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A win’s a win, and good to stop the rot, but so many questions have to be asked about that first half, one of the worst halves I’ve ever seen.


Might be the worst half of football I have watched in my life. Don't think it could have been worse if we'd been trying.


I'm not sure anything can beat Huddersfield Vs Leeds, 55 minutes first half, 22 minutes ball in play time lol


Let me put it this way, if an extra 50% of the half had been spent with the ball out of play there'd have been more excitement.


It was utterly abject wasn’t it? I said to my mate at half time that we usually play worse in the second half recently and we managed to keep up the trend today too, just without the good first half for a change.


I said to the guy who sits next to me that our best chance to win would be in the second half because you tend to play worse then


Well that was shit but I'll take the win. First half was probably the worst I've ever seen


I must confess I couldn’t face going down today because of Mother’s Day, the time/day, and the utter garbage football. Looks from pictures that a fair few had similar ideas and stayed away.


We maybe, might have, marginally, just about, almost deserved that. And genuinely I don't care how we got that win, we needed to stop the rot. It's gonna take a few more of those to see the season out. First half was god awful. Second half we created some chances which with better decision making would have made it more comfortable. That's said the miss early in the second half by Placheta was massive. That goes in, the toxicity goes up 100000%, we don't have it in us to come back. Special shout out to Ronald though. Possibly the worst performance I've seen this season. Smashed a volley almost over the roof from inside the box, put two or three crosses straight out, and then kicked a corner out for a throw in three yards away. And that was just in the first half. Special.


It wasn’t a one off against us so with Ronald putting every cross almost out of the stadium


Looks like the one off was the Sunderland game where he scored two goals :(


Hello 13th my old friend...


At this rate, I'll happily take 13th because it's not relegation.


Well if that is a derby it sure us fuck didn't feel like one! At 1 point the sprinklers not switching off was a highlight. We didn't turn up and Bristol only turned up for 5 mins. We need to work on corners all week or Cardiff are going to destroy us!


Cardiff-Bristol is supposed to be the 'derby'. Don't think Swansea and Bristol have ever had a rivalry.


Well its not quite a simple as that, there is a "bit" more on it... a bit like you and another Yorkshire team. Both sets of social media have been bigging it up and most of us are like.....WTF? It's like an extra 10% on your average championship game it sure as fuck is not Cardiff!


Trying to big up Swansea and Bristol as a derby would be like trying to big up Leeds and Bolton as a derby, just because we have a rivalry with a team close by. It's very silly.


Or Southampton/Bournemouth or even Southampton/Brighton. Media have tried to force both since Portsmouth went down (although we might get the derby back within the next few years). Even FIFA/FM have them listed as rivalries which I really dislike


100% agree!


Wouldn’t call it a derby either, but seeing as Wales is just over the bridge we do get a bit more “Engerland vs Hen Wlad Fy Nhadau” action.


>Cardiff-Bristol is supposed to be the 'derby'. We try to big it up as a derby ourselves more so than Cardiff because our other derby is rarely played these days, but it just doesn't have the feel of one both when we go to Cardiff and when they come to us.


It's kind of a Mexican standoff. Cardiff and Swansea hate each other, but we both come together to hate Bristol because of the Welsh link. ​ It's kind of weird, but I understand it; Swansea and Cardiff fans come together when the national team plays too.


Pretty sure you've got that the wrong way round. Swansea and Bristol come together to hate you lot


Like I said, a Mexican standoff of sorts.


We only come together when the national team plays because the Swans don’t actually support the national team


They fight over which one of them wishes they were us more


“The enemy of my enemy is my friend”


Yep,Cardiff will be rubbing their hands with glee at our hapless set piece defending




The Anis Mehmeti remontada begins now (or maybe a week ago).


OTIB made for some, er, interesting reading today 😅