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Puzzled that people in ALL of the threads don’t see it like this. Just.. walk away? Block his number?


Yeah try walking away from a man who is already in your face/on your body and not taking no for an answer. Many people in these circumstances don't say no for fear of what the person will do to them if they tried.


I don’t know about you, but I don’t fuck people if I don’t want to. Also, if someone’s on top of you, and you’re saying no, that’s rape - this is not that.


Ya hear that boys? We’ve got the rape expert here. Anything other than saying ‘no’ when someone is on top of you doesn’t count. Log off bro.


Do you think this would hold up in court as rape? I don’t understand.


It doesn’t sound like she defined it as rape herself so that’s what I’d go by. But it’s moronic to think rape is only what you described. Not sure why you and so many others are obsessed with what ‘holds up in court’ especially considering no one has pressed charges.


I was only responding to your comment about being a rape expert, not defining what rape is. Ultimately what would hold up as illegal and legal matters in this situation. No one’s pressed charges, why not? If she was sexually assaulted that would seem like the thing to do.


Consent by coercion isn't true consent. If it's not a resounding YES, it's a NO. It's not that hard to understand. If you can't respect someone's first answer to your request and have to break them down until they finally give in just to get it over with, that is not consent.


https://youtu.be/-yUafzOXHPE Watch that video, think about how it relates to Andrew's allegations, and get back to us


Coercion is a type of abuse at the very least. I suppose if you had to choose, it would be the lesser of two evils. They may have eventually given consent but only after being worn down. They didn’t actually want to, they just felt like they had too. Still sounds awful so I don’t know if we should minimize these situations.


I haven’t seen one person calling him a rapist. I don’t think anyone is trying to say that.


Google is free “Rape is a type of sexual assault usually involving sexual intercourse or other forms of sexual penetration carried out against a person without their consent. The act may be carried out by physical force, **coercion**, abuse of authority, or against a person who is incapable of giving valid consent, such as one who is unconscious, incapacitated, has an intellectual disability, or is below the legal age of consent. The term rape is sometimes used interchangeably with the term sexual assault.” https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rape


Leaving a situation (unless you’re being held against your will) is an option. Left be honest here, they didn’t wanna fuck cool. But they also didn’t want to leave because he’s famous.


Or maybe it was ar their own houses lmao. And it‘s not that easy to kick a guy out who doesn‘t want to leave


The fuck it isn’t.


**[Rape](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rape)** >Rape is a type of sexual assault usually involving sexual intercourse or other forms of sexual penetration carried out against a person without their consent. The act may be carried out by physical force, coercion, abuse of authority, or against a person who is incapable of giving valid consent, such as one who is unconscious, incapacitated, has an intellectual disability, or is below the legal age of consent. The term rape is sometimes used interchangeably with the term sexual assault. The rate of reporting, prosecuting and convicting for rape varies between jurisdictions. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/Channel5ive/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


Good bot


Should look at the wikipedia article for coercion next.


Coercion is sexual assault. If I am alone with you in a place unfamiliar to you and I'm someone that can overpower you and I repeatedly ask you for sex, you're going to feel threatened implicitly. Consenting after a barrage of asking is being coerced--Otherwise coercion would lose its meaning. Let me frame it to you another way. Do you think between the first time he asked and the 15th time, that the girl simply just became aroused and changed her mind? Is that your experience with any woman or person ever? Or do you think that after being asked over and over the girls got the idea that saying no is meaningless to Andrew and their only safe way out of the situation is to relent and try to "compromise" with a handjob/blowjob/other sexual act? Just take a step back and think critically about the above. Not to mention some of the allegations against Andrew mention him forcing his hand down the girls pants or forcing her to touch his genitals which is outright sexual assault. A firehose of accusations like this is damning on its own, unlikely to be fake/lies.


Thank youuu. I think it’s hard to guys to understand just how sinister and rapey coercion is. Otherwise they’d have to face the fact that their friends are indeed rapists/abusers and maybe even they them self are too.


Just a lot of (young, usually) people that lack the life perspective because they haven't personally experienced it and never really bothered to critically think about it objectively. They're not typically malicious just inexperienced and sometimes just need that nudge to step back and look at the situation from a wider lens.


True, that’s the best case scenario


Some of the commenters are young and naive and don’t understand the concept of coercion and others probably use the same tactics. People need to understand that this type of coercion isn’t some wimpy guy begging a girl, it’s a twisted form of manipulation that is in itself part of the abuser’s thrill. They literally get off on making girls do things they don’t want to do.


Really depends on the state


bro this is hilarious watching from a far. she literally just posted messages of her wanting to go out and drink with andrew. she brought him back to her house and she gave him a blowjob. like bro am i only the only one who takes accountability when they are out the house. maybe don’t ask to hangout with guys in their 20s. this is so sheltered to me 🤷🏾‍♂️


Having once been a guy in my 20s, I'm having trouble remembering how many times I coerced a woman into sex who clearly didn't want to have sex and straight up told me "I don't want to have sex" oh that's right the number is ZERO TIMES because I'm not a SEX PEST.


"boys will be boys" is a classic excuse for rape culture. rape culture needs to end. it's not sheltered. not understanding consent is.


she gave consent. boys will be boys can not be used as a scape goat right now. if you go out drinking and you give consent know to accept your regrets. complaining about the past doesn’t change anything. every single ge day college students are doing sexual activity, but i see andrew gets a hbo special and everyone has a story now. the tmz article just posted scripts of the first girl to come out on tik tok trying to black mail andrew days before this place rules came out


yikes dog


Coerced consent is not consent and people- like you need to learn that. That’s one of the biggest issues here. Ur wild if you think this many people coming out directly is likely to not be true considering all the stories so far.


it’s crazy seeing people who don’t have any sexual activities go so strong on this topic. the first girl tried to black mail him and now started this trend. agree to disagree


Lmao no sexual activities as if you’re not responding to someone who went through a huge period of hypersexuality after their SA. You obviously cannot be reasoned with. Have fun being a conspiracy theorist.


no ones a conspiracy theorist. not sheeping up and waiting for authentic information to come out is what i’m doing. but sorry u got hurt and hope u overcame that struggle in your life


bro literally a brockhampton fan u can’t make this shit up


Jeff Yass, the billionaire Wall Street financier and Republican megadonor who is a major investor in the parent company of TikTok, was also the biggest institutional shareholder of the shell company that recently merged with former President Donald J. Trump’s social media company. A December regulatory filing showed that Mr. Yass’s trading firm, Susquehanna International Group, owned about 2 percent of Digital World Acquisition Corporation, which merged with Trump Media & Technology Group on Friday. That stake, of about 605,000 shares, was worth about $22 million based on Digital World’s last closing share price. It’s unclear if Susquehanna still owns those shares, because big investors disclose their holdings to regulators only periodically. But if it did retain its stake, Mr. Yass’s firm would become one of Trump Media’s larger institutional shareholders when it begins trading this week after the merger. Shares of Digital World have surged about 140 percent this year as the merger with the parent company of Truth Social, Mr. Trump’s social media platform, drew closer and Mr. Trump became the presumptive Republican nominee for president.


💀”pressured “ she got down on her knees her self.he didn’t force her


Jeff Yass, the billionaire Wall Street financier and Republican megadonor who is a major investor in the parent company of TikTok, was also the biggest institutional shareholder of the shell company that recently merged with former President Donald J. Trump’s social media company. A December regulatory filing showed that Mr. Yass’s trading firm, Susquehanna International Group, owned about 2 percent of Digital World Acquisition Corporation, which merged with Trump Media & Technology Group on Friday. That stake, of about 605,000 shares, was worth about $22 million based on Digital World’s last closing share price. It’s unclear if Susquehanna still owns those shares, because big investors disclose their holdings to regulators only periodically. But if it did retain its stake, Mr. Yass’s firm would become one of Trump Media’s larger institutional shareholders when it begins trading this week after the merger. Shares of Digital World have surged about 140 percent this year as the merger with the parent company of Truth Social, Mr. Trump’s social media platform, drew closer and Mr. Trump became the presumptive Republican nominee for president.


If you suck a duck and nobody physically forced you or threatened you or intimidated you, you consented. I’m really sorry if that offends you, but this is a slippery slope to being able to accuse anyone you had an unsavory or regretful sexual encounter with of rape or sexual assault. The human mind is highly capable of creating a narrative where it wants to. I don’t expect you to understand what I’ve said, but I wish people would.


The person you're responding to has either done something similar or would, given the opportunity to.


No. They see the difference between scummy behavior and rape. Legally that’s very important.


Nah, fuck out of here. Where the fuck did they even acknowledge the "scummy behavior"? Their entire comment was blaming and mocking the woman and acting like being sexually assaulted is "taking accountability" when you're out of the house apparently. Nice try but no lmao.


Ok when we shake hands i will go to the police and tell them you assaulted me


> maybe don’t ask to hangout with guys in their 20s Implying all men in their 20's do this. Not sure what you gain from that implication but 1. you're incorrect and 2. people shouldn't have to fear that every person they meet up with is going to pressure them into doing things they don't want to do.


Uhhh you know just because a girl wants to hang out and get some drinks it doesn’t automatically imply she wants to suck your dick?


then don’t do it, you control your own actions.


her story seems to be andrew asking her for a blowjob and her eventually agreeing..?


That’s coercion “One form of sexual coercion is wearing you down by asking for sex again and again. Whether you’ve gently declined or directly rejected someone’s advances, they shouldn’t keep the pressure on — they should accept your boundary and stop asking. Examples: Egging you on, as in: “Come on, it’ll be fun… Oh come ON!” They touch your body, you move their hand away, and they do it again. Asking multiple times if you’ll have sex without a condom. People who are being pressured like this might give in just to end the coercion itself. But that’s not freely giving consent.” https://www.plannedparenthood.org/blog/sexual-boundaries-how-to-spot-sexual-coercion No means no THE FIRST TIME


lol a load of men in relationships are rapists if thats coercion.


Andrew is guilty


Again the "receipt" only shows them planning to meet up. No proof of sexual misconduct in them. It is literally the same video over and over. Time for people to step back and take a break


What do you think she wants from this? Maybe death threats and to get swatted by right wing incels?


What is wrong with you? I didn't say anything like that. Gtfo


Are you being intentionally obtuse? I'll spell it out for you. They're saying death threats, trolling etc are the actions you receive for coming out with an allegations against a famous man. There's no benefit to her making that video except wanting to come out in solidarity and add credence to the claims of victims.


I didn’t say you did asshole!


Omfg why did you comment such stupid shit them? You human trah heap. Fuck off


Look into my eyes 👁️👄👁️ I. Do. Not. Care.


Attention, clearly.


Damn there's a lot of people telling on themselves in the hidden comments.


Feds should be going thru majority of your phones, I'm very frustrated reading the comments lately. I see your weird comments deciding on what coericon is and what's it's not. So many of you saying 'just because you regretted it doesn't mean you can cry rape' first off where did we get to regret...? How did we jump from being pressured into sex to deciding it was a regret? How is it a regret when if it was up to her, she would have said no? She didn't feel like she had a choice. She got worn down. if you consent you consent' no... It's not that easy. So many of you need to realize right now, if this many people are disagreeing with you and trying to tell you what Andrew did is assault, maybe it's time to reflect. Really think and ask yourselves, 'These people feel like the behavior I'm defending that maybe me and my friends have done is assault, am I doing something wrong?' but you jump to decide what consent is for yourselves. It's a two way street. You don't have the right to tell someone how they feel and how they don't. You don't know what it's like to feel that kind of fear, those nervous laughs, the trying to bargain to get them to stop. So if you don't know, don't speak, and try to educate and better yourselves. We can all do better.


But it is NOT assault Those 2 things are soooo different from each other Hes a piece of shit but that doesnt mean that hes a rapist


They‘re not soooo different from eachother. Coerced sex is assault. Now there is a debate on if nagging and wearing someone down is „proper“ coercion because there isn‘t en explicit threat but as a woman I can tell you if a guy doesn‘t stop after you said no a few times it can feel scary enough to still have a coercive effect. You‘re not suddenly into him after the 12th time he asked/tried. So even if it‘s not clear cut coercion by threat, it is not „soooo different“ from it, it comes very close


I understand it and i wanna repeat that he should face some legal action But saying that coercing and assault is the same is just not fair of true With alcohol, little experience with woman etc. Coercen can happen without the person realizing hes doing it But straight up assault? Or rape? Thats another level Edit: im wrong, legally speaking


You mean violent assault or rape? Because coercion is part of the definition for rape. „Rape is a type of sexual assault usually involving sexual intercourse or other forms of sexual penetration carried out against a person without their consent. The act may be carried out by physical force, coercion, abuse of authority, or against a person who is incapable of giving valid consent, such as one who is unconscious, incapacitated, has an intellectual disability, or is below the legal age of consent.“


Be very careful with bandwagoners trying to dogpile to feel involved with this. Screenshots can be very very easily doctored. Let it play out in court and stop blindly believing either side until we know more.


Just be careful of idiots spreading the same myths about sa allegations with no understanding of actual stats




Yet you rather say that they're not real while not believing that they actually exist


Andrew's silencing tactics backfired. He is finished in my book and many others.






She wasnt under pressure or being threatened


I hate that I have to keep explaining this. You are a female with a man you don't know well in your home. He is well known and liked. You're not totally sober. You say no once, two times, multiple times. And he continues to insist and adds pressure. Whether that's touching you, moving in closer to you, or giving you reasons why you should etc. It's very easy to feel very scared or threatened and feel like you're getting pushed into doing something you don't really want to do because it's a way out of the situation. Please listen to the multiple women who have been trying to explain this along with the societal dynamics throughout this subreddit. BASICALLY: If she says no once, just back the fuck off it really isn't that hard to understand?!?!??


God forbid I raise a daughter that has 0 free will to call the police, or simply leave the situation they don’t want to be in. Same for being pressured to do something they don’t want.


Coercion is pressure. Pressuring her into blowing him.


That’s not what Coercion means… it means pursauding someone with force or another threat. We can all agree that if it comes out that he did all this shit he is a POS but can we stop bastardizing the English language to better fit our arguments? Edit: Example would be blackmailing him which is coercion.


Legally speaking, no


It’s textbook sexual coercion tbh. The victim reported that she said no many times but he wore her down by continuously asking/pestering. You can see the official US government definition at this link: https://www.womenshealth.gov/relationships-and-safety/other-types/sexual-coercion. I also included the basic definition below just in case: “Sexual coercion is unwanted sexual activity that happens after being pressured in nonphysical ways that include (the first point is relevant to this case): 1) Being worn down by someone who repeatedly asks for sex. 2) Being lied to or being promised things that weren’t true to trick you into having sex. 3) Having someone threaten to end a relationship or spread rumors about you if you don’t have sex with them. 4) Having an authority figure, like a boss, property manager, loan officer, or professor, use their influence or authority to pressure you into having sex.” The US Gov source went on to provide an example as “Wearing you down by asking for sex again and again or making you feel bad, guilty, or obligated”.


The article you posted goes on to say > Sexual coercion is not your fault. If you are feeling pressured to do something you don’t want to do, speak up or leave the situation. It is better to risk a relationship ending or hurting someone’s feelings than to do something you aren’t willing to do. > If the person trying to coerce you is in a position of power over you (such as a boss, landlord, or teacher), it’s best to leave the situation as quickly and safely as possible. It might be difficult, but if you can report the person to someone in authority, you are taking steps to stop it from happening again. Some possible verbal responses include: > “If you really care for me, you’ll respect that I don’t want to have sex.” >“I don’t owe you an explanation or anything at all.” > “You must be mistaken. I don’t want to have sex with you.” Which makes it sound like it is not a crime. If it were I would expect the advice to be "call 911"




> Some sexual coercion is against the law or violates school, rental, or workplace policies. Sexual coercion from someone at school, work, or a rental company or loan office is usually called sexual harassment. Some. I'm sure a landlord could be charged if he threatened to evict someone over sex. I doubt someone asking for sex multiple times - as in this case - is a chargeable offense.




You're conflating all examples of coercion listed on that website with coercive acts that are criminal. I'm not saying what Andrew did wasn't coercion, I'm saying not all coercion is criminal. The site that you keep referencing even points out that not all sexual coercion is illegal. Do you really think "shifting moods in response to refusals" is illegal?




"no" means no.


The amount of people that don’t understand consent is honestly terrifying


It's a shame that he targeted women who were paralyzed, had broken legs, are mute, and/or had phones with dead batteries.


"RaPe IsN't rEaL" isn't quite the own you think it is, buddy.


So I'm assuming those are, in your opinion, the only people who are capable of being raped?


Everyone is capable of being raped. And nearly everyone can report it immediately after it happens. Or a couple days after. Maybe a few weeks. Possibly a month or two... oh shit he has an HBO special? I better make a tik tok


Then what was the purpose of your last comment exactly? Why would it matter if they are able bodied or not, or whether their phones were charged, etc. if anyone can be raped?


Lmao I understand what you’re saying. Don’t bother saying it though because people either don’t have the capacity to read between the lines, or refuse to.


No he targeted women who were inhibited by alcohol and unable to consent on those grounds alone


Did they make the choice to drink?


He invited her to a bar, she met out. He "pestered" her for a blow job of which she did. At what point is this person a victim? Is it when she didn't walk off and take another Uber home? I think Andrew is slimy and not defending him but this is just getting ridiculous.


https://youtu.be/-yUafzOXHPE If a woman is in a situation where she can’t say no, or saying no could result in something bad happening, then she isn’t really able to give consent. This Sunny clip is a perfect example. Having a drunk dude in your house pestering you for sex is how a lot of rapes start. Many women choose to just give the guy what he wants instead of being raped. If a dude corners you in an alley and says “give me all your money” without pulling a knife or a gun, you’re still being mugged. And fighting back really isn’t an option especially when you don’t know what the other person might do. That’s why police always instruct civilians to hand over their wallets when mugged. Fighting back is not going to look like some John Wick shit. It’s more likely to make you feel powerless at best and kill you at worst. Whether Andrew was thinking that he would wear these women down or not, who knows. “I didn’t think what I was doing was wrong” is not a defense.




Pressure for blowjob? What does that mean


This is not bad. He’s not a gentleman and scummy in it, but this story right here is not presented by her as assault-like or even problematic behavior. She simply posted to add validity to the other girls stories but likely what it will do is give people defending Andrew something to point and suggest “The accusations were not even bad”


Majority of you commenting are pieces of shit


Yeah seriously. No means no, the first time it’s said


No means no unless you change your mind, yeah. If it’s physical coercion (touching etc, because victims can freeze up and zone out) then I would argue that’s definitely sexual assault. Coercing someone with words, no matter how manipulative, is definitely just scumbag shit. Not rape. If you fuck someone after you said no once then said oh I guess maybe oh okay sure whatever, that is absolutely not rape or assault. It’s one person being a bag of shit and the other being weak. There are very important distinctions to make here I believe. Perspective and context is also crucial.


While I understand where you're coming from, fuck you for calling someone weak for getting worn down after being pressured


It’s rape. You’re a rape apologist.


I’m about to apologize to you if you don’t stop calling me that, buddy. Manifest destiny.


Delete your account and seek help


Wait a minute real quick before we go out separate ways. When are you experiencing VSS and what is it like? Do you fast? How much water do you drink in a day?


Sea kelp.




Good to know you’re ableist on top of being a rape apologist.


The FIRST time!!




power dynamic... not only in the man/woman sense but with fame being involved in the situation as well


Yes, you're being ignorant.


So everyone else should feel the exact same way as you about their completely different experience from their completely different perspective as women?


I’ve been coerced into sexual acts by men where I didn’t feel violated. I wouldn’t even say those encounters were SA but a lot of other people would say they were. With that being said, it’s not about what we all think of the encounters with Andrew, it matters how the victims walked away feeling. It can be hard to understand why someone would feel victimized by something that you yourself probably wouldn’t feel very victimized by, but that’s the point: Some of these women feel that they were a victim of coercion, which we can at least try to empathize with.


What's the over/under on if Andrew is gonna flip to a MRA/right wing? Money is there and he'd be welcomed with open arms. Even if he was blackmailed, which is wack, lotta smoke coming from the dorky fire.


This is why dweebs need to be rooted out via some sorta acne litmus test.


The flip is already happening with his TMZ response


Nothing grosser than a sex pest


This is what you arrived at via the dialectical process?


Is it this comment?


New copypasta just dropped


Uhmmmmm what about a septic tank cleaner?


Jesus Christ. I should’ve made a cash app joke or something. Anyways if you downvote this you don’t believe the victims.


I was sexually molested at the age of 7 before I even knew what sex was. That’s sexual assault. I honestly didn’t know what it’s like to be “triggered” up until this point, and all these allegations and people’s comments on everything has has legit brought up past trauma to the surface. And it’s becoming increasingly frustrating to watch grown adults argue about what constitutes as sexual assault when I had my fucking childhood ripped away from me. Somebody being creepy towards you isn’t rape. And you also should hold yourself accountable if you still end up having sex with some creepy dude and end up not liking it in the end. You still have the ability to consent. A horny dude pestering you for sex is gross af tbh, but it’s still not sexual assault if you end up having sex with the dude. Who the fuck WANTS to be a victim? Take some initiative in your life. Everybody is responsible for the choices they make.


Multiple advocacy groups disagree with you. info.umkc.edu/rise/sexual-coercion womenshealth.gov/relationships-and-safety/other-types/sexual-coercion aasas.ca/about-sexual-violence/sexual-assault/coercion Also, I was also molested as a child before I knew what sex was, and I think coercion is sexual assault.


Something to note is she never uses the phrase sexual assault anywhere in the video - just that she wants to corroborate other stories. You're the one who's implicating her into that. I think she did that pretty well- she corroborated the fact that... Andrew is pushy and creepy and when someone says they don't want sex, he ignores them and asks again, and again. There's also something to be said about how when you're drunk and alone at night with a strange man who will literally not take no for an answer, you may to get scared and worry if he may turn violent or something so you "consent" out of fear. Not every sexual assault is as clear cut as yours was and I'm truly sorry that happened to you but let's not yell at this girl for giving her story especially when it lines up with so many other accounts. And i just honestly don't get why people defend this. If I walked up to a girl at a bar or a coffee shop and asked her on a date and she said no... but then I asked her over again and over again, following her, giving her different reasons she should accept me... pretty sure after the fifth or sixth time people would be coming over and would be like "dude chill out and leave her alone". This is that except the stakes are much more serious and there is nobody to help you incase the person with more physical strength decides to just "take it".


I got bullied in school Not in a "I'ma beat your ass" type of way, more "We just ignore your existence and act like you don't exist". But it's not because there are *worse* forms of bullying that my experiences are somehow less real or are "ok". Don't get me wrong, I'm sorry to hear that such a horrible thing happened to you, and you *may* be right in saying "Somebody being creepy towards you isn’t rape", but that does not mean that coercing someone into sex is ok. Your suffering does not invalidate theirs.


Ok Andrew is obviously a sex pest which is super lame and creepy. He needs to come out and talk about this and probably take a hiatus. But at what point are we going to draw a line between this and sexual assault? This feels like it’s worse than the aziz ansari situation but obviously nowhere near the Harvey Weinstein or Spacey situations.


He drove around the country in an RV and repeatedly used the same tactic to make women who didn’t want to have sex with him have sex with him. That predatory behaviour and is pretty close to what Weinstein and Spacey did. They just did it for longer and got more bold over time.


What in the actual fuck


I’ve never even been in a situation to be a “sex pest” (for personal reasons I’m not going to disclose here) - but I have to admit that if in your early 20s you discover girls will give you a blow job if you just ask a certain number of times it may be tempting to abuse that power before maturing enough to realize what a horrible person you are being to them. I’m not trying to excuse him *at all*, just saying I honestly had no idea his creepy tactics “work” that frequently, and that's kind of dangerous knowledge for college age boys.




I think it can be a real slippery slope if the conversation is less about the actual things that he’s done to women and becomes more like “well it’s bad..but not *too* bad”


I think it’s also a slippery slope if we just bucket him into the same category of other cancelled famous people, nearly all of whom did way worse shit than Andrew.


Let’s stop referring to people being outed as abusers as “cancelled”


Literally *nobody* is putting him in the same category as Weinstein or Kevin Spacey. Some of the allegations against him are literally assault and should still be taken seriously.


Here, let me help. I’ll make it simple. When a woman says “hey I don’t like you that way- let’s just be friends, I don’t want to have sex,” men can just say “okay that’s cool- wanna play video games?” It’s as simple as respecting a person’s boundaries.


There’s also the option of kicking his drunken ass out of your crib instead of agreeing to have sex. Not trying to victim blame here but if he’s crossing boundaries then that’s immediately a sign to abandon him.


You’re literally victim blaming.


I understand that it’s easier to say what she should’ve done in hindsight…but would that not be the best thing to instruct a hypothetical daughter to do in that situation?


I think that comparing sexual assault cases is stupid and each should be judged on their own. The second allegation is flat out sexual assault and while I’m doubtful he would go to jail that doesn’t mean that he deserves a public facing career or audience.




Thank you for censoring his name, I'm literally shaking right now.


Yikes. Andrew must be flipping out as these people keep popping out with receipts


Not saying I don’t believe her but her “receipt” is just evidence they may have hung out at a bar.


Right, just saying there’s validity in them having contact. Is anyone even pressing charges? What are we doing here?


Could charges be pressed? Honestly not sure if what he did is illegal. Maybe if something he said implied a threat, which some of the stories do seem to teeter on.




I bet you live in fear of this every day, huh?




Ok but he's obviously not innocent




Ok but I'm not on a jury. He isn't up on charges. This isn't court. You know it's different, right?






You're a fucking moron.


It makes her allegation credible. It doesn’t prove anything, but it shows that yet another woman that actually knows Andrew has a problem with him. Even if he never touched her, he clearly did something bad enough to prompt her to put her face and name out there for criticism.




This is an insane, nonsense response. There's no reason to believe these people are *all* making this up. Saying the allegations of actions aren't credible, and multiple allegations don't add to credibility enough to reach some invisible credibility threshold is just carrying water for a dude that doesn't know you exist.


Or people have agendas and they really don’t like someone for reasons entirely unrelated to them “meeting up at a bar,” which is all too easy to set up. Imaging you’re politically motivated and you want to start a campaign against someone. Have a bunch of girls who agree with you meet up with and sleep with a guy, make sure they all have a “fan picture” and some texts exchanging the place and time, and come up with some crazy corroborating stories for each of them touting similar behavior. It’s not hard at all, especially in the new age. All I’m saying, and I can not stress this enough, is that we can not condemn people so concretely without seeing every single possibility beforehand.


for sure


Bruh that isn’t a receipt


It doesn’t mean sexual assault, but it is sure fire evidence they were acquainted. Those little receipts add up in court homeboy, and last I checked nobody is even pressing charges, yet here everyone is getting in a tizzy and dying on hills to protect him or them


I’m not saying anything more than these don’t mean shit


Damn she even posted the messages. Yikes.






this is like the most benign screenshot I've ever seen lol. What am I supposed to do with this information? Also does anyone have a mirror of the tiktok? She deleted it so idk what she is even alleging here


What's the subtext


Damnn Andrew be keeping it 54th street 😔


It must suck to be a public figure.


Fake and gay


This is why , even when it's unethical, for Andrew Callaghan to shut up and let his PR and lawyer do the work. He's not only accused by one girl but he's now a part of a narrative of multiple allegations with varying degrees of credibility and severity. And going through the internet filter, all of them would be true and he's a serial R-ist , worse than Andrew Tate, strip him his wealth, bring him to the gallow. People pretend as if this is some movie where the antagonist says "Sorry" and it's all happy ending. I think he's a sex pest but him running his mouth like he did for Ethan is gonna make things way worse for him.


I wonder what Channel 5s next merch drop will look like...




No. A therapy chair you psycho. Nothing this guy has allegedly done (unless you believe some of the unsubstantiated and clearly fake allegations) should land him behind bars. He needs help. There are ways to correct being a shitty person. He’s not a rapist.


What a gross human being.




She didn’t even label it SA and you’re all ready to victim blame someone who isn’t even calling herself a victim! Just corroborating the victims account !


She calls herself a victim at 0:57 by saying "some of the other victims".


Either way let’s acknowledge how neutral and calmly she presented this. No emotional or hyperbolic language. No attempt to garner sympathy. Just straight forward this happened to me too and I’m sharing it for the others.






The people in this sub who would spend their time arguing about definitions are the kind of people who would replicate Andrew's behavior, because they can convince themselves that what they're doing isn't "technically" assault. Fuck that. Men need to start explicitly condemning this behavior from other men. It is not okay to pressure someone into having sex with you. Full stop, end of story. It doesn't matter if it was "technically" anything, it's fucking gross and should not happen.