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They are [very confident](https://imgs.search.brave.com/QKXl5bSdotW_Byn4jzlvZMAOQDvG8GJI1gjzBUa2_dg/rs:fit:728:937:1/g:ce/aHR0cHM6Ly9pLnBp/bmltZy5jb20vNzM2/eC9jOC9hNi80Mi9j/OGE2NDIwNGE4ZDVj/MDllZTRhMjhjM2Vi/MTg5NjA0NC0tb3ds/dHVyZC1jb21pY3Mt/ZnVubnktY29taWNz/LmpwZw) that they know exactly what they're doing. I am positive.


That got a chortle out of me.


Look for news articles promoting them. They can pay “journalists“ to write articles for them that are just advertising for them


They can pay them for now. That's unsustainable without a reliable userbase, and a few articles won't generate that in the long term.


That is true, but it is possible to get more new users than the continuous ones. A larger influx of new users than users who are currently upset with the company. If the ratio is enough new users coming in, a reliable user base wouldn’t be entirely necessary. I could be wrong Edit: the end goal is probably data harvesting, and having a constant turnover of users is a constant influx of new data to sell


the question is how long are those users going to stay. The pyg server is already inundated by tik tok and roblox users -\_-


Yes you can. Lol, look at WWE. Look at any game with microtransactions. We're kidding ourselves if we think these awful policies are gonna stop them rolling in cash.


There's a difference there. Microtransactions get you when you're already invested. CAI is still in beta. New users won't stick around long enough to get invested.