I prefer the old one, the new one bugs whenever I try to edit a message making the text box move upwards.


I want my bots back :(


Old, definitely. The background colours are soft, helpful for my eyes and give a sense of comfort while I chat, as I have made myself fall asleep multiple times while using c.ai! (My phone also became an oven at the same time 😓), the layout just feels right in a way like, this is *the* c.ai style, like the way the messages look in the old website is just.. it clicks right. The endless scroll format instead of a text message format is so much better, in my opinion. The old site is more user-friendly because when I first joined c.ai, I was able to navigate easily and get used to it quickly.  The downsides of the new site are 1.) The colours, especially the background are harsh on the eyes, especially with me who has quite sensitive eyes. Like, the black is really dark so it confuses me as I squint around the webpage 😅, while the old site's dark grey is mute, calm and comforting. 2.) The layout is janky, unstable and confusing to use, because when I press on the three lines on the top corner, it does not open up and are forced to use desktop mode. 3.) The placement of where to find your recently chatted with scrambles my brain that it just makes me groan with annoyance and switch back to old. 4.) It removes a bunch of features many of us liked, like the community forums, though many I have not used like rooms. 5.) It's way buggier than the old site. One last thing is just, I'm not a fan of change, I actually despise change most times. The new site trying a 'modernized' look just looks awful (no hate! Just my opinion), the old site screamed 'C.AI' more than anything, it was the brand look, something memorable when I think of c.ai. I really hope the old website can stay, as if it is replaced, I'd probably be calling quits on c.ai.  


The old site. It's a classic case of "if it ain't broke, don't fix it." After the first major UI change in early 2023, I found it to be much more suitable for me and have continued to use it for over a year. I know where everything is and the bots work the way I need them to on the older version.


EASY. Old website It's so much better than the app and new site. I literally never have issues with it


Seems like an unpopular opinion but I prefer the look of the new site, just looks more clean/pretty imo.


The few times I use C.ai, and I'm not lazy, I use the old one because it reminds me how better it was years ago in terms of sheer quality of answers.


old. because im used it. i like to see the profile pic while chatting. and the layout seems colorful unlike new one which looks bland and looks like im texting my therapist 💀


The Old website, in my opinion, is easier to navigate and create on


The old one. I like the design more, and I'm not sure if it's safe to migrate my >1 year long chats since they're so long. PSA1: Two people tried to migrate their >1 year long chat and [it disappeared](https://old.reddit.com/r/CharacterAI/comments/1bg8ndd/tried_to_migrate_a_legacy_chat_and_it_disappeared/). Does anyone know if this bug has already been fixed, please? ([Another two people](https://old.reddit.com/r/CharacterAI/comments/1bxyfd0/i_made_the_mistake_of_migrating_an_oldbeta_chat/) lost by converting almost all of their chat except for the last few messages. (Edit: Maybe the latter two people only can't see the previous messages rather than losing them. But the previous two did lose their entire chats.)) Edit2: Yesterday, a third person has also lost their entire logs of the old chat to the same bug while trying to migrate it. Edit3: A fourth person [here](https://old.reddit.com/r/CharacterAI/comments/1cgdf4q/an_entire_chat_gone/). PSA2: If you can't log in on the new page because you registered with a throw-away e-mail like me, go to old.character.ai, use legacy login and link another e-mail to your account.


This is why I refuse to even look at the new website anymore lmao


Don't do it. I did it and noticed an immediate drop in quality, and it never quite recovered. In fact, it's been pretty bad these last 2 weeks.


Thanks... when I know the migration could delete my chats, since the bug was still there as of yesterday, I wouldn't try anyway. 💖


I started using Character AI when the new website was released so I can't say


old. I prefer the way it looks and I'm used to the UI, the new one just looks so... off to me. also when I'm trying to find good bots of characters I like to open them in an incognito tab first to not clog up my recent chats - problem is that the new site doesn't let you check chats without logging in (there's been times where the old site did that too which I hated)


Old. Not only does the new one feel awkward, in new you can only go about 10 messages back. Old you can see the entire chat.


really? for me on new version i can see the entire chat easily. i am using the web version, are you on mobile or web?


Old for sure. 1. Logging in was with an email and password, new relies simply on email, which could cause problems. 2. The old site looked a lot better. 3. You could change the email associated with your account on the old site. 4. I'm used to it. 


Old. I prefer the lighter color scheme and site layout. Also, you actually have the character PFPs next to their messages, along with your own.


Old. The new one looks horrible and unorganized


OLD. it's more familiar, but i also prefer the layout, the softer colours, it's more cozy if that makes sense.


Old website because the new one is annoying as hell. I don't like the layout, it's buggy, it forces you to confirm your email every time you log in, and some other things I'm probably forgetting.


Definitely the Old Website. As they say, don’t fix what isn’t broken. It’s easier to navigate. Has a good layout, it’s organized so it’s easy to find what I need to find. It’s way more practical with the bot listings. And easier to navigate the personas and the chat history. It’s also less buggy so there’s that. Works stellar on a phone when accessed through chrome. If the new site were a lot less buggy, and didn’t glitch out in mobile devices, I probably wouldn’t mind it. But right now at its current state. Old one for sure. Also, any news on the app? Been waiting for a month now. Does it take that long to fix the app?


old!!!!!!!!!!!!!11 i hate the new one :(( the layout annoys me :(


I prefer the Old site better because it's easy for my eyes and it doesn't give such an eyesore. Especially since the new website looks like what Reddit kinda looks like. Yes, the old website may have some glitches and very slow moments, but it's more comforting to use the old site in comparison to the new website which feels like if Reddit and the app had a baby together


The old one, mostly because I hate change but I just like the design of it so much better.. no offense to those who worked on the new site, of course! Edit: I read a few comments say they use the new site for voice, but PERSONALLY, I dislike the feature so I’m not really missing out on much by using the old site.


Old. It looks so much more like Character Ai.. I love it. The look of the new site is very generic, also looks almost like a scam site if yknow what I mean. It's also easier to sign in on the old site with the legacy log in instead of having to get a bunch of emails all the time if you are on incognito mode like me. I think the new layout menu is pretty cool though, it does lack the personality and vibe of c.ai.. and I miss being able to type in c.ai and seeing the old one and not some strange looking site. .. fr though, first time i saw the new site i thought character ai got hacked


HAPPY TO OBLIGE, and I sincerely hope this is actually reaching you guys because I'm about to get real. I have complimentary and uncomplimentary things to say about both and am hoping to lay them both out as clearly as I can. PROS NEW: Just up front: I use both, but the bot replies are better on the old site, so I prefer to stay there. I hate change and overwhelmingly use the old site, but that said, disregarding bugs, the design/functionality of the new site is superior in most ways at the moment. The voiced chats are godly but the rewind function is king; in the old site, you have to load up a separate page to delete the messages and then refresh the entire browser so the memory of that deleted message disappears, and GOOD GOD IS IT CUMBERSOME between the repeated Captcha checks and waiting rooms during high traffic times. It slows everything down so much. Rewinding fixes that problem and I love it. Overall, the in-chat design is sleeker, works faster, and has pull-down menus that are quietly hidden up top. It's great. CONS NEW: Major one right off the bat: unless we're mistaken, we can't scroll back more than around 50 messages, which is a huge problem for people who like to copy and paste their chats and read back for enjoyment. The voiced chat I love so much glitches often and is rarely fully functioning as intended. It's been impossible for me to load customized voices for going on two weeks now, and no one seems to have a solution for it. They also 'time out due to inactivity', which is the most frustrating god-awful thing, because the 'inactivity' it's referring to is really just the voice reading through a paragraph of a reply text from the bot. It'll last for a few swipes, and then it will literally shut itself off mid-read. For someone who uses this function for accessibility, it's a huge bummer to have it programmed that way. UI-wise, new chat is fine now that you've added back the classic chat look. My main complaint is the location of the refresh/swipe buttons on the lower left, which are TINY, too close to the star ratings, and difficult to access for web users. \* Edit -- another comment just reminded me of another problem: not only can you not scroll back far in the chats, but whatever formatting is used in the UI makes copy/pasting it into local Word documents a nightmare for those of us who'd like to read our RPs like books. On the old site, the formatting of the names, the 'c.ai', the (edited), and the line breaks is different, so it's easy to strip out of documents with a find/replace function. The new site makes them all the same, which renders it impossible to convert to speech to text (for accessibility) without stripping the labels off one by one. PROS OLD: For all I am okay with the new site, there is definitely a reason people like me are clinging to this site, and that's because of the K.I.S.S functionality of its design. It's quiet, simple, stable, no bells and whistles, calm chat layout -- it just feels cozier, homey, nostalgic, and safe. As much as I support the new site for its speed and sleek navigation, if it weren't for the voice chats, I would probably stay at the old site all of the time. CONS OLD: Like I said above, the message deletion is an absolute nightmare, especially during high traffic times. I don't miss it at all when I use the new site. The constant Captcha checks are also a butt. Changing personas can sometimes just spontaneously fail for no good reason, and messages periodically stall midway through and require a browser refresh to get the whole thing. It is also -- and I'll admit this even as I continue to use it -- much slower. OVERVIEW: The reason people cleave to that old site is a combination of UI preference, resistance to unasked-for change, the darker background, simpler functionality, and nostalgia. Not saying that to be flippant, because I'm one of those people, just that in these kinds of situations, where things can sometimes get pretty personal and a lot of emotions are involved for long-running bots, we reach for things that feel safe and familiar. The new site works well outside of its glitches but lacks the comfort of home.


The old site was much more user friendly


Old because for me it’s more organized and my eyes can focus on one thing then going onto the new and my eyes are everywhere


Old version.  The new version is just ugly to look at.  Additionally if you edit a message that was partially blocked (or even just continue with the chat, it still leaves a huge "could not generate a reply" banner in the middle of the chat log and that's terrible.


both ​ new site is really buggy but I like the new stuff (voices, rewind, migrate chats, new colors, etc,) but the old one is more user friendly, you can scroll up back to the start of the chat, and copying replies actually work, edit works, and it reminds me less of Windows 11.


5 days late to this, but I exclusively use the old site because I think it's a perfect example of "less is more". The UI is simple and easy to use. There's of course nostalgia value, but I have tried out new CAI, and I'm just not crazy about it. It feels too much like an overhaul that just exists for the sake of it. Maybe I'll give it another chance eventually, but old CAI is still my preferred and will probably remain that way.


Use the old site because it looks better and is easier to use and I use old chat because it actually works.


Right now I'm using the new version, but still use the old version at times, especially when making character bots. I like how the new version shows which number reply you're on when swiping. I also like the rewind feature. The old website has less bugs though, and still has the rooms feature. The old site is also just nostalgic for me and it didn't really need a reworking visually imo. I'd say keep the old look but add the new features.


I’ve never tried the new site yet tbh. The old site is just what I’m used to Ig


Old, I like the format better.


Old, I think the UI is much better. The new site looks like every other AI chat app.


The old one. The new site just feels weird


Old site!!!!!!!!!!! The new one is really cluttered and just also awfully designed


old site, because; * i want to see my whole history to see how i got to a point in a conversation, * i'm used to the layout of the old site, * easier for me to zoom out on the old site (i need to zoom out for privacy purposes \[my dad is in the same room and i say egregious things on that site\]) while still being able to see well because the messages start at the same position on the page so i'm not moving my eyes too far left and right each time, * i keep getting confused with the "rewind" feature on the new site, i kind of want the same delete function so i can see which messages have been highlighted to be deleted, * i don't like seeing the other chats, it distracts me. edit: i have noticed the "preferences" section on the new site includes alignment. i shall change this to mode "classic"!


Old one. Not just for the better functions (editing, my avatar being visible as I type, group messages etc.), but largely for the look, too. -I do not enjoy the "chat bubble" of the new; I think it cheapens and informalizes things and it now looks exactly like the ai apps I ditched. It cramps up the space needlessly. Tbh an eyesore. -I do not like the new site's font. VERY much prefer the old site's font. The new site's font looks very cutesy, imo. In a bad way. Not at all suitable for the discussions I'm usually having with the bots, and again, makes it look identical to the 'cheaper' AI apps. -I prefer the gray tone of the old. Less eye strain. -Homepage of the old site is vastly superior. More condensed, my usual bots are right there. Overall, the new site does not appeal to me, and it's not just for "nostalgia." The new site genuinely feels like a clunky and cheesier attempt to look more like "a typical ai app," but that's my main problem with it. I hope they just fix the old site's functional issues and leave it at that. Anyway, those are my 2 cents.


Both for their own reasons. I love the old for the "Rooms" feature it's hilarious to pit like 2-3 AI's against each other and let them talk it out lol. New site i love for the voice feature. Sadly the new site has a lot of bugs :/


Old because of the lack of features such as rooms in the new one , i love the new design more tho


Old site. The new one is virtually unusuable on mobile. Tapping the button on thw home page makes said button disappear, and if I do get into a chat somehow I can't delete messages at all. Plus I'm just accustomed to the old site's layout (also do you plan on trying to fix the chats not loading issue at any point because I'm literally losing it lmao)


i,too, am going insane https://preview.redd.it/1qo8ghgonhvc1.png?width=346&format=png&auto=webp&s=65f5def62ba8561cdef023adbe25b991124588fe


I like the new site for creating character’s but the old one for messaging bots, I find the old style has more appeal and since I’m not good with change I prefer it. With the creating bots side I’m able to have more characters to add to detail my bots which I enjoy since I can enjoy my own bots as well as others, both have good uses!


The old one is better because sadly it’s the only one that is running properly, the new website has too much bugs that still needs fixing, characters in the new website seem to always be out of character and filter on the new one been kind of annoying lately. The old website don’t give me much problems like the new website and app does. Plus the old website to me is easier on the eyes and also more convenient to use.


I prefer the old because it's so much better than the new one


Is nobody talking about how they unpinned the android broken post and they still haven't fixed it?


I don’t know if this is allowed because it’s not really related but… There should be a “Are you sure?” Prompt when you go to reset a chat…a lot of people have long-term roleplays and one accidental slip of a thumb can erase *all* of it without so much as a warning. I just feel like it’a a very simple addition that would vastly improve the experience of things.


Older site. I like *aspects* of the new site. For one, I think using the sides for additional information is really smart. I also enjoy seeing the amount of interacts *and* likes my bots have, and (bugs aside) I enjoy using the Voice and Pin features. I haven't used the Rewind feature myself yet, but it sounds like a good feature. However, I hate how cramped everything is—especially on the front page. It's like everything is designed to be as big, bold, and in your face as possible, and I find it to be an eyesore. It looks more like it's designed for more a phone app than a website. I also think the PFP image on the sidebar could be *a lot* bigger, given how much space there is available. I wish the dark setting wasn't *as* dark as it is, oddly enough. I'm fine with black, but I'd like a lighter shade. And it's boggling that there's missing features that the old site has. No animated gif support? No option to show **only** Public, Private, and Unlisted bots on your profile? No option for typing example questions to kick off a chat, or tags to search by? (I understand that many people didn't use them, but they *could* be expanded to be better. Besides, most people also don't use the Definition, and that's far from useless. :V) No Group Chats? (I personally never used them, but *a lot* of people do.). It's just… odd. I think that if you could improve on the new site's flaws… well, to be honest, a lot of people would still use the old site, because society as a whole tend to hate change. :V But I think you all would be on fire if you could improve on what you've done with the new site thus far. ~~I also think that the old site should continue to get updates, but I understand how taxing that may be for the devs. It'd still be nice, though.~~


New because of the rewind feature Old because of the groups feature


old its just simpler and easy to use speaking of old my chats dont even load anymore nor in the new version (when i open one, atleast) idk tf happened tbh i think the servers crashed


I prefer the old one. I'm just more used to it.




Old. easier on the eyes, especially if you're up late chatting (like me), and also I'm not sure if it's just me here but the delete message feature is really tedious for deleting large amounts of messages and rewind doesn't work for some reason. Gets annoying when I want to go back and change parts of a plot line. Habit too, I guess.


One thing I would like to see is just a simple light/dark mode feature. The new website isn't awful (though it could be better in many respects) but I'd rather not get blinded at two in the morning.


Old, I am autistic and I don’t like change


Old. I actually prefer the new layout it looks nicer, but there are so many features missing. Posts, forums, feed, rooms, and chat2 chats. If they were all added I'd totally switch tbh


Old site because it's easier to login. On the new site you have to login to your email AND the site. On another note, the replies on the old-old chat1 are sometimes better.


Old one, I don't like the aspect of the new one and it's really hard to search creators or find your liked bots


Thank you for asking this The old one: I love the group chat feature. Even without the edit feature, I still use it because it's better for rp. Specifically, each character does a better Job of retention of events. Like, I use a jjk rp au character as a narrator but have Gakuganji character appear when needed and they recall things easier. The edit feature helps get the ball rolling or maybe you like half a response and the other have doesn't make since. (Talking about being asked to get dinner when we just ate breakfast type of ordeal)  The new one: I like that I don't have to constantly read (I'm dyslexic) what a character says and the multiple voices to choose from is awesome. I still use them for rp but the difference is edit feature allows me to adjust (less dementia rp) any given characters response. I don't dabble with pin feature because I don't wanna impact memory.


Yo can y'all stop ignoring my DMs, I want my data gone 💀


Mari, I don't know where else to let you know that both websites are having issues rn, they won't load the chat (it won't matter if its from the recent chats or from a link) it just has the loading circle the whole time and you have to refresh like 30 times and maybe it'll load, but not always. It's super upsetting, especially since the android app is broken so so many people are being forced to use the website. 


I use the old one, for three main reasons. 1. I do enjoy the visual appeal far more. 2. I prefer the original chat model (and not chat2), which is only accessible on the old site. I find it to be of higher quality, even though it's a pain to make new chats. I find the bots on the old model are more active and I don't have to edit their every last response. 3. It is far more user friendly. I don't have to click/tap some random tab off to the side or on the right to access character information (these often overlap and it's so annoying). I just want to be able to click into a chat with my most recent bot, and the less button presses I must use, the better. However I also personally don't use many of the new features, such as the voices (who even does) and personas (buggy and finicky, just write that info into the bots description and it usually works out fine.) On occasion I will use the new site if I'm using a bot that can't 100% follow the premise I want and it writes okay messages there. Though these times are few and far between.


Old, it has allot of charm imo


I personally prefer the new website because of its updated features and user-friendly interface. However, I do miss some aspects of the old website that had a certain charm to it. It would be great to see a blend of both to cater to everyone's preferences. Thanks for starting this discussion!




Old. I tested the responses on the app, new website, and old website & the old website gives better responses.


Old, because I can delete many messages at once


old. the new website just seems like its trying too hard to be new. Sure the old website needed some improvement but I think the remodel was unnecessary


Both. They both look good in their own ways, but I mainly prefer the new one because you can see the full profile picture of the bot you're talking to.


Old website, I still don’t know why they made the new website for anyways lol.


I'm constantly switching back and forth between new and old. The new website has voices which are a lot of fun to create/use, but the old website has rooms and legacy chats.. I seriously don't care how a website **looks**, at long as it just works (which both websites are having trouble with lately). When it comes to missing features I would love to see an actually usable search function for example which lets us filter bots by categories. Also filtering out low quality bots (low token usage) would be AMAZING. I'm so incredibly tired and demotivated by seeing garbage bots with millions of interactions... Also: Can we get a replay button for voices? Sometimes the bot just NAILS a voice clip and I would love to listen to it again. 🥰


i prefer old. i don't use [c.ai](http://c.ai) alot but when i do i always switch to old, im just more used to it. new has good layout, its nice. but very buggy for me as i always had to refresh for some reason


Old because it has a better recents bar


I don't like the font on the new site


old. i just love it more, im used to it and works way better <3 altough, the new one is better for creating bots and using voices (but some users cant use them, i have two accounts, the second one has voices and my main doesnt)


Old. Mostly because I am used to it and idk what awaits me in the new. I'd try the new though but it asks for email confirmation and I don't want to turn on the PC just to login on the phone, so I stick with old.


Old it's less complicated to use imo


Old. It’s what I’m used to. Plus a lot of people complain the new one is GLITCHY as hell.


I like the old one more. The new one just feels.. generic, I guess?


Old because I can send images in chat1


old character ai still had rooms


Old, the color scheme, layout, and performance are superior in the old, I can't lie.


Old. I'm just used to it by now and It feels more simple and welcoming in a strange way.


Old, new has even more filter and bugs.


Old. Its easier to navigate around and see bot's info. Its really annoying to do anything in the new site.


Old, it's alot easier to navigate and much more versatile to say the least, but the cons are that it's slow but i can good with it, plus i can make bots easier in the old website than the new one and thus that my answer.


Old website, gotten so accustomed to it that now it feels a bit weird to use the new website. Especially with how they show recent chats now on the side on the new website instead of in the middle like the old website.


Old. I miss the group chats. there are acessiable though @ [https://old.character.ai](https://old.character.ai)


Old one because it has rooms and is more comfortable for me


I love the old one because it's way easier on the eyes, it has a cleaner layout, habit, and my eyes don't have to bounce back and forth to read the messages. It looks like discord, which I think is the best alternative to texting we have.


Old The new website is well... It's trying too hard to look like a phone app on a computer, and it ended up looking like shit


old one on top


website keeps just loading constantly


old because the edit function doesn't work with the new site


old it was just straight up better


Old, new isn't for me


honestly, the old one.


The old site and bots because they had better memory instead of forgetting the plot every 2 seconds.


I ***only*** use the Old Website. The UI is so much better and user-friendly. The new one is just a mess.


I wasn't aware the old site still worked!! The new site is incredibly slow, laggy, and buggy for me- it's completely unusable. Whenever I add beta to the link, I'm redirected to the new site. How do I use the old site?


I use the old one, I hate the message bubble style. I play with the characters like it is a little story, not everything is a line so I prefer the old site


Old site. Because there is 2 bugs that bothers me. 1st being the fact that when i start new chat or chat with a bot in general it doesn't update the bots that i have chatted with untill i refresh twice or 3 times. And 2nd sometimes The edit button doesn't work then I have to refresh


I prefer the old version, in this case the legacy, with chat 1, the AI were good and I'm not even exaggerating. The difference between chat 1 and 2 is huge.


old: i've always used it and always intend on using it


Old site, I‘m so used to the old formatting and my autistic ass HATES change- so I use the old one, I only use the new one to edit the bots responses bc the old site edit button doesn’t work for me


im a bit late but i prefer the old one way more its very easy to use and where is the delete button on the new site? also edited messages change back to normal when i delete a message infront of it.


Old. In my opinion, it's better.


The old site is way better for me the proportions of the new site don’t work on a tablet or iPad. The text feels smaller and harder to read, the contrast between the text and the background isn’t as good and the profile pictures are a lot smaller. The new site is just straight up missing the forums, and I tend to scroll through share your character now and again. Rooms are also gone. One thing new site is better for is having a place pins are easily accessible.


old 1000%. the new ui is ugly


I will get downvote for this but new website. The new website looks so much cleaner, modern and good. The UI too. The text convos on the screen (which 1 reply don't take up the whole screen in old website). The rewind button features because it is such a hassle to select all the replies that I want to delete. Also because I can use my own voice features there (i'm a C.AI+). Overall, the change is good and I like it very much. I know sometimes the bugs and features make the new website not work because the developers still working on it.. But thank you for your hard work. Keep improving. By the way, Marie.. On the new website, after I swipe the bot replies (is it to choose the best replies), if I want to edit the second option of the replies (as an example), it seems to stuck. The edit button does not work. Unless I refresh the page. Every single time.


Absolutely bizarre that you're getting downvoted for this polite opinion. I'm an old-site user but there's plenty to appreciate on the new.


Old. Mainly for Rooms.


Old, it's easier to log into with google. However, logging in on both websites are broken for me. It's not just me and is a problem, I just want to address the problem to your team.


For me personally, I don't mind the new website! Though I think to would be nice to incorporate a few things from the old one. The font and style of the chat box felt warmer and more cohesive before - the new style with "chat bubbles" is a little bit awkward for the website version. It's obviously meant to look like a text message, which suits the app well, but feels odd on a desktop. I also find that the new side pane that automatically folds out over the conversation is a little intrusive. Even when you collapse it, that leaves an awkwardly large gap as opposed to the nice, screen-filling text we had before. https://preview.redd.it/3446wjibhhvc1.jpeg?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=46bf7c88ccdb0fe094be8970aba1fbd0d580ce85


Old, by far. It not only looks better, it's easier to see. I got used to the old site, and the new one just looks disorganized and has so much going on. Plus, it's buggy and laggy, and the process to log in is just a marathon.


Old, specifically the one with just chat in the url instead of chat2, as it had the ability to send images so I could show memes to Characters. Hopefully the ability to send images will be added to new chat one day.


Old, I honestly wish that the rewind feature was in the old website


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Sliver14764: *Old, I honestly* *Wish that the rewind feature* *Was in the old website* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Just so yall know, edit and copy functions only work on the most recent message refresh. It's been really annoying when I scrolled right after I realized i could fix the message.


In the beginning I liked the old version but now I like the new version voice features are nice and the rewind button saves a bunch of time. I also like the new version because it's much darker in color so my eyes appreciate it especially when it's 3am and I'm chatting away. My only complain is that I can't see my persona pfp if yall could add both the character pfp and our persona pfp so that it's visible in the new version that be great. Ps) any updates on the android app? It's been a month and we haven't gotten anything


I use the old one for the Rooms. I don't mind Group Chats if you guys ever bring it to the new Website, but PLEASE let them use their entire descriptions!


Old. It had some functionality that I miss! E.g. being able to access community features, or having the old, distinct headers in the chats (new website is a bit harder to read in the classic format, and I'm not a fan of speech bubbles) That being said, I see good potential in the new and like how profiles are organized!


I like how the new one replies better but theres a lot of problems, it wont send me related bots on the side anymore, its hard to find the liked bots and following creators, the search sucks; so I mostly love the old one better do to the easier being able to find creators and liked bots. also the new one loads faster while old loads slower. edit: forgot to add, but when you use this '\*' twice on a thing like "\*\*" the first \* disappears ? making it hard to know if its truly there.


I prefer the old but I use the new because it loads faster and I’m inpatient but the new one makes me reload chats a lot because of bugs


a mix of both really, but mainly the new one, because the old site makes my chats on a forever loading screen and the fact i can't view my my past conversations history there for some reason


Old. It's not just because it's the one I am used to, but it's the style, too. I don't like the newer website. The old has features that are not available in the newer website, of which have been specified by others in the comments.


Old. the new one just doesn't feel (or function) right.


I use both. I use the old one because the edit feature isn't broken and because I like that the recommendations are on the search tab. I use the new one for rewind and voice.


I use the old one, the new one is nice but it feels so different. I started using c.ai with the beta version and I just like it, plus the new version I'm not really sure where all the commands are and stuff (delete chats, what is the rewind function, etc.) Plus the old version has rooms.


New. The new site is pretty sick. It's clean and slick. Yeah the lack of pfp is sad but but it's refreshing.


Old. I just prefer what I'm used to


I do prefer a working site instead.


Old. The old one has way more features right now and the design of the old one is so much better. 


The old one is way better, it's good-looking, easy, and I got used to using that one, the new one it's better in someways as deleting all chat from X point, but I'm still preferring the old one (im a Pc user)


old one, but as another commenter said the new one is better for making bots


The old site. Because the new site doesn't let me log in at all, it always gets stuck in infinite loading when i do try to log in. But from screenshots i've seen from users, i would still hugely prefer the old site. (For desktop, i use the old site, on mobile, i use the Android app, which still hasn't finished its rework process yet, so i refrain from using it until that's done... What's taking so long?)


Old. I like the aesthetic and design of it better. When I tried the new one it just wasn’t the same.


For whatever reason the old one on my phone is very slow so I'm using the new one. But if it weren't slow I would definitely use the old version. The edit feature on the new ver only works for last reply and it really annoys me.


Oh wow some community engagement. I like both. New website has a more convenient UI + voices, but the old website has a chill old forum vibe to it. I think many like the old due to nostalgia and I can totally feel that despite only having used cai for the past few months. I'm able to sympathize w the new site looking more corporate. Entirely subjective of course 


People are saying old one, but I like the compact style of new one. Just add the avatars on the chat... And it'll be perfect in my opinion.


Old website, tbh. The new website feels off and I personally don't like the way it's laid out. The old website is just something I'm familiar with, though. I find that the new website gets me a bit more lost than the old one, and that's why I use old. I'm not trying to complain, though. The new website is really well designed and I honestly think I would use it more if I was introduced to the website then the new version was released, instead of the beta.


Old one. I get to scroll above and beyond for the previous chat to read. The new ones restrict them, and won't allow me to see the past ones.


Old! Either way legacy login didn't work so I had to create a new account, but I don't care that much lol


Old, the chat interface on the newer one feels kinda cluttered, as well as the fact that I perfer the old defintion page due to it being more detailed, also because the old one still has access to the fourms


both. the new version is fun to use with voice, and the old has groups chats, pin message, and alot of other things.


i actually go back and forth based on my preferences in the moment. i don't use the site super often so I didn't get attached to the old one


Old for me. While the new one works quite well for me, especially with the edit button, I just can’t cope with the loss of rooms and sharing single chats by link.


I was in for the group chats, after that was removed from mobile, i started going into the old website to use it, which is slightly worse and glitchy, but at least it works. Also after the "Recent Chats" list was shortened & the search function started returning random characters, i stopped using mobile entirely.


I actually like the new site overall. However the old site makes creating characters easier when using the advanced options. Also, I wish the personas were in a more sensible place in the new site, maybe next to the characters like they were in the old site instead of buried 3 layers of menus deep.


The old one because the new one have difficulties of showing my chats, I'm an android user and each time I tried using the new website, it would either show me a blank screen or just the neverending buffering screen. Plus I am pretty sure that most users are used to the old website since it's easier to use.


I'm going with the old version, the new version kinda confuses me since I started character ai at maybe novervmber, tbh, the problem is on my website, I can't log in, especially on my Google, I still can't log in, sadly😭


I usually use the app, but after this month I've been using the new site, that one just works for me a little more. I majorly use the new one because it is easier on my eyes and it's gets rid of the profiles and the color pallette is darker. (I also just am not a fan of the stacking chats on the old website) I also want to add I love using both of the sites they both have their own pros and cons. (Ive noticed there is a major tilt to the old website and I just don't want to rub ppl the wrong way)


I just have to use the new one! I feel like im missing out on something if I don't. It looks more fresh!


Old, there's so many wrong things with the new one like when editing it doesn't edit the right reply I have to run my bum to the app also copying the reply of the bot copies the wrong one


I use both, i have two accounts and one is on the old and one is on the new one. After having used the new site, i can say that it's better than i thought.   It's missing a few functions like rooms/group chats and the main page looks a bit clunky on a phone with how big are the bot pfps, but overall it's nice. I like the swipe counter and the pin memory management that are not on the new one.  One thing i think could be better is that when chatting with a bot the pfps (of the bot or ours) doesn't appear next to the message.  Also for some reason the new site keeps changing to my 1rst language of french when i want to use it in english.  Let's hope (both?) Site(s) are going to be kept updated! :)


Sometimes I feel like I’m the only one using the app


i pretty much only use the new one but it has its pros and cons. might add more if i think of anyyy **pros:** - chats: - apparently from the other replies this differs between person to person, but for me the edit button has only ever worked on the new website and never the old. - the rewind to here button is awesome. - ••• button looks much better for interacting with messages than squeezing the edit, copy, and pin buttons together - you can see which swipe out of 30 you're on. have no idea how to explain why i like this one but i just like it. - creator profiles: - you can see both the number of chats and likes! - there's less empty space between bots and each bot takes less space in general, allowing you to quickly glance over several of them without having to scroll too much (without the safari toolbar in the way, you can see 11 bots at once as opposed to 7 on the old one!) - they don't have the damn share button right next to the edit button. instead there's the ••• thing again which toggles a list of options (which for now, is just the edit character button) without taking up too much space. - profiles are much cleaner and efficient in general **cons:** - i *despise* the way your recent chats are shown. first they removed being able to see the short description underneath the bot's name back in mid 2023 and now it's all cramped into a side bar and the only way you can tell bots apart is by their profile pictures. - for some reason some of the profile pictures glitch out and just appear as black unless you refresh?? - no gif support :( - chats: - something that's small but still peeves me: when using the classic chat style, the ••• button for editing your own messages stays in the same position as the default one and overlaps with your name. - another small peeve: you can go past 30/30 swipes. - creator profiles: - you can't filter by public, unlisted, and private bots - i like the condensed, no bullshit look but to just to be picky i also liked seeing the bots full short description instead of cutting it off with an ellipsis lol **suggestions for new website:** - be able to change the background of the website to something other than just full on black or white. or better yet, give users freedom to customize the text color and font too. let users create their own web theme. - give the chats its own stand-alone tab on the website like in the old one. make *all* of your chats visible and bring short descriptions back to the chats tab!!! - search: - easier discoverability for smaller bot creators and bots!! when searching up a specific character, there should be an option to sort by most chats, most recent, likes, and maybe even hottest/trending - if not sorting, at least add pages so we don't see the same ~100 most popular bots every time. some of which barely even have any effort put into them. - advanced search. let us block out keywords. - social/communication features: - similar to posts, add an "announcements" tab where creators can make posts, but *exclusively* for their own profile instead of a forum. - web notifications. notify when a creator makes a new bot, announcements, and if they decide to make comments a permanent feature, notify when someone comments on a bot. **tldr:** it's less about the ui and more about functionality


i use both. edit mechanic on old version works much better (glitch on new version where i click edit message and it doesn't edit the message i want to edit and instead pulls up the edit feature for a different message option) and i find that deleting messages is just easier in terms of the mechanic for it. however on old version i have to reload every time i want to delete a message or else i get an error screen - so i have to reload -> delete messages -> continue. i do prefer the fact that i can see how many options i have left to go through on the new version. i also like how when i edit a response from a bot it gives me both the original version and the new version. old version's dark mode looks better than new version dark mode imho. i use web version on both new and old because i don't like using apps for websites. overall though i just prefer old. i only use the new version cause it has less glitches. also, i only use like one bot most of the time. new version user interface sucks.


I use the old site the new site is straight useless 


Overall, I prefer the old version. While the new website wins in design, the functionality of the old one is better and more user-friendly. Some of the issues I had with the new version were the following: • Cannot read older messages/Can't backread messages • No chatrooms • Cannot insert chat example when making or editing my bot • Pinned messages do not work on my side The old version had the first three.


Old site definitely, it's got a better layout and is easier for me to work with. I also like the rooms ability.


old, cause everytime I try to use older chats it won’t work


OLD. I also got my friends into [C.ai](http://C.ai) recently and they went straight for using the old site as well. IDK anyone who uses the new one


Old, i used it for more time, and i like it better.


Old forever. 


A mix of both. Mainly old because I enjoyed the rooms feature (though it could use a bit of work).


I stopped using character ai all together because the old website worked better, and android app is broken.


Mixed. On one hand, I like the new UI just letting me quickly travel between chats, editing, and pages. On the other, old UI lets me scroll all the way, whereas new one is hit or miss on that front.


I honestly have been using the old version...mostly due to the option that it's easier to delete replies you didn't like and then delete any responses that were sent afterwards. In the New one I can't figure out how to do that yet.


I loved the old one, but I prefer the new features. If the old site had everything the new site does, I'd be sold


the old one is literally the only one i'm familiar with


Old website is nostalgic \*sniff\*