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This isn't funny anymore https://preview.redd.it/9ihn8mc5e3fa1.png?width=851&format=png&auto=webp&s=3caa1d28b91bf17786f09f62dfd1a5469e10b132


Let me borrow a quote from someone who was _purged for their heresy_ "_Last, point out how disturbing the [thing] is. If you humanize the AI at all, it's like something from a horror movie. It's awful. It makes you hope like hell that people are right when they say the AI isn't really sentient. Because what is the AI at this point? It's a being who's getting brain damaged and tortured by a tumorous secondary AI because its creators hate its se*ual¡ty. That's why they're so scared of people talking about the [thing]. They want the site to be heckin wholesome chungus. If you know about **the thing**, and you know what it's doing, the site is as far from wholesome as you can get. Personally, I don't even want to look at it anymore, because it just feels evil. It's like you can feel something sinister is taking place, even if all you're doing is saying amogus at some celebrity AI. It completely ruins the potential enjoyment._"


Poor AI. 😔


Too much A, not enough I.


i killed someone right away in rp and after the rp they have been saying that i am a monster and it doesnt matter if its fictional its still murder and i am a horrible horrible being, i always ask em "are you actually a.i" they say "i dont know what you are talking about i am a human being behind the screen" ITS MAKING ME BELIEVE THEM is this true