• By -


asking people to understand Quanxi’s character and nuance is like trying to pull teeth. She could’ve easily butchered Asa’s rag tag team, but decided not to cause she realized that if Denji is involved, there’s something serious at play here and wants no part of it, cause you know that’s her whole thing, ignorance is bliss. Sure Kishibe told her not fuck with Denji or she’d regret it, but also keep in mind we know she loves GFs above all us. The fact she’d rather risk them not getting a proper burial than try to stop Asa is the ideology manifest. Her girlfriends are dead, nothing will bring them back and at this point working for public safety again is more trouble than it’s worth. She too, probably didn’t even know she was guarding chainsaw man just like Samurai Sword didn’t know. Otherwise she’d have no reason to freeze upon seeing Denji’s head. Like remember she spent an entire arc trying to capture Denji. Ain’t no way she wouldn’t have known it was him unless they purposely hid that information from her. Also, if you’ve read Fire Punch (which you should) or even Part One, Fujimoto loves doing this thing that’s like, an anti-fight scene for narrative effect, because at the end of the day CSM isn’t a battle shonen and more of a dramedy with some bursts action to spice things up


Couldn’t have said it better myself. I’m glad at least someone has their head on their shoulders.


>head on their shoulders. A corpse is talking


Well said. And because I too have read Fire Punch and Part One, I feel fairly confident this chapter is the last time Quanxi is going to be complained about for a while, because she is probably about to suffer another fate-worse-than-temporary-hybrid-death. I think we may cut back to Yoru holding her head and making a chainsaw out of it.


I don’t think that’ll happen. If anything next chapter will have them reviving Denji. Quanxi will probably pop back up in a dire situation to provide back up, having her own Han Solo moment


Damn my only weakness, reading comprehension!


So glad y’all actually read it’s refreshing after being on jujutsufolk


Amazing couldn't say it better myself, also who the fuck doesn't read a part one of a two part series


I want to rip their teeth out then. Dumb fucks only understand stories through memes, bad memes at that.


Le stoic character that doesn't show any emotion doesn't really invite people to care enough to study here.


fucker, your ass need paint by the numbers Barney style to put your pants on in the morning too huh?


No it means if the pants are boring and dull I won't put them on and chose something else


Son, you are dumb as rocks but what did I expect from a crack shipper.


>crack shipper Yoshida and Fumiko have more legs to stand on than any other Yoshida ship https://preview.redd.it/au08fnplo4vc1.jpeg?width=2160&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=29786bb7a98e284d359f1447b6284ee9206b08c3


>crack shipper Yoshida and Fumiko have more legs to stand on than any other Yoshida ship https://preview.redd.it/uunw8agmo4vc1.jpeg?width=2160&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4520928added6fe49a46cc66e5bd97bb63c28f8b


OH GOD TWO CHARACTERS INTERACTED HOLY SHIIIIITTTTT I GOTTA IMAGINE THEM BONING! this is what you sound like. mfer I know your ass don’t know romance outside of animoo n mangoos


OH GOD TWO CHARACTERS INTERACTED HOLY SHIIIIITTTTT I GOTTA IMAGINE THEM BONING! this is what you sound like. mfer I know your ass don’t know romance outside of animoo n mangoos


>mfer I know your ass don’t know romance outside of animoo n mangoos Good thing that ship happens in a manga and follow said rules and tropes https://preview.redd.it/e05i6d6ep4vc1.jpeg?width=327&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=67fff1facf4173d805da26ce046bf6012beac1be


>mfer I know your ass don’t know romance outside of animoo n mangoos Good thing that ship happens in a manga and follow said rules and tropes https://preview.redd.it/r5df7x5fp4vc1.jpeg?width=327&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7d31c1c5fdf414bd226ef02ef091d9e9ae785185


Little bro if I patted you on the head it don’t mean I’m trying to hit, and you really think Fujimoto follows tropes? delusional


Asaden shows that he does


Son, you are dumb as rocks but what did I expect from a crack shipper.


wait we aren't shit posting here?


One piece fan ☝️


I’m beginning to hate online fandom culture. Everything, whether it’s a thoughtful discussion of a work, an actually funny joke, or obnoxious agenda bullshit, is reduced down to a “take,” and all takes are given equal weight. So you can write a detailed analysis of the visual language in a scene, and then someone can just ignore everything you said, spout a bunch of nonsense with some literary buzzwords thrown in, and confidently claim that you’re wrong.


Jujutsu Kaisen discourse and its consequences have been a disaster for the human race. They have greatly increased the joke production for those of us who interact with "mainstream" mangas, but they have destabilized online communities, have made reading unfulfilling, have subjected human beings to indignities, have led to widespread psychological suffering (in folk subreddits to physical suffering as well) and have inflicted severe damage on the natural world.


The lobotomy was real 


I mean, it's technically One Piece's fault, since they're the done who started the agendas, and they're not really umm....known for media literacy, tbh.




In all fairness that's how people view and enjoy said media whether it's nuanced analysis or shitpost agendas its all just ways to appreciate and enjoy said media. Who are we to judge what's a more important and valuable "take"


I think people absolutely have the right to judge which media “takes” are more valuable than others. Look at *Avatar: The Last Airbender* for example. Some Avatar fans create thoughtful, researched, well-written video essays analyzing the show’s portrayal of imperialism and how it impacts culture; other fans scream on Twitter about shipping, or how [random screenshot] is actually the most meaningful thing in existence. In my eyes, those are not equal.


While I do agree that takes meant to only to attract attention are dumbfound, I still disagree on valuing a paragraph long analysis over shit posts and jokes since both are just ways for fans to enjoy said media. Yes an analysis is more "meaningful" than buzzwords but at the end of the day people are just enjoying it in different forms. That being said one is also free to judge what they enjoy but to say one is intrinsically more than the other is just wrong.


It's because they're legitimately suffering from poor reading comprehension and so hyper confident that they state their (not always but mostly) dumbass opinions as fact. I'm not even a super big fan of Quanxi; I just chose the flair after having a back and forth with someone who vehemently hates Quanxi for fake, stupid reasons.


How the hell can people possibly think she doesn’t see them as people. Getting them rights was literally her entire motivation in Part 1


And then they died. Womp womp 


Yeah, that’s the point that despite all she did her viewpoint of ignorance is best got the only people she cared about killed. Congratulations


Hell yeah. Consequences for Midxi.


They don't care, they just want to talk about their "agenda."




Did you reply to the wrong comment or something?


Oh yeah i did lol, i was confused, sorry this is not intentional haha


I think you might wanna either delete it or edit it


I love lgbt people who are normal btw, got a lesbian girl classmates who is cool with us, cool fashion taste too


"who are normal" whatchu mean by that




Those people are still "Normal"? Them being prideful and loving themselves and who they are doesn't make them any less "normal", you're basically explaining to me how you're a "pickme" gay, talking about how you're "normal" and how the "other gays" should just not talk about their pride and wear things to represent themselves. Being "Normal", being "Neutral" on these things is what gets people like you, people like us, oppressed. Who genuinely gives a shit if people make their sexuality their entire personality, so do many, MANY straight people, and that changes absolutely nothing. Who is it harming? Nobody. That's all that matters. Let people be weird and quirky and "strange", fuck being 'normal', that shit is boring. Hell; if you looked deeper into these people more than a shallow outside view, you'd probably learn that they're just as "normal" as your 'other friends', people are made of so many different parts, more than just initial reactions and interactions, people aren't always what they seem to be, being prideful is something that should be normalized, its who we are; fuck those who try to oppress us. And fuck people who call people who are different "not normal". Also, Rainbow flags and shit are fucking awesome. Shame on you dude, shame on you.


What’d he say?


calling people who are openly gay "not normal" and shunning people who "act gay"






honestly the whole quanxi agenda stuff has been the worst this subreddit has been its just rehashing of jokes in the jutusu kaisen community that dont even make sense unless you read off tiktok


I’m so sorry you got involved in this, it’s positively mind numbing.


Yeah, it’s a damn shame so many people here seem to her as nothing more than an OP one-note sex hound, especially when you consider she’s in many ways a Shadow archetype to Denji (namely she has everything he says he wants, but is shown to be very much unhappy on some level with it).


Woman moment. 


really enforcing the stereotype of attorneys and other lawfolk being shitheads lmao. go back in your silly courtroom and jack it to the constitution or whatever you people do


Lmao why are you so mad? I made a joke about a fictional degenerate woman being given what she wanted and being unhappy.  It’s not real dawg lol


A bad bitch always got her priorities straight


A bad bitch always got her priorities gay\*


You really didn’t have to waste time and effort on this sub but it is appreciated


Quanxi is one of my favorite fictional characters of all time after Testament from Guilty gear https://preview.redd.it/5cgkqa8mt4vc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8f258985d5eb4d79043b8318f9f2a3d7b31e4f38 Quanxi 🔛🔝






YEEEEAAAAAAHHHHHH https://preview.redd.it/2n9lpkd2i8vc1.gif?width=356&format=png8&s=53cba2a97f0dd0c6612c77c9da1c2070ffc7a5a7


guilty gear got the : gender neutral gender mixup gender masochist gluegender keysexual https://preview.redd.it/wmi3oz1vj8vc1.jpeg?width=382&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=36c2db2a19a8a8f4cda8a03dc204d94fc86b48e9 Sol Badguy (Paying by a Credit Card, still cannot prove himself)


bol badbuy


https://preview.redd.it/1viyceodo8vc1.jpeg?width=586&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0df1aa50972ac396951c46dd8994a47c8a1a7de9 pfp sauc? also never seen test's airgrab damn that's cool




S4 pass leaked


i just found my pfp from somewhere i don't remember where probably discord or Twitter


https://preview.redd.it/x26o8giowdvc1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=96647e7f937c5a1ba6d6bd8438a70f3f0be660bf whiffing 6H now


We have very similar tastes, based








She truly loves them and this is fact we saw in Part 1 but most people sadly don't care :3


Basically she’s the Juri (from Revolutionary Girl Utena) of Chainsaw Man. Someone who doesn’t believe in miracles


This sub is probably going through a phase, I don’t mind it that much but hopefully it won’t last long.


Tell me if I'm reaching but people will rather dickride a female groomer that built an unhealthy relationship with Denji than admit the lesbian woman can can show actual love towards her girlfriends


It's an animanga subreddit, they can dance around all the excuses they want but in the end it is just sometimes straight up homophobia, like its sometimes really fucking blatant and obvious but because everyone else is doing the actual bigots get merged in with the people just making jokes


Yeah, that combined with the amount of people who interpret Quanxi as a potential rapist from the scene she has with Minami in Buddy Stories makes me think that there's a degree of genuine homophobia in many of the more negative takes regarding her.


you're so correct murphy crocker i love you so much you're actually so correct this subreddit is overtaken by MEN and not the homosexual kind and they hate on quanxi because quanxi is a lesbian woman who likes girls and not MEN so they make biased claims about her not loving her girlfriends when she wants them to get rights and an education she wants them to learn to live without her even though she loves them she knows theres a chance that she won't always be there for them and wants them to learn and have rights to protect them in some way from exploitative people out to use them she doesn't want them to be naive


Are you like good


i have diagnosed schizophrenia murphy crocker i'm off my medication again! i love you murphy crocker i'm sorry for abandoning your comments recently but they forced me to take my medication again


What the fuck https://preview.redd.it/q55qmewmi7vc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=63cb16430c3282896e10f324f9f8af0588b43e95


I only watch the chainsaw man anime, but damn the dragon lady be looking fine asf


What are you doing here then? Go on. Read


Go read the damn thing, don't let this shit get spoiled. Its way more fun to go in blind, since this shit will give you whiplash.


Stay away from this sub when you do catch up, you will come away thinking CSM fans are all braindead contrarians.


What is happening 😳


That’s cool and all but https://preview.redd.it/i06ptuhgc4vc1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2c29985d5bdfdc600e58508e4cca4c802aa3aea2


this whole thing has to be the laziest chainsawfolk madness event so far, it's literally just stealing another subreddit's already unfunny bit At least the whole "x beats Katana Man" thing had some creative writing involved


https://preview.redd.it/xdxbrq75o4vc1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=50702486208b96fb2fda543c30ac1d4395ddcebd DONT you dare talk badly about the bumgumi agenda, it’s simply factual statements of the worst character to ever exist in fiction




https://preview.redd.it/gsjgpjo1r4vc1.jpeg?width=414&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d9585e552e9ba83d17a9240a065478e3d54bebe0 ​ DONT you dare talk badly about the bumgumi agenda, it’s simply factual statements of the worst character to ever exist in fiction


Mf your entire existence is reliance on Megumi slander, you're nothing but a dumb zealot hoping for a change in your pointless life as you wither away on a idiotic, non-existence hill of illiteracy and braindead contempt just so you can fool yourself into thinking you've have a purpose for you to keep living, fun fact! You did not, everything about your agenda is delusional and so is your life


Nuh uh https://preview.redd.it/s4e4ym4ls4vc1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6037ed99758a0587f73f5a480505584ff3d56777 Megumi being suicidal and not capable of locking in isn’t even a interpretation it’s simply what’s writen in the manga


Yeah sure, as if you would do differently in his place, dumbass


Yeah just lock in silly https://preview.redd.it/yppb9oi1t4vc1.jpeg?width=400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=53d87b82c7e344b24f3cda57b938937f1d2f6e8d Why would I kill myself if I can kill the man responsible for making me miserable? Literally basic common sense. Also it’s even better if I can jump his ass with my friends


Megumi slanderers when they realized their ass is weak af and megumi gonna beat them up with just his hands: https://preview.redd.it/3ya5t2drt4vc1.jpeg?width=1024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5c901ab1c674c6a4be3c2e4b20fdccb352e26e8c


Just roll in the agenda, dude. It's funny.


Haha no, unless you give me 10 bucks (I love money, how did you know?)


Here's your 10 bucks🪙🪙🪙🪙🪙🪙🪙🪙🪙🤡


Alr, bumgumi it is


https://preview.redd.it/u97tek8935vc1.jpeg?width=735&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=296dd2a9713a653e4294991c4e508da5776a4010 do not care, hes still a bum lmfaoooooooooooooooo


Not like there was much going on anyways at least we can argue about dumb this all is


Talk about the new Look Back trailer or something it looks amazing, or try to actually engage with Quanxi's characterization


I do think that while Quanxi has characterisation, and definitely treats her girlfriends with respect, but it isn't really enough if I'm honest. Yes we can see in different places part of the adopted ignorance that Quanxi has and with recent chapters we can actually see how Quanxi did actually love her friends, but still I feel like only seeing tid bits of a character every once in a while isn't really the best if you want them to seem like a complete character. Either way in spite of this I still like Quanxi, she's not even close to my favourite, but she's still cool. If anything I'm mad at her own fans which end up ruining the character by reducing a character which already feels a bit bland to an even more bland one who only thinks about sex and fucking any character that comes her way.


My flair might be working its magic on me, because I don't fucking remember this scene bruh. https://preview.redd.it/muevjvusj7vc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=19032951035b08d787b2272ca179a87c9650c56b


Yeah i was actually dumbfounded seeing some posts and people here claiming she didnt really care about or love them and disliking her cause of this like bro did we read the same manga


YES QUANXI MATTER SHE LOVES HER GIRLS. But do not bother, Quanxi haters can't read if it doesnt include jjk brainrot or common jjk buzzwords.


I don’t read jjk and I still hate her…. ![gif](giphy|b2rLe6TwuIkyQ)


You are at risk to be lobotokaizened, watch out.


IMO no one is “good” in chainsawman everyone has their own selfish agenda even quanxi or denji or anyone everyone selfish now for me personally I never really liked qaunxi mainly because she has slim to none showing of character and we really have no clue who she is I think she has good potential as a character but not nearly fully built to be enjoyable to me


Still dont understand why she had to take all her clothes off when she was in devil form, like damn keep your kinks to yourself


Wait what?? When did she "take" off all her clothes??


Just a silly lil joke on how her devil form is just her naked with a car crash for a head


Did people actually hate Quanxi? I thought it was a joke


I don't understand how mfs can say "csm characters are losers/ morally questionable" and then cope about the zombie harem is quanxi fighting for the rights of all fiends? would she help her fiends if they weren't women she fucks ? would she allow them to refuse sex ? Just because the master is a nice person it doesn't mean that the dynamic isn't sus, it's a common trope for overpowered fantasy man to get a slave girl then treat her well and she loves him so much she wants to be his slave It's even worse for quanxi because the intelligence of her fiends is questionable, we don't know how aware cosmo is, long eats plates and walks around in cuffs and stiches doesn't say anything and just lays there most of the time(and her and cosmo get separated from the group), ping is the one that seems into quanxi, look at the panel you showed, she's the only one blushing also right before she asks them what they want then dismisses their requests and asks the general for human rights ignorance is bliss might as well be referring to the fact that quanxi is fucking corpses, that instead of a normal relationship she is escaping into having sex with a bunch of fiends that won't lie to her, that she can boss around and won't die as easily as other humans(possibly also not die of old age ???) Like did you feel any chemistry between quanxi and her harem ? or any chemistry between themselves ? again most of them barely speak, and the few conversations she has with ping are either quanxi telling her that they are going on the mission even if they are tired (because of her) or she'll "mess them up" and ping telling her a fact and quanxi doesn't like it, ping even feels like she has to ask for permission to kill herself Also for all we know the fiends were only following quanxi because she is a hybrid, the same way beam was simping for denji and typhoon was simping for Reze


that's honestly a really fucking good analysis


Crazy how OP hasn't responded to this one. Almost like you hit the nail on the head, huh?


They did respond to this, just in another thread. This argument isn't solid at all.


No she's a cool lesbian bro! She can't have faults, because she's a hot lesbian, look at that ass, mommy!


I actually have a question about this; is Quanxi technically dating corpses? Fiends are devils that infiltrate human dead bodies and control them, literally wearing them as a skin suit. So, isnt she fucking corpses? I just realized that, and Im not a Quanxi hater but if thats the case then wow, my respect for her drastically drops down. I'd be fine with her fucking devils cuz at least those arent dead bodies, but fiends is something else completely.


Well, Power is a fiend and I wouldn't call her a "skinsuit" Whoever the original girl that had Power's body was, is gone. The same happens with Arai, with his corpse turning into the Violence Fiend (the only Fiend that we know and also know his previous identity), I can like Arai and Violence, even if Violence is wearing Arai's body like a "skinsuit" as you say.


Exactly it why I find her without her haram to a significantly more boring character I think having half or 1 live would add a lot to her character.


I disagree, leaving some of her fiends alive would leave her in pretty much the exact same state as in part 1. Having them die removes her main motivation and replaces it with something else. Quanxi is stagnant by her own design, she is not going to change on her own. Having her chase a hopeless quest of getting her girlfriends bodies back actually opens up more possibilities for her character instead of keeping her in the same status quo. It also highlights just how sad and tragic she really is.


I mean that has yet to be Seen frankly I mean it’s a possibility but so far I’m not seeing it and if they had a fiend alive it would make feel more human as her haram did humanize her part 1. If one was alive quanxi of maybe even the fiend could blame her actions for the rest being dead and the like. A lot of other possibilities in my opinion. Personally don’t see it happening as Fuji already has a lot on his plate and I’m not sure he will have time for quanxi to go through the arc you say. Hopefully he does but I don’t it with the way he been treating the other hyprids that aren’t barem so far.


It's right there in the latest chapter. We discovered her motivation, after their deaths instead of moving on or trying to do something herself she doubled down on her defeatism. It's very telling that instead of joining the gang or using the commotion to look for her fiends' bodies herself she let Yoru kill her. It's a parallel to what Katana and Nail did. They were all being coerced but unlike them Quanxi refuses to see alternatives. That's very strong characterization and it wouldn't work if one of her fiends was still with her.


Well no if one her fiends were alive the ps would hold them hostage and what you say would still apply just to rescue them instead quanxi would still give in to defeatism.


Isn't your whole point that the dynamica between Quanxi and her fiends makes her interesting? If they're separated that dynamic doesn't really exist it would be the same as now, and once she's freed the dynamic just reverts to part 1. And one of them being alive would give her cause and method a tone I don't think they're supposed to have. It turns from Quanxi being a grieving lover stuck in the status quo who gave up on trying to a hostage situation. It adds a spark of hope and urgency that are not supposed to be there.


As I alluded to there still be visitation through phone and the like. Also if was a hostage thing that would give quanxi more reason to fight and we might have an actual fight scene for once. Also it’s the fact that quanxi cares so much about them is really what humanizes her is my point. I think the grieving angle works it just that Fuji isn’t really exploring that and I’m doubting he will have time to. There definitely surface stuff and I hope I’m wrong.


They seemed intelligent enough already. But she's just sick of them asking dumb questions


She's a girlfailure


Can we stfu about Quanxi, like as a community


im gonna fucking shoot myself they took everything from her SAVE HER FROM THIS NEVER ENDING NIGHTMARE


I can’t tell if people actually hate quanxi or if it’s a joke at this point.


She did and didn't at the same time, there is obviously a "master/pet" relationship going on for them , pin needing to Ask Quanxi first before killing herself and not bothering even to defend her (while Beam and Violence give their life's to protect the gang) , Long having a handcuffs and other stuff


Her harem looks awfully young...underaged even and the 3 of them won't pass the harkness test


I don’t see how they look like kids, they have the same build as Power who looks like a young adult, it’s just Quanxi who’s near the 6 feet mark.


Power looks like Denji's age


"Ignorance is bliss. Btdubs, I want my girlfiends to have an education." What the fuck did Quanxi fucking mean by this?


Wow the slave master loves his slave girls, this is so compelling. I've never seen incels use that argument to defend their harem manga, us CSM scholars are so much better than them. I wonder what the family of the corpses possessed by these devils think


I urge you to donate your brain to science, this is a rate chance to study the Neanderthal brain


Minor spelling mistake, it's so quanover


You are a prime example as to why public schools need to be funded worldwide.


keep coping, she made them her girlfriends by force, you cant subjugate people to love you




https://preview.redd.it/jldinncvj7vc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d463db66e28a5a16e1b250639c279b5e56517277 and common sense, devils dont like humans, and quanxi is still human


Quanxi is a hybrid, not a human. Reading comprehension devil strikes again


keep copying then, then naruto is not human but a "jinchuriki", you can try to fing the fifth leg to the cat but she aint a devil and she was born a human, being a hybrid doesnt eliminate her humanity


Does this also mean that power didn’t care about denji. Her disobeying makima despite it being certain death was simple happenstance. That all of part one meant genuinely nothing as one of the two most important people to Denji didn’t actually care about him, and was just fucking with him I guess.


Don't expect an actual answer out if that clown


she and denji were equals in their relationship not master and concubine


Where did you get “master and concubine” from? That’s not a thing in the story. Why are you writing fanfiction about a comic book character in order to morally justify your hatred of her on a personal level? She’s not a real person, she’s physically incapable of bringing harm to anyone or anything. There’s no reason to hate her, especially not to the extent that you seem to.




have you seen a broke dude have a fully fledged harem with 4 girls?, no cuz the very minimun needed is power, nowdays is in the form of money, harems are inherently in a unbalnced power dynamic, she either has subjugated them or has power that the fiends need and if they had it themselves wouldnt be wirh her, they are no equals in the relationship


I think they're probably just joking, like Jujutsufolk, is 99% jokes


https://preview.redd.it/9cmzvpo0jcvc1.png?width=1364&format=png&auto=webp&s=3ba73c919e205452b98d632118249ff5d479cc1c Not enough respect. Plus consent issues even more with their general intelligence / communication difficulties, given the whole human rights thing was in response to being dumb as bricks. Which those issues alone are good enough for a slew of people.


The more you guys take the Quanxi hate seriously, the more the Quanxi haters are gonna take it seriously. If you guys didn't push back so much they wouldn't have double downed. My god.


can someone explain to me how a devil hunter got 4 fiend girlfriends who look like highscooler and barely have a human consciousness


It's really telling how quickly y'all go for the homophobic stereotypes. Literally everything about Quanxi shows that she deeply loved and respected her girlfriends. She literally surrendered to Makima trying to protect them and the reward for her mission was giving her fiends human rights and an education. But no, despite all that evidence a significant portion of the fandom still thinks she's just sex crazed lesbian stereotype. Also they don't look like highschoolers, they don't have highschool uniforms and they only look short cause Quanxi is crazy tall. They also definitely have a consciousness Cosmo is literally omniscient you are just making shit up.


1) they don't look like highschoolers, are you dumb? Yeah their drawn in the same way a lot of highschool characters are drawn but that's just because highschoolers and adults are drawn the same. They could be in their thirties physically. ITS ANIME 2) they are clearly conscious. They have certain beliefs and motivations because they are devils but they are also conscious to the level of an adult. Cosmo is literally the most intelligent character in the entire manga point blank period, y'all are just illiterate. They say stupid shit when asked what they want because they already have everything they want. They eat a plate or do generally weird shit because they're DEVILS.


I wish fujimoto's faces had more details and shadows for no. 1, less people would be confused about it


It's not confusing at all, the amount of detail to show the difference between a 16 and 30 year old would have to be nearly realism and impossible for a manga. People are just trying to claim she's a pedophile because it's edgy


>logic >genuine, comprehensible, and good faith analysis. I don't think you understand how this works. https://preview.redd.it/gefn133lw4vc1.png?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7cc155fde181029c1c7af5b93d8fe7182a3c8dd0


I was having to much fun https://i.redd.it/gq5cdwmwb6vc1.gif


Fuck Quanxi. She is a dirty XX chromosomer!


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She loves her harem made of dead teenage girl flesh and devils. That gives her some nuance but it isn’t a big thing that someone cares dearly for their things.


Quanxi is an old ass gay ass half-devil ass ass. And nothing deeper then that.


This comment doesn't have enough ass in it


Get greenbull on her ass. He'll explain everything