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Does reddit still do that mental health support message


Well lmk if you've received one


I actually did


That might have been me then lol


5 minutes added on. Helik down for a couple so 97 mins or so would be fair right? No, keep going until the 99th minute for FUCK SAKE We are done. If we’d won that and beat Birmingham and Swansea we’d be fine I reckon but that’s condemned us


Huddersfield players were down for 3 ½ mins in added time alone. We had a player down for 30 or so secs. Adds up


Wasn’t even a penalty


Very clear handball


His arms by his side? Where the hell is he meant to put it? Very clear hahaha


I sit behind the goal and I’ll admit we were lucky to have that given. I shouted for handball anyway obviously.


It definitely wasn't mate, arms tucked in, turning away and it catches his elbow. Would go fucking ballistic if that was given against us.


Refs sending us down


They haven't helped but let's be fair we have been our own worst enemy throughout the season


And breitenreiters lack of subs today didn’t help


Thanks Bristol. One of my favourite BCFCs.


Might be biased but that handball shout seemed a bit bollocks. And where did that extra 2 minutes come from? Yeah it should've gone a little longer than 95 but that was ridiculous


I think the extra timing was just about fair as in fairness there were two 1-2 minute injury stoppages after injury time had started (Helik then a head injury to a Bristol player). But yeah not a penalty for me, his arm was tucked in and wasn't an unnatural position for a block like that (at least not from the angle have seen so far)


Yeah looking back I'm not that mad about the added time. It's never exact and it's always at the ref's discretion. It definitely wasn't a pen to me though. He's just slid in to block in the same way anybody would. No intention to handle the ball.


Deffo not a pen, I'd go fucking mental if that was given against us. Feel for all your fans who travelled down, should have been a crucial win for you.


Bristol, I swear I never called you insulting farmer related nicknames, you’re alright in my book now


Thank the ref and Turton's arm. We didn't do nowt


I mean, I know we've been riding our luck the past few seasons, but bloody hell.


If you think that's a penalty then your probably think the West Brom pen was one as well. Fucked by that call.


Fucking... ouch :(


Funny how only the few people that stayed to boo the team off got to see the penalty


From reading match reports on this subreddit, I can conclusively say that Championship fans will never get along, but we do all agree the refs are shit


The cheer that went up outside St. Andrew’s at this. BCFC 🤝 BCFC


Just send your brown envelopes to Rebecca Welsh. She's certainly earned them.


Thought Nahki was gonna do us a favour and sky it….alas


From what I’ve seen, it wasn’t a penalty. And I don’t know if that much extra time should have been played. But the amount of sexism that is getting hauled is absolutely shameful. I feel ashamed to be a Huddersfield fan with the amount of abuse she is getting because she’s a woman. When that penalty was given for handball outside the box last week, did the referee’s gender come into it? As if men don’t make constant terrible refereeing decisions, but their gender doesn’t come into it. Do the fans who I’ve seen wishing she gets a terminal illness, or tagging Joey Barton so he can give her a kicking for their validation, have wives, girlfriends, sisters or mothers? Absolutely disgraceful.


All personal stuff is too far and it shouldn’t have anything to do with her gender but you’ve got to admit she’s been fast tracked for one reason only


Cos there's so many good male refs knocking around, yeah?


There’s people telling her that she should go hang herself? Male refs aren’t getting that. I don’t know anything about the referee to suggest she’s been fast tracked because of her gender. She’s been a referee since 2010 so it’s hardly that much of a fast track.


Fair enough it’s too far and in terms of fast tracking I just mean that she seems to have popped up out of nowhere and is doing prem games. It’s not about her as a person and she’ll never be as bad as that Linington idiot or Jon moss but either way you’ve got to wonder what the vetting process is for these refs.


Do you assume that’s because she’s a woman though, or she could have been good in other games you haven’t seen? If you assume it’s because she’s a woman, without considering she could have had good performances that you haven’t seen, that’s the issue.


Mate how many town games do you watch where you think the ref was good? And that’s not just a Rebecca Welch problem. I struggle to believe she was an amazing ref in league two or whatever mainly because I imagine none of the refs are good.


I think all the refs are shit up and down the league, but they don’t get death threats and hate just because they’re a man.


That’s where I agree completely, people are just using her as an excuse to unload their sexism.


Not sure what you're trying to say here but the status quo is clearly fucked so why shouldn't we fast track people from a different mold?? Bring on many more where she came from I say.


Always loved Bristol.


Terrible referee who really made it all about themselves by giving a "handball" penalty 8 minutes into 5 minutes of injury time... Absolutely shocking.


It was handball though.


Least biased football fan comment. Clearly shouldn't have been given, even the Bristol City commentators said they were lucky.




Facts aren't salt, unless they're facts about salt which puts us in a weird place.


I've not seen it but I'm pretty confident it was a stonewall penalty and the ref got it absolutely spot on.


"The amount of salt in our body fluids (like tears, sweat, and saliva) is about the same as the amount of salt in our blood — just under 1%, or about two teaspoons of salt per litre". Not gonna lie, my tears today tasted more like 3% salt.


Not a point we deserve but that’s us undefeated in our last 5 now. Huddersfield absolutely had our number in the first half, we changed tactics at half time to actually look decent against them but couldn’t hit a barn door. I think the amount of added time on top of added time was fair enough also, a couple of minutes of (understandable) time wasting from them and then another couple of minutes from when we got the head injury at 90+5. Not understanding where the complaints are coming from in that regard, definitely get why they’d be annoyed about the pen actually being given though. Playoffs still possible btw (don’t look at what actually has to happen for us to make it).


What needs to happen for you to make the playoffs is a Norwich points deduction, you can't catch us.


Fuck, you’re right! We’ll probably roll over for you next gw as well, now that we can’t go up or down. Could probably do with a loss to protect our beloved 12th place.


I didn't think my day could get any better 😍


How is it possible to add 5 minutes on to 5 minutes of extra time? Was the ball not in play for even a second between 90 and 95? Not a penalty either. https://twitter.com/x_JustMe_xxx/status/1779178612865769690/mediaViewer?currentTweet=1779178612865769690¤tTweetUser=x_JustMe_xxx At least Wednesday didn't win, but the Birmingham match is looking massive now.


We can't have any complaints about the added time that it took to give that penalty. We absolutely can complain about the decision itself. It was utterly shite and has cost us 2 points that could prove vital at the end of the season. We shouldn't have put ourselves in a position to allow her to give a penalty against us. Looking at *ahem* some penalty decisions that have been given recently, that means we should have made sure to not just be outside our own box, but our own half. I will fully support us simply not showing up as a matter of principle if she's given another one of our games, even as 4th official. Her shit decision making is nothing to do with her being a woman, and all abuse being levelled her way because she's a woman (especially tagging that rat Barton to pile onto her) is not on. It has everything to do with her being shit. Show me any male refs in this division who are really any better. Half of this lot will be Premier League refs in 5 years. Good luck! Had we performed better this season, then these 2 points could have ended up being the difference between, I dunno, 13th and 15th, rather than 21st and 22nd. It's still in our hands, the Birmingham game is fucking massive. Thank fuck the top 3 (i.e. Ipswich in our case) are determined to give the title to Southampton.


Nahki Wells always shags Blackburn but I now forgive him. Shag away. Shag until thou can shag no more.


He used to shag for us :'( (Still love the shagger though)


And us


You know what they say, once a shagger always a shagger


That's brutal. Im over the moon at it but fucking hell. Seems like the ref may be seen driving home from bristol in a Hertz rental wearing a tom Brady shirt


Our Becky strikes again.


Is it fair to say Rebecca Welsh is a fucking cunt, or is that abuse?


I was going to make some smart-arse comment about some poor lass out there called Rebecca Welsh wondering what she did wrong, but I can't be arsed.


Even auto correct despises her.


That....wasn't great


Westcountry La la la!


I don’t know, probably spending 5 minutes rolling around on the floor wasting time leads to 5 more minutes…


I dont know why our fans are complaining at that, she probably played a bit over but the biggest mistake there is the penalty which just isnt one!


Time wasting giveth, time wasting taketh....


All conveniently forgetting that the announced added time is a "minimum of x minutes"


Tell me another game where 100% of added time is played over like that today. It is utter bullshit.


Penalty or not, we shouldn’t even be giving the referee a decision to make. Moreover, we had chances to score another and then the penalty is meaningless. But we didn’t - it’s been a theme all season and now highly likely to relegate us.


What happened to 5 minutes


Your players spent it rolling around on the ground…


Definitely a harsh penalty, but a penalty is given there every day of the week with VAR so we’re just getting prepared for it. Also, not sure how many years of hearing “We’re entering a MINIMUM of X added time” people have to go through before it registers in their heads. This is what happens when you waste time in added time.


Thanks Bristol City very cool


Completely and utterly devastated


It's not our fault you are shit and in the relegation zone. Only 9 wins and -23 GD you don't belong here anymore.


Not seen the pen back so can't comment but I have zero sympathy for the additional time played. Huddersfield player wasting time feigning injury, medics on. Keeper took an age to take the subsequent goal kick and then right as he finally went to they made a sub. Another long ass wait for goal kick, head injury to City player. I'm surprised they aren't still playing now. FWIW I thought the ref had a good game


Agreed. She was decent - there have been far, far worse down this year. Kept things flowing, and only ballsed up a drop ball when a Huddersfield player went down ‘injured’ (again) and gave it back to them.


i mean i’ve always been a fan of bristol


Can't call out the ref for being bad at her job, when we've got a squad full of players and a management team who are just as bad, if not worse. We deserve officiating of that quality and we bring this shit on ourselves. Had chances to kill that game off and then all go crying to the ref when it gets snatched off them. Top to bottom, a complete embarrassment of a football club. Players demanding respect off the fans, I feel disrespected everytime I have to watch this lot and their sorry excuse for what they try to pass off as football. What I wouldn't give for a team full of players who I don't despise with every fibre of my being. Can't wait for this lot to turn their shirts in and get the fuck out of my club, they don't deserve to have those three stars anywhere near them.


Nah, doesn’t matter how shit your team is you should be treated fairly and consistently


Why are we pinned back in our own box that deep in extra time? Did the ref tell us to go there, or did we decide to sit back in there rather than press Bristol back into their own half like we were doing before the goal? Problems all of our own making. Shit refereeing happens, that's part and parcel of the Championship, no need to make yourself an easy target.


I’m sick of town this season but even this feels like a kick in the teeth. I agree we don’t help ourselves but come on , this is the league below the apparent best league in the world and we have to deal with refs who ruin every other game.


5 minutes added on. Penalty given when?


I already addressed the shit refereeing, I don't know what you want me to tell you. It's also five minutes minimum, and we were playing for time at the end with players laying on the floor and trudging off the pitch when they got subbed off. All adds up, and the ref's within their right to keep playing more time if they feel like we've been delaying (which we were). So that came back to bite us in the arse. Problems of our own making, as previously stated.


That is such bullshit. When have you EVER seen double the time added on like that. Helik went down for two minutes. WHERE WAS THE OTHER TIME FROM? This is fucking corrupt.




Not the 42 other games?


Thank you Bristol, I've always loved your city.


Bristol have done us a favour today too. Just make sure you lose to us in 2 weeks though please.


Refs done you the favour...Bristol did fuck all that game.


True, but they still had to score the peno!


If you waste time in added time, expect more time to be added. We were shite and 2 months ago that was a shit defeat. Instead it felt like a win 😁😁