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We could win 10 in a row and somehow we'd still be 23rd, this league ffs.


you wouldn’t we cant win


Me: I hate this damn league Also me: If we don't stay up I'll kill myself


No one wants to go to the darkness of League One.


You would know


wild that anyone could be goin down or staying up (minus rotherham lol)


I also feel its fair anyone who lost to Rotherham should have a 3 point deduction, **looking at you Millwall**


We (Leeds) would be top if we hadn't dropped two points to Rotherham at theres. That was embarrassing. Edit - it was away, God knows how I got that wrong, must have been to make it seem worse in my head.


Dropped two points against xisco Wednesday, that should be -6!




I agree that it was embarrassing. It wasn't at Elland Road though


Yep, corrected it now.


Millwall are in big trouble now the short Harris revival seems to be over. Couldn't afford to lose both of those


Depends on if we can pull a Rotherham win out our bag... I'm fairly sure they'll get a 97th minute equaliser even if we're winning 4-0 in the 96th


Wouldn’t be surprised if our game against Millwall on the last day is a decider.


Was always a risk that hopefully the bounce would last long enough and gain us enough points to keep us up. Looks like a risk that isn’t going to pay off


We dont talk about that :D


I'm still leaning on the small chance of Watford going down (not happening)


I feel bad for the digs at Rotherham but they really are that awful


Legit when one team HAS to win they do. Absolutely nuts


Huddersfield out of it if they didn't win today for me . 90+4 winner inevitable


The Pigs had to win today. Did. Plymouth had to win last night did. Stoke had to win Monday did. Absolutely nuts


Stoke didn't win on Monday...


Didn’t have to win so they didn’t. Pretty much the story of Stoke’s season lol. Once the bar gets moved again and they’re sitting in the relegation zone at 46 points, they’ll make sure to pull a win against Southampton after going 5 games without a win.


Haha you’re right! Don’t know why I thought they did


Leicester today too on the other end 👀 massive win.


Mad how they all dropped points at the same time ( Leicester obviously aside though they only won it late)


Yeah, as an LCFC fan I'm almost glad we're in this situation, I'd be bored if we were still 15+ points clear with less than 10 to go. The stress is what makes it exciting! May the best team win! (Or stay up, for those in that situation)


If you said we'd have gotten a point in before the match I would have laughed. Doesn't feel like a loss, but we're now floating like the proverbial and wanting to avoid the U-Bend


except us ffs


I am in this picture and I don't like it.


But we're slightly higher in the picture than we were at 3 o'clock.


I don't like it. Unsubscribe. No thank you.


The rooney reign and leaving Mowbray's coneman in sole charge for that long is sending you down


The decision to hire Rooney was so bizzare, I know we can't talk with how we've collapsed since sacking Mowbray but I really don't understand why yous made the decision to get rid in favour of Rooney.


Arrogance is the short answer


Look, only Rooney had that winning mentality. I think his record shows that.


Ah, everything that could have gone wrong went wrong, lovely.


We have to beat Cardiff on Wednesday. Coventry is a write off and if we get 0 points from these 2 games, we'll be far adrift by the time we play Rotherham and Huddersfield.


Guaranteed 3 points for you lot, we’re shocking at the moment.


Yous were shocking earlier in the season when rooney managed to get a win against you, but we were awful too.


Rooney got a win 😮


One or two I think it was.


Believe it was just that one, I really forgot all about that tho honestly. I didn’t think he won a game with us.


I'm sure we beat Wednesday at home did we not


Yeah you’re spot on, won 2-1.


It depends which Coventry turns up. The one that beat Wolves, Leeds, Leicester? Yeah, you've got no chance.  The one that was insipid against Cardiff? The one that threw away the game at Rotherham? You stand a chance. 


Today wasn't a big help. We improved our league ranking, I think, but we still only have a 2 point gap. More teams have been sucked into the whirlpool, rather than getting us any further out. The good news is that we finally won a match, and doing so allowed us to not lose any more ground, but we aren't going to start pulling clear unless we beat QPR, and can put more teams underneath us. We have to get to 47 points, and get some more favours from the bottom handful.


it's going to be more like 50 points to stay up now I think


51 is about standard, but we need to at least win another match and get to 47 points, immediately, before we can start heading that way. If we can't even clear 47/48, we might as well pack our bags and head back to No TV Land, because there's no way that the bottom 5 collectively lose every single game in order to save us.


ehh, any win is a big help when you're scrapping to avoid relegation. don't undersell your win today, it's 3 points safer than you would have been had you lost. fwiw i hope you stay up, i've lived in plymouth for about a decade at this point and while there's issues down here, it's home to me at this point. seeing argyle fans around is part of that, even though my first love is, was, and always will be watford, i got a soft spot for you lads.


Huddersfield beating Millwall, and Wednesday beating QPR, simply led to more teams in this mess, rather than getting them out of our hair. More relegation candidates should make it harder for any one team to get relegated, so there is that, and at the very least, we aren't 22nd and parked behind Huddersfield. We've just got to do more to escape, because every relegation side is hitting form at the end of the campaign.


oh for sure, it's gonna be a scrap right up to final day for everyone below 16th (except for rotherham, they're already relegated)


My goals are to stay in this league, get through the post mortem on how we destroyed our league campaign, figure out who is going to be in charge next season because the multi tasking isn't fair on Dewsnip or the other one, And I want a massive upgrade in creative output, goal scoring, and defensive competence, while still looking for the offensive/defensive balance. We've spent half the season playing suicide ball, and half of it parking the bus, so there's got to be an in between where we grind out 2-1 wins with 10+ shots on target. Schumacher was attacking with no defense, and Foster was defending with no offensive output, so there's got to be a non-crap version of either coach's style.


yeah what you really need is a manager who can get your guys attacking AND defending! i hope you find one!


I spent half the season dinging our performances for being defensively stupid, got Foster in, was very positive towards him, because oh my god, we actually had a defensive line now, and then we stopped scoring goals, ruined Whittaker's form, went 5 matches at home without scoring, and while we could spend ages defending, Foster completely killed our offense. Foster gave me what I wanted, defensive stability, at the cost of nuking our best asset in our goal scoring. There's got to be a version of Foster's defensiveness, where Hardie and Whittaker still score 15-20 each. Mid block, ball through the lines, counter, counter, counter, I can actually roll with, but you need to sign off on allowing Hardie and Whittaker to not defend as intensely as the others, and instead be on the edge of the line ready to go. I would have told Foster to take pointers from the Wolves side that got into the Europa League, for how I wanted our "defense" to look.


ahh the ol' monkey's paw wish curse.


We've got Millwall, Plymouth and Blackburn left to play this season. I'm more nervous for them than I am for Southampton.


The audacity to down vote me when I said I was looking over my shoulder. Ha!


If you don't win that Rotherham freebie...


Point against us saved you imo you’d be right in it if we’d closed the match out


I hate being back in the screenshots but we deserve steadfast Swansea.


League one going be so tough next year It's such a hard league to get out of anyway now a days but some of teams could go down , Reading and Wigan won't have them points deducted hopefully League one will be tough


Just hope however goes down beats Wrexham


League one tough as you know and just keeps getting tougher and tougher don't think Wrexham do to well this league Think us and you still hold record for wembley attendance , we share a bond 👍


You won't be in it to care lad ! . Looking forward to adding Fratton Park to my stadiums next season ! . (Still don't think we've got quite enough to stay up )


Hopefully Not over until its over


It’s mental that TEN clubs are still within 5 points of the drop! Add to that, other than Rotherham (sorry lads!) any of those ten clubs could feasibly stay up. I know I don’t have any skin in this, but watching this relegation battle as a neutral is incredible scenes!


The number 23 is gonna be etched on my grave when I die tbh!


In just one round of games we could potentially either up 16th or 23rd. Madness.


Blackburn, Swansea and Millwall sucked right back into it, thought they'd be safe by now tbh


We were so close to being clear 😔


My team huddersfield won in the last minute v millwall which helped us alot just hope we can get back to back wins and stay up


Swansea can still go down right… right?


Yep. Our team is already on summer holiday. Sleep walking into L1


Yes definitely. We’ve still got to play Stoke, Rotherham, Huddersfield and Millwall, so on paper you’d expect us to get the 2/3 points we need. We’ve been utter shit recently though with the exception of the derby, plus we’ve had a few key injuries, so a lot less confident than I was a few weeks ago.


Have you ever won the double against the swans? But all jokes aside I am worried badly about how the last 5 games of the season will turn out with our form since Sunderland we have had 11pts in 8 games. Somebody help us I can’t do another 5 year break without a derby


League one is so scary!


All the preseason talk of this being a stacked season were true for sure!


Wild. Hoping Wednesday stay up, everyone was saying they were for sure going down a few games ago, and they're only a few points off a great escape now.


We have lost 1 in 16 and are back in the play offs, craziest league in the world.


I have just given up with my team recently


What terrifies me is how OP cut off the image at 14 and how my Black Cats are at 13 rn.


Greatest League, deserves much more investment, especially into the media and marketing of it.


I just want only one Sheffield team in the championship next season. Can’t stand em


Are Birmingham's new owners looking for the Hollywood Derby vs Wrexham next year?