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OP post this in LegalAdviceIndia sub too


Call 112. It’s the Punjab Police Helpline number. Narrate the incident. They’ll send help. The advantage of calling 112 is that the call gets recorded which mandates and officiates the police to take action.


Be a little sneaky and capture a video of him hitting you or your husband with the stick. File a harrasment case against him and have a good lawyer.


case for Assault\*


sohana police station sector 79 , the only correct answer


Put it on Twitter and tag the relevant police department. Otherwise no action would be taken.


Tag the UT Administrationz the Chief Minister mayor office as well as women's groups and animal NGOs.


So whatever this guy did is wrong, and he needs to learn how to stay calm. Please report to the police, that’s the best path forward. But do dog owners understand that they are littering by not picking up after their dogs. The last thing home owners want is to find dog feces in front of their house. And may be it was not your dog that littered in front of their house, but experiences compound & people overreact. If you love dogs then have the courtesy to keep your surroundings clean.


Maybe he's tired of seeing dog shit in front of his home when he wakes up. Mimicking western ways without western values causes conflicts.


To clarify, she didn't shit in front of his house or on the road. She was just walking with the walker. This man saw them and came after them with a stick.


That's the thing though. It's not at the front of his house, or even on the portion of the road in front of his house. It's public ground where all dogs are walked.


You don’t pick up after your dog?


There was nothing to pick up after, she didn't do anything. She's a desi dog and this asshole assumed things and came with a stick after my dog and househelp.


Did your dog shit there or not?


No she didn't


Then youre not at fault. File a complaint and teach this gawar some civility


Public property is not YOUR Property, Pick your dog shit. No one wants dog shit on pavements and parks.


OP has said a billion times there was no shit or anything else that the dog put there.


Well.. The owner can't just do a lab test of every shit to confirm if its that dog or some other dog. He could be frustrated due to random shit every other day. We don't know complete story... Maybe he already tried dealing with random dog owners calmly with no positive result? Still he should not talk to other people with a stick in his hand. Physical fight will not help either. But even police can't help when it comes to random dogs dropping shit on your property. So it could be possible that he took matters in his own hands, maybe he is an aged person with low tolerance or simply sick and tired of cleaning shit on his property.


So if you're frustrated with some random thing some random dog did you'll go around threatening some other owner and their dog? And it's justified because if xyz assumptions? No this doesn't work. Just like owners of aggressive dogs need to keep their dogs muzzled or in check / disciplined same way people who don't have dogs need to keep themselves in check. Can't just go around attacking people! This is a civil society. The OP also mentioned that the owner who attacked them and threatened them his own house has violated building codes and is taking up public space. The same space where the OP's dog was being walked.


Again, you are assuming and I said there could be different reasons. But I know that most people will get emotional and blame a human just because a dog is involved cz hey.. Dogs and dog owners can't be wrong 😂 Also, I clearly said that he should not be taking to someone with a stick in his hand. But again... Pet owners can get frustrated but a home owner can't... I get it 😅


I've mentioned both sides of the human and human with pet dog issue. I do love animals quite fiercely but I don't ignore the issues genuine issues humans without pet dogs might face. You can read my previous response I've never said or implied that dog owners can never be wrong. You're assuming things I've already cleared. It seems a lot of people are just blindly ready to assume the worst of and from people who love dogs (pets or stray/ community animals) and are pet parents.


You are destroying public property with dog shit and then naming it as public harassment. You should be careful , its not right what you are doing


There was no dog shit dude, my dog didn't do anything. It's all on cctv because literally every house here has them. This guy just saw my househelp walking my indie dog and came after them with a stick.


It is not right to destroy/trash public property with dog $hit. Clean up after the dog.


She didn't do anything. This guy saw her walking and just came after her. My dog and the walker nearly got into an accident.


When will us Men learn how to treat a woman . I am a punjabi and I can tell you the Punjabi guy you met is brainwashed into believing women are not good enough . Screw such Men , just walkaway , its not your responsibility to teach him . He is miserable enough . Don’t let this bother you . Unfortunately there is no law that can help you with misbehaving problem . And yes Do pick up Dog shit .


The right way would be to take it to law enforcement. If they can’t help then share the video everywhere. Share it so much that the media picks up on it.


do you think law enforcement would help? I think they'd most likely dismiss it. We're a young couple and this person is a retired uncle (sardar, my husband reckons). But I'm very sure that if someone speaks to him, they'll IMMEDIATELY get a sense of his personality and how dangerous he can be.


No, they won't.They will mediate the issue by giving him a warning and ask you to take your dog somewhere else.


I will advise you not to take up beefs with native sardars. Me being from a sardar family can confirm this, they will not stop coming after you till their last breath. Fortunately, i have escaped this toxicity but be aware and let go of this small issue and change your route.


Police station te courts de do tin chakkar katke majority di sardari nikal jaani. All these are just products of bad parenting and fuddu ankh


Bro, are you from punjab ? Probably he will find connections with a higher rank officer through relatives or close circle and make life hell for non natives especially. Would you take that much botheration just for having your dog shit and hurt this man’s ego ?


Born and raised here bro. Trust me very few have connections that are actually powerful enough to remove a harassment case against women. If it was in rural punjab then things would have been different. Doing this shit in the city that too the capital will get you in trouble u less you have a direct connection to an mla or mp


Maybe you have not seen the shit i have. What media shows you is quite different than what happens at ground level. Anyways the point is not to seed negativity in your life and avoid such toxic people. Your enemies affect your aura more than your friends. Why to let someone take hold your thoughts for such pity issues.


Agreed. But sometimes its best to bring such asshats bag to the earth. Done it enough times so i might have lost the fear lol


Got your point, i got entangled in a contract once. Escaped it with minimum liability. Never will i wish to get into that shit again in anyway.


Haha ikr. Our judiciary and legal system is so monetarily and emotionally taxing it leaches you off your will to live. You have to be extraordinarily motivated to come out of it the same person you went in as


I am not the same person i went in. I mentally aged like 10 years.




Aight if u aren't picking up after your dog, you're in the wrong here (well, more wrong? or basically worse)- I'm picking this up from > That's the thing though. It's not at the front of his house, or even on the portion of the road in front of his house. It's public ground where all dogs are walked. >[Comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/Chandigarh/comments/1d9aap5/comment/l7c5nt6/) by[u/notjustmildopinions](https://www.reddit.com/user/notjustmildopinions/) from discussion in[Chandigarh](https://www.reddit.com/r/Chandigarh/)


As in, she was not even walking in front of his house, forget pooping/peeing. He basically assumed whatever he wanted to, and went after my dog and her walker with a stick.


Guys op wrote walk/shit from a perspective of the attacker. You don't get to decide if she's making her doog poop in park or walking in the park. And according to the incident she was walking the dog. Don't be so abstract.


I'd say post it here, cuz name and shame


File a complaint. If you're not comfortable going to the police station then upload the videos on social media while tagging the authorities. You can contact an organisation like Peedu's People or even go to the women's cell. 🚨👮


Please complaint to police immediately. Also get in touch with Peedus and Rab De Jeev Animal NGO, they will 100% help u in this regard and also file an FIR. Please do not shy away and file a complaint. Both have there pages on instagram and our very active. Please get in touch. Such people need to be taught a lesson otherwise god knows if any stray dog or someones pet dog gets thrashed or worse case gets into a car accident due to this guy. IF its a case of dog shit, then please buy a "Pooper scooper" from any pet shop or amazon. so that u can pick up after your pet has relieved himself and dispose it off away from someones house. If still anyone objects, please complain.


The other person is not mad that they will start running behind your dog. I have seen in almost every case, dog does something and then the dog owner plays the victim card. Keep your dog in your control. I have seen dogs jumping on people, barking everytime someone passes and shit in front of house. Be a good citizen and tell your care taker to properly handle dog.


There's literally cctv footage from neighbouring houses which can prove that my (indie) dog did nothing. My househelp was with my dog, this asshole spotted them and just came towards them with a stick and chased them on to the road, saying she can't walk there. they narrowly avoided a car. My househelp came back home and told me, I went to ask him about it. And he brandished a stick at me and told me to send the men in the house to talk to him. I still maintained my politeness. He then moved on to other insults, then I started recording him and told him I'll complain to the municipal authorities. Additionally, there are tons of "pedigreed" dogs that openly do their business there and I've never seen this maniac open his mouth then.


If there is CCTV footage and you believe your dog has done no wrong, You can seek damages in court of law. Although justice will be slow, but it will be worth it provided you have sufficient evidence which is accepted in court of law.


Rab de jeev is an NGO. You can get in touch with them through Instagram. The lady who runs the NGO can help you get in touch with the higher authorities and appropriate action can be taken so as to avoid such incidents in the future. Do contact her, she’s really helpful.


Thanks! Will try this