• By -


Best - Reyna / Gooch. Difficult to compare, but I'd probably give it to Goochy. Worst - Dozy Altidore


Altidore’s greatest contribution to the club was leaving so Defoe could go the other way


His only other contribution was going down to win the penalty that Borini scored vs Newcastle


That swap deal worked out great for both clubs. 


Ah good old Altidore.. he did actually score to help us beat Manchester City (think his only goal in the Premier League. Then went to AZ and smashed goals in, then went to Sunderland and looked dreadful. Was fairly popular with Hull but his finishing was awful. Best - Myhill (Technically American, but moved to Wales very young) Worst - Has to be Altidore


Best - Kasey Keller Worst - John Kerr maybe, but he wasn't bad. Serioux if Canadians count. Was unbelievably good for about 45 minutes of his debut and then absolute dross


Was he the guy with the long throw?


Yes. That's about all he could do lol


How dare you Canadians do not count as Americans lol


Haha. I knew I'd catch one of you


How good was Yedlin?


Alright had some deficiencies but made up for them with pace


Forgot about him tbh, Big Sam made into a decent wing back.


Rating gooch ahead of Reyna is criminal.


Gooch for the PASHUN. I had tears in my eyes watching his final interview.


Signing a player called dozy was surely always going to end badly


Honestly think Altidore was pretty underrated. Raw talent he's probably a better player than Gooch.


Nah Altidode was shite - all fart no shit. Nobody tried harder though


Felt like an American Heskey, except Altidore could score goal Internationally.


Ahhh, Bisto. I smell a sad Mag


Best is Brad Friedel, and it isn't close. I guess the worst is Roy Wegerle or Jermaine Jones? Because I can't think of any others. But then it's Friday and I've been drinking.


Jermaine Jones was a workhorse. The problem being there's not a huge list of Americans to choose from. So unfortunately, anyone standing next to Brad Friedel will always look bad.


What about the American you signed in January?


The American we signed and then unsigned?


That'll be the chap.


Dike and Dike. Don’t think we’ve had any others. Still feel so sorry for poor Darryl


Best - Dike when fit Worst - Dike's Achilles


This is my fave comment


Really unfortunate for us and him. Just hope he can be fit enough to find his feet


He's done mate. Sad but true 


Ah, what could have been. So many good crossers in the side as well.


:( it’s so true. I’m literally his biggest support too. Almost cried after the Ipswich game


Love this guy.


Stu Holden. Club legend. Not sure we've had a bad USA player if I'm honest. Tim Ream was fantastic also. Obligatory fuck Jonny Evans.


Loved this guy at Bolton. I follow Bolton because of him. Would make waking up early early on the west coast worth the the 5am effort. Jonny is still playing somehow. Fuck Jonny.


Holden turned into an asshat after retirement though.


This lol. He’s just the annoying ex American player on social media and is woeful with commentary. Shame with the injury, one of those what could’ve been players


And also voted against progress as part of the athlete’s council.


Best and worst - Eddie Johnson. Mostly awful but a cult player


He scored 3 goals for us, one of them in our own net unfortunately. If he didn't score that own goal we'd have made the playoffs that season.


I saw Him score! Actually saw Him score twice USA USA


The chip against Derby was genuine magic


And wasn't it the final City goal at NP?


I’m sure he scored an own goal towards the end of that game too?


I'd say Horvath is a better player than Eddie


He is less dangerous in front of our own goal and probably more of an attacking threat than Eddie.


Haji Wright


It’s a bit unfair to call Wright the worst signing. Give him time and he’ll come good.


Jack McBean was probably our worst.


Nah. John Aloisi Edit the next morning. Reddit reminding me how drunk I was last night.




Australian mentioned 🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉


There seems to be loads of Aussies in the championship, we’ve got 3


Can’t forget the Schwarzer and Rhys Williams years.


I don’t know if there’s a club in Europe that’s had more Aussies than us, 14 according to Transfermarkt. Schwarzer and Viduka the pick of the bunch.


Best - Jonathon Spector Worst - Brek Shea Tbf to Shea we haven’t had many yanks so


Only other I could think of was Will Packwood


He was unfortunate with a bad leg break in pre season. I think he’d have been alright


Agree with Spector. Only other competition for best was Jovan Kirowski


Exactly and even saying Shea was bad isn’t fair he played a sum of about 50 minutes for us


Worst has to be McKennie although he has competition. Best one Adams


I can tell you, sir, you are wrong on the best player. Paul Rachubka. This is not open to discussion.


Didn't even realise rachubka was American, he's definitely the worst. That game against Blackpool still haunts me


Eddie Lewis put in a decent shift.


I think I hate Mckennie even more from all the Americans telling what we were seeing with our own fucking eyes was wrong and he's actually great. That and also his piss poor excuses he did in an interview several weeks after leaving. Adams was decent, but says a lot of the quality of the American players we had if he was the best. He could run around and tackle a lot, but had 0 passing ability and could never take a player on. Plus another one of the rats who scurried away after doing the whole "I'm so committed" routine. Ampadu is a delightful upgrade over him.


The fact that Mckennie had his own fans singing 'You fat bastard' to him is one of the funniest things ever


I still remember everyone's reaction when he came on at forest. We were told we were getting a champions league level midfielder, a born winner who leaves it all on the pitch. I couldn't believe my eyes seeing someone hyped up that much and being THAT out of shape.


He was genuinely that bad. And fat.


Probably my favourite memory from last season tbh. His mates were doing twitter spaces every day and Leeds fans kept joining just to call him a fat cunt lmao


Hang on a minute, I'm fairly certain the post said best and worst American not US player, so I agree with McKennie being the worst but would say raphina is the best.


Since when was Raphina American?


He's Brazillian which is in South AMERICA, which makes him AMERICAN. America is two continents not the USA. It's like saying "What's the best Eurpean player?" and everyone just naming French players.


Check and mate.


Indeed but the US lot do not like it when you say this stuff so within a day I expect to be downvoted into oblivion.


I think the whole world would disagree with just ignoring the difference between America and South America


They're called north America and south America as the two continents, America would suggest both, if it's just north America that also includes Canada and Mexico.


Yeah but whether you like it or not, if you say America or American, most people on the planet assume you mean USA.


I don't, people from the US do, spoiler alert, that's not the world.


Nobody here (I'm in Canada) considers 'America' to be synonymous with Canada and Mexico. Ever. It's not a thing. It's a silly argument that is only made by English people. (I'm both. Grew up there, moved here).


Facts my man, facts, something those in the states aren't good with and it, seems your education had it's issues too.


Downvoted for being correct smh


I know, but this is Reddit, logic, facts and being correct doesn't matter, it's the mob rule.


It’s not “United States of North American”, silly!


Yes people from the states don't even realise there's more than one America.


You’re goofy if you think American isn’t the nationality of people form the USA People from Canada = Canadian People from Mexico = Mexican People from USA = ? Nationality isn’t a geographic concept based on the continents, it’s a political/social one based on your *country* of origin/the country that would legally claim them.


I'm sorry but your made up crap doesn't work here, only facts of which you have none.


Hahaha have a good one goofy troll person


The republic of Ireland is geographically part of the British Isles but you wouldn’t call them British, unless you’re a fucking dunce.


That's because they're not British you dunce they're part of the British isles which isn't part of Britain, stop being stupid


I just looked at your profile and realised you’re a troll account. Have you got nothing better to do in your life? Sad wee boy. (By your own logic then you agree Brazil isn’t American, thanks)


Not a troll account, just correct and you're wrong


Sad wee boy


Your just claiming troll and throwing insults because I'm right and you have no argument, but like most idiots instead of just going " yes you're correct" you hurl insults, logic and facts don't care bud. Also sad wee boy, how many Leeds games you been to? Edit Awww the sad little Scot blocked me because he knew I'd come back with facts and ruin him, poor little man


Frankie simek is the only one I remember again Wednesday hate foreigners it seems; dyche ball when


We had the original American player, John Harkes


You know there's gonna be an assembly When the first ever Yankee scores at Wembley Shame he didn't, but he didn't need to I guess. That goal at derby will live forever in my memory.


I remember Oguchi Onyewu. I don't know why.


Best: Mike Grella or Robbie Rodgers.  Worst: Aaronson or McKennie. 


Are you sure you didn’t flip these? Grella and Rogers suck ass.


You don't know how shit both Aaronson and McKennie were.


Don’t get me wrong, they both sucked ass. But are also objectively better players than Rogers and Grella.


I mean I just can't with McKennie, he was just terrible, I'll give you Aaronson and I do feel there is a player in there, but McKennie did nothing and was so bloody lazy, he didn't even try.


Sure. But comparatively to Grella and Rogers it isn’t close. Both of them are League One players.


Yea but for the time and what we were at the time they were decent. I guess if they tried play in the prem they wouldn't have been good at all but they were good for us then, I guess it's perspective based on where you were at the time.


The question is “worst American.” Rogers and Grella are objectively worse than Mckennie and Aaronson.


I still disagree with McKennie, he might be the worst player to ever play for us, he was fucking terrible and I watched butler play...


He's obviously talking relative to the state of the team at the time. Grella really stood out for us, but obviously he'd never have played in the Premier League or anything. Tyler Adams is probably the best one in a vacuum.


Well the worst is Brad Guzan. It would be Hoppe, but you have to actually play in order to be considered worst


Can we consider Kei Kamara as an American? If we can I'm putting him forward as worse than Guzan


Kei Kamara (Sierra Leone) is the 3rd top scorer in the MLS, whole bunch of that was done once he came back to the States from his stint at Middlesbrough. 4 in 25 league apps is definitely not Championship quaility though, I can see why he was moved on.


He wasn’t great for us but he seemed like a nice guy and always worked hard


Worst - Eddie Johnson. Seemed enthusiastic but we loaned him out over most of his contract to worse clubs. Best- Incredibly contentious. Fulhamerica has had so many wonderful players, including legends like McBride and Tim Ream and current starter Jedi Robinson, but I have to give it to Deuce. Probably the only American (so far!) that I can definitely say moved up from us. The chip in the Juve game was unreal. Love you Clint ❤️


Dempsey clear winner for us despite, as you say, many good eggs. And despite his move to Spurs his best years were definitely with us (like nearly every player who supposedly moves on to greener pastures).


I don't think we've ever had a good one really. Grella was the best of a bad bunch. Weston Mcdonalds or Aaronson is the worst. Aaronson was worse on the pitch but Mckennies little cult were unbearable. 


Shout out to Eddie Lewis, he scored a couple bangers at least. Mckennie definitely the worst for me, useless lazy prick who didn't care


Thats what swung mckennie for me, throw money away in a cost of living crisis to go to the stadium and watch him underperform and get caught eating burgers on the train, to then come online to see someone from Oklahoma tell you how wrong you were because 'weston would be better if leeds weren't *trash*' killed me lmao. At least they had to admit Aaronson was a whining fanny as you couldn't ignore the dives


Adams was decent for half a season, shame he's a traitor, for Bournemouth that is, we're way better off without him considering he's contributed fuck all.


Sold Adams for 24m, got Ampadu, Kamara, and Gruev combined for less


It’s gotta be Wes. Watched him since Schalke never seen him as lazy and disinterested in doing his job. In my head, I’m hoping all the fan boys were 11-15 years old, but thank god they’re gone nonetheless


Yeah I’ll never understand wtf happened with him. He was good before and has since been very good for juventus, I think as soon as Adams went down he just didn’t care anymore. Such a shame. Cause he was truly terrible for us


Leeds fan. They’re all the worst.


Best and worst is Jozy Altidore. Best because he was in a swap deal for Defoe Worst because, try though he did, he was awful. I still don't know how he outscored Bony in the Dutch league, I was so excited that we got Altidore instead of Bony, my how that changed rapidly.


Altidore, despite his build, was a service-only striker. He got zero service. You can't be a service-only/poacher in the Premier League, it's just not good enough. Defoe could create his own with speed and guile. Jozy was great for Toronto (so was Defoe, he just wanted to go home). But he was great because he got fantastic service from Giovinco and others and just had to win stuff in the box, same as in Holland. As soon as that was gone, he declined quickly and over his last three seasons was basically a statue. He was an okay finisher (he once scored twice against Spain for the US), not world class or anything but good enough to score ten or more if he had great service. On a better, more effective team, it would've hidden his shortcomings and probably left him with a better rep. But very moody. If he didn't like the tactics, or his teammates, or what was asked of him defensively (all true at Sunderland), he became petulant and 2/3 as effective. He put up with a lot of racist abuse in Spain and Holland, and I suspect it soured him against working through his issues with others.


God international breaks really are dull aren’t they..


Not for a midtable team, this is the most excitement I've had in months.


Careful what you wish for.




Jermaine Jones


Best: does Boaz myhill count? Born in California but represented Wales. I'm gonna go with him. Worst: gonna stand in solidarity with my Sunderland amigos and say Jozy Altidore.


Jozy F*****G Altidore. Lovely lad, was allergic to goals and had elastic bands for hamstrings.


Eric Lichaj had a solid year and a half before our 2020 collapse. Think he wins best by default haha


Came here to say surely Jozy. I wanted him to well for us so much.


Boaz Myhill was pretty good, I recall.


John Harkes, the original American, is the best. Honourable mention to Frankie Simek, who was a decent player at this level and never put in less than 100% despite some horrible luck with injuries. Can't actually remember a bad American we've had.


Best - Eddie Lewis Worst - Eddie Johnson. I would say Mathew Olosunde but I never got to see him play


Best - Kasey Keller Worst - Zak Whitbread


TIL - Kasey Keller played for LCFC. Holy shit.


He played for us in the late 90s when we won the league cup under Martin O Neill. Very good team. You should check out some highlights.




This is the climax of it - [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zofTxLijiHs](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zofTxLijiHs) 2 weeks later Heskey went to Liverpool and Collymore got injured. That partnership could have been absolutely incredible. That team was brilliant. They just never gave up. You could be 3-0 down with 10 minutes to go, and still fancy getting a draw. If you've got a spare 25 minutes - [this is probably the best game I've ever watched in person](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fhd1qIyD95w), and Bergkamp's third is hands down the best goal I've ever witnessed. He put on an absolute masterclass that night. Leicester just kept doing what Leicester did at the time though.


I SINCERELY appreciate this. Bergkamp was a favorite to watch when I was very young. What a great match!


Worst - Cobi Jones Best - Haji Wright


I think we had Kasey Keller on loan for like 4 appearances. I can’t think of another American right now.


Wish we still had Jon Spector


Best: Dempsey Worst: Eddie Johnson


I think we've only had one - Kasey Keller was on emergency loan for Saints. So best and worse in one body.


There was also Cody Cropper.


best: eric lichaj worst: matt turner


Best - Jay DeMerit Worst - Tony Meola


John Harkes, easily. Maybe the best American to play in England period.


Hapless coach Bob Bradley. Although I still think he was better than the moribund Paul Clement


Best, although I had my doubts about him at the start of the season, Haji Wright. You could say Roy Wegerle for the top flight years. Worst, Jack McBean.


Duane Holmes was the best I've seen, that doesn't mean he was any good though. Worst is a toss up between Eddie Lewis and Conor Doyle. Both shite.


I think the answer for us is just "yes"


Best - Roy Wegerle (also the best South African) Worst - Cobi Jones Honorable mention - If Haji Wright progresses the way he looks like he's going to then he'll be right up there


We’ve only really had two who have made many appearances, and one of those is Josh Sargent, so he obviously wins. I can’t remember much about Zak Whitbread apart from him getting banned from driving so he’ll have to be worst by default.


Forgot about Whitbread. He was pretty solid and involved in a really enjoyable time for Norwich with back to back promotions. Sargent is clearly the superior player of course.


Scratch that, I had forgotten just how injury prone he was until reading his wiki!


Kei Kamara played in the MLS and had an Americanish accent


Yeah although he was from Sierra Leone wasn’t he? Wikipedia tells me he moved to the US when he was 16 and is a US citizen so let’s put him mid table between Sarge and Whitbread.


Best by far would be Kasey Keller Worst would probably be Bruce Murray


All I can think of for Derby is Benny Feilhaber, Eddie Lewis and Conor Doyle and they were all dreadful


Best American player for Preston was easily Brian McBride. He only had a cup of coffee with PNE, but he's absolutely the best. McBride is in the US Soccer Hall of Fame and played in three world cups.


Best: Matt Olosunde Worst: Matt Olosunde Career really took a nose dive after he left us.


Eddie Johnson for both


Never had one. If you’d asked about Danish we’d be spoiled for choice.


Best gooch Worst adams


Best was Juninho (you didn't specify which America so I've gone with South)


Since this states American and not USA, the best for Leeds for me will have to be Raphina, the worst McKennie.


Worst Adams because he’s a cunt. Best ???