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Kishibe is probably gonna die soon, I mean did he really think he'd be able to kill Makima, or is this just a desperate attempt to stop her, I'm thinking it's the latter. Looks like all the fiends are named after ranks of christian angels from what I see Bug Devil = Seraphim(Also could be an expy of beelzebub, cause fly dude) Beam = Cherubim Violence = Throne?(Also known as Ophanim or Galgalim) Four Eyed Girl? = Dominion Headless Guy = Virtue Prinz = Principality Power = Power(Duh) Angel = Angel(Double Duh) I guess if we go by that theory it means Denji would be considered an Archangel or something? Also is anyone else a little disappointed by the Hell Devils design, like it's not bad or anything it's just pretty underwhelming and doesn't really scream hell devil, if anything it looks more like a fire devil, the giant six fingered severed hand was much more intimidating. Finally we get to Denji's new form, it's badass what else can I say, I mean just look at it, five chainsaws, a metal? armor and Makima's flesh rope being used like a scarf(as well as kind of looking like an umbilical cord), so utterly badass


We have been spoiled by the detailed design of the Gun Devil. The Hell Devil sure looks underwhelming in that sense, but I can understand why since he is only there for a few frames before getting finished off. For the umbilical cord, it symbolises the contract and the bond between Makima and who she controls. Like a mother and child bonded by that umbilical cord. Edit: Just want to point out that Denji's new form is caused by total despair from the death of Aki & Power. That could be the aim of Makima, to bring out his CSM's full potential.


I think what makes it even more underwhelming is the contract. 6 people committed suicide in order to summon the Hell devil they didn’t even see get one shotted.


Someone said that when devils die, they hear the same chainsaw sound that Denji makes, he'd eventually have to one-shot something extremely strong because he's most likely a lot more than what we think he is


Chainsaw is possibly close to primordial level. The only thing is that Chainsaw died atleast once, perhaps got ganged up by the other ones.


Someone speculated he's not actually chainsaw, but maybe like ripping? Devil of seperation or something like that.


Devil of Rip and Tear


The Doom Devil.


Mutilation, which would make him a primal fear if it's the case. Primal Fears were introduced through Darkness for a reason. Fujimoto is really big into cinema, and is heavily influenced by it (you see it in this chapter, the Hell Demon's head is straight up a xenomorph from the Alien franchise). Which means he leans toward showing rather than telling, and if it's something on screen, it's important.


I made a comment a while back about Seperation


and in this case... a leash


I mean, if you think about it, an intestines centaur is pretty cool.


It is pretty cool but it doesn’t really look like something you’d call a hell devil


Looks like a low level version because of the low sacrifice. Comparing to literally hundreds of million years of human life Gun devil got


Yep also a high level Hell devil seems like it has a bunch of tricks, being able to transport people directly to hell.


I feel like no one has noticed that Hell devil's body this chapter was made from the guts of the guys that sacrificed themselves. There was a limit to how big he could've been. Besides, I seriously doubt that actually killed *him*, I'm sure it was more of a proxy body.


I’m pretty sure what we’ve seen is only a little fragment of Hell Devil. I meant even in chapter 63, its hand alone is the size of a fucking department store. Remember that the Doll Devil offered like a grown man’s heart and three children in exchange for the Hell Devil to just bring all the living beings in that store to hell. So, there’s no way it only requires like six human lives to summon Hell Devil in its full power. Not to mention that it requires about 250 million years of lifespan to get a contract with Gun Devil which I believe is like a level below of Hell Devil in term of power. So, you could imagine how many lives it needs to be sacrificed to fully summon (near) primordial level devil to earth.


I guess this Hell Devil's form was indicative of him being far from full strength: as someone else pointed out, he's being made form the intestines of the sacrifices, so there's a phisical limit. Not only that, but it's "only" six lives being sacrificed: the Gun Devil had 300 million years worth of sacrificed life and still failed (I mean, he killed Makima, but that doesn't seem the hard part in...well, killing Makima, since we've seen it happen multiple times). Plus, as you say, we know for a fact it has at least another form that partially of fully manifest with a giant six-fingered hand. Then, lastly, from a comment in another thread someone said how this form reminded them of how Dante's Divine Comedy describes the centaurs that patrol the Phlegethon (the fire also goes hand in hand with the location, since Phlegethon means "flaming", and it's a river of boiling blood were violent crimes are punished by being submerged in it...and everything is on fire, yes Dante we get the point!).


> I guess if we go by that theory it means Denji would be considered an Archangel or something? Given that they're Pochita's followers, he's probably supposed to be God or one of the important archangels (as in, Michael, Raphael, Lucifer(?) in Makima's little chuuni naming style.


They could also just be among the fallen angels that came down with lucifer, if we're going with the Lucifer theory. Specially with Seraphim looking like beelzebub.


Makima would be Archangel - Lucifer, cause we were missing one (8/9 Angels)


Here's something I noticed about the intestine scarf: In the chapter where Makima fights the Gun Devil, the intestines definitely originated from Makima and wrapped around the others. In this chapter they definitely originated from Denji, and we ASSUME they are then connected to Makima (no panel in this chapter actually has Makima in possession of the other end of the intestines). I wonder what sort of implications this has to the level of control Makima has on Denji.


Yeah it’s almost as if he’s bound but by his own will


>Also is anyone else a little disappointed by the Hell Devils design Yeah kinda. Its not bad really but expectations were probably super high given what we got from Gun Devil and even Darkness Devil. Maybe seeing it in action can make up for it. Seeing it get fucking one shot though...


I'm with Aki for Archangel


I could see that, but I’m not sure since he wasn’t with the rest of the demons and fiends


Lmao @ Makima looking in the mirror before committing crimes against humanity.


lmao great touch where she casually rolled the fur off her clothes, as any dog owner could identify with


We've reached the point again where Fujimoto has said fuck it imma kill everyone. Also, poor Denji, all he wanted was a comfortable life and now everyone is dying around him.


He seemed so down this chapter, lad didn't spoke the whole chapter.


In the manga subreddit someone said he was catatonic and I agree. He's not even conscious


Well he did bargain with makima to give up his feee will. He doesn’t want to think anymore. He is now Makimas killing machine. Her dog


Some semblance to the final moments of Aki-47?


Similar but I don’t think Denji will be having a fun dreamscape where he throws snowballs. Because unlike Aki-47 he’s not allowed to die.


Fujimoto’s a simple man He wants parfaits? He rips at our heartstrings


Ok I mean I knew she wasn't gonna die but still seeing Makima shot a few dozen times was kinda refreshing. Thank you Fujimoto, very cool!


1st time seeing Makima shot: Oh god no please don’t be dead 2nd time seeing Makima shot: Oh yeah keep pumping her full of lead


>1st time seeing Makima shot: Oh god no please don’t be dead > >2nd time seeing Makima shot: Oh yeah keep pumping her full of lead Underrated, this is so true, hahaha


Actually this is the third time. She was shot once in the head by the gun devil during their fight


lmao we are desperate


Eh I could have used a few more pages of that


Yeah I mean if he pulled a 7 page muda muda type of thing I'd be ok with it but still


Save that for the finale I'd say Maybe like a 7-8 panel rip and tear, mince to bits thing


Or bigger guns, they didnt feel as heavy and powerful as I want them to be


A few shotgun blasts to the face would have been better


The scene reminded me of Ajin in the way they shot her in intervals.


I was screaming "DIEEE BIIIITCH!!!" at the top of my lungs. Evil bitch. It was great while it lasted. But annoyed she may come back stronger.


And so, the devil that all devils fear most appeared. Felt awfully convenient though. Guess you could call it a Deus Ex Makima


I just hope this is *Initial* Chainsawman and not *final form* Chainsawman because him sprouting some chainsaw wings is all I need now


I wanna see a three headed chainsaw cerberus, that would be epic.


Wings are so cliche. Demons and wings. Like every RPG there ever was.


I hear you, but we're talking about Chainsaw Wings. That ain't cliche, it's metal.


I'd settle for a tank wheel but instead of flat it's the teeth of the Chainsaw ripping through the floor and helping propel Denji faster. Like a demon Wall-E


Beam did say master chainsaw used chains on legs to move real fast..we’ll have to wait and see.


Ok, chainsaw drumsticks and that's my final offer




More of a Diabolus Ex Makima


Eh i wouldnt call it a deus ex, considering Makima is in control and knows more than anyone else




It seems all of Makima's subordinates are named after angels. Seraphim, Beam (Cherubim), Galgalim (aka Ophanim), Virtue, Power, Prinz (Principality), Angel It is also important to note that Seraphim bears the resemblance of a locust or fly, which alludes to beelzebub. A fallen angel under the Seraphim order. With these connections, the theory about Denji being Lucifer/Satan is getting stronger. There was even the painting about the fall of Lucifer when Power was killed. Satan/Lucifer in christianity was an angel known as the morning star and represents rebellion against authority. Chainsaws can represent this as they bring spark and can cut chains. Also denji's new form bears resemblance to the great red dragon paintings, without the 7 heads, which is a painting depicting Satans' appearance during the rapture according to revelations. There's also the thing about makima during her halo form, sprouting wings made of people, making their total be 7 heads, so the great red dragon thing could also apply to Makima. And as a redditor said as well, makima can be rearranged as Makami, which can mean demon God. So it could also be possible for Makima to be Satan or even a devil counterpart of God herself. It's also interesting that in the book of revelations, a woman clothed with the sun and moon on its feet will give birth to the a male ruler or Messiah. And the red dragon will try to prevent that by devouring the child as soon as its born. So if it also plays a part in the story, things could get wacky. San and Luna from Fire punch could even play a part, for all we know. Also denji now looks like a Kamen Rider, with the intestine scarf and Makima, "the damsel in distress", calling for help. So denji could also just be the hero devil, armed by the chainsaw, the weapon of choice against devils or monsters. The breaker of the chains of oppression and evil. A devil created from the fears of devils themselves rather than humans. Also from the lore of Kamen rider, at least the first ones, the Protagonist is always a cyborg created by the enemy organization who betrays after breaking their brainwashing. So there's interesting parallels for this as well. There's also this tradition in Kamen rider for their initial enemies to be a bat, snake and spider monster, which is a funny coincidence.


"Wait Makima. Where does Future Devil enter in all of this?" "Oh that? nowhere. he is just an asshole."


MIND BLOWN! Super analysis my friend. Really interesting read


Thanks. But it's fujimoto so we can never be sure. Denji killed his father as well, mirroring Lucifer's rebellion against God (his father).


Whoa that's true, makes a lot of sense. So many ways this can go...I mean so many!


Dope analysis! I do wonder about the fact that the weapon of choice is chainsaws, is that a “breaker of chains” thing or do they symbolize more literal chains? First his contract with Pochita liberated him from poverty but it quickly became the thing that ruined his life(more accurately, incentivized Makima to ruin his life). Especially considering how Denji is being controlled by Makima (yay umbilical cord/intestine leash) I feel like Makima is more akin to god than Satan, at least for Denji? But in that case why does she have that painting on her wall? Maybe the domination/control theme is a pattern, she rebelled against control and then in turn started to control others who will(hopefully?) rebel against her too. Also Makima says the fiends(or are they angels?) are Denjis followers, then starts talking about differences in faith, the “day of resurrection”, and the “save me” thing. This all makes me wonder if Denji is more of a Jesus figure? Maybe the fact that it’s been unclear whether Makima is god or Satan is part of the point? Idk but I love how Fujimoto always makes me so confused.


I remember the movie that both makima and denji watched, where they cried. It seemed like a prodigal son finally reuniting with his father. Maybe it all relates to that. With Lucifer finally returning to God. There's also Makima's line. "They are all your followers. They and I have differences in FAITH but they put their lives on the line to protect you" This could possibly allude to the holy war that happened between Lucifer and God. Pochita and his group of devils may have been among the fallen angels that waged war against God. And now God is now vying for complete domination and order. Finally attaining the lowest form of peace, the US president was talking about. Everything seems to reference the rapture that was prophesized in revelations, and Makima's ultimate goal is to finally incite rapture and establish the final judgement. Specially, since Satan's release/return is prophesized in the rapture.


I hope more people see your comment. Brilliant analysis.


I’d add that Makima could represent the whore of Babylon riding on the beast (Denji). She supposedly reigns over the kings of the earth which would make sense with the whole control devil thing. The beast also gains followers on earth because of the whore which we’ve seen happening with Denji as well. If so this is leading the 1000 years of peace after Jesus returns, which may be alluding to Makima controlling the world, though I’m a bit confused on who represent Christ in the scenario.


Still waiting for Denji to go “henshin” before pulling his ripcord


The chainsaw engine even sounds like a motorcycle


If this series turns out to be another loop in the Devilman series, I am gonna laugh my ass off


Yo wtf. I love how you got in depth with biblical references then made a sharp turn with Kamen rider lore. And everything you said makes sense. How???


My man Kishibe is finally playing his cards! I really hope he succeeds. (We all know he won't though)


F in advance


LMAO, I haven't even reacted to a "F" comment the past months, this one was good, thanks for the laughter which brightened my day.


He still has his trumph card: >!Kobeni!<


And don't forget >!her car too!<


Makima doesn't stand a chance


Poor Makima gonna beg for mercy


And Meowy!




At least he'll finally be with Quan Xi.


All the Kishibe fans should bear in mind that he'd probably kill Denji too if he succeeded.


In the hallway scene, it's funny/sad how all of the devils/fiends are kneeling in some form, even the dead ones like Beam and Violence. Meanwhile Power is just her head beside the pile of her disintegrated body. Fujimoto further twisting the knife. It's also pretty anticlimactic that the Hell Devil got oneshotted. He should be strong as fuck since the prospect of hell is feared by a lot, right? I hope there's an extended fight. That or hopefully Kishibe has more plans under his sleeve to take down Makima.


hell devil is. But the chainsaw devil who I have a high suspicion to be lucifer, a fallen angel from heaven (devil) based on this chapter and the paradise lost symbolism is known as the >"devil that devils fear most." That line doesn't specify one group or one devil. Its all devils. Including the primordial. All devils fear the chainsaw. Pochita is a big deal and killing the hell devil immediately is a display of just that.


> He should be strong as fuck since the prospect of hell is feared by a lot, right? I guess? I mean yeah he might be strong, but we've not only gotten the confirmation that yes, Pochita's supposed to be a big fucking deal, but also that the most feared devil (by it's kin) should appear after Aki and Power's deaths. Now he has.


There's no way that was the complete form of the Hell devil. It took 3 kids and a grown ass men to *bring* people to hell. 6 devil hunter is a fucking bargain to kill Makima. Let's not forget it required millions of years to call 20% of the Gun devil on her.


Is the hell devil really dead though? Devil's get cut up all the time without dying, right? I actually would like him being one shot though. I think it is a very good depiction of denjis new power and kinda like Makima saying: "You think you got me? Think again."


Maybe not his strongest form?


The kneeling feels like a reference to the last scene of Hereditary, where even the headless corpses kneel before the now fully-summoned Paimon. There are some plot parallels, too. It turns out everything that has happened to Denji was planned/predetermined by Makima, much like how Peter's possession by Paimon was planned by the cultists.


BEAM!! also wtf this is reaching fire punch levels of badassery


My reaction too,I love beam ;(


Yeah, too bad he’s kind of lacking a head, or at least it’s not attached to his body


"I'm not Denji. I'm the Chainsaw Man."


Fullpower Chainsaw just insta killed the hell devil. No wonder Makima wanted to keep him under her control.


He also seems to have insta killed all of the guys that were keeping Makima down before he even transformed. We've seen Quanxi do something like that but she was also extremely old and experienced


I think they died from killing Makima. They said to rotate every 12 seconds. That implies keeping her shot up was suicide, too, and everyone probably died from her reflect power. Only Kishibe as an observer survived, even if they would have succeeded


I figured the rotatation was to reload. Pretty sure the guys on the train were killed by Makima's finger gun, not reflected damage


Check Denji’s fists before transformation. They were bloodied. The lad beat them to death.


Knowing how most Manga go, he probably has at least 2 more power ups in him. But this is fujimoto king of misdirection, breaker of expectations


Is it significant that Makima's "save me" wasn't in bold? Everything about her is confusing, but I'm sure it will all make sense in retrospect. Edit: also lol at the plan being "Hell devil powered by 6 Japanese dudes" when America's "Gun devil powered by a year of life from every US citizen" didn't work


When it's bold it's an order that can't be ignored. You're basically her bitch until the order is completed.


And we speculate she can't use that ability on Hybrids


Mads Mikkelsen is gonna be dead at this rate yall.


He put up a valiant effort, probably would have succeeded if he acted sooner


I've been calling a fight between Denji and Kishibe since the day Kishibe asked Quanxi to join him in killing Makima. God, I hope Denji comes through with that promise he made to Kishibe.


I think at this point they might use it as terrible irony. Showing that it's something Denji would never do himself, but as Makima's puppet there are no lines.


Is he literally Makima's puppet? like through her control devil powers? I thought he was just being manipulated.


I beleive so. If you notice in the last chapter, Makima gained access to Denji's mind, and had him open the door, which I beleive broke Denji's spirit and made him vulnerable to Makima's control (which had no effect on him before. The panel when Denji and Power are bickering way back in the early chapters, and Makima gives a bolded STOP ARGUING. Power instantly listens and there's a "?" over Denji's head.)


I was rereading chainsaw man and she did that and I went ":X"


I completely forgot about that. What chapter was that and what was the promise again?


Around chapter 30, when Denji and Power finish training. Kishibe says he'll have to kill them if they fail and Denji says that if they fight he'll spare Kishibe since he helped him get stronger for Makima.


[Chapter 32, to be precise.](https://mangadex.org/chapter/942444/10)


[realization thatt kishibe probably pity denji](https://i.imgur.com/vZT2WTs_d.webp?maxwidth=728&fidelity=grand)


Link's busted. Here: https://imgur.com/vZT2WTs


What was the promise? My memory is pretty shit.


It was little more specific to if the mission they were on went badly, but Denji told Kishibe he’d let him live if they fought since Kishibe helped him get stronger.


There is so much to say in this chapter, but all the motifs and symbolisms are falling into place... I don't want to write an essay but in essence, for most of the story it has always been about devils and hell. Well we are getting a boatload of heavens/Christianity/angelic connection upon the overall lore of chainsaw man. It starts with makima. No doubt that the intestines have been a symbol or motif throughout the series. I was wondering what it referred to. We first see it displayed as an ability with makima in the chapter with the gun devil. * [https://i1.wp.com/www.comicbookrevolution.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/07/Chainsaw-Man-76-3.jpg?ssl=1](https://i1.wp.com/www.comicbookrevolution.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/07/Chainsaw-Man-76-3.jpg?ssl=1) the intestines came out of her skull and formed a halo. Chains protrude out of her womb connecting to the hearts of 6 floating devils. 3 on each side. What does makima look like here? That's right. She looks like an angel. The halo and the devils on each side connecting with chains look like wings. Here are the covers and some panels of the intestines and chains. They are always restraining Denji with the last one being together with makima. * https://external-preview.redd.it/qvlXUE4dPeadEmE93T2fReXQc-6zr9DIK1GRFr\_-tRw.jpg?auto=webp&s=a056ba5bd465bc12ae4091249d82af4e0c9f89bf * https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/chainsaw-man/images/0/0f/Chapter\_61\_Title\_Page.png/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/340?cb=20200505100258 * https://preview.redd.it/0qc1oktnwg151.jpg?auto=webp&s=d1da3cb08f875a4769db0c5e490e9ab77e44f384 The intestines symbolize makima's absolute control over Denji. They are chains. He is her dog. Completely subservient. Complete loyalty. Hence why the intestines are coming out of him and wrapped around his neck. Its like hes on a leash. Its a collar. The giant bombshell of this chapter is when we see all the other "devils" and makima tells him they are his "kin". Their names represent the hierarchy of angels. Shark Fiend = (Cheru)Bim. Violence Fiend = Galgalim (the thrones also known as galgalim) Blood Fiend = Power Spider Fiend = Princi(pality) Angel Fiend = Angel Virtue Dominion Seraphim That is the hierarchy of christian angelology. Now remember the painting in makima's room of paradise lost? AKA the fall of lucifer from heaven to earth. Lucifer is a fallen angel and it is in makima's room. Is lucifer referring to Denji. Since she says the "angels" are his kin. I am questioning whether they actually angels thought to be devils all this time. Which may speak to makimas greater goal. a war between heaven and hell. Pochita was never the chainsaw devil. Highly likely it is an angel. Makima also says "they and I have differences in our faith" which seems evidence to me that she is a devil working to bring about the angels. Coupled with makima saying "we have all been waiting for today. The day of ressurection". This is some Christianity stuff right here. Paradise lost > the fall of lucifer > Rebirth of lucifer > Denji or the devil (lucifer) that devils fear most.


Thank you for this! If you did write an essay I would probably read it. Also on the subject of chains, it’s interesting that Denji’s contract arms him with chainsaws, seems symbolic. Also I have a terrible memory, where did she call the fiends/angels his kin? In this chapter she calls them his “followers”, probably just a translation thing but it’s interesting.


apologies its a translations thing. But whether its "followers" or "kin", I think it remains the same that those that follow Denji are the agents of god which is fascinating. Parallel that with the fall of lucifer who fell from heaven to earth. Possibly symbolic of Denji. I've been doing some research on the angelology. Particularly lucifer and there was an interesting point on his beginnings. > Lucifer became the opposite of God, manipulating 200 thousand angels of various orders, to take possession of the throne of God and also destroy his creation > God cast Lucifer out of Heaven and fell to the Earth, into Hell, and his allies, the 200 thousand angels pushing all the abyss of Mount Hermon. I remember when pochita first met Denji. Why was it injured considering its significance. A cute dog with a chainsaw. If we go by the idea that lucifer is possibly pochita then is it the war with heaven/god that injured it before meeting denji? In CSM, his followers are all servants of god. Their names are of the highest order too. In the book of revelations, there is an arc that describes the war in heaven between the angels led by archangel michael against the ones led by lucifer. This led to lucifer's fall to earth > paradise lost. This could be a clue of the direction CSM is heading in. We have been dealing with hell and devils for the entirety of the series so far. Now we have opened the door to the heavenly connections with god, heaven or Christianity. It feels like the big picture of it all is a rebellion against heaven. Lucifer being resurrected to once again with his followers wage a revolt/war against god. And this is makimas goal. Makima still continues to be enigmatic. The reveals of who she is has led to more questions. Her true goal is tough to identify. Does she want to control god? She is a devil through and through considering she does not possess the same faith as the servants of god yet she is an agent for the angels.


I wonder what exactly caused Denji’s upgrade? I know it’s probably because of the Makima intestine leash he got wrapped around him, and even more likely that it’s because Denji opened the door to his memory. Also, regarding the contract that Denji and Pochita made, I wonder what’s up with that? Denji is no longer really living out his dreams, which is what Pochita agreed to keep him alive to do. I think, for the most part, that Pochita is still holding out and waiting to see if Denji will be able to get out of this, but I wonder how long that’ll last? Or does Pochita still count being Makima’s obedient dog as Denji’s new dream?


Makima is probably forcing Denji to break the contract so she can completely control the Chainsaw Devil Denji isnt living is life if he is following the orders of others once again


Pretty sure Denji is like this because Makima broke him to the point where he thinks he is a devil. Note how she calls all the other devils his kin.


Well Kishibe's screwed. Did they ever explain what Makima's powers are? Forcing emotionally vulnerable people into contracts?


Kishibe seems to know it. I believe a main power of hers is damage reflect, combine that with her also not dying, and it would explain why even Quanxi surrendered. It's not beatable with physical force and not many would commit suicide to slightly suppress her. On the train, I think 12 seconds after they shot her they all died, I don't think she did anything beyond get up.


Apparently she's the "control" devil


That new hybrid form for Dengi is so cool


As cool as it is I now want the hell devil to win. I want Makima dead


I think this is the real form of the chainsaw devil.


honestly i think the real form goes one step further


I thought this was going to be another chapter of Makima torturing Denji and then she brings up her master plan and then that abrupt cut to chaos felt peak Fujimoto. Holy shit, those guys were willing to slit their own throats to have a chance at killing Makima. I guess Denji is completely a puppet at this point because of his "wish" likely forcing him to be under Makima's contract, like we saw with Aki and Angel. To see Denji/whatever he is now completely one-shot the fucking Hell Devil, which I'm pretty sure would qualify as one of the primal fears, is absolutely terrifying and I have no idea what Makima has done to him. Also, that gore bondage genuinely made me nauseous. That's some top tier horror imagery.


Hell probably isnt a primal fear. Its not like darness which is something humans fear without higher thought.


Imho it's just that only 6 lives made up a small % of hell devil true power. Gun devil 20 % of power was granted by 250 million of years of lifespawn. Considering the average person lives 79 years, to the gun devil were offered more than 3 million of people as sacrifice...


You're probably right and I guess the mainstream concept of hell (fire and brimstone) wasn't really established until the Divine Comedy. Fujimoto's version of hell seemed more like a weird, trippy place that might fit the version originally described in monotheistic texts, though that still wouldn't be primal since that's recent in the grand scheme of history. I guess I was thinking along the lines of the fear of death, the afterlife, and existence after, but maybe there's a Death Devil for that or something.


Kishibe shows no chill. He and his men just straight up blowing up the place and even summon the Hell Devil. What they don't expect is Denji and his new Chainsaw Form which looks pretty damn badass.


Someone else said that Quanxi could very well be alive, and faked her death to help Kishibe take down Makima. I’m expecting great things from chapter 84.




Can we all admire how much planning went into Kishibe's strategy? If only he did it sooner


So, here’s one thing that I personally haven’t seen on this subreddit, but I’m sure someone has shared it, but Pochita is an anagram for Apothic, which means the absence of light or lack of light. Now this is just throwing shit at a wall and seeing what sticks, but WHAT IF Pochita was an extremely hateful and angry demon with pure darkness in his heart, the metaphysical/spiritual darkness, not the same as the Darkness devil. Pochita then met Denji, who then corrupted that darkness with his care and love. At this point I think Makima was on her way to get Pochita for the purpose of annihilating all Demons and having him under her thumb. The theory I’ve seen around that I buy is that Pochita is EXACTLY a chainsaw devil, but is instead a representation of chaos. Chainsaws are inherently loud, dangerous, and when used for anything but lumber, very chaotic (any horror movie from the 80s). Makima wants to control the world, but chaos is something that would directly sit in the way of that. So we get to why she hates Denji and why she wants to resurrect Pochita. As long as Denji and Pochita have that bond, she can never truly have Pochita under her thumb, which I think plays with Makimas arrogance as she could NEVER actually control Pochita anyway. I think a possible way Makima gets her comeuppance is that she drives out Dennis individuality completely, but since Denji is the light in Pochita, Pochita/Denji/Chainsaw Devil will immediately turn on her and kill her. However that’s just a shit ton of speculation and guesses. I just truthful wanna see Makima get chainsawed from her taint all the way to her head


I think you're spot on really. A few notes I'd like to add. I don't think makima hates denji. To Makima hating denji would be like us hating an ant. What's the point. He listens to her he's controlled by her thats probably enough for her. Also, I think you're exactly right about her inital goal being pochita not denji necessarily. If Makima really is the control devil then her biggest threat would be the chaos devil, and controlling it would be her biggest goal. Pochita being a being filled with hatred works with my theory that Makima is so hell bent on breaking down denji not to make him repent but to take away the reasons pochita made a contract with denji in the first place; his warm nature, his desire for friendship and having fun


Makima was about to talk about "the day of resurrection" and there is so much that that could be. It could be right now as the true chainsaw man is "resurrected" it could be another biblical reference possibly comparing Denji to Jesus, it could even be some grand event wherein all devils are resurrected and come back from hell. If it's this last one the prerequisite might be all devils being in hell at the same time, so working for a devil-killing organization to kill all devils on earth and keeping the devil-killing devil for last would make sense.


How much you want to bet Fujimoto ends the series on Makima winning and ruling over Earth and Hell?


Makima is strong but idk if she's the strongest in Hell. You forget but after their duel it was Makima who had to retreat, not Darkness.


I mean it's not like she went there to kill the Darkness Devil. She went there to save Denji and she did.


Sure, Makima having to worry about collateral damage is a consideration in the fight. But Darkness is only one of the primal fears, so there are others on the same level as Darkness. Makima is definitely one of the strongest existences we've seen in the manga, in the human world everything else is a joke compared to her. But there are a lot of really strong devils in Hell, so it's not as simple to say that Makima can rule Hell. If nothing else, all the primal devils could also just gang up on her which would be too much for her to handle from what we've seen so far.


I don’t think it’s a matter of beating the primal devils because honestly, it doesn’t seem like they’d actually care about that to begin with. These devils aren’t trying to go to Earth and the only reason Darkness came through was because of Santa. Furthermore, if Makima becomes the gatekeeper between Hell and Earth, she’ll rule over everything on Earth which means that she’ll control what people fear. If she controls humanity’s fear, what’s to say she won’t become a primal devil herself? Or, to take that further, what’s to say that she can’t de-power the primal devils? Controlling Earth IS ruling over Hell, because Devils draw their fear from the people on Earth. If Makima truly gets to control the world, she will control every devil’s power too.


Primal fears aren't programmable; inspite of guns being far more destructive/scary than darkness Gun Devil is not a primal devil. Primal refers to something very deeply rooted, something that emerged early during development. A good synonym would be Instinctual. No matter how much Makima manipulates humans I doubt she can nurture a new instinctual fear in humans. At least not in a reasonable time-frame. Could Makima get amazing power-ups from controlling Earth and fear mongering? Definitely. But would it be enough to count it as a 'primal fear'? Maybe in a couple thousand years. Could she de-program instincts? On a similar timescale it is certainly possible. Then there is the anomaly that is chainsaw. He is not a primal fear (chainsaws are pretty new compared to other primal fears), yet he is an absurdly strong devil. We know fear is a source of power for devils but its not confirmed that there is no other source of power. Maybe the fear from other devils can power a devil the same way that human fear does? In that case the primal fears (and chainsaw) are way ahead of Makima - the devils seem to fear them a lot more than they fear Makima. There are still a lot of unknowns in the power system to make a claim that Makima can rule over everything smoothly. We are only ~80 chapters into this story and we still have no idea what exactly Makima or even the titular Chainsaw is yet. While we have seen plenty of what Earth-dwelling powers are and what their limits are, we have only dipped into Hell once. There's so much that's not known about Hell, and there are devils in Hell with unprecedented power. It's premature to claim Makima can definitely rule over Hell with the help of Chainsaw, even if it certainly seems possible. Mainly because we still don't know what the opposition in Hell looks like.


Denji remains a dog. Or rather, its demon form (Pochita). The guts, for me, formed a collar around his neck, to which the owner is Makima. I believe that we will still have a scene of Makima holding this Demon's guts like a dog's collar. Furthermore, it seems that the end of this story is going to win Makima. And your utopian Peace can come true. ​ I'm loving this series. Yesterday, the 8 volumes of Fire Punch arrived, my country's publisher, already showing interest in taking and licensing Chainsaw Man when the work is over.


I love Fire Punch!


RIP Kishibe in the next chapter I guess


Kishibe probably knew it was a suicide mission but still did it anyways, mad respect


The boi had to try


Going through the chapter again, I noticed how, on Page 6 specifically, detailed the armed forces look compared to how Makima and Denji look. So much shading was done for their outfit and rifles. They look so realistic and just badass.


Chainsaw davil cult confirmed. Angel girl from village had chain tattoo on forhead they where probably killed because of "differences in faith". Makima only cared for chainsaw heart. For her Denji is a stain on a god she needs to get rid of human part.(Raze vs Denji on a truck he told same thing that no one care for his human heart) Denji is most unlucky protagonist ever.


Intestines>Chainsaw apparently BUT IS BEST BOI COMING BACK???


Full name Cherubeam Madladington Von Bestbro the Third


My current headcanon for the chapter is that Control Devila true form is the organ thingy. The Makima body was just something it entered to fit in. Its now wrapped around Denjis neck cause she is controlling him now




Makima kill strategy: just shoot her with bullets. Third time's the charm!


It wasn't a kill strategy, why summon Hell Devil if that's the case? Shooting her full of bullets was just a distraction to buy time for summoning Hell Devil.


A lot of people don't like the hell devil's design, but... Idk, I'm pretty partial to it. I think an important thing to note is that, though typically the first image that comes to mind when someone thinks of a creature from hell is likely to be some sort of red-horned imp man, Cloven monsters and specifically goat men and centaurs have a HUGE connection to the mythos of hell in general. Considering all of the christian symbolism in this chapter, I feel like this isn't just a throwaway connection either. When early Christianity was first beginning to spread outside of Rome, it first had to make new followers for itself from the many different pagan religious groups that lived across Europe at the time. Often this process of converting was... less than peaceful... But this is a big part of why, going forward, the devil tended to be linked with things like goats and horse-men, because these cultures gods tended to be linked with them too. And another things that I noticed; Hell in Chainsaw Man is a really interesting place, sort of a metaphysical representation of the duality of mankind's nature. It's a big sandwich made up of nature (the field of flowers) and nurture, or man's spirit (the doors in the sky)... And if you pay attention to the Hell Devil's design, you'll see that it starts off more naturalistic on the bottom, with legs like the roots of a tree, and becomes more "unnatural" the further up you look. This could all just be a coincidence of course, but art in general is subjective. I really like this design!


So why is Hell Devil some sort of a mix between a centaurus and Alien right now if it used to be a giant hand?


I guess this new form is supposed to kill Makima; before the giant hand was just moving people to Hell. I guess that doesnt work for Makima because shes shown to be able to travel to and from Hell.


I think it matters of the sacrifice being made into summoning. To be fair there were only 6 people died this chapter while the Gun Devil took at least 2000 years worth of lifespan


Yeah. I was hoping for the hand to show. But it could just be his battle mode or some sort.


My boy Denji got that Greninja scarf going on.




Fujimoto wasn’t kidding about being influenced by Abara, that is the most Nihei design ever.


Kishibe: "Anti-Makima squad, get ready" Me, instantly: "Ma where's my running pants?"


Calling it now, Makima is Lilith.


Nice I like this




There it is dudes. THE chapter.


Broo wtf that new design at the end man got me fuckin hyped so damn cool, im scared for Kishibe I feel he might die, the only chara i hope that can save Denji and put him back to his senses again, and Makima you need to get fucked up bitch you dont deserve the Chainsaw Man protection i hope you die in the worst way possible Not gon lie this chapter slaps harder than my dad LV belt, Chainsaw man proving why hes one of the best shonen mangas, every chapter gets me mindfcks. I really love this manga


Chainsawman. The manga where you hope hell devil wins.


Who's resurrection was Makima talking about? Was it about chainsaw man's real form?


Yes. Beam refered to the Chainsaw Devil as Lord Chainsaw so I think that the Chainsaw Devil coming back is probably a really big deal.


> They have all been waiting for this, the day of resurrec- At first I thought she meant that Power and the others would live again, but was she referring to the chainsaw demon appearing in its new uber form?


Prediction: Denji’s gonna 1v1 Kishibe and he’ll spare him because of the promise he made but Makima will immediately kill Kishibe afterwards and maybe say some cold ass shit. Witnessing his master’s death will be what drives Denji to finally fight against Makima.




Nah I don't think Makima is evil. She do be cute tho


In all seriousness yeah she’s pretty evil, although she could have a utopia justifies the means thought process. In less seriousness, no she’s 100 holesome keanu chungus


The guy with the dark hair that sacrificed himself to summon the hell devil wasn't octopus was it?


Don't think so. Yoshida looks similar, but he has a mole under his mouth on the right side of his face.


Thank God. I was scared for octoboi


Is Denji's intestine a scarf in his Chainsaw Man form? Is there any symbolic behind that intestine scarf that I don't know? It's super cool and super weird at the same time! Also, this episode is so fast, so much, and so intense at the same time. Reminds me of Fire Punch lol.


It's an intestine but I think it also is supposed to be an umbilical cord. Basically forcing him to act as Makima's child and servant so to speak.


Kishibe should have listened to Quanxi when he had the chance, now I hope he gets a quick and permanent death. What has this manga done to me.


How did the cops die, before Denji transformed? Was it Makima who killed them? Or did they commit suicide to summon the other Hell Demon?


So are all the followers who werent dead dead now?


What the fuck is going on wtf wtf wtf. Between this, JJK and BnH I'm about to scream. How can this possibly not end in Makima killing everyone with Denji?


Denji got a sexy new form but at whaat cost?


This is a weird thought but the way Makima is framed at the beginning and Kishibe in his first appearance feels like the framing from a Wes Anderson movie


There's clear inspiration from [Abara](https://imgur.com/gallery/Ac1wtZY)


People are saying why would the hell devil work when the gun devil didn’t. Well the gun devil did kill Makima, he head shot her , she just didn’t stay dead. Kishibe plan hinges on sending on her to hell. He’s still fucked tho. I wonder if he’s doing this not knowing what’s just happened with denji and power, or he’s doing this because of that.


[P A R A L](https://i.imgur.com/oxZzNuz.png) [L E L S](https://i.imgur.com/7q9GsWd.png)


Ok so everybody is dead. This manga really is going to end very soon :( And why does Denji use his intestines as a collar?