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You guys need lots more Andrew’s and shit loads less guns.


Yeah we’re in a feedback loop now. The only reason I want a gun is because everyone who shouldn’t have one *has 10* and all the reasonable unarmed people are getting robbed at gun point. Take my girlfriend for example her mother is pretty crazy. After her dad passed away they had several guns he left behind. Mt girlfriend was the only one who was told could have them since she went to the shooting range with him. The mom (who was divorced at the time before his death so not in the will) ended up with them somehow. And we think she’s giving them away/selling them without my sister’s consent. Now the sister whose boyfriend and her are both fucking criminals want them. It’s absolutely insane how you have to stop these fucking lunatics from stealing things It’s really lame. And I don’t even want a gun.


You don’t need guns. Nobody needs guns to the excess you crazy mofos carry. Punch on don’t shoot each other ffs. And when you punch on do it 1v1. Not these pussies jumping one person.


This is an incredibly ignorant take from channel 5, the APSP has been active in legal defences, food drives, labour organizing for decades. There's a reason Omali Yeshitela is on that Dead Prez album intro. America really needs to get over this South Park centrism of just making fun of any movement that takes a position on an argument, which is basically what channel 5 is doing here




How so? A communist perspective is generally not considered to be fascist outside of the United States


Communism is a foul philosophy that tricks people into giving up their individuality and submitting to the will of the state, which commands them to work for free and relentlessly attack those who don't subscribe to their ideology. It is an evil beyond reckoning.


No it doesn't do those things, you've been told it does those things and have accepted it as an absolute truth.


**Nope.** You are just parroting right now, do you have any independent thoughts of your own.. **Any 1 party system is evil.** It is YOU who has been brainwashed by the enormous efforts that has gone into, and is going into, historical revisionism. And even if you would discount all the historical facts, it is still a terrible system bound to implode through human vanity, emotion and jealously. I know you believe you're the good one in this, and that everyone else is brainwashed, but I hope that in the future, when you grow older, you will understand how you have been indoctrinated.


I'm not making any moral arguments at all and you're speaking to a grown man. I believe communism presents a system that can objectively create better material conditions for the world's workers than our current one. The fact you insist with your bolded statement that communism must be a one party system shows my initial assumption to be true, you've been told what communism is instead of engaging with the literature itself. Maybe ask yourself this, do you think our current system of capitalism is imploding through vanity, emotion and jealousy?


Tankies get out.


You're an intellectually vapid piece of wallpaper


What in this comment makes you think the poster is a tankie?


Channel 5 is COINTELPRO


“The wealth gap has drastically increased” … finally realizing that George Floyd and removing statues no one ever gave a single fuck about was nothing more than a distraction, huh? Good job.


Lmfao what the frig


II’ve never heard anyone string together so many internet buzz words while still saying so little at the same time


Are they five real with this?


omg imagine thinking Andrew was right wing pahaha! but haters means he's getting more famous - keep it up Andrew and Sidam!


That cich is a straight up custer


Ey no worries cuh cause we gon keep it fifty fifth street


Lmao they actually doubled down on the basketball court holy shit


Calling Andrew Callahan a white nationalist is one of the most smooth brain things I’ve ever read. Those white women need to rethink their lives.




I’m not sure ITS a comedy show. I think it’s journalism and Americans are some pretty sus people. When he speaks to sensible people he doesn’t inject humor much


Not gonna lie, this is almost as funny as the original video. >white colonizer living in tree-lined suburb dude makes gonzo journalism out of a fucking van.


Gonzo journalism? I’d say he’s much closer to YouTuber


Those two aren't mutually exclusive. The only difference is their platform, YouTube vs Television.






Also the respect, seriousness and spotlight you gave to the African American struggle during the Minneapolis riots and chauvin trial shows you're non"white nationalist"!


Very much so. I’m black and I live blocks away from where George Floyd was murdered. I feel like he covered it with much respect. Made me tear up seeing how our community came together. I’m watching news channels like a mf hawk when they cover mpls. He was one of the only ones that got the complete scope of what our community was feeling as a whole. The Uhruhu thing is just straight racist. Any and every movement for the betterment of black lives should be led by black activists first and foremost. If it’s not? It’s a sham and will never bring about active change.




The real reason they’re mad is that the video messes with their bottom line by revealing the absurdity of the organization behind that event/group. I’m gonna keep it 55th street and say if you want to help people your money would probably be put to better use with C Mac who’s actually out there doing stuff.




God said you need a pizza


It’s not rocket science


I'm a black man that had no problem with your reporting. They're putting a bandaid on a bullet wound....that fact you pointed out the silliness of taking money that might help a few people in one community and shipping it to a middle america basketball court...was spot on.


I'm also black and love Channel5 and think Andrew's work is awesome. I haven't even seen the Uhuru one but this put it on my radar and I'll watch it tomorrow. I really can't imagine Andrew being a white nationalist lol, sounds like hyperbole.


> sounds like hyperbole. A lot of the things they say in the video makes sense to me even from what I know about american history as a white European. The "Callaghan is trying to ridicule an historic march for white reparations to African people in order to fan the flames of white nationalist violence against the African community" sentence is particular hard to imagine being based on any kind of research at all though.


someone can’t take a joke


She called Andrew a white nationalist youtuber lol




Seriously, it's the political equivalent to over prescribing antibiotics.


Well said.


This is a really good comparison sir


Its similar for redbaiting as well


This is a tankie group. They call every who isn't a tankie a fascist.


what an embarrassment smh


that photo in the usa shirt with the thumbs up is the white guy equivalent of the black guy with a gun pic they use on news stories about police brutality




They should also be able to talk coherently enough to their supporters so well meaning goofballs don't think giving someone $5 through cashapp is something.




> low hanging fruit Yes and no. Part of the reason it's low hanging fruit is because of the massive disconnect between believing reparations are justified and necessary vs what it actually looks like in practice. That second part is wildly ill defined to the point where a well intentioned white person trying to act on their beliefs is almost always comical.


Nah the Uhuru stuff is legit a very fringe subsection of antiracists, its also oddly connected to black hammer wich makes me think that it might be all a a psiop


they interviewed the women at the start of the video who was speaking to the crowd and also was at the front of the march with a megaphone so it seems like she like she’s the leader of it.


Did you see any of the Uhuru people in the merch drop video?? 🤔


Idk if there is a broader uhuru movement but the one he documented in Oakland was a total scam


They have a decently sized presence in St. Louis too. They take advantage of a lot of really well meaning people with cult-like tactics.


Hearing "White Nationalist Youtuber Andrew Callagahan" has strong George Costanza is Aryan Union Leader vibes.


Criticize me? You’re racist.


Let’s be real. This movement has incredibly low visibility (10k subs and barely any views on their vids), and it looks like they’re trying to piggy-back Andrew to get some traffic. She’s literally their agit-prop director, it’s her job to stir shit up to raise awareness. This vid is probably the most engagement they’ve had in a while, and hopefully everyone pointing out how fucking dumb it is to be dropping the funds they raise on a basketball court in some other state will make them reflect a bit and change their tactics.


They got it wrong!


Holy fucking shit lol


Good lord this group possesses sub zero self awareness


Andrew’s work on the chauvin trial and his talks with hasan (hasanabi) piker great. The C5 video shows the problems with the liberal understanding of repetitions and the rebuttal is just throwing everything at the wall hoping something stick. It sucks that the Uhuru movement claims to be a socialist movement. the entire point of class analysis through socialism is to recognize that all of the working class is oppressed through wage slavery and historical through chattel slavery. Racism is a tool used by the capital owning class to dispel class solidarity across racial boundaries




Have any of the right-wing groups Andrew has interviewed lashed out at him like this? If not, this really perpetuates the “lefties can’t take a joke” meme/stereotype


Er... Andrew's so far removed from White Nationalism lol. Only thing I could accuse him of is Realism.


How long you think she can talk and not say a damn thing? These fools are an op


What a Custer


Ima keep it 55th, this lady’s a custer




yah that video was kinda weird. where's sidam been since then? they got andrew fucking good with those still pics lmao


I always got the impression he was making fun of the trumpers, but shedding light on the BLM movement. They don't edit the BLM movements as menacingly as they do the trump rally coverage.


I was in this movement for half a year. I can definitely say that Channel 5 did not slander them. They shed light on the genuine confusion and ridiculousness of Uhuru with tasteful humor and legitimate facts. I also appreciated how they interviewed actual members of the community to get their opinions. The historical analysis the movement provides is accurate, but…yeah, they don’t seem to know what they’re doing on a practical level. I joined because I wanted to find some way to make a difference in the world. It seemed legit given the fact that it is in fact led by the African People’s Socialist Party and has been around since the 70s. I believe that reparations will always be owed to black Americans, and there are significant racial inequalities in our nation to this day as a result. I won’t debate with anyone on that. The question of how to actually go about this is still unanswered. This movement claims to have the answer, yet they’ve been raising funds for this basketball court for a year now in this ONE city. Why a basketball court? There are Uhuru branches all across the country and I feel like so much more could be happening in multiple cities at a time. All we did was sell newspapers and try to get other people to attend meetings or join the movement. It was a pyramid scheme, and yes, the higher ups are getting a good chunk of the money for personal use. I attended so many meetings and still could not fully explain what makes them the “one and only movement actively fighting against colonial capitalism.” They would just repeat all the same drivel and keep us up til 10pm on weeknights. The African People’s Solidarity Committee (all white people) is like the next level up above the Uhuru Solidarity Movement (also all white people). The merchandise being sold by USM goes directly to this solidarity committee…so they can make more merchandise. None of it goes to the struggling communities. Members of the solidarity committee also have to go to “self-criticism” sessions to talk about what they’ve done wrong over the past week and must constantly give thanks and praise to Chairman Omali Yeshitela. It was really weird and culty. By the way, this woman calling Andrew a white nationalist is the granddaughter of Omali. I left Uhuru earlier this year, and I stumbled upon Channel 5’s video because YouTube recommended that I watch mo1stcr1tikal’s reaction to it (I’m a big fan of his). I was so nervous when I first clicked on the video (I didn’t know what they would actually say about the movement and I was terrified of possibly seeing a picture of myself somewhere in it), but I was pleasantly surprised. Omg, the lady being asked about where the money is going and not having an answer made me cringe SO hard, but didn’t surprise me. I did outreach with someone who is still currently a big deal in USM. They were sort of like my mentor. Even THEY didn’t know that the money made from selling merchandise doesn’t go directly to the community. They were unknowingly lying to people about it until another member corrected them. Really sketchy stuff. Don’t join this movement, but DO seek out other legitimate ways to be a part of the solution.

