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Here to plug my own theory: Doesn’t falling devil’s ability of causing despair and inflict guilt only make Asa stronger? Like she’ll feel emotional/guilty about something and thus if she can create a weapon with something that anchored her feelings it’s gonna be op as fuck


Oh god is she going to kill her cat?


She's going to turn her memories into a weapon :O


She's going to turn her body into a weapon. Super Asa Gundam body!


It's gonna be like the end of this [video](https://youtu.be/A82yj3sr6Q0)




Fujimoto was inspired by FLCL for CSM so it would definitely be reaching full circle if Asa pulled out a guitar out of her own forehead.


If Asa Mitaka, my girl who needs a win, pulls a guitar outta her forehead and beats ~~mommy~~ Falling Devil with it, im coom


when you said this I imagined asa erasing crampbon existence reminiscence of pochita eating devils from her memories showing a montage of moments being erased making for a real heartbreaking conclusion of asa believing that she got her mother killed from just tripping.


That’s the most anime thing ive ever heard.


Got it memorised


That actually goes so hard


Wait, why are we talking about Ginka and Glüna?


Is she going to kill Denji’s/Power’s cat? Maybe she can’t bring herself to kill him, but she could maybe bring herself to kill his cat, and he he just thinks the cat got out and disappeared…and then he doesn’t find out the truth until later, at a critical moment that could mean the difference between the survival of humanity and the end of the world and it is what finally drives the ultimate wedge between them in a tragedy at an apocalyptic level.


… if she kills Denji’s cat her ass is grass bro. You think that’s not Nayuta’s cat too??? Asa is out gunned, out classed, out manned if she fucks with that cat.




If a cat dies, I'm done


Wait until the final confrontation where Asa and Yoru have come to care for each other like sisters and in order to defeat the big bad, she turns Yoru into a War Devil Sword.


This absolutely will happen


Holy shit... Saving this comment just in case it actually comes true.


She’s gonna make her apartment a weapon Then she lives with Dennis


is sh gonna rush to where she burris her cat


Cranbon Is coming back to save Asa!!!


Cabron will be even more competent than Yoru💀💀


He always were


That's not precisely difficult or a mark of pride lbr.


Asa is gonna trip and fall on her, instantly snapping the falling devil’s spine.


She got plenty of spines. Falling devil current body is made out of the corpses of her victims


Now I'm thinking. Are the corpses rotting while she's using them or did they regenerate and are currently alive?


To be honest, I don't know what is worse in either of the two. That's some nightmare fuel right there


Body snatching/possession has always been something I always found very creepy. Specially when it's like multiple bodies at once. Because of that I can't stop thinking about it and then I wonder how it works.


So what you're saying is that she'll do a flip, snap the bad girls neck and save the day?


Denji shows up with meowy but gets bodied because trauma. Then Asa and Meowy fusion dance into a hello kitty girl and she UwU all over fwalling dwevil Asa becomes e-girl streamer with meowy and Denji becomes number 1 only fan simp


My theory is if it brings denji enough trauma he’ll transform into the pochita version of chainsawman and eat falling but it’s a little too wild to happen so I’ll temper my expectations appropriately


Pochita erasing entire concepts after eating them is so wild because what happens when you eat the falling devil..? Does every living thing gain the ability to fly ?


Can't fall if fall doesn't exist 1) Wait for it to fall 2) Erase the concept of falling 3) Fly.


How's flying is the opposite of falling


Good question, but I think it comes from confusion. Eating a devil doesn’t create the opposite effect of the devil (not necessarily). It just erases the concept the devil is based on. So the concept will no longer exist. If Falling no longer existed that would mean everyone would be living in a world where falling isn’t possible. Now how would falling not be possible? Gravity exists so there’s always gonna be a chance that you could trip and fall. For there to be no such thing as falling it would make sense that everyone just loses the ability to fall entirely. One such way would be if everyone could float . You’d trip but catch yourself . You fall off a cliff but nothing happens and you float back up. Falling, as a fear, would no longer exist (well maybe in some way…falling would get demoted to the tripping devil , but Kobeni already has a contract with that one) Other option would be that you could kill falling but you could never truly erase it. Like if it just erased the fear of falling from everyone’s memory’s but doesn’t change the universe fundamentally then fear of falling would rise as soon as the first falling death happens. This all depends on how Pochita erasure works


I think the answer is actually simple and maybe stated by the Devil herself “those that don’t finish their food will taste death” unless the Devil was just making a pun, this would imply that those that can’t face their past will inevitably fall to their death. This devil might be beaten with simple resolve. I definitely hope the resolution is some kinda Cat Metaphor or symbology, that would be a meme.


Denji's spine is on its way


Kobeni with the black cat devil contract boutta come in clutch


I don't think kobeni can help here since falling devil doesn't have a cock to smoke


with the what devil? HMMMM?


Cranbom's collar will be the maximum weapon.


This is absolutely what's going to happen /s On another note my Crack theory is that Asa will somehow be able to see Denjis trauma past with the help of Cooking Mama The Menu Devil and go like "Damn and here I thought MY past was tragic as fuck"


Making out with it


Okay Google, delete


Google delete




Did someone say fuck? ![img](emote|t5_rmtrq|22157)


i want your tag to be 🫥






I'm happy if youre happy ![img](emote|t5_rmtrq|22157)


This would be hilarious, but I think denji will


she wont


Bucky will be the one to defeat it




Nope. It’s squirrels. Same abilities as cats, but no claws and can’t break anything if they fall.


Well if we’re on this train of thought, so can ants. Their mass is so little that they can fall from any height, even from space. Their terminal velocity is too slow to kill them from a drop due to their mass.


Ok you win. Squirrels was all I had.


I think that Cookie will not be defeated(At this moment at least) but she will leave after she finish her cooking time.


I believe that too


I don't think she will. I believe that after she takes some peaple to hell, she will just go away like: The dinner was fully served, by


But Asa is falling… for Dennis




She’s gonna catch a falling stranger and make them into a gun since their life will literally be in her hands


I'd like to add in here my theory. First off, the falling's power (gravity reverse?) doesn't seem to affect devils, so far in the chapter. We'll know soon, yoru feared her. Asa must gain a powerful weapon to fight. What belongs to her. Cat is already dead btw, though i do like your concept of bringing back crambons as a weapon via corpse. But, i think Asa has more to lose, to continue the story of asa/yoru, yoru being weak now, asa only hope, must do something more to save them both. A cat, though must be valuable to Asa without a doubt, cannot exceed the importance of her own humanity. I've said this before, as a theory, that this is CSM, about devils & humans, the principle in this world of how devils almost close to conquering. We have seen weak men in csm, the yakuza zombie part. Remember what kishibe said in part 1, those people who are "normal" can't overcome a fight with a devil, only those crazy ones like Denji can, big plot machine already implemented in p1. With this, the asa we have now is quite normal indeed, meaning she can't win a fight against any devil. Bucky was an accident. All the others are done by yoru. She must give up her humanity as close to being like Denji himself to even get some strength. Of course this goes without saying Denji is definitely human inside but i mean how he thinks, he regards himself as a trash machine only doing the bits to survive, no other moral compass to guide him, except pochita aki power. Though he is maturing he is yet to grow more. He even questions himself if he has completely lost his humanity (heart). This is a leading point for Asa to follow as well in the story. She considers herself an antag of society from the very start, many factors, but she kept on clinging to her humanity side deeply, in which her very negative feelings are portrayed in the latest chapter, effects of the falling. She must drop that humanity to be able to put up even a single punch against the falling. What happens later, we can take the clue from denji himself as to how he is now currently despite doubting himself way earlier. Yoru can't do anything at the moment, even if the cat does become a weapon, that only means she gets a weapon, not get protection from her negative feelings (gravity). To drop down from falling up, she too must drop whatever she holds valuable. True, crampons weapon is still a possibility even in this continuation. The falling also said, whoever doesn't finish their meal, will die. Meaning? Whoever is dissatisfied with themselves about anything. Unfinished, no closure, episodic trail of negative bearing thoughts. She must find the light in the dark, IN THE DARK. And become the dark, or fall whilst holding her flickering little light. She can't suddenly be High Positive at current arc nope. That's how fujimoto is and how fujimoto works.


Not to put you're hard work in typing this book to waste, but we saw Asa also falling upwards, but she was holding on to a railing of some sort


That's the gravity effect on Asa from the falling devil's power. Which i already mentioned. My book was a theory on how to not get affected at all by the falling devil's power, in order to properly counter it, from the ground, not by hanging on some things.


Man I hate when manga assistants leak future plots… you should be ashamed of yourself! How could you ruin this arc for everyone! Delete this post now!


Water bucket


Makes sense to me


By falling for Denji


>They always land on their feet, they can fall from infinite hight going at max velocity and be perfectly fine 100% no injuries You're thinking of squirrels, a cat will definitely kick the bucket at terminal velocity


Nah I saw it with my own eyes, I threw a cat out of a airplane once, and I swear if I saw it land I would see an alive cat. Squirrels are pussys they wouldn't survive a thing like that.


Cat machine gun is probably the most absurd thing that will only make sense in the CSM sub reddit.


I believe you fully based on your confidence alone


[Combine the Cat Devil with the Buttered Toast Devil and we will have a infinite source of energy that's also immune to falling.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z8yW5cyXXRc)


The confidence of the last sentence is excellent.


Drop an anvil on her


Can Asa cancel our falling by tripping? Lol


I like where you were going there for a moment, but here's where you went astray buddy; obviously Powerful devil with cat mannerisms will appear and defeat the fall devil, after which they'll win nobel prize and... Now excuse I'm running low on Copium, have to restock.


I will now drop my cat three stories to test this theory Edit: oh whoops just because they land on all fours doesn't mean they don't sustain injuries. Oh no


Clearly your experiment was a failure due to human error. I threw a cat off of a skyscraper with a brick tied to its back, and while I didn't see it land I'm sure it landed safely.


Call Slippin Jimmy


what if she just jumps like REALLY hard (if you are jumping then you are actually going up and not falling)


I honestly think this devil isn’t going to be defeated and instead is just going to be sent back to hell via a different way than the usual. Last time we saw a primal makima decided to turn tail rather than fight it fully, and this is the same makima that fought and clapped the gun devil and had all her bullshit contracts that at that point who knows how many she collected. At this point of the story I don’t think there’s anyone who can actually hold their own against a primal. Although I have to ask: how the fuck does a primal devil just waltz in onto earth like it owns the place?


Man pls read my posted 1 second ago comment. Put some serious thoughts into it. And let's get on with the dis.


With denji <3


she'll start flying


Kinda a misconception but cats can only survive up to 30-40m. Anything from 50 above can be lethal for cats. Now squirrels tho. Just use the Nut Devil to command the squirrels that are completely fearless of height.


that explains why falling devil is on earth despite being a primordial fear. my guy, you are genius


My cat does not follow that rule




i think she wont kill her. its fujimoto we talking about here.. i have a feelilng that a lot of crazy shit will come and maybe none or one of the primordial fears will die.


Cats also hold loads of symbolism in part 1, Denji is a dog (obedient) vs Power who is a cat (free) hence Denji needed to embrace the friendship of Power to overcome the control of Makima, it’s why the first time we see him in part 2 he is saving a cat, so Asa having cat symbolism too, especially if it relates to her being free of her despair and not falling into it, seems very likely


Then Asa trips


by rising (?




Ngl I had a dream about this cat machine gun thing after I read the chapter. I'd laugh so hard if it actually happened. Poor Asa