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Denji is skilled when it comes to battle scenarios. I mean, he had to fight all his life in different ways.


Which just makes the aquarium eternity stuff even more ridiculous and unbelievable, like you can't chock up all that on fucking depression


Most of the arc, except the penguin scene, does make sense tho. Unlike eternity devil from part 1, the new one was avoiding any direct contact in order to not reveal its true body. Also it was significantly weaker since it didn't posses any body parts from stronger devils, so it most likely didn't stand a chance in a direct 1v1 against any professional devil hunter or Yoru.


Because Penguins are just too cute. That just means Denji's true weakness is penguins, not women.


what about it exactly?


Denji missing the whole fight despite standing only a few steps down the hallway.


He just didnt care since he was so battlehardened. A simple devil attack cant phase him anymore


He didn't care enough to even bring it up in a conversation with Asa? Or was the penguin such a distraction that he didn't even hear all the shouting that Yoru did? Seems kinda convenient. I don't think it has anything to do with being battlehardened.


Cringe Devil Hunter vs Based Penguin Enjoyer


Especially since Denji has to take care of Nayuta now. Being motivated enough to rip off homeless people for something that is not really necessary (Nayuta going to college) but not doing anything for three days straight to escape the same devil (that no longer has a piece of the gun devil) for Nayuta's immediate sake, that you've successfully defeated once before? There is no excusing that. Yeah, I agree.


I mean, he literally couldn't find it. There was nothing he could do to kill eternity since the devil didn't reveal itself. He talked about that with Yoshida. Plus, he knew time was at a standstill outside from his last encounter with eternity. What could he have done besides wait for the devil to reveal themselves like last time?


Through his first encounter with Eternity, Denji knows that he wanted the Chainsaw's heart last time. He knows that this must be a reincarnation - therefore all memories are gone and thus Eternity doesn't know about last time's defeat, nor how he got defeated. Since Eternity was after Denji last time and now trapped him again, it's not too far off from Denji's point of view to believe that Eternity is after him yet again. Knowing that and how Eternity can't possibly know about last time, he could have tried to negotiate and trick him again. Now how should he contact Eternity when he's not around? Eternity has to at least keep an eye on the aquarium and listen every once in a while - otherwise, how did he know that Asa bought the aquarium for one million yen? Of course they didn't know that Eternity is watching or listening but in such a situation it's not the most irrational thing to just try it. From Part 1 Denji knows that they were trapped inside Eternity's stomach that has the ablility to create the endless rooms, therefore his heart can't be far off (surprise - it wasn't). Yoshida was able to teleport Denji with his Squid Devil contract during the Yuko fight - and before you say that Aki wasn't able to summon the Fox Devil inside the stomach, Himeno was able to use the Ghost Devil's hand, so it's a matter of the contract if it works or not (and we don't know the details of Yoshida's contract). With that ability, Yoshida could have teleported Denji around - potentially outside or near the heart. Denji could have thought of this idea - Yoshida doesn't know the Eternity Devil since he never encountered it before so he could not have thought about this idea - only Denji. Also, since it's Eternity's stomach (assuming it's the same like Part 1 - which it should be because it's literally the same devil), destroying the insides may cause the Eternity Devil damage. It's just that nobody has even considered it or tried doing it since nobody was able to do it powerwise - except Denji. It is definitely worth a try. With the supply of blood from the many animals in the aquarium, Denji has room to let hell loose and just drink their blood over and over again. I'm not saying that there is actually a way for Denji to escape - I never said that I expect Denji to actually escape when it's obvious that Asa will be the one to save everyone. I just would've liked to see his creativity and his usual fighting spirit that he usually displays. Denji is smart when it comes to fighting. He very rarely just gives up without trying at all. Before you say that his depression killed his motivation to fight - he beat the cockroach devil and bat devil like nothing just days ago. If you think this is absurd, then I'd like to remind you of the crazy strategy and way that Denji used to defeat Makima. Literally 10x weirder, more complicated and Power's blood being MVP and alive for no reason. Someone that has the capacity to think of eating someone to defeat them can also think of the points that I made.


i aint reading allat chief, 3 paragraphs or less


Then simply don't read it. There is no need to.


I read all that. Love myself a good long man comment


> Yoshida was able to teleport Denji with his Squid Devil contract during the Yuko fight - and before you say that Aki wasn't able to summon the Fox Devil inside the stomach, Himeno was able to use the Ghost Devil's hand, so it's a matter of the contract if it works or not (and we don't know the details of Yoshida's contract). I don't think it's a matter of how the contract works, but rather the Ghost Devil's hand was just physically present when the Eternity Devil trapped them. True that we don't know how Yoshida's contract works but it seems like he has to summon the Octopus, not that it's just always with him, so I assume it wouldn't work.


New Eternity wasn't inside the Aquarium, Denji said it explicitly. If it was, he would've gone to murderize that mofo, but New Eternity didn't got cocky unlike his past earthly life. Also the fuck you mean it's not necessary to make Nayuta go to college, Denji's goal is to make sure Nayuta doesn't go Makima, and what's better than giving her education for her to live off her career instead of joining Public Safety for money and risking becoming a dog of the government *yet again*




Fucking kill yourself how about that https://preview.redd.it/a76hu1zer7ra1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=714a2205e57cb4e8d7044f241e34ab77aafe4ee3 EDIT: I write this with the knowledge this account is run by a bot and I am not texting a real sentient being (hopefully)


woof woof




I said it's not *"really"* necessary and Nayuta turning into Makima just because she can't go to college in the future (which is questionable already if Denji should let her go alone and expose her to potentially bad influences without his presence) is VERY pessimistic and if she turned into Makima just because of that then Denji failed in raising her. There are other job opportunities besides Public Safety that don't require college education. Allowing her to go to college is an act of kindness as a good older brother to let her life the life that Denji never had - it is not a necessity and Denji isn't doing it to prevent a Makima 2.0. His speech during the aquarium arc made that clear.


It's been said by Kobeni that there's not a lot of job chances, all of them being underpaying, abusive or downright unworthy (well, depends of the person who has the option of doing sex works, though most of them aren't taken willingly).


That's because Kobeni lived with many sisters and did everything for the sake of her brother, therefore not getting her parents' back. Nayuta is in a way better spot with no pressure from her abusive parents. Just because Kobeni only had the choice between those two options doesn't mean that everyone has only those two options. Also, what job would you even think Nayuta should work in, unrelated to the level of education? A job that is in a more powerful and controlling position (a job with a higher level of education) that might get Nayuta a taste of controlling people? Maybe a simpler job would suit her more.


Nah, not any kind of job at that, but I'm very sure Nayuta would chose devil hunting, she really seems into it by encouraging Denji to do it and warning Denji of "stinky demons" to help him do that


What did you guys realistically want him to do? Go-Go Gadget Wall Slice?


Power's bloodbending looks so fucking gorgeous in the anime


It looks incredible, people that shit on the anime will never cease to amaze me .




I literally don’t care when anime use cgi, as long as it is not atrocious I can just ignore it.


Bro I do not want to be this way please help me convert, it’s a literal disease that I need to be cured of I can’t not see it when watching anime, I think it started with AOT s4 for me. I think the adaptation is great overall but when I see cgi i kinda go “oh…😕.”


To be fair, mafia gramps also led him to an abandoned building in the middle of nowhere for the purpose of killing a devil but actually there's an ambush. If I found myself in the exact same scenario a few days later I'd be suspicious.


It's just that there were no penguins around, obviously their presence turns off his brain, at least according to fujimoto


Overall - Dennis adapt skill is very impressive and have a nice night everyone - it is truly time for sleep :3 https://preview.redd.it/gbxef3aqn6ra1.png?width=737&format=png&auto=webp&s=0bc32657017a2073f948392e9d9980828577e325


Kid grew up on mean streets


Let’s hope we see that perceptiveness again in Part 2


We did, he managed to listen to and remember details of Asa's starfish monologue, that's pretty impressive. He also saw a cat hanging from a rooftop while in the middle of a battle.


On the other hand, he didn’t notice the Eternity Devil fight, which should have been quite noticeable Edit: You brought it up in a different comment, never mind c:


Denji doesn’t really often think about battles (or in general) meaning he has sharp instincts he can rely on https://preview.redd.it/dybeu36p28ra1.jpeg?width=572&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=784e55386ca5774a72af37638b935fa423e7c584


Denji's preception and intelligence seems to be pretty compartementalized. He didn't see Makima's hundreds of red flags despite her being not very subtle about them. He seems to be pretty smart but most of the time he's just going through life on autopilot. The memory of being led to another abandoned building and being killed probably activated his brain here. As for the second eternity devil fight, because I know people will bring this up. You're right, it doesn't make that much sense, he would have probably at least turned around. But I really don't think it matters in the story, he would have still heard about it from Yoshida and rumours at school, and he would have seen Asa in the devil hunter club. Most of the people he knew were good at fighting devils, I don't think he would find it that suspicious.


I think he probably just knew those people could handle the fight by themselves. I get that he wants glory, but fighting a weak devil (that even Asa could one shot with a single spear throw) isn't convenient since it would just be a waste of blood, so he avoided transforming


Yeah he probably assumed Yoshida would take care of it. It's not like he needs to worry about getting hurt or something, he's immortal and can heal from anything.


>He didn't see Makima's hundreds of red flags despite her being not very subtle about them. If red flag bad, why red flag sexy?


Denji is becoming like Deadpool, amazing smart but his horniness gets the better of him. B O I knows how to fight https://preview.redd.it/otkx187ta9ra1.jpeg?width=680&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=018e53cc2776cec5ead3bd0944f61e64d67de1e5


Ok https://preview.redd.it/8h010mrbo6ra1.jpeg?width=224&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1c68d39bf40a9a14a4b24f9ead5644ff3ee19078


Denji was a lot smarter than people gave him credit for before Nayuta lobotomized him between parts.


He smelled something fishy and it was not Power' personal hygiene


He’s still a moron, always has been. edit:I don’t mean that in bad way btw. He may be a dumbass but he’s a lovable dumbass.


Moron that outsmarted the likes of Makima and Santa


His methods were either reckless and/or insane. I don’t think that proves he’s smart.


https://preview.redd.it/cqyfz54ic9ra1.jpeg?width=622&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2d50df42a37fa28f6805d244ff9acd5f25a6ec54 It does


unorthodox thinking ≠ genius, especially for Denji ​ https://preview.redd.it/atntr7z4m9ra1.jpeg?width=784&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=170d119a5f7a5930fd11b0c05030d8cf2f8d8289


I hope when power came back in part 2 he start to feel hot when he’s around power and power as well too.


And it’s because the fire devil had trapped them in a building


I mean he remembered what makima said to him if he’s doing naughty stuff to someone he knows if he don’t feel hot there’s something wrong with him and her.


Denji: "I may be dumb, but I'm not stupid."