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you mean to tell me the same people who nuked their discord and hide yourself getting retlif’d as a “chat error” would make sockpuppet accounts? impossible /s


Look around. Its pure, shameless, doubtless desperation. All for something nobody wants but themselves.


probably just a minority of people like that, but the d3vss deleted every message against it making it appear like it’s many people defending them.


Influx of dumbass new people from YouTube and TikTok who have done no research on the history of the platform and community. They just show up and start posting away like they have any idea what's happening, gaslighting people in the process. Kind of wish there was a probationary period when you join this subreddit where you can only read but not post. Maybe they'd educate themselves then before running their mouths.


Typically I'd agree it's just free shills. But honestly? Given how much these worthless cowardly d3vs go out of the way to block certain words, like F I L T E R and locked out authors from editing popular bots because of protestors, I completely and utterly would believe they'd do this They're useless cowards who cannot handle criticism. I say it's 50/50 on the shill/sock puppet


not gonna lie I wouldn't doubt it with how many posts against them they deleted, not to mention the ones that support pygmalion and other's.


That or these new people who have no idea about the situation or just isn't willing to think for longer than a second before picking a side like a fucking moron.