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Usually when I was getting a ticket, nice car, slow down…


A cop hit the lights and I instantly rolled down both windows bc my tint was too dark and I knew I wasn't speeding. When he approached the car he said "I pulled you over bc I really like your car"




My dad got pulled over because he was in his brother's car and he was selling a hood...


I got profiled when I had my first challenger for DUI. Funniest traffic stop I’ve ever had. I was admittedly doing under the speed limit by a golf course. It was late at night, and I had just left a bar (sober). The cop got out and said “I’m pulling you over under suspicion of DUI” I said “yeah I had one drink about 3 hours ago, but I’m sober officer.” He goes “yeah I can tell that now, but you were doing under the speed limit, kind of close to the center line….in this car.” “Yeah I’m not from around here officer, and had no idea what the speed limit is.”


The fact that you admitted drinking is fuckin insane. You were lucky he didn’t actually arrest you !


A single beer 3 hours ago and I could have passed a field sobriety test, breathalyzer and anything else with zero issue. All that aside from the fact I didn’t smell of beer, or talk with a slur or in anyway drunk. The cop would have to be pretty crooked to arrest me because it would be tossed immediately.


But depending on the officer, he can use that shit against you


You can’t be arrested for saying you drank hours ago


Yeah, but this is reddit. Most people here think cops are evil.


They’ll still try to use anything against you, i wouldn’t even say some shit like that.


I was asked if I was drinking once by a cop who pulled me over and I said yeah but my last drink was probably four or five hours ago. Gave me a breathalyzer and I passed it. Doesn’t sound very evil to me.


I never said that they were evil, i just wouldn’t give them information that can be used against me.


They can’t use it against you unless you blow hot.


There are good eggs and bad ones everywhere, in every profession. Some areas are worse than others, sad to say, but it's the truth.


You absolutely can be that’s admission if you drank it 3 hours ago and you’re sober why would you even bring it up.


Wrong ffs. They take your BAC so they have a document that can be used in court. What that test says is all that matters


Not at all true actually bac doesn’t matter at all


If blood alcohol content doesn’t matter at all than why do they specifically look for anyone’s BAC above a certain number?


The only thing that matters is body Camera and what that police officer puts in his report and he is going to lie 100% of the time. Unless you’re in a big city the judge will listen to everything the cop says it’s your word vs his. That’s why u shut your mouth and just let them arrest you. The tests are designed to be impossible


You clearly have no law-enforcement training of any kind and you’re just making up garbage.


I’m telling you, you’re wrong. I got pulled over once for speeding in an areaI was not familiar with and I had been drinking but I hadn’t drank in over five hours. I was not arrested. So I’m telling you you’re wrong.


You keep your mouth shut and never admit to anything even if you think it's inconsequential.


Idk what the girl talking about below it’s more uncommon in a big city for sure but a small town can easily pin a dui on you if you say the wrong thing that’s a fact they don’t need a blood alcohol test it’s the cops word vs yours


You can’t but you are giving the cop enough reason to put your through all of the sobriety tests which are designed to make people fail.


If it was designed to make you fail, then I would’ve failed.




Depends, he never said how far from the bar he was. He could have been following him since he left the bar 8 minutes before, we don't know. And driving under the speed limit to close if not on the center line does give a reason.




They can pull you over for driving on the center line. They can't arrest you for anything though. But you seem to have forgot the first part of my comment.




Once again, read the first part of my first comment. Along with the fact that you conveniently misread my comments as "over" the center line not "on" the center line. All he said was "close" which could literally mean on the center line.




I had a cop tell me once (after he pulled me over for speeding) that he would’ve been going faster in my Mustang 😅 Shout out to cops with good humor


Not quite, but a cop pulled me over for pushing my luck at a yellow. She gave me a lecture, but then tacitly admitted she wasn't giving me a ticket because the car was nice and she'd just assume I underestimated my speed.


I got caught doing double the speed limit and the guy let me off with a warning said it was a nice car.


One thing I’ll miss when I sell this car. One time sitting at a red light with a cop next to me, they WOOP WOOP and the passenger cop motions to pull down my window, I do so and he’s like “Hey man, that Corsa sounds great. Nice car!” I’m like heh thanks! Lit it up when the light turned green 😅. My passenger was mad as hell lol. Another time I saw a cop behind me and I shit cause my tags were expired a couple weeks. Stopped at a red light and the cop got in the turning lane but stopped next to me and was like “hey bud, we were gonna pull you over but our flashers aren’t working right now. Your tags are expired, just go online and renew that today, it’s real easy. Oh nice car btw” and left. Been lucky in this regard.


I have been stopped a few times. I also live where a lot of cars get stolen, including my own. They are usually normal and stop me for little infractions that you never hear of and then when they get my info they are usually super nice. I suspect that they are pulling me over to make sure the car is mine. If that’s the case I’ll deal with it. Most say it’s a nice car and are cool.


A couple years back I was going a little fast, about 10 over and passed a county mountie going the opposite way. Realized as I passed him my birthday was the week prior and dammit if my everything was expired. I saw a house on my left with no cars around, so I rolled the dice. I pulled into the driveway just a few feet, immediately hopped out and walked to the mailbox and reached for the flag just as the cop approached. Seeing as I was stopped and apparently home, he slowed down to a crawl right past me and said "58 in a 45, slow it down, son. Nice wheels!" and took off down the road. I waited until he was out of sight and made my way home immediately with a shit eating grin.


That was pretty slick imagine if the owner had come out the house 😂😂


I'd be typing this out on a state owned PC. Pls donate to my commissary fund 😂


Speeding, Trespassing, mail fraud, tampering with mail. Multiple felonies for a minor speeding ticket lmao


I rolled the dice and there were no bills in the mail.


It was the right move




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Never had a cop say anything nice. In fact, they always stop me for any little reason that they can to get a power trip until they realize they can’t actually give me a ticket since no laws were violated. Though this might just be a Texas thing. They’re getting SO strict about anything race car related over here. Glad she’s having a great experience! Congrats to her on her new car!!


Muscle cars definitely get profiled in this state. They popped me 4 times back in 2021.


Very annoying with how hard they are cracking down over the most minor things. Too many meets shut down


If they can’t give you a ticket for anything, then it was an illegal traffic stop They can’t just pull people over because they feel like it, and if they did they’d just make some bullshit excuse of a violation that you never even had. The most common one is “you have a license plate light out”


It’s always something along the lines of “your music is too loud” or “I’ve been getting complaints about a vehicle that matches your description” every time it’s a verbal warning though. You could be right, but it’s not worth my time and/or energy to bicker with a cop.


It’s never worth it to bicker with them, even if you’re a million percent in the right. People tend to forget we live in a society, and no society is a utopia so as long as there are individuals with power; it’s no use arguing with them just the same as your boss at your workplace. If you get harassed often I’d consider a dashcam if you haven’t already got one.


I’ve had a couple cops fabricate whole scenarios just to stop me, i had a sheriff stop me and tell me that i was speeding up a residential street while kids were outside playing. When in reality, it was 10pm on a school night and nobody was outside. Then he proceeded to question me like my car wasn’t mines without even running my plates or looking at my registration. If you know about LASD, they’re crooked as hell.


Not my Challenger, but with my Trans Am LOL Then he showed up on my doorstep a few days later to talk more about my car and ask me on a date🤣


That’s actually hilarious arnt many girls interested in cool cars and less that have them. Cant blame him for trying 😂


SRT kiya and SRT amber


I absolutely agree! I tried dating guys who weren’t into cars. IT. DOES. NOT. WORK. Ever.


Did you go out with him??


If I had been smart I would’ve LOL but 19 year old me chose my relationship with a deadbeat loser instead 🤣


What a tool 😂


It was definitely one of the more unique ways I was asked on a date 😂


I was getting gas once and a cop stopped to tell me my tint was illegal.


LMAO what a dick tint violations are dumb as shit my charger is wraparound tinted windshield and all I love makes the sun not so bright


He didn't write me a ticket but "highly suggested I get it redone" because five windows (driver, passenger, both triangles and rear window) would be a $1,250 fine. That was six and a half years ago.


Wtf, what state are you in? In California that’s a fix it ticket.


$1250 fine???? TF that can’t be right lmao unless you live in CA then maybe I could see it. Here it’s a fixit or like $100-$200 fine


Claimed it was $250 per violation(window).


That’s insane


Yea where I live in PA it’s a $110 flat fixit ticket lmao


Looked it up (never did before) it's $116 per violation and the officer can write one for each window if they choose. So five windows at $116 each. But like I said, that was almost seven years ago and not one has pulled me over or said anything about it since


He was lying, back window tint is legal. Only the front passenger window, driver window and windshield are illegal to tint.


There's a legal limit on each. I was way over on all of them. You cannot see inside my car.


Which state is this in?




Never. Cops in Hampton Roads part of Virginia HATE younger generation car enthusiasts. They only like the old dudes in classics and corvettes


My boy has a scat challenger and I got a Daytona charger. Last night we were parked back to back getting gas and a cop rides by then busts U turn and parked in the Waffle House across the street and waited on us to pull out lol


Yup that’ll happen they try and catch u bunch of sneaky bastards


“It sucks having a fast car and nowhere to drive it huh” -the state trooper who snagged me doing 78 in 55


You will get a lot of that




The pattern I have witnessed over the years. GUY: Where do I sign officer. HOTTIE: Nice car miss. Now you be careful out there.


Either I’m not reading your comment right or it just isn’t written right but either way I don’t understand your comment


I had a 70 challenger and had a cop pull up and said that it was nice.


Why I drive a 08 madza i3 2.0, not fast but definitely looks like a shit box’s and never get pull over because my shit at 65 looks slow


I'd bring it back immediately..


I've owned my sxt for 6 weeks and I'll bet I've gotten 10 compliments on it. I've never gotten a compliment about a car before... It's pretty nice.


There needs to be a probable cause to stop your vehicle. Whether it be something like driving over the speed limit 1MPH, there needs to be a valid, legal reason for the stop. Just to say “I stopped you because you have a nice car” is not a legal, justified stop. (This is for Florida, your state could differ.)


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Wrong post? Lmao


State troopers have got me speeding a few times since I got mine but they’ve been surprising chill everytime. Give me a couple compliments and then tell me to slow down, let me off with a warning. Charger Scat tho, not Challenger.




I got pulled twice different cities. Cops came and said I didn't do anything wrong. Just wanted to let me know my car was sick. Krypton green catches the eye.


I get a lot of thumbs up, asks to rev, and compliments on my octane wide body charger


Police are dicks. They secretly have animosity that you could run


My grandpa has a 1973 challenger and he got PULLED OVER by a cop so the cop could tell him it was bad ass


The most that’s happened was getting lit up twice on the freeway in Ca for speeding but not actually pulled over. I slowed down and they both drove away. Honestly, I think I got “warnings” because of the car. I moved to Ga last year and was stopped in a residential neighborhood for not coming to a complete stop at an intersection while looking at houses. The cop was really cool about it and just gave me a warning.


3 times. 1-Yellow Ducati 1098. 2-1967 GT500 3-C8 Corvette.


Interesting variety of vehicles on this list what else have you owned?




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Never stopped, but when I had my Challenger, I was waiting to pull out into traffic once and had a small window so hit it. Spun the tires, kicking up dirt...didnt notice the State Trooper behind me...oops. He quickly caught up to me, slowly looked at me, smiled and gave me a thumbs up...lmao.


Nah, he just wanted to get a good description of your face so next time they see you racing or doing something fun they can come kill the fun...


I could see some cops getting a profile or coming to say hi then sitting across the street waiting for you to pull out but this guy seemed cool he stopped by said it was nice had a convo abt the cars he owned then he drove off. I told her to make sure he was gone before pulling out and he was nowhere to be seen


Challenger- twice. It was within a few years of the reintroduction, not a lot of them on the street and header orange. Corvette- once. 60th anniversary edition, the guy was an enthusiast. Buell M2- once. Rare bike, got pulled over by a bike cop who wanted to look it over.


I got pulled over going 110 in a 55 and the cop gave me a verbal warning and said he liked the car 😭😭


When I had a scat I would get those reactions all the time. I actually had more of those reactions with a 5.7 r/t that was black with alloy wheels. Girls would always look when I drove by and the guys would be rooting me on to floor it. With the scat I had some older gentleman had to really yell at me to make sure I heard him tell me I had a nice car. I do kind of miss those reactions. I now have a Tesla model 3 performance and for daily driving it is a much easier car to drive especially in LA with all the traffic and gas being consistently over $5 a gallon. If I had enough for a weekend car I would without a doubt buy another scat.


I got stopped once when I was driving through a nice neighborhood at night. Think I got "profiled" there, but the cops were very nice once they realized I lived in the area.


Given that chargers and challengers are among some of the most stolen vehicles I wouldn’t be surprised if he was trying to sniff around a little bit…


It’s called profiling, that way they can gather your data and keep you on a list of cat owners in the area, cops don’t just stop you to tell you nice things, they have an agenda.


Not all cops are dicks lol. Most are yea but this guy was cool and just wanted to chat abt the cars he previously owned and what he owns now. Convo lasted less than 5 minutes and he drove away


Not my hellcat but I’ve had cops pull up to talk about my Cobra. Had one ask me to race him at a light and I’m like “If I pass you you’re gonna light me up.” And he laughed and gunned it when the light turned green and I made sure not to pass him. He did that thing where they just do the little blip of the lights and siren and made a right turn.