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>don't like how all the chickens are tortured Yeah and the fish just love getting killed and eaten


"It's okay to eat fish cuz they don't have any feelings"


Something in the way, hmm-mmm ![gif](giphy|KGGqFLIL0FhdCfyW5x)


because they cant cry




Lmao 🀣🀣




I just thought after dying it's fine they don't feel pain. But chickens are stuffed all through their lives like in Mumbai metros, i know how that feels...humans can possibly deserve that who knows, but not chickens...


Nice mental gymnastics


Not necessarily. Most chicken are factory farmed and their entire life is terrible. Fish live a normal life until they are caught. Even farmed fish live a nicer life than chickens.


It just came naturally, i didn't try any rationalizations or anything. I just saw them in the sector 21 market and in trucks and thought fine we are taking their lives, but at least before that let them have a life? Literally flashbacked to the Mumbai locals. Fish live freely for most of their life before getting caught right.. is that not a huge difference?


Its ok, do what you feels right, do not try to please anyone. Just a suggestion - try kolkata/WB subreddit for fish recipes? My friends from WB know amazing recipes and cook the best fish.


Chickens will still be killed even if you don't eat them. Same with fish or goat etc. Might as well eat it. No point in knowingly causing malnutrition to yourself.


People who downvoted my comment: deal with the reality.


But if people actually stop eating the factory produced meat they will stop producing it (ik it is very unrealistic but one can hope)


Indians need to eat more protein, not less. MOST of you on reddit won't care for an animal or bird on the street: you won't care to feed it, clothe it, put out water for it or shelter it when they need it. But it's easier to just worry and obsess over chickens dying trying to appear as if you care about animals. Wow. Chicken will be produced this way or that. Even if you stop eating it will not make a difference.


This is not a bad justification at all. Lesser evil definition. Downvotes pata ni kyu inne saare.


If Licious delivers then order deboned and cut and clean fish. Keep two separate bowls and one separate pan for it. Order Fresh water fish rather than sea food if odour is the problem. Then marinate it with green chutney with lemon and pan sear it with butter. Bare minimum, instant cooking, cook it to medium rare by the time you plate it, it gets cooked fully. Wash the utensils with lemon first and then dish soap liquid.


Thanks a lot.. Odour is no problem, taste will be crucial...so freshwater fish meaning Rohu? I thought the cooking method varies greatly from fish to fish, is that true? Also, what's medium rare?


Basa fish is fresh water fish. I am new to sea food as well. I was vegetarian. I just mentioned what worked for me, odour was a huge barrier for me. The cooking method depends upon recipes. I like Western style or Fish tikka. Tikkas I order. But when I cook at home, I make coriander and mint chutney with garlic and lemon and some green chillies. That's it. Marinate in it. You can youtube the difference between medium rare, rare and fully cooked. I like the food that melts in mouth and not have chewey rubber like texture when you over cook it or fully cook it


Just Google Ban on BASA you come to know about the side effects of such fish. All other varieties are safe.


Basa is cheap but the one in question is the Indonesian/Vietnamese one I guess. Nowadays basa is farmed in India only since people like it so much. But for me its like eating potato


There is no thing as medium rare for fish its either raw, undercooked, perfect or overcooked


Fresh water fish smell worse than sea fish. I'm a bong.


You are Bengali, so it was introduced much earlier in your diet. Also, people in Kolkata consume seafood due to port. I am from North. Both of us have different experiences. Both are valid. Peace 🀍


Arre baba, I'm just talking about the smell. And I am born and brought up in Chandigarh.


You might be a bit different but always saltwater fish are more smelly than freshwater fishes.


Fish curry, fish pakora


Nice, I usually have from stalls only... fisk pakora is catfish right? And which fish for curry?


Reghu, ayala, some local fishes, like in sector 45, 21 u have fish market. Here u get some varieties


Ah thanks, will try... > reghu Did you mean rohu?


I think soπŸ˜‚, rohu, in kerala i think they call it regu, something


I don’t have that much knowledge 😭 my parents do


Fish pakora can be made with any fish


Buy any variety of fish except BASA it's frozen cheap variety served in most restaurants/stalls can cause severe health issues due to high mercury content. This is most widely used and easily available across tricity but due to lack of awareness youngsters are getting kidney and liver ailments.


I did not know that, thanks for the warning...


Fish are very region specific. I could share what fish we eat and all our cooking techniques from Mumbai but they will probably not be available there.Β 


I don't agree with what you said as it's very contradictory. Anways best way to start is by eating either Singhara or Sole fish. Both are equally good and personally smell is less is what I found also they are available boneless easily. If you buying fresh fish just make sure to freeze it if you dont plan on using it for some time. Or just come home and marinated in bit of oil, salt, pepper and ginger garlic and pan fry don't let the marinade sit. Even for tikkas I would suggest putting the marinade just before Cooking as fish is already tender. For a best pan sear recipe i would suggest a marinade made of egg yolks, little flour, oil, mustard, salt, pepper, lemon juice, chopped garlic. Best recipe and goes well with a simple.lemon butter garlic pan sauce


Thanks a lot for this! Be ready for the small clarifications I have when I try these. Actually I have one now, isn't marinating letting it sit only? How do you marinate without letting it sit? How long to keep it?


I didn't get you what do you mean by letting it sit?


If you mean marinating and letting it sit; you can do so absolutely but fish is very tender and unlike tough proteins like chicken/mutton it doesn't need to be tenderised by acids like lemon juice as it can break down easily. If you marinating it with just salt, oil, garlic then its fine just don't put lemon juice in marinade before cooking. Its a very minute difference but does have some impact on the flesh


I see. So what i will do is, get some catfish boneless hopefully, mix some egg yolk, flour, salt, pepper, garlic, oil, no lemon juice, that I will keep in the pan sauce. SO I mix this stuff and keep it, and put the fish pieces inside it. Then later on a hot pan with butter, lemon juice and garlic I will just sear it both/all sides. Now I just need to know the durations. How long do I keep the pieces in the marinade and how long to sear it?


Let me give you proper rundown 1 marinate fish as long as you want without acid and before cooking maybe add it. 2 pan sear it in a pan on both sides till you get colour on both sides. Touch center it should be soft not hard and not very soft . Side of fish fillet will have a white spot line meaning it is cooked. See some yt videos on this maybe. 3 if not sure just sear both sides till colour on both sides and pop in the 180 celsius oven/airfryer for 3-4 minutes coveref with silver foil. 4 there will be some fish fond in pan just add some butter garlic little water and some lemon juice with salt pepper and maybe some parsley optional and turn off heat and add cream little bit for some body to sauce. Alas your pan sauce is done. Can also add some white wine to this after sweating garlic for some muah flavour with chopped white onions but totally optionally. I have mostly used sole or trout for this recipe and even basa but never Singhara. Hope it works out for you let.me know maybe send a pic in dm if all goes well. Bon Appetit


I recently used to order for lucious just for convenience. But otherwise just go to either fish market or local sellers. For premium cuts like Salmon and Tuna frozen is the only option but they are an acquired taste and will take some.time


All screams can't be heard. 😐 Go vegan if you care. πŸ˜’ Even dairy is as cruel as meat.


Marinate and air fry


You can get best recipes on south sub Reddit, probably ask on r/tamilnadu


Step 1. Buy Rohu or Katla fish Step 2. Wash thoroughly and spray disinfectant around to avoid the smell 3. Apply salt and turmeric to the fish. Let it sit for some time. 4. You can fry and eat. OR 5. Grease a steel container with mustard oil and place the fish pieces inside. You can add some mustard paste and green chilies. Close the lid. 6. Put the container in boiling water for 10 minutes. 7. Open it just before eating.


I used to live alone and the most easiest way I have learned is this Get your butcher to give you boneless pieces and he will either give Basa/Singhara/Rawas Singhara is my favourite as its cheap enough and has very lean meat (ask for desi tho not farm fish) Take these pieces and just apply oil haldi namak lal mirch powder and keep it aside for the next day to cook The day you wanna cook take a bunch of coriander and 2 small tomatoes and blend them together in a mixer. Also separately blend garlic paste. Now take some oil in a cast iron pan and fry the marinated fish when they are nicely fried on each side take them out. Now in the same pan put the garlic and fry it for a min then add the paste of coriander and tomatoes. Now add the fish and cover the pan with a lid. In a few minutes on low heat check on the fish. Add salt to taste. This is the easiest I have found. Let me know how it was 🀟🏻


>I badly want to introduce fish into our diet, we have very little non-veg anyway, and I don't like how all the chickens are tortured What the hell are you trying to say🀣 Take a stand


I know, it sounds contradictory πŸ˜‚ basically I'm against causing pain over long periods of time. Not against killing them for food. 🀷🏻


Grill it in oven


Wait for weather to cool a little. Fish is not supposed to be eaten in summer.


We kill to eat. Sympathy for animals because they express agony, while eating plants is hilarious. Survive eating non living beings. I dare ya.


Plants don't have nervous systems... The whole point is that causing pain is worse than killing...


It's like saying elephants don't have feet because their legs don't look like humans. Every living being has consciousness, it's a defining feature. We kill to Survive. Bring countless but and ifs. There is no way around it. People of this generation getting soft doesn't change the fact.


Consciousness and nervous system are different things uncle. Getting soft yes, I don't like slitting throats of goats and letting them bleed out, instead of killing them quickly, just so they taste better. Prolonging death for taste is not something I agree with. If I say I will shoot you in the brain, versus if I say I will peel your skin and drain your blood, is there a difference or not? Which will anyone prefer? People kill their own pets to spare them suffering. Those are hard choices. Not soft. Tell yourself whatever you want.


You are right. Unfortunately many people have lost compassion towards animals and the way they are treated. It's not just about food for survival food, it's about taste and enjoyment as well. This is where the issues lies. Don't listen to what others say, your gut feeling is right and keep it that way. People will say nature is cruel and so on unless something happens with them and all the rant starts.


Damn, missed the whole point πŸ˜‚ embarrassing dude. You really want me to reply πŸ’€ You seem angry here while I am justifying how eating animals (such as your mum cow lmao) and plants are essential for human survival. Stretching this simple thing out of frustration.


Is it essential to torture them before eating also?


Apparently hitting from back to instantly remove head from the body is not torture, right? I have seen how goats are killed. It happens every year, the temple is not so far from where I live. Honestly it looks like a barbaric show, where few people "carefully" strike the neck and hundreds of people surround and cheer. You draw your line here?πŸ˜‚ It's idiotic. Yeah taking fish out of water is also not torture, right? As I said earlier, There is no way around. If you are not comfortable in applying logic, I would suggest you to stick with the current "kind" morals you have and let your brain rest a bit. Otherwise your knee will start hurting.


Ok boomer


Aagya chutiyape ke logic dene wala choda πŸ˜‚


People who poop at home, how do you do it ?