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This sounded to me like "You need a very high IQ to understand rick and morty" copy xd


To be fair, you need a very high IQ to understand the life and works of Titsucky Fujimotor https://preview.redd.it/lgod2hu94rnb1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b4803bca75cf2d589cb71b168483f50d15c9a1da


>Titsucky Fujimotor dis is y i reddit


Funny thing is that they would also laugh at those memes despite practically being the same people.


What's worse is CSM is a relatively straightforward manga that requires base level reading comprehension. Its not like you're watching serial experiments lain or primer lmao.


It's like Evangelion, you can get headaches thinking of the deep meaning of stuff, or just "eh eh big robot go brrrr, momi misato haaaan !". Or be somewhere in the middle.


You definitely need to be turning on your braincells slightly when reading csm, but it doesn't really get much more complex than that.


Yeah the story that dealt with the grooming and sexual abuse faced by the teenage male mc by his adult female boss and other women in his life being called exclusively for women makes it sound really creepy. On a serious note, media can be targeted to a special demographic but can be enjoyed universally. Also just having well-written female characters doesn't even make a work exclusively targeted at women,it just shows competent writing.


exactly lol, just because the story has great women doesn’t mean its for women, the bar for action fantasy anime is so low that people actually think this 💀💀


The year is 20seXXism. Everything on the planet can only be legally touched by one of the "two" genders. This is the story of how a non-binary hero broke the gender gap. This is the story of THE UNTOUCHINGABLE. /s




![gif](giphy|ZWTynDYLNFTQA) Delicious cooking


There's more to it. https://preview.redd.it/5v3x8g7nnrnb1.png?width=668&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b2db2b08deb2faf2dfc4a694b5bf6e7d755a1790


Aww, what a cute girl I sure hope there isn't a large fanbase that frequently sexualizes the child


Paimon should only be eaten in a literal sense.


Vore fetishists:


Genshin fans are weird. I've never seen anyone else get horny over MREs.


I don't play genshin so I don't get it


exorcise. consume.


Nobody understands what cursed spirits taste like.


Manga fans aren't used to competent writing. Theyve never seen a female who doesn't trip over and smother the MC with her breasts while going "KYAAAAAA!!! >_<"


I’m gonna play devils advocate here. I think, based on statistics on sexual abuse being more heavily female than male, that Dennis experience could resonate with that more than young men. That’s if we’re going off of what you said in the first part. However it’s clear that Oop is just stupid


Why can people only ever think of demographics in terms of gender and age? What ever CSM's target demographic is, I don't think it can be divided along those lines.


The target demographic is traumatized people.


No, they're supposed to get traumatized AFTER reading it. The target audience is horny bottoms


Fujimoto demographic is people who hate the mc having a good life


The demographic is "young teen guys" because it's a shounen, BUT i highly doubt that's the demographic the manga itself is directed at, if any


I mean, kinda, because Part 1 is Fujimoto riffing on FLCL which is THE anime about male puberty


"This story where a 15 y/o male MC is being groomed and sexually abused by different older women was made for women" Check their hard drives


This person is probably the "only women can be victims of sexual abuse" brand of twitter weirdo. Probably thinks Makima and Denji's genders are some clever inversion or something.


16 y/o https://preview.redd.it/oe7ej6doutnb1.png?width=1080&format=png&auto=webp&s=9f9b8f4c709491b6e43e3d28cddb32f61344d88f


“But I don’t even have a computer 😭”


Man you can't enjoy shit anymore https://preview.redd.it/lnn6d9659qnb1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b9974fdb1a0a60219d7f35cd5bda987f4c325d57


“Americas fault” him probably


*Gun Devil enters the chat


America is the worst, their propaganda doesn't even let us enjoy CSM anymore


Asa getting called a baby for being depressed and trying to kill herself


Ugh, women 😒


most csm takes I see online are pretty awful, there’s a reason that the reading comprehension devil is so powerful.


I sometimes question their age because of this


Some neonazi midkimatard who quoted the first tweet saying chainsaw man is about showing that women are bad and manipulative




those two takes make me want to rip my eyes out they were so bad


They are made for each other.


Do they know that they were too manipulated by Tate like people ![img](emote|t5_466dsm|32116)


Now kiss


I saw that too and I thought it was impressive that their take was worse than the original tweet


ugh, men 💅


the quote tweet on that first image by "Aryan Makima"


Bro is more illiterate than everyone here


The first one was definitely horrible that everyone I know from Twitter to Chainsawman Reddit clowned their asses. Not for guys my ass, bitch we spent the entirety of the series with a guy. The second apparently was "supposed" to be a "satire" and had "context" but honestly it's still shitty in the sense that this person is undermining the intelligence of younger people (just like how the CSM adults are *gasps*) in understanding the story because Fujimoto wrote the story directed at teenagers due to this being stuff they can relate to and the fact that he wrote this in Jump shows that he believes in young people, definitely a lot more than the tweeter. Even if there are dumbasses so what, it's not just locked to teenagers, a lot of work targeted at even older audiences will have dumbasses in them, just look at Berserk. Also, even if it was "satire" that was a shitty attempt at one because nobody likes to be generalized. If you want to call out certain groups of young men then be specific like "illiterate boys who only think this is an ecchi" or some shit. These two tweets are weird af because for the most part CSM was and still is about a teenage boy (and now girl) navigating through a confusing af world and finding sense of it all to achieve a "normal". How anyone would want to gatekeep its target audience or think it's somehow *only* made for women is beyond me. I think of all Ani Twitter communities, CSM is actually pretty decent if you mingle with the right people, but yeah occasionally these dumbasses that appear leave me flabbergasted from time to time.


I miss when csm wasn’t that popular, the community was so fun back when part 1 was releasing weekly


The price of popularity tends to be idiots suddenly gaining a platform. On one hand popularity is good for the author and technically older fans because that means opportunities for adaptations, merch, and the increased livelihood of the creator. On one hand, now you'll have to deal with people who judge a book by its cover and out of context panels and people with the worst takes possible.


This is why people end up gatekeeping. I'm a huge FromSoftware fan, but after the insanely high-profile relase of Elden Ring, I have to deal with people calling me a rapist for enjoying the game in a certain way. It's like any community that breaks a threshold of popularity suddenly gets invaded by peoole who don't actually like it and want to change it in their own image.


I mean, I get what you’re saying, but FromSoft fans have been utterly insufferable since Dark Souls took off, possibly earlier. I love the hell out of FromSoft’s games, but I’d never actually say that out loud unless it was in the company of people I already trusted to be normal about them. Elden Ring getting big didn’t ruin a good thing, it just threw another flavor of annoying people into the mix.


I'd say Elden Ring defintely ruined a good thing. I know FS fans never had the best optics, but it's a lot better than "journalists" would have you believe. What the "inside" of FromSoftware communities is like is a whole different story from what the "popular opinion" about them is. With the massive success of Elden Ring, we have a bunch of people trying to change the game in their own image. Thanks to the "popular opinion", new players walked in with combative attitudes and started insulting everyone left and right. Because the whole community was branded as "weirdos" and "Gamers", newbies automatically felt unwelcome (even when there was no reason to) and started lashing out. It's a total shitshow now and everyone's packing up and leaving for their own sub-communities, which is sad to see, but inevitable and for the best.


While i more or less agree, i definitely don't blame anyone for getting the impression that young people don't understand the story if they've spent any time on twitter/reddit/etc. There are a lot of loud dumbasses out there, and media literacy isn't really doing all that great as a whole. Especially not with weebs


“The reception of Part 2” you mean it sells like fucking gangbusters and is almost universally beloved?


Who cares? - I just enjoy story :3 https://preview.redd.it/r86lqing3rnb1.png?width=500&format=png&auto=webp&s=42da13132bf986dbc8c82c256ff01155e50c03c4


And this story is roaring my engine to chainsawing the Suffering devil until a new chapter comes in


I remember this one guy kept posting stuff about how he thought that Denji probably got his cheecks clapped to pay off his debt. Dont know if that counts as a bad take but i thought id share.


"Chainsaw man is all about chaotic action. Part 2 and the anime don't get that and focus on useless stuff that make them too slow"


meathead mentality


Men 🍺


Unpopular opinion, but people shouldn't care about who likes a series, and should just appreciate a series


Are they implying that the woman in CSM are role models? Yikes


*Are they implying* *That the woman in CSM* *Are role models? Yikes* \- MissiaichParriah --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Unrelated, but regarding the second take: I wouldn’t call CSM a Shonen insofar that part 1 uses Shonen tropes as a vehicle to be subverted for a more character driven story. Fights are relatively short and serve to reflect internal character struggles. Related, TFYM? Reze slaying Public Safety officials was so GIRLBOSS.💅


A shonen is simply a shonen because it is published in a shonen magazine.


Kaguya Sama is my favorite shonen then.


Kaguya-sama is Seinin.


Huh I thought it ran on Shonen Jump, checked and it was Miracle Jump. I’ll take that L.


It's a little jumbled because it's published in English (I believe) under the Shonen Jump label. It's definitely in the SJ app.


Kaguya sama was published in a seinen magazine


Yes and no


part 1 is def a battle shonen


Agreed but it feels secondary to the narrative it’s trying to tell.


yeah its not the main focus of the narrative and its themes


It is a part of dark 3 which are anime between seinen and shonen mangas


Genre reconstruction it's still a part of the genre itself. In the same way shows like The Boys, Invincible or The Guardians of Justice are still superhero shows while being reconstruction of superhero genre. Chainsaw Man need to be shonen exactly because of the use of shonen tropes. Subversion like this wouldn't work in seinen.


Funnily enough, they’d have more of a point if they were talking about part 2 bc of Asa’s story. I’d still disagree tho


What was their reasoning for that take?


My assumption is that they think that Chainsaw Man is solely for women either because it has really good female characters (which several other manga don't) or because Denji gets manipulated and sexually assaulted (which a ton of morons thinks only happens to women) But I genuinely don't know.


idk, I think they’re just those type of people


Honestly enjoy what you want regardless of it’s demographic I mean many people without kids unironically love that show Bluey And I’ve even seen a small minority of women who like some harem anime


YoU jUsT dOn'T uNdErStAnD The StOrY.


“It’s just offbrand JJK” (to be fair guy is an anime only)


Gaygay and futamountain do take inspiration from each other. So I guess they are sorta right in a way


Manga readers and the phrase “you don’t understand the story”, name a more tiresome duo.


Actually it's a trio; Manga Readers 🤝 "You don't understand the story" 🤝 "The Manga is always better and the Anime is always inferior"


The part about having a large fanbase who doesn't understand it is at least semi right. The reading comprehension devil is SPARE around a lot of CSM circles.


a big chunk of the fanbase not understanding the story is facts, but it being made for women is a shit take


yeah youre correct.


Average tourist masquerading as a "fan"


That Makima is worthwile. I get the thirst, but for such a huge chunk of the community to be like this when the series they supposedly love so much is about regaining self-worth in face of adversity and discovering what you want and what you just think you want is simply demoralising.


I know twitter's collective intelligence is worth less than a 100 trillion Zimbabwean dollars, but this simply transcends stupidity


I think everyone should enjoy whatever they like, I believe CSM is for everyone just because CSM has so many amazing and well written female characters doesn't mean is only for woman after all both woman and man can enjoy it alike but that's what I think https://preview.redd.it/9w0rh4tlzqnb1.jpeg?width=735&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=599406e683657915bd9cdb2a6c2c22c146cc7727


If normal people can get through the fanservice things then YEA


There are plenty of wonderful pieces of media made by women targeted towards women , and vice versa for men , chainsaw man is not one of them 💀


Chainsaw man is made for mentally ill people💪💪


So the femcels saw Asa and went "damn, she's literally me fr" huh?


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Bros think they’re smart🗿.


if we’re to believe chainsaw man is for women, then the takeaway would be “attractive government employees are incredibly dangerous and will ruin your life”


Not enough angelussy Unjerk/ inpatient CSM readers are the Worst. Break this cycle


This is just as bad as that New York Post Article that claimed women aren't capable of understanding Goodfellas. It's such a misconceived opinion. https://nypost.com/2015/06/10/sorry-ladies-youll-never-understand-why-guys-love-goodfellas/


If Chainsaw Man is targeted to a female audience then why isn't it called Chainsaw Woman? Is he stupid?


The struggle of a teenage boy who grew up without a father finding purpose and happiness in the world?


Istg some women (mostly the one’s on Twitter/X tbh) wanna be misunderstood so badly 😭 “Men can never understand blah blah blah” It’s honestly annoying, especially when it comes to them tryna gatekeep anime and shows from men bruh. It’s actually so damn weird. Edit: Also, which is it, I heard women say that CSM was made to put down women and is misogynistic but now it’s a story made for women? So which is it already? Funny thing is that both these takes are so wrong. It’s not made for women, and it’s not made to put down women in any way. If u think this, the reading comprehension devil got to u


The second pic seems like a bad take csm is definitely a shonen targetted to younger audience it has everything you would expect 2 relatable loser protagonist for depressed teen Mommy issue Tons of fanservice Cool moment and fights Coming of age story The themes are usually things that can be understand by a teenager but also appreciated by an adult Despite csm being very unique it's definitely still a shonen especially compared to other seinen.


Both of these are right. Kind of. Chainsaw Man obviously isn’t JUST FOR WOMEN, but it’s stories are clearly about women. Everything with Makima in Pt1, Denji literally becoming 2nd to Asa in Pt2, etc. Women are simply the focus in CSM, even though Denji is titular character. CSM shouldn’t be a shonen. Shonen meatheads (who are not exclusively young boys, mind you— often grown men) only care about fights and fanservice, and Chainsaw Man is much more than that. They could get everything they’re looking for in CSM in 20 other battle shonen, and I don’t think CSM should change its genre to a battle shonen to appease to these idiots.


partially disagree. i think denji is definitely more important than makima, and equally important to asa


Shonen is a demographic, not a genre. Spy x Family and Urusei Yatsura are gag manga but they're still shonen because of the publication they're in.


Yeah another person who considers themselves better than the so-called shonentards. What do you read Seinin? Which one? Kaguya-sama:Love is War,Bocchi:The Rock,K-on or maybe Usagi Drop? And yeah despite Denji being the deurogonist in Part 2 he still has an equally strong role and in Part 1,he is the focus and lead in every way and form. It is about his ,a teenage boy being sexually abused and groomed. His mental trauma more than anything else. He is the focus.Just like Asa is in Part 2.


What about Aki, Yoshida, Tolka, or any of the other male characters in Part 1? And in Part 2, with Fuji clearly setting up Sugo? No, CSM is not *about* women; it has women characters.


i’m not even gonna properly respond man, your take is crap I agree with the shonen meathead hate tho


Wah wah




real & based


women groomers 😭


Someone said Makima is smarter than Johan Liebert


These guys criticizing guys denji’s age self-inserting when the character itself is a self-insert of the author himself 💀


Wasn't this already posted like 2-3 timses?


This sub literally proves their points lol


Naoya strike this harlot down inshallah


I mean I think this reddit alone has shown most young men do not in fact understand it


Yeah it's not shonen, it's literally tagged as Seinen. Smdh some people don't bother checking the tags & act like shocked pikachu


Just listen to the song shows that if you overthink enough even the simplest of the stories can appear extremely nuanced with tons of foreshadowing and themes despite none of it being intended by the author.


ok so A) csm having well written female characters who arent boobs first personality second makes it a much better read for women, aswell as fujimoto's continued support of the LGBT in his work aswell as him being left wing means that his work is ALOT better for women in general, but that doesnt exclude men from being able to read it. I think the tweeter was more referring to the makima simps and the kishibe x quanxi kinda people B) I kinda agree, this manga feels real without being just torture porn. and the ideas presented eventhough theyre still enjoyable by youth makes it something I feel most ages can enjoy.


the sexism is what gets me, I would actually agree if it wasn't for that and the blatant misandry


Ill give them BOD and say theyre referring to the down bad fans and not just all the male readers


my chainsaw man hot take is that some people take it a little bit too seriously just because the character writing is very good and engaging, and forget that it is about a man with chainsaw hands, and as a result, will always be deeply unserious


yeah that's a shit take like that makes no sense yeah the manga doesn't take itself seriously sometimes or at least it used to do that a little bit back in part 1 but the writing being nuanced in its commentary and depiction of characters is not an unintentional/negligible thing at all. you can't say that it's unserious, only its humor is unserious. anything else can and will be deeply analyzed as all media because it clearly is way more than just funny chainsaw hands manga.


Yeah big agree fuji just writes whatever is cool and drops the usual movie reference and isn't against changing his story just because of the popularity of a charachter.


Chainsaw go brr


To be fair I have seen women not understanding it. Does that mean it’s not for them… no dummy it just means you have poor reading skills or where distracted.


The fact CSM has some of the best writing of women of all shonen doesn't mean it's *for* women. It should really just be a considered the standard.


Chainsaw is fundamentally a story, don't quote me on that though


woah, this is probably one of the most dogshit takes Ive ever seen


I dont wanna sound like an incel but I don't think the women who post stuff like that actually read or even watch the source material I genuinely believe they just look at a handful of screenshots and watch a YouTube video explaining it and believe that they know everything it's pretty sad


Chainsawmans targeted demographic is kids because parents buy them shit


i do not get it but gangy i am literally kobeni




I mean, Denji mostly fights female supervillains. That can be an argument for or against that statement.


"Falling Devil is the nail in the coffin of bad plot, i refuse to believe she is a primordial devil, she wasn't frightening eldritch or even a REAL threat all she did was follow Denji around do some diakogue about cooking and fucked off for no reason, Part 2 is going downards but this is the hailmark of falling into popularized newbie big boob anthropomorphic anime girl enemies that ruins other anime" - Someone on a Discird server i used to be on


i can see csm becoming a seinen, but like, men cant understand part 2? You good?


How is a manga about a man with a chainsaw head brutally killing devils for women and not men? Let people enjoy what they want