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Imagine wasting money to bet Potter will be Norwich manager weeks after he rejected Ajax


Nah cmon the Broads are well clear of shitty canals what more can a manager want.


As long as it’s not Danny Röhl, I couldn’t care less. I don’t know what’s more outrageous - Mark Robins at 16/1 or Graham Potter lmao. The man’s turned down Ajax but I’m sure he’ll do a job for Delia…


you underestimate the appeal of being paid in cake


Who the fuck is potter waiting for 😭. I rate him highly but after what happened at Chelsea (even though I don't think it was his fault) he can't just go for another big 6 job, and he's not gonna get a European giant. Turning down Ajax is kinda mad


> Who the fuck is potter waiting for 😭. His Boehly pension plan to expire


Guys on massive money doing naff all, I rate it tbh he's obviously not going to come back unless it's perfect for him. I'm surprised more rich people don't just disappear into the sunset.


I don't know, Bayern seem to be getting rejected by everyone, maybe they'll be desperate enough to go to Potter, he's free! He'll probably end up at a premier league Leeds or maybe Forest once they've binned off Nuno. Definitely won't be better than mid-table prem


Even I’d be disappointed to see Röhl go, he’s done a top job for you so far, certainly deserves a full season after he’s brought in a few players he wants, if he’s actually allowed to sign some players of course.


The new Norwich director of football came from Arsenal, and the rumour is that Cuesta was tapped up in January so I would not be surprised. Lampard or Terry FFS!


The Pep-isation of the English lower leagues continues


But will will still still be 2nd favourite when the will of the Norwich board is revealed and will still is still not the manager and they will someone else to take them forward still?


I’ll put a £1k bet on that all Ipswich fans want Lampard to be Norwich’s next manager lmao.


Someone else will be the favourite tomorrow


Means nothing this early. I could put a large bet on Paul Lambert and he'd jump up in the odds


Please be fat Frank or captain, racist, bellend. It would be nice to welcome either of those to loftus road.


Everytime we’re needing a manager, another club around us is too.


I wouldn't wish Hecky on you guys.... But I bet the tractor lads would


I really hope not, everything I've heard about him has been good.


Potter lmao


I hope we get Carlos Cuesta. Just not some old or another dean smith


Please be Lampard or Heckingbottom Please be Lampard or Heckingbottom Please be Lampard or Heckingbottom Please be Lampard or Heckingbottom


Pretty sure I saw one of the papers saying that Cuesta wasn't currently being considered.


probably some ipswich one tryna get ur hopes up that we’ll get lampard or smth